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iran sends destroyer to US coast!!!

I don't know who trolls more, Hypersonicmissles or Hypersonicmissles?

First you troll westerners and Saudi with your BS crap about supporting Iran-Russia-Syria(insert anti western crap here), and then you troll and insult those same countries (Russia and Iran), and insult non involved countries as well (Brazil), it seems your only aim on this forum is to offend as many people as possible.

you should ask the webmaster about his flags :rofl:
I don't know who trolls more, Hypersonicmissles or Hypersonicmissles?

First you troll westerners and Saudi with your BS crap about supporting Iran-Russia-Syria(insert anti western crap here), and then you troll and insult those same countries (Russia and Iran), and insult non involved countries as well (Brazil), it seems your only aim on this forum is to offend as many people as possible.

Freedom of speech. I'm allowed to express my opinion. I have not insulted anyone.
Freedom of speech. I'm allowed to express my opinion. I have not insulted anyone.

These are not opinions, these are outright lies, insults, and trolling crap.

Intercepted Phone Call Shows U.S. Role in Ukraine | Page 4

Typical fascist Yankee terrorism. Repulsive country. Killed over 300 million people all across the world since 1776. Now they want to exterminate all the Ukranians.

And then you insulted Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, and some other countries as well for no reason.
I don't think the US even cares about the situation. They probably consider it a minor threat, considering that they can sink all of these warships with minor to no damage to themselves.

The Iranian navy is good against nations that aren't at the level of major military power.
do you think Iran doesnt know abt America's power???
its abt making statement...
btr thn sm countries who live like american slaves...kill own people to satisfy their masters!!
it's abt self respect... which some countries have sold for $$$
How dare Iran to partrol (real) international waters and enjoy their (real) freedom of navigation!
Only Americans and close lapdogs are permitted to this right!
How dare Iran to partrol (real) international waters and enjoy their (real) freedom of navigation!
That is correct. How dare the Iranians...!!!

Only Americans and close lapdogs are permitted to this right!
Now you got the picture.

But seriously...US subs will have a good time practicing...And the USN may even do the Iranians a courtesy by sending a US aircraft carrier to escort and to show them around the area.
I don't think the US even cares about the situation. They probably consider it a minor threat, considering that they can sink all of these warships with minor to no damage to themselves.

The Iranian navy is good against nations that aren't at the level of major military power.
Correction...NO damage to ourselves. At worst, the admiral may have a paper cut from signing the order to sink the Iranian ships.
Correction...NO damage to ourselves. At worst, the admiral may have a paper cut from signing the order to sink the Iranian ships.
Meh, you never know, lucky shot could be fired off.
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