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Iran is driving a hard bargain!


Mar 28, 2011
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Nuclear knowhow, S300 are Iran's price for Russian, Chinese access to US drone

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Iran is driving a hard bargain for granting access to the US stealth drone RQ-170 it captured undamaged last week, as Russian and Chinese military intelligence teams arriving in Tehran for a look at the secret aircraft soon found. DEBKAfile's Moscow sources disclose that the price set by Revolutionary Guards commander Gen. Ali Jaafari includes advanced nuclear and missile technology, especially systems using solid fuel, the last word on centrifuges for enriching uranium and the S-300PMU-1 air defense system, which Moscow has consistently refused to sell Tehran.

This super-weapon is effective against stealth warplanes and cruise missiles and therefore capable of seriously impairing any large-scale US or Israeli air or missile attacks on Iran's nuclear sites.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent Russian-speaking Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Moscow on Dec. 7 to try and dissuade Prime Minister Vladimir Putin from letting Iran have the S-300 batteries as payment for access to the captured US drone.

Sources in Washington report that before sending Lieberman to Moscow, Netanyahu first checked with the White House at the highest levels.

Although he had his hands full with stormy demonstrations in Moscow protesting alleged election fraud, Putin received Lieberman at the Kremlin. But the interview was short. The Russian prime minister refused to discuss the episode with his Israeli guest or even confirm that Moscow was engaged in any deal with Tehran.

In answer to reporters' questions, Lieberman commented: "Russia's positions on the Middle East were not helpful."

American efforts to reach President Dmitry Medvedev and Putin on the drone deal through other channels were likewise rebuffed.

DEBKAfile's sources report that the Israeli prime minister's decision to sent Lieberman post-haste to Moscow to intercede with Putin followed intelligence tips which indicated to Washington and Jerusalem that the Russians may have played a major role in Iran's capture of the RQ-170 on Dec. 4. They are suspected of even supplying Iran with the electronic bag of tricks for downing the US stealth drone undamaged.

If that is so, it would mean Moscow is deeply involved in helping Iran repel the next and most critical stage of the cyber war that was to have been launched on the day the US UAV was brought down.

Our exclusive intelligence sources add that that the RQ-170 was the first US drone of this type to enter Iranian skies. Its mission was specific.

Iran's success in determining the moment of the unmanned vehicle's entry and its success in transferring command of the drone's movements from US to Iranian control systems is an exceptional intelligence and technological feat in terms of modern electronic warfare.

Western intelligence watchers keeping track of the Russian and Chinese teams in Tehran have not discovered where the negotiations stand at this time or whether the Iranians have taken on both teams at once or are bargaining with each separately to raise the bidding.

Saturday, Dec. 10, the Revolutionary Guards Deputy Commander Gen. Hossein Salami, said Iran would not hand the captured drone back to the United States. He boasted: "The gap between us and the US or the Zionist regime and other developed countries is not so wide."

He sounded as though the bargaining with the two visiting teams was going well.
If we are masters in one thing, it's haggling. Russians are gonna be in a world of hurt if they try to negotiate lmao
My chinese buddy (also masters at the game) tried to haggle at a computer store here (the owner is Iranian) and ended up paying a higher price by the time he was done. I had never heard about this one before lmao
If we are masters in one thing, it's haggling. Russians are gonna be in a world of hurt if they try to negotiate lmao
My chinese buddy (also masters at the game) tried to haggle at a computer store here (the owner is Iranian) and ended up paying a higher price by the time he was done. I had never heard about this one before lmao

Iranians are known for this behavior. Though it might look like fun with this drone episode and might actually benefit Iran but in real daily life, haggling is nothing to be proud of. It just complicates life by making every single thing you want to buy a big hassle.

Anyways I hope Iranians get what they want out of it. Iran really needs a very good air defense. Though they should have gone for S-400 technology and not for just five old systems of S-300 PMU1.
Iranians are known for this behavior. Though it might look like fun with this drone episode and might actually benefit Iran but in real daily life, haggling is nothing to be proud of. It just complicates life by making every single thing you want to buy a big hassle.

Anyways I hope Iranians get what they want out of it. Iran really needs a very good air defense. Though they should have gone for S-400 technology and not for just five old systems of S-300 PMU1.
agree and disagree. We were at a bazar in Shiraz and my mom saw this Afghan guy selling a carpet. Long story short, they started fighting over the price. The AFG guy was being EXTREMELY reasonable but my mom wouldn't let go (there was also a random self declared expert walking around giving advice on what would be a good price for this carpet which made things more complicated). After a while, my mom won. I came back later and gave the guy the full price that he originally wanted (which I thought was beyond fair). That's the only time I felt bad about this tradition (felt worse about my mom, we didn't talk for a week lol).
Iran wants a fair deal, and I think their requests are reasonable.

Yes, that is true. They are just interested to defend themselves against a future attempt by US to turn Iran into a waste land and steal its oil and gas reserves.

---------- Post added at 06:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 AM ----------

agree and disagree. We were at a bazar in Shiraz and my mom saw this Afghan guy selling a carpet. Long story short, they started fighting over the price. The AFG guy was being EXTREMELY reasonable but my mom wouldn't let go (there was also a random self declared expert walking around giving advice on what would be a good price for this carpet which made things more complicated). After a while, my mom won. I came back later and gave the guy the full price that he originally wanted (which I thought was beyond fair). That's the only time I felt bad about this tradition (felt worse about my mom, we didn't talk for a week lol).

That is so magnanimous of you. But I feel most of Iranians do this not because of price but because it is part of their culture and also maybe because of the ego thing. Anyways, it is not always bad as can be seen in this drone episode, Iran should get maximum it can.
Spying gone wrong...someone in Petagon is going to be fried alive!
It is not dangerous to us, since we are friendly with them.

And it is all defensive anyway. All nations have a right to defend themselves.

maybe your right, they are no threat to you, but they are to many other countries.

and no matter what you say, nuclear weapons are dangerous, and same with the technology to deliver it.

i know china and russia will agree under the table, because they want the advantage by shifting the balance of power in their favor.

i believe it can be a defensive deterrent , but the more hands they are in, the more chance there is of nuclear war. i think israel should be stripped of nuclear weapons too.
thats hardly a fair deal, look at how much iran wants? and the technology they want, far more dangerous then a drone
haggling 101
ask for diamond, leave with gold

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

this guy is Iranian
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maybe your right, they are no threat to you, but they are to many other countries.

and no matter what you say, nuclear weapons are dangerous, and same with the technology to deliver it.

i know china and russia will agree under the table, because they want the advantage by shifting the balance of power in their favor.

i believe it can be a defensive deterrent , but the more hands they are in, the more chance there is of nuclear war. i think israel should be stripped of nuclear weapons too.

Israel is not going to give up its nukes, so the reasonable thing is for Iran to also have them.

Nukes can also keep the peace.

Iran is a responsible nation. They were gassed by Saddam Hussein and never returned fire with weapons of mass destruction.
What a pile of crap, s-300 is ****, Iran needs s-500, If russians dont give it, then Iran should just show them the finger.
dont ask for the s-400, because they wil dowgrade it so bad that it will become the old s-300.

as for china, ask for help for a 5th gen fighter.
IMHO Iran should go after technology/blueprints, instead of delivered products, who often are downgraded for the export. Plus even if lets say Russia gives/sells latest S-300 or even S400 (S500 wont be exported until Russians develop S600), few units wont make a difference during war. However if Iran could make them from blueprints, or incorporate tech in their own Bavar line, they could make them as many as they need, without fearing of outside sanctions, and their capabilities wouldnt be known to attackers.
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