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Iran nuclear deal reached

Dear @Uhuhu , I understand it.
He had lots of paradoxical thoughts, and quotes.
Anyway, your comments were very interesting. :tup:

Dude, I am not interested in childish arguments like what you said to me.
what you said about @Uhuhu 's comment, when he quoted your own comment, and you called it as playing with words, was really shocking and it worth for me to hit my head to the wall. ;)

I am really sorry, and apologize the readers for such comments; but some members insulted or made offensive statements here , and did get away from those actions; so i have to respond them at some point.

First of all, it is not an argument i adressed directly to you; it is just my personal experience with the oppenent WHO act like you, so you are not alone, btw welcome to the club of those people and thanks for contribution to my personal score of people like you.

Secondly; my posts have many purposes, for example They have many meanings according to the readers; interestingly nearly all Members from Iran thougt in the same way in that Word of ''puppet'' ; which is interesting in respect to the psychological respect, which drags your attetnion, After all you like questioning the medical condition of the debaters rather than their arguments.

Also my comments test the level of the intelligence of the opponent. Do you feel your existence with insulting words contribution did pass that?
I did not want to answer childish comments, what you said about @Uhuhu 's comment was really stupid.

I am really sorry, and apologize the readers for such comments; but some members insulted or made offensive statements here , and did get away from those actions; so i have to respond them at some point.

First of all, it is not an argument i adressed directly to you; it is just my personal experience with the oppenent WHO act like you, so you are not alone, btw welcome to the club of those people and thanks for contribution to my personal score of people like you.

Secondly; my posts have many purposes, for example They have many meanings according to the readers; interestingly nearly all Members from Iran thougt in the same way in that Word of ''puppet'' ; which is interesting in respect to the psychological respect, which drags your attetnion, After all you like questioning the medical condition of the debaters rather than their arguments.

Also my comments test the level of the intelligence of the opponent. Do you feel your existence with insulting words contribution did pass that?

but what you said is hillarious. have you ever thought that when anyone else except you thinks exactly opposite of what you think, maybe you are the one who is wrong?!!!:crazy:
Still wonder why u chose US with millions of influential Jews over Pakistan homeland with zero Jews if u think that Jews cause all problems.

he is a born hypocrite,u throw him 100 dollars he ll change his statement.

Born without scruples and character.

netanyahu has to shake hands with Iran,they are an equal and they are sheer class and an old civilization.

Congratulation on the deal to Iran, a door has finally opened :agree:
Please make the best of this first opportunity for a prosperous, developed and world wide accepted country
bro , as u see (even from the post above yours) , two turkish members troll-ishly call iran "puppet" and "failed regime "

we never reported their post as they will get infractions most probably . still @Serpentine is not online to delete their posts .

we really tried our best so that we dont drag turkey in to this , pls note that bro .

if u were me , and u saw 2 iranian members trolling in your section , what would u do?

Mate, i have seen arguments between, Iranian and Saudi Arabian posters.

This debate here have much more quality. Nobody is insulting each other like " Lizard-eater Wahabi, fake Arab wanna be mullah, etc...."

You know the trolling mate as many users try to troll in your section, these two Turkish users said some negative things but they keep their attitude and keep on making points. For me there is nothing wrong in this approach.

I would be happy to see your critics, have debate with you regarding Turkish affairs/ defence products, etc.. You will be more than welcomed in our section.
Inshallah, the Arab-Iranian nations would resolve their differences and we will see a more stabler and prosperous region.
Even people in Israel are getting frustrated of "Nut&Yahoo" too. May be he got a reason to vent out his frustration. :D
Inshallah, the Arab-Iranian nations would resolve their differences and we will see a more stabler and prosperous region.

That's not simple as you are assumed and it may open new fronts and conflicts, we can see in future which countries could be effected by waves of this agreement.

If Iranians and Arabs work out their differences, we can have a NATO like agreement to protect all brotherly nations with shared nuclear umbrella.

Israelis are a bunch of hypocritical zionists who cannot be pleased, this crying baby would have to shut up sooner or later.

Dreaming of food yet nothing is cooked, there is no brothers but interests/contracts and people went on mars while unavailability of electricity. carry on.
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