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Iran minister gives Hillary the cold shoulder

the "whole worlds" isn't America and its puppet states
Iran has the backing of the Non Aligned Movement which accounts for the vast majority of UN states, FACT.

And nobody is badmouthing, I am simply asking you guys to go and concentrate your toilet-less nation and leave Iran to Iranians.


You're a Killer .... My best bet on PDF :D
First of all, Israel cannot attack Iran as geography prohibits this. Look at a map. That is why they are in a bit of a froth to have the U.S. do it, which simply isn't going to happen.

Secondly, support of Iraq by the U.S. was not hidden, it was quite open. It might have all been different if revolutionaries had not stormed the U.S. embassy, taken hostages, mocked the rescue effort, had its Hezbollah proxy kill 240 U.S. Marines, and had multiple "Death to America" rallies. But that's what went down. Should Iran have expected otherwise?

Finally, "Joos control the U.S." is one of the most-often heard mantras around the world; as if, all U.S. foreign policy must get some secret stamp of approval from the Knesset. AIPAC has influence, just like the trucker's union, environmentalists, and industrialists. They have a voice. I am not a fan of lobbyists, and I disapprove of 90% of the U.S./Israel support, but to claim we are tools of Israel is painting with a mile-wide brush. The election of Obama (wildly unpopular in Israel) is proof of that.

Yes Iranian student and Hizbullah did the bold part. but what was US expected when US did military coup against elected prime minster in Iran.Please start the story from beginning not from the part you have interest on.
... my guess is that America would have a massive change and shift in its foreign policy because helping Israel would not be in the best interest of the United States any longer...

Once again, I appreciate your thoughtful post.

I will say that my stance on Israel support has changed over the years. Israel as a nation is "all grown up" now, and I believe US/Israeli ties should be normalized, vs. massive and near automatic U.S. support. Incidents like the USS Liberty, and the transfer of U.S. technology by Israel to China and other countries, has (to say the least) soured me.

I think 90% of the ME/West Asian issues we face today are remnants of the Cold War. In those years, anything and everything was done by the two powers to further their interests, and there was much suffering as a result, including U.S. dead, in conflicts with roots in the Communist vs. Western Block forces at play for so many decades. And of course, we have the remnants of British colonialism that caused so many irrational borders that we see today.

@Cyrus - we know that Iran/US relations are not good. Again (no excuse, just reality) a nation was used as a tool in the Cold War - thus, the Shah. Things went downhill, with Imperial abuses, then the Islamic revolution, hostages, the Vincennes, etc.

I am an active member of Iran Defense. I have posted there many times, I think there is much in common between Iranian people and the average American, and if we can put baggage behind us, and have genuine discourse instead of bombast, great things could happen. Iranians are an industrious people who simply want to go about their lives. I'd definitely like to see relations improve.
Once again, I appreciate your thoughtful post.

I will say that my stance on Israel support has changed over the years. Israel as a nation is "all grown up" now, and I believe US/Israeli ties should be normalized, vs. massive and near automatic U.S. support. Incidents like the USS Liberty, and the transfer of U.S. technology by Israel to China and other countries, has (to say the least) soured me.

I think 90% of the ME/West Asian issues we face today are remnants of the Cold War. In those years, anything and everything was done by the two powers to further their interests, and there was much suffering as a result, including U.S. dead, in conflicts with roots in the Communist vs. Western Block forces at play for so many decades. And of course, we have the remnants of British colonialism that caused so many irrational borders that we see today.

@Cyrus - we know that Iran/US relations are not good. Again (no excuse, just reality) a nation was used as a tool in the Cold War - thus, the Shah. Things went downhill, with Imperial abuses, then the Islamic revolution, hostages, the Vincennes, etc.

I am an active member of Iran Defense. I have posted there many times, I think there is much in common between Iranian people and the average American, and if we can put baggage behind us, and have genuine discourse instead of bombast, great things could happen. Iranians are an industrious people who simply want to go about their lives. I'd definitely like to see relations improve.

and to think of it, if we leave aside the Iraq war for a moment, the only reason why the common man in the middle east gets angry at America is due to its tremendous support to Israel... even though, on its own and without American support, Israel is not so easy to chew and is definitely a tuff nut to crack...

The only other reason why people show anger towards America is their support of the corrupt regimes in our countries...

As for the topic itself... It helps to distinguish between the common man and governments... they are basically and totally on different planets altogether... regardless of their region... One of the ways this world of ours shall become a better place is that the leadership starts reflecting the good will that many people from different countries have for each other...

ah well... I really am a dreamer!!! :smokin:
the "whole worlds" isn't America and its puppet states
Iran has the backing of the Non Aligned Movement which accounts for the vast majority of UN states, FACT.

And nobody is badmouthing, I am simply asking you guys to go and concentrate your toilet-less nation and leave Iran to Iranians.

man u choked my breathe :mps:
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