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Iran is driving a hard bargain!

No comments on the politics here, but I agree with Harry as far as what is a good barter. Don't buy fish, learn how to fish. I would think that the Iranians would be more interested in Technology transfer rather than simply purchasing items that they will run out of.

However, if the Iranian interest in this barter is true, it also shows that an imminent threat of attack from either the US or Israel is very real in the eyes of Iran. They can learn to fish later, but they want to make sure they will live to fish first.
No comments on the politics here, but I agree with Harry as far as what is a good barter. Don't buy fish, learn how to fish. I would think that the Iranians would be more interested in Technology transfer rather than simply purchasing items that they will run out of.

However, if the Iranian interest in this barter is true, it also shows that an imminent threat of attack from either the US or Israel is very real in the eyes of Iran. They can learn to fish later, but they want to make sure they will live to fish first.

Ok here is a thing that Americans can't understand. Iran, Europe, China the Arab World all of those things will never "Disappear" by simply moving your troops in them and striking them. These nations have been around for thousands of years and they know who they are what they are suppose to do and what are their goals. USA however is a new kid in town who had a growth spurt in front of all these old men in time it will lose this advantage and like all teenagers it will do rash and stupid mistakes and will go down eventually.

As you can see the US economy is in tatters and is being kept together by "Invisible money" due to the US get rich quick schemes which eventually back fired. America is yet to develop a real culture like the rest of the world the pop culture all though is the most wide spread world wide but for the rest of the world it is not life rather than young people's passing phase before they return to the culture of their ancestors. It will be some time before the US develops strong ancestral heritage, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington can not be compared with for instance Persian Cyrus or English Richard LionHeart or Arabic Haroon Al-Rashid.
Ok here is a thing that Americans can't understand. Iran, Europe, China the Arab World all of those things will never "Disappear" by simply moving your troops in them and striking them. These nations have been around for thousands of years and they know who they are what they are suppose to do and what are their goals. USA however is a new kid in town who had a growth spurt in front of all these old men in time it will lose this advantage and like all teenagers it will do rash and stupid mistakes and will go down eventually.

As you can see the US economy is in tatters and is being kept together by "Invisible money" due to the US get rich quick schemes which eventually back fired. America is yet to develop a real culture like the rest of the world the pop culture all though is the most wide spread world wide but for the rest of the world it is not life rather than young people's passing phase before they return to the culture of their ancestors. It will be some time before the US develops strong ancestral heritage, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington can not be compared with for instance Persian Cyrus or English Richard LionHeart or Arabic Haroon Al-Rashid.

This narrative of age is not really valid if i may. The United States is a relatively new nation but established by people of a very old civilization. In fact its strength lies in the very fact that the people from the old nations were able to break away from all that was holding them back and moved on, revitalizing their new nation with novel ideas and a completely fresh perspective. Almost 300 years is not so insignificant in terms of a nation either. Most nations you speak of were not nations themselves till the English carved them up in the sand and gave them names. Your analogy also has an inherent flaw. If the old are wise, they must have been once young, which means the US is only getting wiser as it comes of age. I don't see why it should go down after its teenage, as adulthood awaits it. Culture is often brought up in such discussions. Not only did this new nation color a completely new world through its ideas, its science and its commerce, its culture has touched every nation of the world and anyone who doubts or denies it is simply not aware of their surroundings. We live in an Amercianised world for better and for worse. We live in a more tolerant world and one that has a better understanding of other nations and peoples because of its media and its exchange. More nations have come out of poverty with the tools it established and shared with others. I know the US is no great savior, but as far as historic super powers go, it has been a much better nation.
This narrative of age is not really valid if i may. The United States is a relatively new nation but established by people of a very old civilization. In fact its strength lies in the very fact that the people from the old nations were able to break away from all that was holding them back and moved on, revitalizing their new nation with novel ideas and a completely fresh perspective. Almost 300 years is not so insignificant in terms of a nation either. Most nations you speak of were not nations themselves till the English carved them up in the sand and gave them names. Your analogy also has an inherent flaw. If the old are wise, they must have been once young, which means the US is only getting wiser as it comes of age. I don't see why it should go down after its teenage, as adulthood awaits it. Culture is often brought up in such discussions. Not only did this new nation color a completely new world through its ideas, its science and its commerce, its culture has touched every nation of the world and anyone who doubts or denies it is simply not aware of their surroundings. We live in an Amercianised world for better and for worse. We live in a more tolerant world and one that has a better understanding of other nations and peoples because of its media and its exchange. More nations have come out of poverty with the tools it established and shared with others. I know the US is no great savior, but as far as historic super powers go, it has been a much better nation.

The first thing I said was "Americans Can't understand" and you prove me right here yet again.

First let me make some points for you clear. Nation =/= country. For instance you can say that Sham+Egypt+Arabia constitute a nation its people has the same history same ideas same language and even watch the same TV shows and Movies with only borders that divide the people that if erased would only be for the better in fact you can find many people who have family of cousins in two or more of these countries.

Second: A nation's soul is a living breathing thing. It is true about what you said about the US the new Utopia of the world for a time but that time is slowly passing away and everyone was made aware of this fact recently but what the US lacks is history of thousands of years of hardships that you can feel in the air around you. When you take a walk in the middle east you can not help but feel that something ancient was here something that still lives within the people of this land this soul drives people to do things. this soul is not yet mature in America but without a doubt it is in the making however only through wounds will it grow and all our nations has wounds of war in them. This may sound like gibberish to you but I think other forum members here would understand.
Is S-300 really that effective? I mean, it has never been proved to shoot down any stealth aircraft, or better any other advanced aircraft like F-15s/F-16s, so how can Iran bet that it will save it from Israeli/USA bombing?

Or is there something that we are really missing....:help:
Is S-300 really that effective? I mean, it has never been proved to shoot down any stealth aircraft, or better any other advanced aircraft like F-15s/F-16s, so how can Iran bet that it will save it from Israeli/USA bombing?

Or is there something that we are really missing....:help:
Edit: sorry I didn't understand what you meant first time I read it
Is S-300 really that effective? I mean, it has never been proved to shoot down any stealth aircraft, or better any other advanced aircraft like F-15s/F-16s, so how can Iran bet that it will save it from Israeli/USA bombing?

Or is there something that we are really missing....:help:

S-300 is a compromised system is you ask me. Greeks have taught its ends and outs to Israelis. Also as I understand Azerbaijan has it too and they are also good friends with Israel who hate Iran. S-400+ or at least HQ-9 if you ask me.

Unless of course Iran plans to get the Tech but give it some Plastic surgery of its own to make it unrecognizable to the enemy then that is another possibility.

---------- Post added at 02:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:43 AM ----------

Edit: sorry I didn't understand what you meant first time I read it

Dude calm down a bit. You have a waaaay too strong a defensive attitude.
Ok here is a thing that Americans can't understand. Iran, Europe, China the Arab World all of those things will never "Disappear" by simply moving your troops in them and striking them. These nations have been around for thousands of years and they know who they are what they are suppose to do and what are their goals. USA however is a new kid in town who had a growth spurt in front of all these old men in time it will lose this advantage and like all teenagers it will do rash and stupid mistakes and will go down eventually.

As you can see the US economy is in tatters and is being kept together by "Invisible money" due to the US get rich quick schemes which eventually back fired. America is yet to develop a real culture like the rest of the world the pop culture all though is the most wide spread world wide but for the rest of the world it is not life rather than young people's passing phase before they return to the culture of their ancestors. It will be some time before the US develops strong ancestral heritage, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington can not be compared with for instance Persian Cyrus or English Richard LionHeart or Arabic Haroon Al-Rashid.

US is an extension of European civilization. Their culture is borrowed from different European cultures. US economy may be in tatters, but they have the ability to recover very quickly, through unconventional means if necessary. I don't think USA has any intention of destroying other cultures - they just want the resources. And as a "new kid in the block", they have done exceptionally well.
Dude calm down a bit. You have a waaaay too strong a defensive attitude.
arab, you didn't even know what I said and why I edited it
I gave him a link about the drone and he wasn't even asking for that. He was asking about the abilities of the S-300 system so I edited my post. Fishing from muddy waters eh Mosa? Get a life
arab, you didn't even know what I said and why I edited it
I gave him a link about the drone and he wasn't even asking for that. He was asking about the abilities of the S-300 system so I edited my post. Fishing from muddy waters eh Mosa? Get a life

Lol it is amazing when replies and posts are in reverse as it is in this post lol.

Again what I am trying to say is stop doing exactly THIS. and calm down. What I was trying to do is take the opportunity to give you and advice. I still haven't forgotten a couple of months ago we had an extremely reasonable and unbiased and civil conversation and not our usual Pickering.

Your blood is too hot and in Arabia we have a saying "Those who are hot blooded die young".
@Mosa, the beginnings of the US were based upon Roman culture and heritage.

I understand that it is the 'new kid in town'. But we have to admit, they developed really damn fast! And all this talk of the US collapsing like the USSR is mostly BS.

Sure, they make a lot of mistakes as the 'new kid in town', but they usually do the right thing in the end.

As for the S-300, there are several variants of it. And the Russians usually do not give out the best of their stuff to export customers. Especially for the Middle Eastern countries. Even the Americans do that, but they generally offer better (and more expensive) packages.

Although, some products offered by the Russians (such as the SU-35) may not be downgraded variants. And that depends on the price the end-user is willing to pay.
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