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Iran did not accuse Pakistan in UN for guard's abduction: FO

Kashmir -- Pakistan
Aksai Chin -- China
Assam -- Bangladesh
Political -- Sri Lanka

seriously dude.... leave it

No it isn't true because there isn't any evidence but hearsay to substantiate that.....hearsay like the ex-Indian Army Chief asserting that India has been sponsoring terrorism within Pakistan - Maybe we should take his word for it too !

At any Pakistan achieves nothing by providing sanctuaries to either Al-Qaeeda - who started killing our people long before the TTP was formed or the Jaish-ul-Adal - as they are a Sectarian Outfit or a Separatists Outfit; the both of which spells doom for us in Baluchistan !

Ex Indian army chief talked about Intelligence unit setup inside Pakistan...

how about the wajiristan and kashmir...
There are so many threads being opened on this same topic. But whenever we articulate the Iranian position they all just run away and open a new thread on the same topic with more empty puffery and heads buried under the dirt.

This issue is really not that complicated, so i repost here.

If Iranians are really serious in securing their remaining 13 guards, then they should immediately offer talks to this Jaish-adal group without fail & engage them sincerely. Otherwise, she keep threatening in futility to Pakistan just for point scoring forever & this would really expose her how cruel as a republic she is......playing on the bloods of their own countrymen.........Pathetic!!
Offer talks to who? You think these people have an office or phone number that can be used to arrange a meeting? They are faceless cross-border terrorists that operate out of lawless Pakistani Balouchistan. They have already uploaded a statement onto the web listing their demands, all of which are unrealistic and were designed to be so.

There are only two options left.

1) Pakistan reaffirms control over its own 'territory', dismantles terrorist safe havens in their country and sends its police force to find and arrest these people and transfer them to Iran for prosecution.


2) Pakistan admits that it has no control over its own territory and so accepts an Iranian military operation within the so-called Pakistani territory near our borders to clear them of criminal and terrorist save havens that Pakistani police should have confronted themselves.

These are the demands that Iranian officials have made to Pakistan.

These Iranian guards are abducted from where???????? IRAN ???......
They were conscripts posted at the border with Pakistan with no means to defened themselves. I have seen the video of their abduction released by Jeash al-Adl and they were staying out in the middle of no where in just a tent. The Adl terrorists had crossed the border into Iran from Pakistan and taken our people at gun point back into Pakistan.

Of course, the Iranians overseeing the deployment and welfare of these men have been accused of gross negligence. Some have already been dismissed and appropriate reprimands and punishments will be handed out to officials on our side that have been accused of negligence.

Now, the bigger problem for us is that Iranian forces have not penetrated the Pakistani side of the border to eliminate the terrorist and criminal sanctuaries that exist on that side. We have been waiting for the Pakistanis to clean-up their side of its lawlessness for a long time, but they have not done so.

And for your information, the IRGC Qod's force will now be deployed on the Iranian side and i expect that they will start a military sweep of the area. But without police action or a military operation on the Pakistani side, which so far the Pakistanis have consistently failed to do even when asked several years ago, the cross-border terrorism will no doubt continue. This is unacceptable to Iranians, hence, why there is so much criticism against Pakistan.

We dont know anymore if it is just Pakistan's weakness and ineptitude to exert control over its territory along its borders with Afghanistan or Iran, or if there is complicity with Taliban and other terrorists from the Pakistani establishment. We knew for at least 15 years that this latter view was the Afghan position on Pakistan, but Iran never officially or publicly endorsed this view. But i see that changing very quickly now because Iranians have finally had enough with terrorism from Pakistan.
Yes. Yes. As if that is likely to happen. Someone abducting a brigade! :D

you people are so rude ...

goddamn .....

if i was in charge , we also would take no responsability whatsoever for the things happening along the border .....

if one day an armed group kidnapped a whole brigade of soldiers from pakistan and executed them , iran would take no step at all ......
I dunno if the Iranians have determined that as of yet either - They seem to be deliberating between the Saudis on one hand & the Americans & Israelis on the other, as being the ones responsible !

Saudi Arabia Key Culprit In Guards' Abduction, Iranian MP Says

Iranian general blames US for kidnapping of its border guards
yaar common even we blame RAW, MOSAD,CIA and Afghan intelligence too. But we as knowing and living in this country know that is true!
Our regional is basically hosting a world cup of terrorism here, so take Irani statements in this context.

Like @junghary(when he was talking abt interrogation techniques) once said their is always a little truth even if a person is lying.......... Dont believe in media start making yr own analytic skills.

Our media reports something that ''Iran Slams Pakistan'' abt border guards when their media reports it smoothly as ''Iran Requests Pakistan'' to take action against border guards.

While on the otherhand if an indian parliamentarian says in their parliament abt cross boder skirmishes that ''India should kill 10 of pakistani troops if they kill our 5'' and their own media reports that, then nobody take the trouble of reporting it here in our great and unsinkable media!!! These r double standards and hypocrisy.

There is a campaign going in our media to further disturb our relations with neighbors, something we cant afford further.
No man, missed it. Normally wear a mechanical watch and forgot about daylight savings, plus am always late to the airport.... so imagine 1 hour from watch and 1 hour my usual laziness PLUS not checking in online... ********** * * * ***** ** ******...... no matter, flying day after! :D

@Hyperion - Did you get the flight ?
yaar common even we blame RAW, MOSAD,CIA and Afghan intelligence too. But we as knowing and living in this country know that is true!
Our regional is basically hosting a world cup of terrorism here, so take Irani statements in this context.

Like @junghary(when he was talking abt interrogation techniques) once said their is always a little truth even if a person is lying.......... Dont believe in media start making yr own analytic skills.

Our media reports something that ''Iran Slams Pakistan'' abt border guards when their media reports it smoothly as ''Iran Requests Pakistan'' to take action against border guards.

While on the otherhand if an indian parliamentarian says in their parliament abt cross boder skirmishes that ''India should kill 10 of pakistani troops if they kill our 5'' and their own media reports that, then nobody take the trouble of reporting it here in our great and unsinkable media!!! These r double standards and hypocrisy.

There is a campaign going in our media to further disturb our relations with neighbors, something we cant afford further.

I don't know if you're listening to the same media as I am because this Issue isn't even being discussed here in Pakistan except as part of interviews of the FO Spokeswoman or Sartaj Aziz & they've always replied in a cordial manner & have talked about extended all the support to Iran with Aziz even mentioning Joint-Operation with Iran when Ijaz Haider was interviewing him a few days ago !
I don't know if you're listening to the same media as I am because this Issue isn't even being discussed here in Pakistan except as part of interviews of the FO Spokeswoman or Sartaj Aziz & they've always replied in a cordial manner & have talked about extended all the support to Iran with Aziz even mentioning Joint-Operation with Iran when Ijaz Haider was interviewing him a few days ago !
obviously that is true as well but will it be complied? I mean we can sign a lot of treaties but they hold no value if one of the party dont take necessary action. Take a look at this boder guard issue.....We already have an agreement of Border with them since 2009 by which iranis r asking us to take action as by that we r responsible from our side of border. But if we even cant do that and then go into same country offering another Joint-Operation agreement with them so how will they see it? They probably r viewing it as another hoax from this government who in its very essence is not serious with iran and prefers Saudia Arabia and their say over National Interests. We r fast loosing our credibility hence now Irani Government is not taking Sartaj Aziz's offer seriously.
Sartaj Aziz's offer seriously.

Perhaps they should - Asking for 'evidence' isn't really an unreasonable demand & we've cooperated with the Iranians plenty of times whether it was during Shah's time or whether it was nabbing Riggi !
Perhaps they should - Asking for 'evidence' isn't really an unreasonable demand & we've cooperated with the Iranians plenty of times whether it was during Shah's time or whether it was nabbing Riggi !
Priorities and different times dude and with different set of people who had a different approach in mind then this government. The international Relations r conducted according to the changing geo-political situations as well. Now situation has been changing since this gov has shaked hands with Saudis over National interests.
Then what seems to prevent you from doing one of the following:

(a) furnishing evidence to the Media if you think the Pakistani Officials are lying !

(b) furnishing evidence to the UN if you think the same !

If they are in pakistan, onus lies with you to get evidence.

How come another nation with no jurisdiction or authority in pakistan can collect evidence?

Why not offering a joint search operation to Iran?
Priorities and different times dude and with different set of people who had a different approach in mind then this government.

Contrary to popular belief I don't think that the priorities could be anymore Pro-Iran at any time then they are now because of 3 reasons:

(i) Pakistan is exhausted of nearly 3 decades of instability in the region & now we - the Government & the Army - want peace to rebuild ourselves & our economy & they're doing pretty much everything to achieve that !

(iii) Pakistan has an Afghanistan that increasingly looks like it'll plunge in Civil War post-2014, a not so quiet border with India & internal security challenges of the highest order which means no one....not the GHQ...not the Civilian Executive wants to open up yet another front to bog us down so the Iran issue is High Priority for us !

(iii) If Ambassador Zafar Hilali is to be believed when he quoted his conversation with the Iranian High Commissioner/Diplomat to Pakistan when the former was serving than Iran can play very....very.....very dirty which pretty much is where they excel at - everywhere from the African Maghrib to Iraq is testament to that !

We can't afford that right now !

If they are in pakistan, onus lies with you to get evidence.

How come another nation with no jurisdiction or authority in pakistan can collect evidence?

Why not offering a joint search operation to Iran?

Because that 'if' is for which Pakistan has been asking for 'evidence' & Sartaj Aziz - the de-facto FM of Pakistan - is on record as having offered Joint Operation to Iran to fight these terrorists & recover the captured guards if actionable intelligence is given about them being here on Pakistani Soil....!

So either de-facto FM is lying or the Iranians are or there is a communication gap between the two with no-one really lying !

The best bet is to present the evidence to the Media or to the UN so that what is what is substantiated !
Iran handled this in an immature way hence the bitter reaction from Pakistan.

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