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Iran donates $25 million to Turkey's ruling party

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Dec 27, 2009
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Iran donates $25 million to Turkey's ruling party - Telegraph


Iran has agreed to donate $25 million (£16 million) to Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in a move that will increase fears that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is preparing to abandon the country's secular constitution.

Western diplomats say they are alarmed by reports that Mr Erdogan has negotiated a deal with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Tehran to make a substantial contribution to the campaign funds of Turkey's leading Islamic party.

Under the terms of the deal Iran has agreed to transfer $12 million to the AKP, with further payments of up to $25 million to be made later in the year. The money is said to be meant to help support Mr Erdogan's campaign for re-election for a third term in next year's general election.

The Turkish government denied having received the money from Iran.

The Turkish prime minister announced he would stand for a historic third term following his success in last weekend's referendum on constitutional reform.

The government argued that the reforms were necessary to improve Turkey's chances of membership to the European Union. But secular critics of the reforms, which provide the government with powers to overrule Turkey's powerful judiciary, argue that they will pave the way for a key Western ally to become an Islamic state.

The judiciary is widely regarded as the guardian of Turkey's secular constitution. In 2008 it came close to banning the AKP after it campaigned for women attending university courses to wear Islamic headscarves.

Western diplomats now fear that the AKP's deal with Iran will heighten fears among Turkish secularists that Mr Erdogan will exploit the government's new powers to drive through the AKP's radical Islamic agenda.

"The agreement between the AKP and Iran is a very worrying development," said a senior Western diplomat. "It will increase the suspicions of many Turks that the government is deepening its ties with Islamic states.

Earlier this year Turkey annoyed Washington after it publicly backed Iran's controversial nuclear programme. Relations between Turkey and Iran have deepened following Ankara's backing for the aid flotilla which attempted to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza strip.

Apart from transferring funds to the AKP, diplomats say Iran has also agreed to provide financial support for the IHH, the Turkish Islamic charity IHH which supported last May's aid flotilla which ended in disaster when it was intercepted by Israeli commandos, which resulted in the deaths of nine activists.
Whoa, is that allowed in Turkey?

Even in India, foreign govt.s can't fund politcal parties. So assuming theAKP denial istrue, I would assume similar laws apply in Turkey as well.
Whoa, is that allowed in Turkey?

Even in India, foreign govt.s can't fund politcal parties. So assuming theAKP denial istrue, I would assume similar laws apply in Turkey as well.

Yeah pretty sure it is illegal. This is not surprising though. Since the AKP has come to power Investment/Trade with countries like Iran,Syria have gone up considerably and sky rocketed with Saudi Arabia. (Current president use to work for the Saudi Islamic banks so that part isn't surprising)
This news has been officially denied by Iranian government.
is this legal????

edit: Jigs had a good point
And by the Turkish Govt too , so where is the fuss its just Paranoia creation at which British Media is really really good at.

could be.....i find it hard to believe; it's a conflict of interest on a large scale
So no hoopla about supporting dictators in the ME?
could be.....i find it hard to believe; it's a conflict of interest on a large scale

Turkey is going to be the Economic Engine of Europe even if they don't take it in EU. There is a lot of leg pulling when it comes to Turkey and Britishers are notorious for spreading discord by publishing BS news.

Can anyone provide a proof for such a payment? i don't think so , that is why i wonder when ever BBC is reporting on Iranian issues even when they are banned in Iran.
My issues with the article are that, it states that they were "alarmed by reports" without substantiating them further. Then, the "said a senior Western diplomat" part provides enough anonymity to render the statement unable to be verified. Moreover, link stories on other news sources generate from the Telegraph as well. The remaining bulk of the piece is largely irrelevant to the main story and present only to lead to a certain opinion. Hence, based on preconceived notions, the story is going to be read over as hype for some and further evidence for others. The target of the article is not to demean Iran (not primarily in any case), but Erdogan and the AKP in general by showing them as having shadowy party financial dealings with states and perhaps their own party vested interests above that of state vested interests. I personally find it illogical, damaging and without any real benefits, hence false.
So no hoopla about supporting dictators in the ME?
Well AKP Party in Turkey is elected by people and it is not a dictator party like Saudi Monarchy which is in bed with USA so get off your high horse and please just because you know a lot about aircrafts does not mean you know everything.

It is pointless to respond. He has been to Turkey and look at the way he still sees everything it is sad. I know a few U.S. air force guys that were stationed at Incirlik and he gives them a bad name.
Yeah pretty sure it is illegal. This is not surprising though. Since the AKP has come to power Investment/Trade with countries like Iran,Syria have gone up considerably and sky rocketed with Saudi Arabia. (Current president use to work for the Saudi Islamic banks so that part isn't surprising)

This news is denied by AKP. Are you suggesting that all Turkish political parties are proxy for foreign powers. May be CHP and MHP are being supported by opponents of Iran like Israel and US. The dislike of AKP by its opponents knows no bounds as they will even support coup d'etat.
This news is denied by AKP. Are you suggesting that all Turkish political parties are proxy for foreign powers. May be CHP and MHP are being supported by opponents of Iran like Israel and US. The dislike of AKP by its opponents knows no bounds as they will even support coup d'etat.

Maybe you can explain why the net error(Money not accounted for by the central banking system) in turkey since the AKP came to power increased from 200 million dollars to 4 billion dollars. Maybe you can also explain why since the AKP came to power they have put journalists/writers speaking against the party in jail. They have taxed the living daylights out of dogan media group (owns 40% of the Turkish Media) to the point where they pretty much shut down on any anti-AKP reporting. Also did you know that the AKP since coming into office acquired more dept then governments that came before it for the last 3 decades combined ?

So the AKP denying they received money from Iran while the evidence points other wise will lead me to believe the are lying. Want to know something else. If i openly posted stuff like this in newspapers in Turkey i would probably be behind bars too.
Has anyone looked at the trade we are currently doing with Saudi Arabia (2002 it was 1 billion dollars) now the Saudi Government says they will invest over 400 billion dollars in a multi-year program into Turkey. UAE is another area we have increased trade with heavily as well. The current president of turkey use to work for the Saudi Islamic banks it doesn't take much to add some of these things up.
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