500, you keep saying 30 kg.
In less than 12 months, Iran sent two sats, one was 27 kg, the second one was 50 kg. That's twice the weight in less than 12 months with the same launcher! Our entire program is 3-4 years old and we're doubling the weight every year. What more can we ask for?
The next two sats in line are Fajr and Tolou.
Fajr is 60 kg and Tolou is 80 kg.
Even your fellow country man in that video said the rate of progress is remarkable. At this rate we will be sending 300-500 kg sats by
2020!!!, that's 8 years away. The Iranian Space Agency has a much sooner estimate (2015) but I'm being realistic.
Fajr on the right
on the left is the 27 kg one that was sent last year