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Iran Military News

A certain Osama Bin Laden is said to be dead. Pics?

Nice logic bro? You fail.

And here's video of an Iranian drone filming another carrier.

You're new here. Here's a tip, don't talk **** and your time won't be spent arguing with the likes of me. I enjoy this, so it doesn't bother me.

Talk shit?

Dude, 20 year old kids here can make an RC controlled plane that will transmit better quality pictures then what you have shown with commercially available technology.

Or the laughable "stealth" derivative of the F-5? Or mockups of 5th, 6th generation fighters. :lol: shit like that? I can go on touting the great achievements of the Islamic Republic.....
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Talk shit?

Dude, 20 year old kids here can make an RC controlled plane that will transmit better quality pictures then what you have shown with commercially available technology.

Or the laughable "stealth" derivative of the F-5? Or mockups of 5th, 6th generation fighters. :lol: shit like that? I can go on touting the great achievements of the Islamic Republic.....

Too ignorant.You don't even know that no moving object (nothing at all) can get close to U.S ACs fleet in international waters less than 10 kilometers.This UAV is 1 or 2 kilometer away at most.
It seems you like using the word $hit too much.fits at best.
Ahmad Vahidi in an interview with IRNA in Bandar-e-Abbas said: Iran operates new models of Jamaran by the end of this year:

وزیر دفاع:
به لحاظ توانمندی های دریایی درنقطه بسیار خوبی قرا رداریم
بندرعباس- وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح گفت: كشور ما امروز به لحاظ توانمندی های دریایی در نقطه بسیار خوبی قرار دارد.
1391/01/25 - 08:35

سردار سرتیپ پاسدار احمد وحیدی روز پنجشنبه در مصاحبه با خبرنگار ایرنا در بندرعباس، از عملیات اخیر نیروی دریایی ارتش در مقابله با دزدان دریایی و آزاد سازی دو فروند كشتی ازدست آنها و همچنین دستگیری دزدان بعنوان بخش كوچكی از توانمندی این نیرو نام برد.

وی از سرعت عمل بالا، فرماندهی خوب و فقدان خسارت وارده از ویژگی های بسیار ارزشمند دو عملیات آزادی سازی كشتی های تجاری خارجی بوسیله نیروی دریای ارتش از دست دزدان دریایی نام برد.

وزیر دفاع وپشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح گفت: این برخورد قدرتمندانه نیروی دریایی به خصوص در فاصله سه هزار كیلومتری از مرزهای كشور انعكاس خوبی در سطح دنیا داشت، طوریكه جهانیان با گوشه ای از توانمندی های نیروهای مسلح جمهوری اسلامی ایران به خصوص در دریا آشنا شدند.

سرتیپ پاسدار وحیدی ازنیروی دریایی بعنوان یك نیروی تمام وقت، آماده، هوشیار و با قدرت بالا نام برد كه می تواند ضمن دفاع از منافع جمهوری اسلامی ایران حافظ و حامی خوبی برای امنیت منطقه باشد و حتی كشورهای دیگر نیز به آن تكیه كرده و از توانمندی های او استفاده و احساس امنیت كنند.

وی در ادامه گفت وگو با خبرنگار ایرنا، با اشاره به روز ارتش و در پیش بودن مانورهای مشترك ابراز داشت: نیروی دریایی ارتش و سپاه دائم درحال آمادگی و ارتقای توان خود هستند طوریكه قادرند با هر تهدیدی به خوبی مقابله و امنیت را تامین كنند.

وزیر دفاع تصریح كرد: نیروی دریایی سپاه پاسداران و ارتش جمهوری اسلامی نه تنها امنیت خلیج فارس و دریای عمان بلكه در آبراههای بین المللی نیز می توانند نقش آفرینی كنند كه نمونه آن را در عملیاتهای اخیر به نمایش گذاشتند و این توان روز به روز بیشتر می شود.

سرتیپ وحیدی اضافه كرد: برنامه های خوب و قوی برای توسعه هر چه بیشتر لجستیكی نیروی دریای ارتش و سپاه در دستور كار قرار دارد كه مرحله به مرحله درحال تحقق است طوریكه تا پایان امسال نمونه های جدیدی از ناو جماران به كار گرفته می شود.

وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح كه به همراه دیگر اعضای هیات دولت رییس جمهوری را در چهارمین سفر استانی به هرمزگان همراهی می كند باحضور در منطقه یكم نیروی دریایی ارتش از نیروهای عمل كننده در دو عملیات آزادسازی شناورهای خارجی از دست دزدان دریایی با اهدا لوح و هدایایی تقدیر كرد.ك/3


There are many reports about launching second Mowj class frigate this year in Caspian sea. But interesting point in Vahidi remark is that he says new models not new model. I don't know is this just a verbal mistake or he really means more than one mowj class will be launched.

Around one year ago, Mashreghnews.ir released an article that indicated there are four Mowj projects, the first ship is Jamaran that has been built in Bandar-e-Abbas, second ship is Velayat that is built in Bandar-e-Anzali and the third and forth ships are built in Khoramshahr and Bandar-e-Abbas (again). According to this article in parallel to building Mowj warships Iran is designing a new 3000 tons frigate.

چهار طرح موج وجود دارد که موج1 همان جماران بود که تحويل به يگان عملياتي شد. موج2 در صنايع شهيد تمجيدي در شمال، موج3 در خرمشهر و موج4 هم مجدداً در بندر عباس ساخته مي شود و در آينده طرح ساخت ناوشکن سه هزار تني هم اجرائي مي گردد.

نسخه چاپي

In addition to above article by Mashreghnews, around six months ago Mansur Maghsudlu , "Researches and Self-Suffiency Jihad" deputy of Navy in an interview with Mashreghnews said:

"Jamaran was product of Mowj project. We put on agenda building several warships of Jamaran class immediately after building Jamaran. While we are building several other Mowj projects in this class that in this projects problems of first project have been solved. "Mowj-2" project by localization of "Fire Control System" and "Radar" systems including "Surface Radar" and "Aerial Radar" will be joined to navy in near future.
In the field of radar systems, we have worked on designing and building new naval radars that have capable to detect and track stealth targets so that in near future these radars are installed on naval vessels."
Well, the commando's look (physical) not very professional to me. Poor body armor, poor appearance, etc.

First,Iranian naval commandos are among the best commando units in Iran(after 65 special forces brigade) and of course it does not matter whether they seem professional to you or not. They're really professional!Second,they have great physics and their body is very strong.They have height limits that does not let every one become a member.They have great expertise in martial arts. Many professional athletes can not endure their physical trainings.And many many things like these.
If you take a quick look at their operation you would be astounded since they haven't killed any one and captured all the pirates while the pirates used the hostages as their shield!No one was injured!
You are not near them to see their trained body.Remember that you're only watching them through your PC.And one last point:You should not expect commandos(whether American or Iranian) someone like spurious heroes in Hollywood movies!I ensure you if a war occurs with Iran(no matter who is confronting us) our Takavaran(specially marine commandos that you saw some of them) will defeat the enemy and show their strength to the whole world.
Dassault Mirage F.1EQ in service with the IRIAF​

Reports from August 2001 about the crash of a Mirage fighter aircraft near Mashhad, in north-eastern Iran, revealed another interesting detail about the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN AIR FORCE (IRIAF), an air force which - despite being isolated from standard sources of spares and maintenance support for its aircraft (most of which are still of Western origins) since 20 years, despite working under constant heavy pressure and mistrust from the clerical regime, and despite suffering considerable losses during the long war with Iraq - remained operational and effective, and, which during the last years managed to rebuilt its strength. Tom Cooper explains the background.

Iranian Mirages​

Iran is a major route along which drugs originating from Afghanistan and Pakistan are smuggled towards the Europe; huge amounts of heroin, opium, hashish, and morphine are transported each year. Already since 1980 the Iranian authorities have initiated intensive campaigns against - foremost Afghan, but also Pakistani and Iranian - drug smugglers. Tehran is spending some $20 million annually for fighting drug trafficking, and, according to official reports, so far over 3,100 members of Iranian security forces have been killed in drugs-related engagements.

In the past, Iranian drug-busting operations were executed at a very different scale and size. Early operations were conducted by the police and security forces, with minimal help from the IRGC or the regular army. Since the end of the war with Iraq, however, the IRGC and the Iranian Army became more present, especially as by 1996 Iran almost went to war with Taleban regime in Afghanistan. The involvement of regular armed forces reached its peak in 1997/98, when the IRIAA (Islamic Republic of Iran Army Aviation) operated AH-1J Cobra helicopter gunships and Bell 214Cs, out of the Kerman IRIAA regional base, in a series of massive operations along the Afghan border. These were supported also by RF-4Es of the IRIAF and Mohajer UAVs of the IRGCAF flying recce missions deep into Afghanistan. During this emergency, the IRIAF upgraded its existing – “Imam Reza” – air transport base near Mashhad, into its 14th Tactical Fighter Base, which in turn received two squadrons worth of a total of 24 Mirage F.1EQs.

The history of Iranian Mirage F.1EQ operations is a relatively short one: a total of 24 aircraft - belonging to very different sub-versions, starting with “vanilla” F.1EQ one-seaters and F.1BQ two-seaters, over the more sophisticated F.1EQ-2s and 4s (equipped with in-flight refueling probes and LGBs), but foremost the more advanced F.1EQ-5s (equipped with upgraded Cyrano IV-radars and capable of deploying AM.39 Exocet anti-ship missiles) and Mirage F.1EQ-6s – were flown by Iraqi pilots to Iran in January and February 1991, fleeing the Desert Storm onslaught and Saddam’s regime. Together with Mirages, Iraqis also ‘relocated’ three Il-76MD transports to Iran, all of which arrived loaded to the roof with spare parts and weapons – including ATLIS II laser designators, AS.30L ASMs, R.550 Magic Is and COR-2 recce pods.

The IRIAF was not in a hurry to put Mirages into service: testing of six chosen examples was started only in 1992, partially at Mehrabad, and partially at Shiraz and Esfahan, and done with some the help of Pakistani crews who had previously flown Libyan F.1s. Pakistanis were out of Iran already by mid-1993 and the IRIAF then started to prepare the TFB.3, or Nojeh AB, in Kaboodar-Ahang near Hamedan (western Iran), to accommodate the new Mirage fighter-bomber wing. However, as mentioned earlier, the whole wing equipped with Mirages was instead relocated to the TFB.14 in Mashhad, to cover the volatile eastern borders.

From sightings in the late 1990s, it seems that Iranian Mirages initialy still wore the camouflage patterns they carried while in service with the Iraqi Air Force: both tan/chocolate brown and Extra Dark Sea Grey painted examples were noticed at Mashhad; albeit, they all have got the black title IRIAF under the cockpit, as well as IRIAF serials. Serials observed in operation with the IRIAF since the early 1990s are: 3-6210, 3-6212, 3-6213, 3-6214, 3-6217, 3-6401, 3-6402, 3-6403 and 3-6407.

Sometimes in the last three years, however, the whole fleet was repainted. The new camouflage pattern should be similar to that worn by IRIAF F-14s and overhauled MiG-29s now.

Drug-Busting Operations​

In the period between 2000 and 2001, the Iranian authorities changed their strategy for drug-busting operations. Local security forces were massively reinforced, thousands of villagers along the eastern Iranian borders were armed to help combat drug traffickers and to supplement deployment of both the Iranian Army and the IRGC forces. The IRGCAF remained very active along the border, foremost using its newly acquired Mi-171 helicopters, as well as AB.206 helos and recce UAVs, and reportedly EMB-312 Tucano light-attack prop-planes.

The IRIAF, on the other side, assisted with PC-6Bs transports, some equipped with downward-looking cameras, and also more powerfull reconnaissance assets, like RF-4Es, and Mirage F.1EQs equipped with recce pods. The TFB.14 seems to have been constantly taking part in such operations, the tempo of which was reported as being “heavy.”


The first ever photograph of ex-Iraqi Mirage F.1s released outside Iran shows a Mirage F.1BQ (foreground) and a Mirage F.1EQ during landing at Zahedan's "Imam Reza", TFB.14. (Photo: Siavash B., exclusively for ACIG.org)

Georgia & Azerbaijan help Israel against Iran

It seems that efforts to come on agreement with Iran over its nuclear program are not working good and someone already testing the waters before the upcoming war. Some time ago the Sunday Times wrote that Israeli task forces already carry out operations inside Iran assisted by Georgian and Azerbaijani secret services that help Israeli agents to infiltrate Iran under the guise of Fereydani Georgians and Iranian Azerbaijanis. It was reported they use the uniform of Iran's forces and commit acts of sabotage and surveillance in the Islamic republic. I'm inclining to believe this because the Sunday Times is a reliable issue that may have some contacts in the SIS and they know for sure what they are talking about and maybe even help Israel in some way. Looks like Israel is really having a grunge against Iran and ready to strike...
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