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Iran player refuse to sing national anthem

They are supposed to open mouth and sang but they didn't even bother. Cos the are frustrated with the mullah killing ordinary Iranian for their own power.

If Iranian leadership doesnt crack, no hope for the protestors. The reason we can do it in Indonesia, beside Allah help is this reasons :

1. Soeharto has already very old

2. Economic crisis

3. Soeharto has already tried to bring freedom to campus life (free speech on campus has already been exist and students politics is thriving with students have connections to other students in other campus)

4. Since 1990 Soeharto allow his kids to have privatized televisions, before there was only TVRI, state owned news broadcasters. The television editorial is free and supportive on the movement. They keep showing university students demonstration freely from 1997 until 1998 when Soeharto finally step down.

5. We have had two big Muslim organization Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama. The same weight like Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Both have huge business as well. Muhammadiyah has huge schools and hundreds of universities and hospitals while Nahdatul Ulama dominates Madrasah in Indonesia (around 1 million students). Both leaders, Amien Rais, and Abdurrahman Wahid (Gusdur) are pro democracy movement. Amien Rais is the leader on the movement and Soeharto is afraid to prisonize him because he is Chairman of Muhammadiyah during that time

6. Our military follow the civilian rule and doesnt want to take advantage despite Armed Force Commander during that time, Wiranto, has been given the right from Soeharto to do what ever necessary to calm the situation when riots happened for 2 days after soldiers shoots several university students and 4-5 university students death

7. Our parliament members despite not being elected democratically support democratic movement and let students occupy their building

8. Before Soeharto resign, all of the important cabinet members has already resigned

9. University studens are united and only demonstrate peacefully. Regular people dont do demonstration at all but they support the demonstrations.

10. Intellectuals and Campuses leaders support the movement. When university students start occupying parliamentary building complex, they allow students not to study and provide buses and food and drinks

11. Many Jakartans provides foods and drinks during the occupation of parliamentary building by students.

12. Armed Force allows students to enter Parliamentary building





Does this also happened in Iran ?
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Says who?

Iran does whatever it wants. We don't give a shit about what a Chinese may think of.

The Chinese are now immune to Western color revolutions, but the Iranians are not.

Iran's political system has nothing to do with me, but now is not the right time to change the political system.
its a savage and brutal regime like taliban.
now the families of these players will face the consequences. I am receiving videos sent to me by my friends who have been to Iran in recent months,
the situation is grim.
the state forces are shooting at unarmed protestors directly and dropping them in the middle of roads and streets. no amount of ranting by pro regime bots can dispel those shocking images.

this mullah regime has no regard for Iranian life. everyone protesting is declared a heretic, spy of West and Arabs. the way regime is brutalizing its people might result in every ordinary Iranian into becoming a "spy and a heretic"
ignore what the Iranian state bots rant and say on forum. don't engage with them just report them for their inappropriate language.

thats a painful thought. how did you come up with something so fcked up?

The 1953 Iranian coup d'état, known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup d'état, was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of strengthening the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, on 19 August 1953. under the shah iranians were tortured with glass bottles up their back end.
But u cannot deny the fact, Iran has an economy size of only 200 billion USD but with a population of 86 millions people. That is pathetic and if we factor in inflation. It's the same level as Iran in 1979.

How many of China's close partners are doing much worse than Iran? So the question arises, where does this focus on Iran stem from, echoing as it does the narrative of China's own enemies (NATO)?

When it comes to GDP, this has been discussed at length in the Iranian section.


GDP, especially nominal, is not the sole nor the ideal indicator for living standards let alone development. Particularly in a country like Iran whose development strategy has focused on maximum possible degree of self-sufficiency.

Iranians are better off materially and can afford more than they could in 1979. I shared a paper demonstrating it under the "living standards" section of my latter post.

As said, Iran's GDP used to be bloated by crude oil exports pre-1979, and that too from 1973 to 1977 mainly. Which couldn't be considered proper economic development. Moreover income distribution and social inequalities were definitely no better than now, if not actually worse. And Iran used to do very well in this department in the first decade of the Revolution, where income inequalities were low. This evolved with former president Rafsanjani's policies in the 1990's. In any case the situation during the times of the shah is incomparable to Iran's far more diversified, industrialized, self-sufficient economy of today.

Not to mention how the Revolution restored Iran's independence and self-determination, something Iran had been deprived of under the monarchy, not unlike China during the century of humiliation.

Iran has recently faced a period of economic distress, largely due to eight long years of liberal Rohani administration and its faulty policies, possibly the worst of any administration since 1979. Rohani's team placed all their eggs into the JCPOA basket and had no plan B whatsoever, so they were grossly unprepared for Trump's turnabout, and even for Obama's early violation of the deal.

However, with the Rohani administration out of the way, the path is now open for a redress. It's therefore not surprising that the enemy would mobilize every affordable means at this point in time to try and destabilize the current Raisi administration.

This does not take away from the massive strides achieved by Iran, and from the fundamental economic infrastructure built up under the Islamic Republic.

Can ordinary Iranian fill their stomach with high education when there is no job for their skill?

Unlike what happened in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, a strategic ally of China, during the 1990's (will you denounce the Korean government in equally strong terms?), there've never been food shortages in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

And a person with high education level in Iran, even if unemployed, will likely eat more than any of the hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers yet to be lifted out of poverty like their middle class compatriots.
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The Mullah need to let go of great Iran. They led the country astray and lost a generation. They have lost the faith of all ordinary Iranian.
There were some chinese there too, when asked about CCP vaccination failure they realized how Iranians are really free.

Where is chinese team protesting on Uighurs?

Btw iranian players said to look at china..how they failed and still have lockdowns vs Iranians are open to protest too😂
The Chinese are now immune to Western color revolutions, but the Iranians are not.

Iran's political system has nothing to do with me, but now is not the right time to change the political system.

Of course Iranian protest is genuine, no way current protest has anything to do with CIA. Iranian protest Today is the same like Arab Spring movement which is sadly failed and now even Tunisian is under authoritarian regime once more.

We dont know what will happen in Iran in the next year, whether they can crack the leadership or not will determine the successful of their target.


Democracy is not Western culture, it is universal. Even during the early period of Islam when prophet Muhammad hasnot born yet, Arab (Mecca and Madinah) doesnt have any king, they have political leader instead (prophet Muhammad grand father in Mecca) that is picked using democratic process (debate and discussion among Arab tribes). Madinah also doesnt have any King, they do have political leader among their tribe (Anshar).

They solve dispute among their tribe using discussion. This is well known and recorded in history when they want to decide which tribe can carry Hajar Aswad when they made some works to repair Ka'bah.
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Of course Iranian protest is genuine, no way current protest has anything to do with CIA. Iranian protest Today is the same like Arab Spring movement which is sadly failed and now even Tunisian is under authoritarian regime once more.

We dont know what will happen in Iran in the next year, whether they can crack the leadership or not will determine the successful of their target.


Democracy is not Western culture, it is universal. Even during the early period of Islam when prophet Muhammad hasnot born yet, Arab (Mecca and Madinah) doesnt have any king, they have political leader instead (prophet Muhammad grand father in Mecca) that is picked using democratic process (debate and discussion among Arab tribes). Madinah also doesnt have any King, they do have political leader among their tribe (Anshar).

They solve dispute among their tribe using discussion. This is well known and recorded in history when they want to decide which tribe can carry Hajar Aswad when they made some works to repair Ka'bah.

No matter what the political system is, a developing country will experience many difficulties in growing into a modernized country.
Why waste your time with Asian people?
No matter what the political system is, a developing country will experience many difficulties in growing into a modernized country.

Each system has its own advantage and disadvantage. The nation should be flexible as well when the challenge and situation is changing. Indonesia has already been trully democratic nation since its birth in 1945, we applied parliamentary system during that time and the government was not stable that lead to the support of Soekarno to be a dictator during 1959-1966. Then Soeharto continued with his semi democracy system, then democracy since 1998, then we become trully Presidential system since 2004 with direct Presidential election.

We can change our constitution as well during 1998-2004. Many law related to general election can also be changed if we see some problem on it. Something that you cannot see on US democracy with their system that is rigid and still show their 1900 period mindset. Even they need to make another election for senate in one state (2022) just because they dont change the law that has been made during their 1900 period.

We should be flexible and not rigid. CCP is actually doing the reform as well when they dont follow Communism economic system anymore and start opening their economy in 1980
Of course Iranian protest is genuine, no way current protest has anything to do with CIA.

Iran has been subject to the most intensive propaganda, psy-ops and social engineering campaign in mankind's entire history. As an example, the Persian-language service of the BBC on "social media" was observed churning out something like eight times the amount of posts that the Russian or Chinese branches of the BBC are publishing.

And naturally, hostile intelligence services like the CIA have had a hand in organizing these countless media which bombard Iranians with relentless propaganda 24/7. It's because a certain segment of the Iranian public has been literally conditioned by these propaganda outlets, that their views about their governing system are cruelly distorted, and that they will resort to rioting and violence against public authorities and Law Enforcement, as seen during recent events, rather than formulating their demands in a civil and constructive manner. However, these rioters are far from representing a significant enough portion of the Iranian population.

Beyond the general brainwashing of certain people by these generously funded foreign media, which creates the conditions for riots, said media have also been guilty of blatantly and explicitly inciting to violence. Several such cases are documented.

Democracy is not Western culture, it is universal. Even during the early period of Islam when prophet Muhammad hasnot born yet, Arab (Mecca and Madinah) doesnt have any king, they have political leader instead (prophet Muhammad grand father in Mecca) that is picked using democratic process (debate and discussion among Arab tribes). Madinah also doesnt have any King, they do have political leader among their tribe (Anshar).

They solve dispute among their tribe using discussion. This is well known and recorded in history when they want to decide which tribe can carry Hajar Aswad when they made some works to repair Ka'bah.

The Islamic Republic is a democratic system. Referred to in Persian as mardom-salariye dini or religious democracy, in contrast to secular liberal democracy. Iran's political institutions are either directly or indirectly elected by the people, while principles of religious Islamic governance are upheld all the same in the IR's ingenious and unique institutional architecture.

Then, practically all factors enumerated in your foregoing post have been witnessed in Iran for a long time. Whether student networks of various political colors, access to private media and the internet (which is generalized among the population), etc.

I honestly fail to see the relevance of analogies to Indonesia's 1965 military coup, especially if the IR is somehow assimilated with Indonesian communists. Rioters in Iran want to uproot "political" Islam, they are not representing it nor endorsing it in any shape or form, and some are even Islamophobic. Also in Iran it's rioters attempting to overthrow the political system, not a branch of the state (the Indonesian military junta) seeking to eradicate a political current (Indonesian communists). And so on.
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Each system has its own advantage and disadvantage. The nation should be flexible as well when the challenge and situation is changing. Indonesia has already been trully democratic nation since its birth in 1945, we applied parliamentary system during that time and the government was not stable that lead to the support of Soekarno to be a dictator during 1959-1966. Then Soeharto continued with his semi democracy system, then democracy since 1998, then we become trully Presidential system since 2004 with direct Presidential election.

We can change our constitution as well during 1998-2004. Many law related to general election can also be changed if we see some problem on it. Something that you cannot see on US democracy with their system that is rigid and still show their 1900 period mindset. Even they need to make another election for senate in one state (2022) just because they dont change the law that has been made during their 1900 period.

We should be flexible and not rigid. CCP is actually doing the reform as well when they dont follow Communism economic system anymore and start opening their economy in 1980

If there are reforms that are acceptable to both sides, of course it is a good choice, but it is clear that there is a shadow of the West behind what is happening in Iran
Ordinary iranian are not doing what the western telling them to do. They are helping themselves for the better of Iran. And the mullah will try to make any protest against their oppressive regime as subversive from western nations.

How pathetic is that.

Nothing religion or not when they even ban women from entering the stadium just to watch a football match. This is called oppressive and foolish.

No religion in the world will classify women watching live football match as immoral or Haram. Only evil will do that.

That is why Iranian need to do what is right regardless of other opinion and free this generation from oppressive regime.
This is Iran's internal affairs and national tradition, and we should not interfere and evaluate it at will.

Women's status cannot be improved through external forces, but only through internal economic needs.

For example, women's status in Western countries was also very low at the beginning. In the Roman Republic, women did not even have the right to citizenship and vote. Medieval Europe was even worse, because women could not fulfill their lord's war obligations. In fact, women's inheritance rights only exist in form.

It was not until 1600 that modern European countries separated sovereignty from property. To own property, especially land, as long as you bear the tax liability, you do not need to undertake public services, especially military obligations. This allows women to gradually improve their status.

Therefore, the issue of women's status in Iran is actually a matter of social and economic structure. It will not change because of external pressure, and can only achieve progress through internal demand. For example, the status of women in Bangladesh has been rising in the economic development.
Iran has been subject to the most intensive propaganda, psy-ops and social engineering campaign in mankind's entire history. As an example, the Persian-language service of the BBC on "social media" was observed churning out something like eight times the amount of posts that the Russian or Chinese branches of the BBC are publishing.

And naturally, hostile intelligence services like the CIA have had a hand in organizing these countless media which bombard Iranians with relentless propaganda 24/7. It's because a certain segment of the Iranian public has been literally conditioned by these propaganda outlets, that their views about their governing system are cruelly distorted, and that they will resort to rioting and violence against public authorities and Law Enforcement, as seen during recent events. However, these rioters are far from representing a significant enough portion of the Iranian population.

The Islamic Republic is a democratic system. Referred to in Persian as mardom-salariye dini or religious democracy, in contrast to secular liberal democracy. Iran's political institutions are either directly or indirectly elected by the people, while principles of religious Islamic governance are upheld all the same in the IR's ingenious and unique institutional architecture.

Then, practically all factors enumerated in your foregoing post have been witnessed in Iran for a long time. Whether student networks of various political colors, access to private media and the internet (which is generalized among the population), etc.

I honestly fail to see the relevance of analogies to Indonesia's tragic 1965 military coup, especially if the IR is somehow assimilated with Indonesian communists. Rioters in Iran want to get rid of political Islam, they are not representing it nor endorsing it in any shape or form. Also in Iran it's rioters attempting to overthrow the political system, not a branch of the state (the Indonesian military junta) seeking to eradicate a political current (Indonesian communists). And so on.

On a side note, USA cooperation with the Indonesian military junta in 1965 coup is documented, so is the participation of other western intell services and even of the zionist Mossad. They had also staged a previous failed coup attempt in 1958.

Please be honest here, do they want to get rid of political Islam or get rid of your current governance system with put Mullah as the supreme leader that cannot be changed before he died or step down voluntarily ?

In term of Islamic governance, both Quran and Hadith are flexible. Islamic governance based on Quran can be seen in Surah As-Syura where As Syura itself means consultation that is close to the substance of democracy where governing should be done through consultation system that is very similar to parliament and direct Presidential election system in Today democracy. Even in Indonesia we define the word "Musyawarah-comes from Arabic word Syura as Consultation system (Democracy).

Our parliament name is Dewan Permusyawaratan Rakyat (DPR). Dewan means Body and Rakyat means people.

In Islam there is no support on dualism in power like your current system with Mullah as supreme leader and other person as current President, it doesnt mean Islam forbid your current system, as long as it can work and supported by the majority it will not be a problem as it is not Haram (forbidden) either, but please dont call the system as Islamic system as we also dont see this system run by Prophet Muhammad and first 4 Caliph where on that system there is no dualism in leadership like Iranian current system.

No one will feel suppressed with the implementation of Shariah Law where the punishment on Quran is only limited to criminals (killer, stealer) and Adultery (Zinah) actors.

They just dont want government to be moral police enforcing Hijab, banning women to watch sport etc

As man I am also suprised as how our women are so keen to watch sports like basketball, footballs and others, dont limit them too much. We of course can have anti **** law like Indonesia does to prevent immoral behavior to happen, but dont ban something that is not even banned in Quran and Hadiths, your Mullah system is more conservative than even Quran and Hadith. It is more like cultural than a reflection of Islam rule as like previously in Saudi women cannot even drive the car.
And the captain then supported the protesters in his post game speech. Very good to see. I'm not sure if it's entirely genuine though. The Mullah terror regime knows that if it is to avoid critical mass of unrest, it has to 'release the pressure' a bit. So I'm wondering whether the regime approved of this beforehand to show Iranians that they will not act against the players and that 'things are changing' - thus trying to take the sting out of the protests. Maybe I'm too cynical.

Anyway, insha'allah the regime falls soon.
The Chinese are now immune to Western color revolutions, but the Iranians are not.

Iran's political system has nothing to do with me, but now is not the right time to change the political system.
This Iran regime is bad. From a series of stupid rules and regulations. I know this regime will not last long and is doomed from start.

Why do u think now is bad? They have lost the faith of ordinary Iranian. It's a matter of time, the mullah regime collapse.

This is Iran's internal affairs and national tradition, and we should not interfere and evaluate it at will.

Women's status cannot be improved through external forces, but only through internal economic needs.

For example, women's status in Western countries was also very low at the beginning. In the Roman Republic, women did not even have the right to citizenship and vote. Medieval Europe was even worse, because women could not fulfill their lord's war obligations. In fact, women's inheritance rights only exist in form.

It was not until 1600 that modern European countries separated sovereignty from property. To own property, especially land, as long as you bear the tax liability, you do not need to undertake public services, especially military obligations. This allows women to gradually improve their status.

Therefore, the issue of women's status in Iran is actually a matter of social and economic structure. It will not change because of external pressure, and can only achieve progress through internal demand. For example, the status of women in Bangladesh has been rising in the economic development.
When u have stupid rules like banning women from watching football in stadium. You know such government is not fit to run a country.
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