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Iran seizes another Yankee oil tanker in Strait of Hormuz

lydian fall

Feb 11, 2022
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

TEHRAN - The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy has seized a foreign oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, Tasnim reported.
The U.S. Naval Forces Central Command said the oil tanker is a Panama-flagged merchant vessel.
The foreign oil tanker, which has apparently broken the rules, was captured by the IRGC Navy forces in the Strait of Hormuz waters on Wednesday, the news agency said.
The AP quoted the US Navy’s 5th Fleet as saying that the vessel was a Panama-flagged oil tanker identified as the Niovi.
Iran often seizes vessels that break the rules or fail to abide by international maritime law.
Last week, the Iranian Navy seized a Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker in the Sea of Oman and directed it toward Iran's territorial waters after the tanker hit an Iranian vessel and tried to flee in violation of maritime regulations.
The foreign oil tanker collided with an Iranian fishing boat in the Persian Gulf on the night of April 26, the public relations department of the Iranian Army said on April 27.
“The seizure came after an unknown ship collided with an Iranian vessel last night on Wednesday in the Persian Gulf, causing several Iranian crew members to go missing and get injured,” the Army said.
According to international law, in such cases the vessel responsible for the incident is tasked to rush to the help of the crew and provide medical services to the injured.
Recovering from the shock, the fishermen managed to issue a distress call. The Iranian Navy shortly after seized the tanker in the Sea of Oman after having been contacted by the Maritime Surveillance and Rescue Center (MRCC), Press TV reported.
The vessel was intercepted by Bayandor corvette of the Iranian Navy in compliance with a confiscation order issued by judicial authorities.
well , we can't let army have all the fun , here is some entertainment for IRGC
well , we can't let army have all the fun , here is some entertainment for IRGC
Army navy acts professionally. They captured USA destined tanker with court permission.

IRGC navy bullies Americans to submission in Persian Gulf.

Without IRGC navy's brave actions, we would lose navy's teeth. They are not afraid of Americans and they take an eye for an eye with or without court permission.
Army navy acts professionally. They captured USA destined tanker with court permission.

IRGC navy bullies Americans to submission in Persian Gulf.

Without IRGC navy's brave actions, we would lose navy's teeth. They are not afraid of Americans and they take an eye for an eye with or without court permission.
I doubt IRGC action is without court permission
obtaining that only take 10-15 min and can be done over the phone
İran takıng steps to fast USA is still powerfully these war mongering situation should be avoided if one spark now can break a we 3 we are sitting in boiling point after Ukraine Russia war if USA starts war china will jump in in Taiwan making problem for usa than Japan Korea etc will open it's flood gates of war no one will be safe İran has nothing to loose because it's lost alot but we all will loose due to unmature leaders of İran I'm not supporting USA here İran already seized one should have shown responsibility here hopefully situation defuse and İran also stop mongering it's nose in Iraq Syria all unnecessary proxies should be leaving and USA leaves too so we live in peace
İran takıng steps to fast USA is still powerfully these war mongering situation should be avoided if one spark now can break a we 3 we are sitting in boiling point after Ukraine Russia war if USA starts war china will jump in in Taiwan making problem for usa than Japan Korea etc will open it's flood gates of war no one will be safe İran has nothing to loose because it's lost alot but we all will loose due to unmature leaders of İran I'm not supporting USA here İran already seized one should have shown responsibility here hopefully situation defuse and İran also stop mongering it's nose in Iraq Syria all unnecessary proxies should be leaving and USA leaves too so we live in peace

Iran and Russia are proud countries who wiped Turkish made ISIS from Iraq and Syria

USA don't attack strong countries (Pakistan is an exception). Iran and its proxies bombed their bases in Syria for tens of times
İran takıng steps to fast USA is still powerfully these war mongering situation should be avoided if one spark now can break a we 3 we are sitting in boiling point after Ukraine Russia war if USA starts war china will jump in in Taiwan making problem for usa than Japan Korea etc will open it's flood gates of war no one will be safe İran has nothing to loose because it's lost alot but we all will loose due to unmature leaders of İran I'm not supporting USA here İran already seized one should have shown responsibility here hopefully situation defuse and İran also stop mongering it's nose in Iraq Syria all unnecessary proxies should be leaving and USA leaves too so we live in peace
Tell it to Yankies to not seize our tankers then problem would be solved ... Iran's actions are merely a response to the American's actions ...
İran takıng steps to fast USA is still powerfully these war mongering situation should be avoided if one spark now can break a we 3 we are sitting in boiling point after Ukraine Russia war if USA starts war china will jump in in Taiwan making problem for usa than Japan Korea etc will open it's flood gates of war no one will be safe İran has nothing to loose because it's lost alot but we all will loose due to unmature leaders of İran I'm not supporting USA here İran already seized one should have shown responsibility here hopefully situation defuse and İran also stop mongering it's nose in Iraq Syria all unnecessary proxies should be leaving and USA leaves too so we live in peace
When push comes to shove, Iran will close strait of Hormuz and will only allow the friendly countries to use that water line.

USA cannot bully us in this region.
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