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Iran says it has 100 vessels for each US warship


May 10, 2010
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Iran says it has 100 vessels for each US warship

The Associated Press
Saturday, July 24, 2010; 11:34 AM

TEHRAN, Iran -- The former naval chief for Iran's Revolutionary Guard said the country has set aside 100 military vessels to confront each warship from the U.S. or any other foreign power that might pose a threat, an Iranian newspaper reported Saturday.

Such a military confrontation in the vital oil lanes of the Persian Gulf would be of major global concern. The warning builds on earlier threats by Iran to seal off the Gulf's strategic Strait of Hormuz - through which 40 percent of the world's oil passes - in response to any military attack.

"We have set aside 100 military vessels for each (U.S.) warship to attack at the time of necessity," Gen. Morteza Saffari was quoted as saying by the conservative weekly Panjereh.

The U.S. and Israel have said military force could be used if diplomacy fails to stop what they suspect is an Iranian nuclear weapons program. Iran denies any aim to develop such weapons and says its nuclear work is for peaceful purposes like power generation.

The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet headquarters is based just across the Gulf from Iran in Bahrain.

Saffari said more than 100 foreign warships were currently in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman, adding that their sailors were "morsels" for Iran's military to target, the newspaper reported.

"Any moment the exalted supreme leader (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei) orders - or should the enemy carry out the smallest threat against (Iran's ruling) Islamic system - the Guard ... is ready for quick reaction," he was quoted as saying.

By putting the number of foreign warships at 100, the general appeared to suggest Iran has 10,000 military vessels at the ready. Iran is known to have many speed boats used by the Guard, but there is no public information about how many larger military vessels it has.

In January 2008, five small high-speed vessels believed to be from Iran's Revolutionary Guard briefly swarmed three U.S. Navy ships passing near Iranian waters in the Gulf and delivered a radio threat to blow them up.

The war of words has intensified between Iran and the West since the U.N. Security Council imposed tougher sanctions last month in response to Iran's refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a technology that can be used to produce nuclear fuel or material for an atomic bomb.

Iran put its most powerful military force, the Revolutionary Guard, in charge of defending the country's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf in 2008.

"We believe the enemy, through extensive psychological warfare, wants to coerce us, but Iran ... is ready," said Saffari, who was the Guard's navy chief until early May. "The enemy won't dare attack Iran."

They have 20-30 missile boats if that is what they mean by smaller craft.
100 Missiles / each naval ship in US navies I believe that is what the Iranian person means.

Even if its an Aircraft carrier , you hit it with 50 missiles, likely the carieer will be unusable
GO IRAN heheheheeheheh ...

but on a important note this is just going to be a war of words soo no body should take these words seriously why? the cold war is a prime example ... but there where undercover wars aswell soo maybe we know why a suaside blast happend in iran??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I guess they are countin all their naval assets frm zodiacs boats to canoes lol

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Action speaks lauder than the words. What is the point of making 1:100 rhetoric ? USA in reality has nukes for each and every Iranian mullah. USA is not saying this.
yes and thoes irian mullas have alot of missels for thoes US bases in SA, IRAQ ,AFGANISTAN, JORDAN, ISREAL the list gose on and on and on and on ,,, that why iam trying to tell you guys its all a war of words
yes and thoes irian mullas have alot of missels for thoes US bases in SA, IRAQ ,AFGANISTAN, JORDAN, ISREAL the list gose on and on and on and on ,,, that why iam trying to tell you guys its all a war of words

:P there is always a plan , thats what generals are there for
Even if its an Aircraft carrier , you hit it with 50 missiles, likely the carieer will be unusable

Actually I think it will take > 100 missiles to take an aircraft carrier down. Consider AEGIS can track several hundred targets and single Phalanx gun could take down dozens by itself. A prepared carrier with combat patrols, escort screen and AWACS and fighter jets overhead to shoot down the missiles, perhaps 500-1000 just to sink 1 carrier (almost all will be shot down). Carriers not like destroyers; thousands of people ready for damage control and missile threat has been prepared for since Falklands War. Don't believe Sum of All Fears or Hollywood when it comes to missiles.

So, he should have said 2000+ missiles/carrier ;).
Actually I think it will take > 100 missiles to take an aircraft carrier down. Consider AEGIS can track several hundred targets and single Phalanx gun could take down dozens by itself. A prepared carrier with combat patrols, escort screen and AWACS and fighter jets overhead to shoot down the missiles, perhaps 500-1000 just to sink 1 carrier (almost all will be shot down). Carriers not like destroyers; thousands of people ready for damage control and missile threat has been prepared for since Falklands War. Don't believe Sum of All Fears or Hollywood when it comes to missiles.

So, he should have said 2000+ missiles/carrier ;).

The phalanx gun will JAM ocassionally , and it only works for about
2-3 min, after that MAN OVER BOARD ... run for the Island .. the SHIP is going down
Thats the problem with these guns when you want them running they get stuck or run out of ammunition I guess can't depend on you most of time you only hope that you are fighting taliban with no Missiles -

See the problem with Missiles is sometimes , they go up as 1 item and when they reenter - you have to deal with 20-30 smaller missiles warheads - its very hard for anyone to determine which one is actually carrying the warhead.

And also having surface skimming cruise missiles , damn the waters in gulf are so calm that you can literally fly a cruise missile just 10 meters above sea level and it will clamly fly and all the way to the destination

The Iranian missiles will likely disable the carrier's runways , and the carrier will be useless, even if the radars on the carrier are knocked out it will be pretty much defenceless with its superb 1 km / hour speed

Or what if the Stealth Iranian UAV , managed to nose dive on a carrier's airfield , followed by 100 missile launches .. hmm I guess having stealth UAV was not part of the plan ;)

Also the gulf is such a narrow passage that the carrier fleet possibly can't runaway

Wonder if Israel will take out a carrier just to start WW4, would not be suprised if they did do another Liberty incident

I mean the carrier fleet needs to have constant air patroling , otherwise if the runaways are disabled all those 40-50 planes on deck are useless ...

Hmm wonder what else Iran has up their sleeves
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That's the beauty of layered defense, you don't depend on just Phalanx (would be stupid). Also Sea Sparrow, active countermeasures, even fighter with sidewinder can hit missiles. Even 5 inch guns firing proximity fused shells can hit missiles.

Anyway I think you underestimate the difficulty of locating something at sea. If such was so easy, Battle of Midway would have been a farce. You are right that a couple 500 lbs bombs on a carrier deck would ruin it. But it is not so easy to hit the deck, and carrier would not be moving at 1 km/h under battle conditions. Carriers are actually very, very fast and in fact in WW2 the problems with most battleships and escorts is they couldn't keep up with Fast Carrier Task Force. This was many decades ago and 35 knots stated public speed for carriers is deliberately understated by at least half and maybe double just to make people like you think carriers are dinosaurs.

Besides, it's all BS anyway. None of this will happen, Khamenei is not stupid and even Israelis aren't so stupid. These days blind USA support of Israel is not assured with massive deficit and liberal Presidents.
Action speaks lauder than the words. What is the point of making 1:100 rhetoric ? USA in reality has nukes for each and every Iranian mullah. USA is not saying this.

Those 'mullahs' are too close to the US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and that is a quite effective deterrent agaisnt your nuclear threat. yYou may not hear it but we hear a lot of ranting from the Israelis and the Americans everyday, now what's keeping them from acting on their threat ? Iran has not backed down, so what's stopping the Americans from attacking Iran ? It all comes down to knowing what the Americans can get away with.

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