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Iran, father of Islamic, European civilizations

Stfu clown.. Mere BS claims without any evidence to prove your shitty hindutva conspiracy theories aren't gonna float here.. Now get lost.

:o:Coming from a nation of Conspiracy Theorists :lol::lol::lol:

If you try to acquire something, you'll lose something else along the way. That's the truth of this world. No matter how sad it is.

You guys are incredible !
You call IVC your past and in the same breath call Invading Central Asians as your ancestors and feel proud of your Indic heritage and last names .:lol::lol::lol:
You should google and post the pics of Mauryan Pillars and see the similarities between Persian/Achaemenid empire t ..... its amazing the prowess of indian archtecture but rock cut and in general 2 thousand years back.

Mauryan Artefacts: Pillars, Rock-cut Architecture, Stupas and Other Details

I´m italian. :) Italy was formed as a hybrid of etruskian and greek people. You never read the Ilias? Why do i even ask. Classical education is something only the west does. I guess classical greek and roman literature is not teached in the Madrassa.

In those 75 years iran was destroyed. Why is it, that Iran prays to a prophet that destroyed them? A prophet pushed on it from outside from invaders? How is it that Iran has a regime now that labels great kings like cyrus as villains? You know we saw the persians always as enemies in rome. But we respected their kings.
In our school books we praise Cyrus the Great and all of Iranian kings very much. Iranians know Cyrus as a religious person and the first king of 'east and west' of the world and believe his name is mentioned in Quran as Zol Qarnayn (owner of east and west of the world), in Avesta as son of paradise, in Turah as Sirus, in bibel as Cyrus.

You're just trolling. Iranians never distepect their past kings. We only disrespect Pahalavids and Qajaris.
I´m italian. :) Italy was formed as a hybrid of etruskian and greek people. You never read the Ilias? Why do i even ask. Classical education is something only the west does. I guess classical greek and roman literature is not teached in the Madrassa.

In those 75 years iran was destroyed. Why is it, that Iran prays to a prophet that destroyed them? A prophet pushed on it from outside from invaders? How is it that Iran has a regime now that labels great kings like cyrus as villains? You know we saw the persians always as enemies in rome. But we respected their kings.
You should read Indica by megasthenes a greek emissary who came to india (not present day pakistan) in 300 BC.

Megasthenes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You should google and post the pics of Mauryan Pillars and see the similarities between Persian/Achaemenid empire t ..... its amazing the prowess of indian archtecture but rock cut and in general 2 thousand years back.

Mauryan Artefacts: Pillars, Rock-cut Architecture, Stupas and Other Details

India and the Greek World; A study in the transmission of culture
In our school books we praise Cyrus the Great and all of Iranian kings very much. Iranians know Cyrus as a religious person and the first king of east and west of the world and believe his named is mentioned in Quran as Zol qarnayn (owner of east of west of the world), in Avesta as son of paradise, in Turah as Sirus, in bibel as Cyrus.

You're just trolling. Iranians never distepect their past kings. We only disrespect Pahalavids and Qajaris.

Really? So why calls the Ayatollah the kings barbarians and worshippers of the devil?
Really? So why calls the Ayatollah the kings barbarians and worshippers of the devil?
There is no such thing. We praise all of Iranian empires except Pahlavids and Qajarids and two kings of Sassanian empire:Khosro parviz and third Yadzgird. Other than these exception we severely praise all of our past history. Especially Achaemenid, Seljuk and Safavid empires.
There is no such thing. We praise all of Iranian empires except Pahlavids and Qajarids and . We severely praise all of our past history.

I was wondering , What is the view of Islamic Iran on Zoroastrianism and its Prophet ?
There is no such thing. We praise all of Iranian empires except Pahlavids and Qajarids and two kings of Sassanian empire:Khosro parviz and third Yadzgird. Other than these exception we severely praise all of our past history. Especially Achaemenid, Seljuk and Safavid empires.

Which of our emperors do you like most?
Which of our emperors do you like most?
Cyrus the great and Shah Ismael Safavi.
I was wondering , What is the view of Islamic Iran on Zoroastrianism and its Prophet ?

Islamic tradition in iran has been tweaked to include the Zoroastrians as a recognized religious minority with a seat in the parliament ; the arabs call them majoos , but iran does recognize and respect them ; some islamic offshoot sects are presecuted more often than people like the zoroastrians , Like the Bahaii'

though my personal opinion is that the zoroastrian religion was not native to iran , even if it was the religion of the scythians were Mithraism , or as they call it the worship of the Sun
Cyrus the great and Shah Ismael Safavi.

I asked about our emperors. :)
Which of our emperors do you like most?
i like the christian ones , who screwed Rome from within itself , Like Hitler famously said , wasn't it for christianity the Roman empire was destined for Global domination ..

I asked about our emperors. :)

deutsch emperors?
I was wondering , What is the view of Islamic Iran on Zoroastrianism and its Prophet ?
Zoroastrianism is an Abrahamic, monotheism and our ancient religion and like Judaism and Christianiaty we respect it.
Zoroastrianism is an Abrahamic, monotheism and our ancient religion and like Judaism and Christianiaty we respect it.
Good :tup:

But are you sure its Abrahmic ???
Their are similarities in Avestan and Sanskrit . Vedic Aryans or Indo Aryans have similarities with Indo Iranian .
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