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Iran: Syrian intervention 'will be defeated'

Let me tell you about a recent conversation I had with an Australian of Lebanese Arab origin journalist. We were speaking of the atrocities and he was very supportive of west's role. He said to me his people (all arabs) would never really have democracy and the situation must be managed. He supported Libyan intervention.

He went very quite when I said to him would it not have been better to leave that Gadaffi and his family in power not encouraged protesters because the net result would be less deaths. Yes Gadaffi and his familly would still be in power but is it not better to wait until there is an overwhelming movement within the country to remove the regimes of dictators?

Most of these dictator types do kill and are inhumane but if you mind your own business, keep your head down do not get involved in protests will let you be.

Net result of intervention in Libya more killings to get rid of one dictator and now we have lots of factions/tribes and killings going on an ongoing basis.

Your assessment is amply correct on the intervention issue on Libya that’s why I suggested you to get a SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries then you will be able to understand the reasons these stands are being taken, now come to the Syrian issue (please address:I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general.)

Let me tell you about a recent conversation I had with an Australian of Lebanese Arab origin journalist. We were speaking of the atrocities and he was very supportive of west's role. He said to me his people (all arabs) would never really have democracy and the situation must be managed. He supported Libyan intervention.

He went very quite when I said to him would it not have been better to leave that Gadaffi and his family in power not encouraged protesters because the net result would be less deaths. Yes Gadaffi and his familly would still be in power but is it not better to wait until there is an overwhelming movement within the country to remove the regimes of dictators?

Most of these dictator types do kill and are inhumane but if you mind your own business, keep your head down do not get involved in protests will let you be.

Net result of intervention in Libya more killings to get rid of one dictator and now we have lots of factions/tribes and killings going on an ongoing basis.

Your assessment is amply correct on the intervention issue on Libya that’s why I suggested you to get a SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries then you will be able to understand the reasons these stands are being taken, now come to the Syrian issue (please address:I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general.)
why are u so obsess with saudi arabia.

we are talking about iran and its intervention in syria on sectarians basis can you cope up with the discussion.

If That's the case, then why you're so obsessed with Iran and sectarianism? you're off topic as well. We should discuss about the ways that any military intervention would get defeated in there, not about Iran's intervention. Don't be off topic please.
Let me tell you about a recent conversation I had with an Australian of Lebanese Arab origin journalist. We were speaking of the atrocities and he was very supportive of west's role. He said to me his people (all arabs) would never really have democracy and the situation must be managed. He supported Libyan intervention.

He went very quite when I said to him would it not have been better to leave that Gadaffi and his family in power not encouraged protesters because the net result would be less deaths. Yes Gadaffi and his familly would still be in power but is it not better to wait until there is an overwhelming movement within the country to remove the regimes of dictators?

Most of these dictator types do kill and are inhumane but if you mind your own business, keep your head down do not get involved in protests will let you be.

Net result of intervention in Libya more killings to get rid of one dictator and now we have lots of factions/tribes and killings going on an ongoing basis.

Your assessment is amply correct on the intervention issue on Libya that’s why I suggested you to get a SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries then you will be able to understand the reasons these stands are being taken, now come to the Syrian issue (please address:I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general.)
Your assessment is amply correct on the intervention issue on Libya that’s why I suggested you to get a SWOT analysis of so called Islamic countries then you will be able to understand the reasons these stands are being taken, now come to the Syrian issue (please address:I could not find any word of criticism towards Iranian regime and its policies towards Syria in particular and Middle East in general.)

I have no wish to be critical off any country or people. There are countries who in the context of Syria have interfered in their national fiber. Iranian support of Assad is not a new or recent phenomenon it was there well before this current discord, I apportion no blame to them cos in the current discord they are simply coming to the aid of an ally who is under siege by external countries arming some Syrians to act against the security forces. In fact I applaud them coming to the aid of an ally.

However I condemn the newly found interest the like of Sauds have in having a democratic Syria. In reality Sauds Israel and Americans are interfering to suit their ulterior motives with crocodile tears and pretending they are doing it for Syrian people well being.

So mate on this occasion I will not be critical of Iranian regime. If and when I think it is appropriate I will do so.
I have no wish to be critical off any country or people. There are countries who in the context of Syria have interfered in their national fiber. Iranian support of Assad is not a new or recent phenomenon it was there well before this current discord, I apportion no blame to them cos in the current discord they are simply coming to the aid of an ally who is under siege by external countries arming some Syrians to act against the security forces. In fact I applaud them coming to the aid of an ally.

However I condemn the newly found interest the like of Sauds have in having a democratic Syria. In reality Sauds Israel and Americans are interfering to suit their ulterior motives with crocodile tears and pretending they are doing it for Syrian people well being.

So mate on this occasion I will not be critical of Iranian regime. If and when I think it is appropriate I will do so.

If a dictator is longstanding friend of any regime it does not give legitimacy to support in the killing of the dictator. I condemn the Iranian regime's act of supporting a fellow coreligionist dictator in the killing of its own people who are mainly Sunnis. not only Saudis but the whole Sunni world from Egypt to Turkey & from Malaysia to Tunisia wants Al-Assad to go and supporting the opposition morally or logistically in their own capacity. Only Shia Iran, Al-Maliki & Hezbollah want the Al-Assad to remain in power ( i deliberately did not include non Muslim world).

So mate i am not asking you to criticize the Iranian regime because someone ask you to do so but kindly remove the camouflage of neutrality.
You seem to have more confidence than I of indiscriminate killings by Assad. I am not convinced. Simple as that.

That is also the position of govts that represent half of the world's population. (Russia China India and Pakistan in fact all affiliates of SCO)

Now add to that the fact that west's habit of using human rights as a means and pretext to regime change to bring chaos into Libya etc you should be able to understand my reluctance to take sides
You seem to have more confidence than I of indiscriminate killings by Assad. I am not convinced. Simple as that.

Again you picked the most suitable portion of my post to reply with, any way still like to have your response
In fact I must commend western propaganda that they have created certain myths:

1. Anyone critical of Israel is anti Semitic

2. Israel has a right to exist.

In the same vein anyone that is neutral in this conflict is siding with Assad

Again you picked the most suitable portion of my post to reply with, any way still like to have your response

And the part that imo goes to the crux and heart of your assertions about my neutrality
In fact I must commend western propaganda that they have created certain myths:

1. Anyone critical of Israel is anti Semitic

2. Israel has a right to exist.

In the same vein anyone that is neutral in this conflict is siding with Assad

I do agree with your first two points regarding Israel and would like to add on more, any intellectual who oppose the apartheid regime of Israel is jihadi finkelstein
But it does not remotely associate with the current situation of Syria.
Not to your neutrality but the camouflage of that.
But it does not remotely associate with the current situation of Syria.
Not to your neutrality but the camouflage of that.

My point is that anyone who suggests neutrality and will not take sides is automatically grouped as pro Assad. For example if you google articles on Syria people are talking about China being pro Assad which I do not buy or agree.

At the same time we are told of the caring Americans and Saudis who only care about what the Syrian people want and are interfering under the cloak of human rights.

man you have an example of it just look at Libya
My point is that anyone who suggests neutrality and will not take sides is automatically grouped as pro Assad. For example if you google articles on Syria people are talking about China being pro Assad which I do not buy or agree.

At the same time we are told of the caring Americans and Saudis who only care about what the Syrian people want.

In any Syria like situation where killings take place on daily basis and the one reason (Al-Assad) is obvious and clear behind the scenario then the neutrality is considered pro incumbent. In my view when the situation is so desperate then remaining neutral is equally criminal.
In any Syria like situation where killings take place on daily basis and the one reason (Al-Assad) is obvious and clear behind the scenario then the neutrality is considered pro incumbent. In my view when the situation is so desperate then remaining neutral is equally criminal.

So you believe that Russian Chinese Pakistan and Indian govts neutrality is an act of support for the incumbent.

Killings taking part on a daily basis could be due to sponsoring of criminal elements within Syria because it suits certain actors on the international level who have never allowed right or wrong in law to effect what they want to do eg Israel

There are insurgencies operating in India. What would you say if China or some other country started providing them weapons??
So you believe that Russian Chinese Pakistan and Indian govts neutrality is an act of support for the incumbent.

Killings taking part on a daily basis could be due to sponsoring of criminal elements within Syria because it suits certain actors on the international level who have never allowed right or wrong in law to effect what they want to do eg Israel

There are insurgencies operating in India. What would you say if China or some other country started providing them weapons??

Yes insurgencies are operating in India and weapons are coming & going both way and we all know that. Government positions are based on the consideration of Geopolitics not on humane angle. It suits certain actors if Al-Assad remain in power on 100's of thousands coffins they are not concerned to the suffering of ordinary Syrians and why should they be because the sufferers are not related to them with religion, race ,creed, ethnicity or linguistics ?
Yes insurgencies are operating in India and weapons are coming & going both way and we all know that. Government positions are based on the consideration of Geopolitics not on humane angle. It suits certain actors if Al-Assad remain in power on 100's of thousands coffins they are not concerned to the suffering of ordinary Syrians and why should they be because the sufferers are not related to them with religion, race ,creed, ethnicity or linguistics ?

It also suits certain actors if Assad is removed. But that is why I think that Russia China India Pakistan have it right we should have a policy of condemning interference in sovereign states. Let the Syrians sort it out for themselves. If enough of them stand up even if 20% were to go out in the streets the country would be ungovernable by anyone. Who are we to decide if and when and who to support in a country in the fog of civil disruption
why are u so obsess with Saudi arabia.

we are talking about iran and its intervention in syria on sectarians basis can you cope up with the discussion.
Do you even know what sectarian means?It seems you've learned it recently cause you are using it in every post.

Ok let's see who sees everything from sectarian window: Iran is a Shia Majority country and it has good relations with Sunni majority countries like Pakistan,Turkey,UAE (except their nonsense claims on islands), and even Kuwait.
But how is Saudi Arabia's relations who sees itself as leader of Sunni world with only 3 Shia-led countries,Iran,Iraq and Syria (if we consider Alawis as a branch of Shia Islam)? Yes it's terrible,because problem of Saudi Arabia is Shiism,not ant other BS they claim it to be.
So as a natural order,Saudi Arabia becomes Iran's enemy because that's what they want and like.
About Bahrain,Although it's a Shia majority country,but because its people have no role in their destination and the country is led by a Sunni puppet king,Saudi Arabia has 'brotherly' relations with it.
So please,first look up the world sectarian in a dictionary,then talk.
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