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Iran minister gives Hillary the cold shoulder

It seems the whole world is worried, you can't deny that.

Please keep your response civilised. Badmouthing is the easiest thing one can do. cheers.

the "whole worlds" isn't America and its puppet states
Iran has the backing of the Non Aligned Movement which accounts for the vast majority of UN states, FACT.

And nobody is badmouthing, I am simply asking you guys to go and concentrate your toilet-less nation and leave Iran to Iranians.
He's Indian.

On topic, the Iranian minister did the right thing. It wasn't very 'diplomatic' of Hillary to lecture Iran patronizingly for an hour and then expect to shake hands with the minister.

But then again, Hillary has always been one of the most polarizing figures in American politics and the last person anyone would expect to be given the top diplomat job.

No I am HUMAN....I stopped being a Indian or a ****.....I cant stand both you guys..
last year she said "we will obliterate Iran"
here she was talking **** for an hour

The fact that she offered a handshake shows how shallow Americans are. Everything they say is a lie.
If the Iranian FM had accepted the handshake then these American stooges would still be criticizing Iran and calling Iran "two faced" etc...

Abii it doesn't matter what you and I think, as you know we live in the illusion of democracy and our votes don;t mean ****. Just sit back, wear some sunglasses and enjoy the weather. Consider Canada your permanent home the way things are going. If Iran goes nuclear, trust me the jews won;t let it go on forever with or without America. America is tired of helping the Jews but they control and influence America incredibly.
Abii it doesn't matter what you and I think, as you know we live in the illusion of democracy and our votes don;t mean ****. Just sit back, wear some sunglasses and enjoy the weather. Consider Canada your permanent home the way things are going. If Iran goes nuclear, trust me the jews won;t let it go on forever with or without America. America is tired of helping the Jews but they control and influence America incredibly.

I rather swallow a hot iron rod

I was born an Iranian and I will die an Iranian
the minute I get my Bachelor's I'm leaving Canada

We Iranians are proud people, we love our country and we are ready to sacrifice our lives for it
there is a famous saying in Iran
"If there is no Iran, I would cease to exist"

You Indians will bow to anybody. Israel is an insignificant state. Saudi Arabia can do more damage to Iran than that tiny jewtopia.
In all fairness to Jigs, he does have a point (even though I disagree with his Kemalist views)... why did the President of Iran talk conspiracy theories in the UN. Furthermore, as someone has pointed out, the Israelis are preparing to strike Iran, have no doubts about that and despite objections from America over this (it is not in American interests to attack Iran at all)... the Israelis will certainly do something soon (with the help of the Brits)... and I do not know what Iran is doing to prepare for such an eventuality... All the Iranian President's talk is more like showing red to the bull...

As for the Ambassador... well he was polite... I would have shown Hillery the middle finger... the hell with all diplomacy!!!
the "whole worlds" isn't America and its puppet states
Iran has the backing of the Non Aligned Movement which accounts for the vast majority of UN states, FACT.

And nobody is badmouthing, I am simply asking you guys to go and concentrate your toilet-less nation and leave Iran to Iranians.

1 million dead Iranians in a war started by Saddam/USA

Its true that iraq started the war but within a year saddam asked for peace and the iranian leadership refused and carried the war on for years.
Iraq started the war but iran continued it.
Along with half the modern countries of the world. It isn't just the U.S. that walks out.

I think you will find it was the mostly the western counties that walked and the rest of the world which makes the majority stayed.

Plus there is a difference between saying hi to a person and a president talking about 9/11 conspiracy theroies infront of the United Nations. This is the U.N. not conspiracy happy hour at your local bar.

It ws okay when powell was spinning his conspiracy theroies about saddam but when the shoe is on the other foot its "not conspiracy happy hour at your local bar".
Originally Posted by Abii
Go fix your toilet-less nation. Don't worry about Iran.
It seems the whole world is worried, you can't deny that.

Please keep your response civilised. Badmouthing is the easiest thing one can do. cheers.

Leave them , don't give lesson of civilized behavior ... its like they are learning from their leaders ;)
I rather swallow a hot iron rod

I was born an Iranian and I will die an Iranian
the minute I get my Bachelor's I'm leaving Canada

We Iranians are proud people, we love our country and we are ready to sacrifice our lives for it
there is a famous saying in Iran
"If there is no Iran, I would cease to exist"

You Indians will bow to anybody. Israel is an insignificant state. Saudi Arabia can do more damage to Iran than that tiny jewtopia.

Common man wake up from your dreams ...

From 1995 to 2004 126,390 Iranian born people files for asylum application in various countries..

I am searching for latest numbers and I am sure it is very big number.

Even many diplomats and progressive lawyers are also part of asylum seekers

And we know who is bowing whom.. even your president is having nightmare about tiny jewtopia ....
Saudi Arabia can do more damage to Iran
They want to do(read wikileaks) .. they are pushing USA for same.. don't worry with same attitude of yours that day will come soon.
@ Indians
everybody from the Afghans to Iranians, Greeks and the Brits has attacked your shitty nation and took a piece of it without you guys being able to do jack **** about it. I'm sorry but we have honor and dignity. The same people who have applied for asylum in foreign countries would go back to Iran and pick up arms to fight the invaders. My own father is a communist who spent years in jail in Iran but even he would fight invaders.

Your country is in desperate need of toilets, instead of wasting time on defence.pk, go and do smtg about that.
Its true that iraq started the war but within a year saddam asked for peace and the iranian leadership refused and carried the war on for years.
Iraq started the war but iran continued it.

yeah yeah
The Iraqis attacked Iran, bombed our country, gassed our people and you want us to roll over and say we give up??
No man, we fought on and captured a **** load of Iraqi territory. The only reason we weren't able to hold it in the end was because we simply ran out of arms. We had no artillery and jets left. I'm glad that we continued the war. We turned Iraq into a shithole.
Considering the fact that US ministers feel that it is okay to rudely walk out of the assembly while ahmedinejad is talking about something they don't agree with, I guess this is completely acceptable in diplomacy.

that man is a nut job. If the Indian minister talked about wiping away Pakistan from the map- I doubt your guys would sit and listen. supporting ahmednijad shows your post is all about anti _ us sentiment and not based on intellectual thought.
yeah yeah
The Iraqis attacked Iran, bombed our country, gassed our people and you want us to roll over and say we give up??
No man, we fought on and captured a **** load of Iraqi territory. The only reason we weren't able to hold it in the end was because we simply ran out of arms. We had no artillery and jets left. I'm glad that we continued the war. We turned Iraq into a shithole.

but the question is - did you manage to save enough of toilets in your country? :pop:

I was born an Iranian and I will die an Iranian
the minute I get my Bachelor's I'm leaving Canada
Kinda ironic that Canada who supports the US wholly was your choice to go get an education- all the anti -US fever and you go land up in a country that wholeheartedly is pro American. I would have thought you would have gone to the university of Hezbollah for your bachelors :D but alas I do understand that Canada has bountiful toilets :D
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@ Indians
everybody from the Afghans to Iranians, Greeks and the Brits has attacked your shitty nation and took a piece of it without you guys being able to do jack **** about it. I'm sorry but we have honor and dignity. The same people who have applied for asylum in foreign countries would go back to Iran and pick up arms to fight the invaders. My own father is a communist who spent years in jail in Iran but even he would fight invaders.

Your country is in desperate need of toilets, instead of wasting time on defence.pk, go and do smtg about that.

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