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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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Nope they did not. He was not a scientists he had a PhD in something like literature or something like that and he wasthe laughing stock of the country for quite a while. Why do you keep bringing that up as "Evidence of scientists"??

Why not bring all the other things Saudi scientists have achieved this year alone?? I told you this before yet you who clearly have so much hatred for other Muslims refuse to let it go. Tell me why do you hate Saudis so much?? Oh I get it we are not Muslim in your eyes. We are Kafirs nothng but dirty stinky smelly desrty dusty Arabs and don't you dare deny it. Your best friend S-19 said it himself "Arabs are dirty and they smell".

well I wouldn't know about all that and your hygiene. I have an intense dislike for the House of Saud and I admit that. But Arabs I have nothing against them

You have absolutely no shame. Stop hiding your hatred, you thank every racist Arab bashing post in the forum. You just hide behind Al-Saud to justify your bigotry, fortunately our government is realizing there is no use for Pakistan and allaying it self with India the new super power.

Your true colours are coming to the fore:rofl:
I really had no intention of joining this discussion however the insults directed at my people and country compelled me to join a fruitless debate with closed minded individuals who refuse to even debate in a civil manner.
Playing the victim are we now?? You have no Love for Arabs. You insult us on a daily basis hell you even mocked our scientists by associating them with someone who has nothing to do with science. Is that not mocking??

Even if someone would look the wrong way to the Iranian flag you would start a fit yet you go around here throwing insults left and right at us.

I haven't insulted anyone yet you insult me and you know that you are.

mossa mate if you read my earlier posts I said I am not supportive of theocratic form of govt. have you seen any Iranians get mad with me or insult me-no

That is the difference between some of you Arabs and Iranians. Iranians are rational some of you guys are fruitcakes what do you expect from me in return
mossa mate if you read my earlier posts I said I am not supportive of theocratic form of govt. have you seen any Iranians get mad with me or insult me-no

That is the difference between some of you Arabs and Iranians. Iranians are rational some of you guys are fruitcakes what do you expect from me in return

And i respect that you do not want a theocratic form of government. But why don't you respect our choice then??
You have no dignity whatsoever. Stop kissing up to the Pakistanis, your embarrassing all of us. We used to need them before, now they offer nothing at all. Our biggest mistake was to finance their nuclear program, if it wasn't for us there would be no state called Pakistan.

Go ahead, you're in the right direction. Show us the Saudi mentality more please.
And i respect that you do not want a theocratic form of government. But why don't you respect our choice then??

Honestly Mossa when i was at Uni I had a lot of Arabs as friends. One of my best friends was a Palestinian and gen sec of GUPS in UK. I just feel that one family in the Arab world is holding Arabs and Muslims back. If you were not American allies I would have no issues with you guys. I believe that Americans are Muslim killers they have proved it by their actions. Look what Osama did was wrong but look at how many Muslims from Libya to Pakistan have lost loved ones to collateral damage. have they tried winning hearts and minds-no

They hate any Muslim in the world. Yet our cursed leaders lick Americans shoes.
Why not bring all the other things Saudi scientists have achieved this year alone?? I told you this before yet you who clearly have so much hatred for other Muslims refuse to let it go. Tell me why do you hate Saudis so much?? Oh I get it we are not Muslim in your eyes. We are Kafirs nothng but dirty stinky smelly desrty dusty Arabs and don't you dare deny it. Your best friend S-19 said it himself "Arabs are dirty and they smell".

he doesn't care about islam, he wants to be aryan first and muslim next. that is the real truth
You have no dignity whatsoever. Stop kissing up to the Pakistanis, your embarrassing all of us. We used to need them before, now they offer nothing at all. Our biggest mistake was to finance their nuclear program, if it wasn't for us there would be no state called Pakistan.

You regret that your leaders assisted Pakistan? You never regret the fact that they are Israeli allies??
You have no dignity whatsoever. Stop kissing up to the Pakistanis, your embarrassing all of us. We used to need them before, now they offer nothing at all. Our biggest mistake was to finance their nuclear program, if it wasn't for us there would be no state called Pakistan.

No I have control over my emotions. And they don't owe you anything we have done them a service and we have done them a service. True you get shocked here believing Pakistanis would love you as you love them but instead you are faced with so much hatred here. But remember the loudest ones are usually the ones with the lowest voice.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan will always have brotherly status. In fact there is no state closer to Saudi Arabia than Pakistan. You shouldn't let a few people here get into your head.
You regret that your leaders assisted Pakistan? You never regret the fact that they are Israeli allies??
Yes, it was a mistake. It only added tension to south Asia and prolonged the eventual surrender of the artificial state of Pakistan to where it belonged, India.
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