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Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own

You know nothing about history then at this point :lol:

This battle was between Al-Amin v.s. Al-Ma'mun :lol: why are you taking credit for it? This defies logic.

Tell me what the so-called dead Persia had done in it at this point? :lol:

This was fought between the forces of Abdallah ibn Ali " Abbasid Dynasty " v.s. Marwan the second " Umayyad Caliphate "
Did they teach you in school that the big time super hero Persians fought these wars? Well if so them good, it wasn't their fight but fought with their blood :lol:

After what? arabization Iraq? We stole it by force that even to this moment your mullahs believe Iraq belongs to them. :lol:

No rational person can compare this ^ to the conquest of Persia, that's to say.

Your superman must have counted wrong. If he killed 6 and injured 13 then that makes them more than 15 :lol: which is funny .. @ Arabian legend @al-Hasani @JUBA
you must ask yourself who was the commander of Mamoon army and which nationality did they have.
by the way mamoon himself was half Persian have you forgot that

by the way that fight was not between Abd-allah ibn Ali go read history it was Abu muslim Khorasani who was the commander of the army , it was he who raised the army and he just wanted to put one from holy prophet familly in power not himself .
it's not important that Iraq was Arabizied or not (well at least you admit that people of Iraq are not Arab but Arabizied , something that many Ultra Arab nationalist deny it) the important thing is your dear and mighty khalif was one of our Vassals :smitten:

and funny thing to miss the point about what happen and just showing some miss typing well let me type it correctly for you that what Piruz Nahavandi did , a feat that was impossible without the aid of God.
In the Hijri year 23, whilst Umar had just begun leading the Fajr (morning) prayer in Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Pirouz had hidden the dagger in his robe, the grip of which was in the middle, and hid himself in a corner of the mosque. Shorty after Umar had begun the prayer, Pirūz leaped upon him and stabbed him six times (only three times, according to Ibn Sa'd), this was five times in the stomach and once in the navel which proved fatal (other reports also make a mention of being stabbed in the shoulder). Pirūz made his way out of the mosque, wounding thirteen men who tried to stand in his way [8] Six to nine of the men later died as a result of Pirouz's lethality.

@Yzd Khalifa
Breaking news: Superman is Iranian

Seriously what do they teach em at school:cuckoo:
well they don't teach us that in school , but if you want to be a good Sunni you must study it as the source of what I told is well known about you people and your scholars

Sahih al-Bukhari, Chapter 66, Book of the Virtues of the Companions, Hadith number 3497
if you don't knew the book it certainly will help you
Sahih al-Bukhari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī (Arabic: صحيح البخاري‎), is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major hadith collections) of Sunni Islam. These prophetic traditions, or hadith, were collected by the Persian Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari, after being transmitted orally for generations. Sunni Muslims view this as one of the three most trusted collections of hadith along with Sahih Muslim and Muwatta Imam Malik.[1] In some circles, it is considered the most authentic book after the Quran.[2][3] The Arabic word sahih translates as authentic or correct.[4]

and indeed the feat was impossible if God himself didn't helped his Mujahed ad warrior :D:lol::P . (well you yourself asked for this part)
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you must ask yourself who was the commander of Mamoon army and which nationality did they have.
by the way mamoon himself was half Persian have you forgot that

The conflict was between two Arab rivalries, if you wish to accredit yourself then fine, but beware that the role you played equals a sheep being lead by its shepherd :lol:

by the way that fight was not between Abd-allah ibn Ali go read history it was Abu muslim Khorasani who was the commander of the army , it was he who raised the army and he just wanted to put one from holy prophet familly in power not himself .

The fight was picked between two leaders not the commander of an X or Y army who happens to be half Persian, so to speak :laugh:

it's not important that Iraq was Arabizied or not (well at least you admit that people of Iraq are not Arab but Arabizied , something that many Ultra Arab nationalist deny it) the important thing is your dear and mighty khalif was one of our Vassals :smitten:

A vassal? :D by back-strapping? Well, I'm taking it as an acknowledgment of a cultural, historic, and religious defeat :omghaha: Haven't you asked yourself why do you drop on your knees 20 time and something a day? :lol:

I don't really care about what the Pan-Arabists think, we took Iraq from Persia as much as we took Bahrain!

and funny thing to miss the point about what happen and just showing some miss typing well let me type it correctly for you that what Piruz Nahavandi did , a feat that was impossible without the aid of God.

You mean the God of Zoroastrians? :lol:

The key point is that you mentioned that he was protected by 15 people and the ones of were injured were more than 16! Man, this guy has got to be a super man :D

and indeed the feat was impossible if God himself didn't helped his Mujahed ad warrior :D:lol::P . (well you yourself asked for this part)

Taking his life by stabbing him in the back is quite understandable from an Iranian view point, but killing his guards and injuring many while he was alone makes me LoL. And by who's help? God, oh yeah God loves him and he wants to revive Persia :omghaha:

you must ask yourself who was the commander of Mamoon army and which nationality did they have.
by the way mamoon himself was half Persian have you forgot that

by the way that fight was not between Abd-allah ibn Ali go read history it was Abu muslim Khorasani who was the commander of the army , it was he who raised the army and he just wanted to put one from holy prophet familly in power not himself .
it's not important that Iraq was Arabizied or not (well at least you admit that people of Iraq are not Arab but Arabizied , something that many Ultra Arab nationalist deny it) the important thing is your dear and mighty khalif was one of our Vassals :smitten:

and funny thing to miss the point about what happen and just showing some miss typing well let me type it correctly for you that what Piruz Nahavandi did , a feat that was impossible without the aid of God.

well they don't teach us that in school , but if you want to be a good Sunni you must study it as the source of what I told is well known about you people and your scholars

if you don't knew the book it certainly will help you
Sahih al-Bukhari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and indeed the feat was impossible if God himself didn't helped his Mujahed ad warrior :D:lol::P . (well you yourself asked for this part)
. .
@Yzd Khalifa bro, don't waste your time with the farsi lot here. They are world champions in falsifying the history. Ever since they left their ancestral homeland on the Kazakh Steppe 2800 years ago they have been doing that. They can't even admit that we Semitic people have influenced them on every level for the past 2800 years. Even their national symbols are total rip-offs of the Semitic Babylonians. They live in their own little world.

For example yesterday we had Iranian users talking about "Iranian Prophets" (LOL) in the 3 Abrahamic religions despite that never being the case and all those prophets being Semitic and those main events of those religions all taking place on Semitic soil.

Or claims of Byblos, a city founded by Neolithic people native to the ancient Middle East, in particular Levant, and later a city further expanded by the Semitic Phoenicians as "Iranian" despite that word or country not even existing when the Phoenicians were around.

Same people are claiming Iraq and other ancient Semitic countries.

It is better to ignore it and leave history to be history. They can't change it anyway. But it is hilarious I tell you.:omghaha:

Every people in the Middle East know about their delusions and historical lies. Just ask around.

Common sense will not work with that bunch.

Plant your Gharqad tree, it's your only protection when the day will come.
Dofog……:blink: :rofl: :cuckoo:


:tup: :tup:

@ arabian freinds who wants to khnow true islam

There is 32 times 'SEA' and 13 times 'LAND' in Quran.Today science has proven that there is 79% sea and 29% land on earth.
There is 27 times 'MOON' in Quran.Every 27 days moon rotate earch once.
There is 5 times 'SALAT' in Quran.
There is 365 times 'DAY' in Quran.Every 365 days earth rotate sun once.
There is 12 times 'MOUTH' in Quran.
There is 8 times 'HEAVEN' 7 times 'HELL' in Quran.
and etc.
There is 5 times 'SALAVAT' in Quran.Prophet[saws] and his household are 5 person,we want God salute to Muhammad[saws] and his family.Ali[A.S] Fatima[A.S] Hassan[A.S] Hussein[A.S].Who were alive at the time of the Prophet[saws] and u dont salute to them.
there are 12 times 'IMAM' and 14 time 'SINLESS' in Quran.14 sinless are Prophet [saws] in addition Fatima [SAA] and 12 Imams [A.S] .
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دكتور مصري يثبت عدد الأئمه من القران الكريم ؟؟؟ - تمت الإجابة عن - Google إجابات

القرآن الكريم ينطق بأعداد المعصومين (ع

الدكتور مجدي وهبة الشافعي يكتشف أرقاماً جديدة من القران
الدكتور مجدي وهبة الشافعي *، خطيب ودكتـور مجازر في جامع الأزهر متقاعد يكتشف أرقاماً جديدة من القران الكريم أصبحت حديث كل قارئ .

يكتشف الدكتور أرقاماً جديدة من القرآن الكريم أصبحت حديث كل قارئ بمجلة روز اليوسف المصرية والتي تنفرد بنشر الخبر وتنشره كالآتـــي:- (نقلته لكم نصا - لأمانة النقل - ماعدا زيادة وآله حتى لا تكون الصلاة بتراء)، فكتب قائلا:

نص المقال :

لاشك أن الأعداد في القرآن الكريم لها مدلولاتها ولا توجد عبثا اطلاقا فمثلاً كلمة (يوم) تكررت في القرآن الكريم 365 مره - وهو نفس عدد ايام السنة، وكذلك كلمة (شهر) تكررت في القرآن الكريم 12 مره - وهو نفس عدد شهور السنة، والامثله كثيره.
أولاً: إن كلمة (الإمامه) وردت في القرآن الكريم 12 مره - وهو نفس عدد ائمة اهل البيت عليهم السلام (من النبي العظيم (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) ثم الإمام علي كرم الله وجهه ثم سيدا شباب أهل الجنة الحسن الحسين ثم وأولاد الحسين التسعة رضي الله عنهم أجمعين المعترف بهم لدى المسلمين والآيات هي كالتالي:
1- سورة البقرة، الآية 124.
2- سورة التوبة، الآية 12.
3- سورة هود، الآية 17.
4- سورة الاسراء، الآية 70.
5- سورة الانبياء، الآية 72.
6- سورة القصص، الآية 5.
7- سورة الحجر، الآية 79.
8- سورة السجدة، الآية 24.
9- سورة يس، الآية 12.
10- سورة القصص، الآية 41.
11- سورة الفرقان، الآية 47.
12- سورة الاحقاف، الآية 12.
ثانياً: وهذه النتيجة المذهلة شجعتني ان اقوم واحسب عدد ورود كلمة (العصمه) في القرآن الكريم بكافة الفاظها (لان الشيعة تدعي بعصمة أئمتهم ولان عدد المعصومين عندهم 13- وهم النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم والائمه الإثني عشر رضى الله عنهم بالاضافه الى فاطمة الزهراء (عليها السلام))، وكانت المفاجأة هنا فعلا ان كلمة (العصمه) قد وردت في القرآن الكريم على عدد المعصومين 13 وهي كا التالي:
1- سورة النساء، الآية 146.
2- سورة آل عمران، الآية 101.
3- سورة آل عمران، الآية 103.
4- سورة النساء، الآية 175.
5- سورة المائدة، الآية 67.
6- سورة هود، الآية 43.
7- سورة يوسف، الآية 32.
8- سورة يونس، الآية 27.
9- سورة الحج، الآية 78.
10- سورة الاحزاب، الآية 17.
11- سورة غافر، الآية 33.
12- سورة الممتحنة، الآية 10.
ثم بعد ذلك قمت احسب كلمة (الكساء) في القرآن الكريم بكافة الفاظها (لان اصحاب الكساء كم روى الصحاح عن أم سلمة وعددهم خمسه وهم النبي محمد صلى الله عليه واله وسلم والامام علي وفاطمة الزهراء والحسن والحسين (عليهم السلام اجمعين).
ثالثاً: وبعد ان انتهيت من ذلك وجدت الكلمة وردت في القرآن خمس مرات أيضاً سبحان الله وهي كالتالي:
1- سورة البقرة، الآية 233.
2- سورة البقرة، الآية 259.
3- سورة النساء، الآية 5.
4- سورة المائدة، الآية 89.
5- سورة المؤمنون، الآية 14.
فهل هناك من يتدبر او يعقل (أفلا يتدبرون القران أم على قُلوب أقفالها).

just and just search in google مجدي وهبة الشافعي

الهم صل علی محمد و آل محمد
For some reason my comment was deleted, I can guess by who, but I have to say that such actions are not allowed, to delete posts for no reason, whoever you are, you are not admin of this website.

I would like to ask the haman10 to prove his claim, whether he speaks a word of Azerbaijani Turkish (as he claims to be an "Azeri"). So let me tell him: Dilimizi bilirsənsə, onda bir-iki söz söyləginən. Can you write your reply to this sentence in Azerbaijani Turkish?

Why do you go around and claim something you are not? What does that tell about you and your "arguments" then?
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What's the purpose of this thread again? Is it about Iran's nuclear deal or is it for Iranian/Arab supremacists to stroke their own egos? @WebMaster and @Zakii have some cleaning up to do.

Also, the only times Arabs invaded Iran is when Iran was weak (from wars with the Romans and Byzantines and internal conflicts, and the 1979 Iranian Revolution). And the Iran-Iraq war ended with a stalemate (no one won), and resulted in another war with Kuwait that pretty much ruined Iraq, while not gaining an inch of Iranian soil.

Every people in the Middle East know about their delusions and historical lies. Just ask around.

Same goes for you guys, from reading some of the posts on this thread. Also, don't generalize us based on some members on this forum.

I'm not trying to start a debate here (huge waste of time) or shove supremacy down your throats, just wanted to clear some misconceptions that are still being spread around here. Can't we all just get along?
For some reason my comment was deleted, I can guess by who, but I have to say that such actions are not allowed, to delete posts for no reason, whoever you are, you are not admin of this website.

I would like to ask the haman10 to prove his claim, whether he speaks a word of Azerbaijani Turkish (as he claims to be an "Azeri"). So let me tell him: Dilimizi bilirsənsə, onda bir-iki söz söyləginən. Can you write your reply to this sentence in Azerbaijani Turkish?

Why do you go around and claim something you are not? What does that tell about you and your "arguments" then?
@ASQ-1918 @haman10
Actually, I reported your post, and thanks to admins for taking care of that post.
you cannot insult other members or their language by calling them or their language as dog.
I hope you have understood it very well, since admins may consider infractions and ban for you, if you keep insulting other members or their language.
BTW, he has not ever claimed about ability to speak in Azeri. You can talk with @Ostad in azeri language if you are interested to know about azeri language or azeri Iranians.

Thanks admins for taking care of reports so quickly.:tup:
@ASQ-1918 @haman10
Actually, I reported your post, and thanks to admins for taking care of that post.
you cannot insult other members or their language by calling them or their language as dog.
I hope you have understood it very well, since admins may consider infractions and ban for you, if you keep insulting other members or their language.
BTW, he has not ever claimed about ability to speak in Azeri. You can talk with @Ostad in azeri language if you are interested to know about azeri language or Iranian azeris.

Thanks admins for taking care of reports so quickly.:tup:

I didn't call anyone's language in that way, obviously google translate can not help you much. And I also like how you didn't bother to report his post (and moderators didn't bother to do anything about it), in which he uses the phrase "Ottoman dogs". That post is still intact, in this thread.

He made a fake claim, and the only way he can support his claim is whether or not he has any knowledge of Azerbaijani Turkish, even slightly.

Why would I be "interested to know about Azeri language"? Azerbaijani Turkish is my native language and I'm fluent in it. And I know about Southern Azerbaijani Turks more than you do, don't worry. You don't seem to know much judging by your "opinion" about them...
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I didn't call anyone's language in that way, obviously google translate can not help you much. And I also like how you didn't bother to report his post (and moderators didn't bother to do anything about it), in which he uses the phrase "Ottoman dogs", That post is intact, in this thread.

He made a fake claim that are made by pretty much every Pan-Iranian troll on internet, and the only way he can support his claim is whether or not he has any knowledge of Azerbaijani Turkish, even slightly. Don't tell me that someone would have Turk parents and would not be able to speak a word od Turki!

Your last example does not make sense to me, sorry? Why would I be "interested to know about Azeri language"? Azerbaijani Turkish is my native language and I'm fluent in it.

Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread by continuing the discussion with you.
but due to my respect for you, I make a quick explanation here: (If you have more questions about it, please mention it in Iranian Chill Thread)
1. I did not see haman's post, but if he has mentioned something like that, you need to report it.
2. He is not Pan-Iranist and he has never claimed so.
3. Ability to understand or speak in a language is not a 0 or 1. maybe some one can understand a language partly.
4. about half of Iranian azerbaijanis are living in Tehran and more than half of azeris are living in non-azeri areas, that is why many of azeri children, who have born in non-azeri areas cannot speak in azeri. the same is true for many other ethnicities as well. I am not defending such thing, but whether you like it or not, that's the reality.
5. Even having the ability to speak to a language does not necessarily mean that you are from that ethnic group. So your question was baseless. Anyway, I meant that you can ask @Ostad to somehow verify whether @haman10 is really an azeri or not. although I don't see any reason for him to claiming a false background for himself.

Sorry for derailing the thread.
Why would he claim to be a Pan-Iranist or admit it? His comments however tells enough about him.

That is nonesense, if anyone is born to Turk parents, they would still be able to speak the language even if they were born and lived on mars (obviously since the native language would be spoken at home).

Turki are confined to its native speakers in Iran, so no it is not baseless at all.

How you don't see any reason? He claims to be an "Azeri" (a rarely used term in Iran other than its official usage, against the much more popular "Turk" term among both Turks and Persians), and at the same time says that he is a "proud Persian", not even "Iranian", mind you. Now that is very bizarre. He has made several anti-Azerbaijan comments too, even more bizarre attitude.

But returning to the point, it is as I mentioned it. I'm not convinced by any of your "arguments" (very biased too) for obvious reasons.

I don't know why you constantly mention this "ostad" guy, no relevance whatosever, neither whatever he has to say.
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Why would he claim to be a Pan-Iranist or admit it? His comments however tells enough about him.

That is nonesense, if anyone is born to Turk parents, they would still be able to speak the language even if they were born and lived on mars (obviously since the native language would be spoken at home).

Turki are confined to its native speakers in Iran, so no it is not baseless at all.

How you don't see any reason? He claims to be an "Azeri" (a rarely used term in Iran other than its official usage, against the much more popular "Turk" term among both Turks and Persians), and at the same time says that he is a "proud Persian", not even "Iranian", mind you. Now that is very bizarre. He has made several anti-Azerbaijan comments too, even more bizarre attitude.

But returning to the point, it is as I mentioned it. I'm not convinced by any of your "arguments" (very biased too) for obvious reasons.

I don't know why you constantly mention this "ostad" guy, no relevance whatosever, neither whatever he has to say.
i am sure Haman didn't want to insult you guys,and we can not Specify sb's race by his ability to speak his mother language.
by the way you can talk to me if you want in Iranian chill thread.
. . .

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