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Iran Overhauls Strategic Mig-29 Fighter Jets


It doesn't seems to have much smoking problem though.

Yes.. The new engines have mitigated this problem it seems... But I still hate this plane for this hump...
Dude this is an amazing feat ! Next step designing and constructing your own 4 or 4.5 th generation jet ! Congratulations...! :cheers:
It doesn't matter which country is overhauling,data after overhaul is more important. & 1 more thing whether Israel or Iran is upgrading these sets,that doesn't matter for India what matters is it opens possibilities for further upgrades of its jets. :tup:
The question is how well can they handle the israeli F-16s or american F-22s stationed in the Gulf ?
The question is how well can they handle the israeli F-16s or american F-22s stationed in the Gulf ?

You still have a fighting chance against F-16s, and i can only say 'God bless your soul' if pitted against F-22.

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