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Iran desires a role in CPEC: Iranian Ambassador


The level of sectarianism that existed when both KSA and Iran were pouring in money in Pakistan to further their respective agenda-based ideologies during 80s and 90s is now at its lowest level. Prominent recognised scholars of both sects have time and again come up and openly acknowledged the foreign hand in inculcating this militant mindset and in Musharraf's tenure productive efforts were made to root out this problem. Thereafter, many of the targeting of professionals and scholars from either sects was done deliberately by Raw and CIA sponsored assets to re-ignite sectarianism led violence in our society, both they miserably failed.

Please read the JIT reports of several of the target killers arrested recently, who not only belong to MQM but also to militant wings of some so-called religious groups. It's an eye opener.

The statement above by none other than a person belonging to Think Tanks group of the forum that "half of Pakistan hates Shias" was false, baseless and highly irresponsible and achieved nothing but further and support the agenda of Pakistan's enemy.
Without pointing out to anyone in particular.....

My dear brothers please UNDERSTAND that whoever amongst us who tries to create differences amongst us based on ethnic and sectarian grounds, is actually not from amongst us.

At this juncture, there's not place for anyone in our ranks who contributes towards causing disunity in our society.

Identify such people, point them out and then ignore them.
I absolutely do not trust the Iranians.They are inherently Sunni haters.They're doing everything to expand the Shia influence in the region.The've gone as far as tag teaming with the tyrant Bashar in Syria who has God knows comitted what magnitudes of attrocities in Syria.I have started to despise Iran recently altough I have never been so in my life.

But Iran knows it's a different game with Pakistan.They can do nothing fruitful here as far as expanding Shia influence is concered.
They might collaborate with us where their national interests suits otherwise they have zero goodwill towards Sunni Muslims.Believe me.

At this stage Pakistan can't afford to spoil relations with Iran bcz of our weak position.Every move of theirs should be taken with a pinch of salt.Iranians have never been the well wishers of Sunni Muslims.Never.

Always remember that it never suits the Iranian agenda if there's a strong Sunni country nearby.That's why they probably allowed India to use their soil against us.
They don't hate Pakistan or Pakistanis.They're only allergic to Sunni Islam.
If you haven't studied the Shia creed and belief system then please don't come running attacking me.Stay quite.

I'm glad Pakistani Shias are behaving well for the most part.I pray that it stays like this forever and both Shia and Sunni scholars keep the extremist elements in check.

p.s My comment is about the govts. and policy makers.Not about the general public which is too busy to indulge in such matters.
Iran should make its mind that who will they stand up with on 1 side they are making deals with india giving them unrestricted visa & access to chabahar port & on the other side they are saying they want to be a part of CPEC.
Iran is a brotherly country and our population like iranians. Ofcourse Pakistan should increase contact trade & contact with Iran.

Pakistan & Iran should start developing border areas with roads, fiber, electricity, gas, modern infrastructure, law & order.
Both needs to upgrade Balochistan area.

Pakistan have & will in future also have bad relationship with India.
Pakistan and Afghanistans relationship is bad due to complains from afghan side, they want 80% pakistani terrotory.
Pakistan cant afford bad relationship with Iran & China, so Pakistan can afford to play any game of KSA against our brotherly neighbour Iran

Correction please , First of all Iran is not our brotherly country a brotherly country donot bomb your borders every other day neither a brotherly country support sectarianism and look for ways to export its bloody revolution
And only a small percentage of brainwashed population like Iran ........

Never saw him talking any sense ... idiot drunk hassan nisar is the most hated among Pakistani youth but for Indians he is an apple of an eye because he speaks their langauge

Iran should make its mind that who will they stand up with on 1 side they are making deals with india giving them unrestricted visa & access to chabahar port & on the other side they are saying they want to be a part of CPEC.

Iran only wants to facilitate India by joining CPEC we can never trust back stabber Iran with zionist ambitions
50% Pakistanis hate Shia?
If you scroll back I said I sometimes use harsh language as a conveyance of blunt reality. That blunt reality is that in one city alone - Quetta over 1,000 Shias have been murdered. If in France 1,000 Muslims were murdered in Paris I think you would conclude there is serious problem in that country. That is the exact situation of Shia in Pakistan. Why not look at the stats for killings instead of burying your head in sand?

Bottom line my sentance might have carried factually incorrect or loose content but it does not change the fact that Shia's are being killed in Pakistan like maggots. And before you ask, No. I m not a Shia.

Link > http://www.dawn.com/news/663772/a-history-of-religious-violence
Link > http://www.mei.edu/content/map/sectarian-violence-and-intolerance-pakistan

"On May 13, more than 40 people were killed and at least 13 injured in a gun attack on a bus carrying members of the minority Ismaili Shi‘i sect in Karachi, Pakistan.[1] This was not the deadliest attack of the year, as that dubious honor goes to a suicide bombing in a district in Sindh, which left 61 Shi‘a dead in January.[2] Yet the brazen nature of the attack―carried out in daylight in the bustling megacity of Karachi by gunmen who reportedly boarded the bus and shot at passengers indiscriminately―was striking even in a country where over 2,000 people have been killed and 3,500 injured in sectarian attacks in the past five years.

The large majority of these victims have been members of the Shi‘i sect of Islam who comprise approximately 15 percent of the country’s population (although precise numbers are unknown)"

because despie your governments best attempt cpec is going ahead. and will go ahead

Your own panel members in media telling that it is Chinese black listed companies are participating CPEC project and so again why hue and cry against indian govt ! There are many pakistan experts also telling that China will about to sell its old/discard coal equipments to pakistan as china itself moving away from coal in 2030.It is none other than your own former president is telling that you are taking loan for CPEC with very high interest rate.

In next few years, pakistan will be occupied by Chinese - Pakistani Media

Well, it's never been mentioned in our media. And by definition CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) will be between China and Pakistan.

We will join another project of China, as far as I know. And that was, if I recall correctly, the Silk Road Project. Here is more info on the subject:


Yup and together this initiative of linking Europe to Asia is known as OBOR, One Belt One Road project, to economically integrate 64 countries !!!
Turkey. What do you mean?
I meant that OBOR initiative will include Turkey but as the northern terminus of the Silk Road - not CPEC. Turkey will be the final link on the China - Central Asia - West Asia Economic Corridor (CCAWEC)


Those East Asian's have threads opened on alluding to their superiority in intelligence. Looking at this thread maybe they have a bloody point.
The Chinese have a thread going [ Link (1) below ] that subtly suggest that the reason behind their incredible success is that through social evolution they have inbred higher average IQ. Looking at the level of debate in this discussion maybe they have a point. In Pakistan maybe we have through inbreeding done the opposite.

I am sure you have heard of the Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray where they posit that human intelligence is not a random quality in the human species. Instead they suggest that it tends to cluster toward certain groups. That is not to suggest that you can get brilliant minds in a particular group which otherwise might display general level of retardness.

My point was the level of discussion in this thread is so sub- normal that it does raise troubling questions - A "hot air" comment by a Iranian diplomat in Islamabad has been leveraged by members here to suggest CPEC is on the move into Iran when it has barely even taken traction in Pakistan. To jack it all of they have even spun Turkey into it. They are ignorant of even the basic contours of OBOR - map above. If they had even bothered to comprehend the basics then they would know China will link up woth Iran through Central Asia. In fact trains are already moving along that route.

On top of this reality they ignore the extreme intended kill rates of Shia inside Pakistan with rampant sectarianism. Whether that is Iran or Saudia's fault is irrelevant as you point out. The fact is Pakistan has allowed it's territory to be used for game of sectarian gladiators.

In addition Pakistan has sensitized it's population to only think along religious lines. Thus when one of the top questions on list of meeting a Pakistani is "are you Muslim". This again is fruits of flawed Pakistani policy of past governments which invested too much into religious identity and entirely failed in building a secular identity. The results are the country has largely been franchized out to religious "profiteers" ho use Islam to gain power and privilage. Again it take the Chinese to tackle that problem. Link (2) below.

Link (1) > https://defence.pk/threads/how-soci...meritocracy-shaped-the-middle-kingdom.444685/

Link (2) > https://defence.pk/threads/china-to-ban-religious-profiteering.448297/
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I meant that OBOR initiative will include Turkey but as the northern terminus of the Silk Road - not CPEC. Turkey will be the final link on the China - Central Asia - West Asia Economic Corridor (CCAWEC)


The Chinese have a thread going [ Link (1) below ] that subtly suggest that the reason behind their incredible success is that through social evolution they have inbred higher average IQ. Looking at the level of debate in this discussion maybe they have a point. In Pakistan maybe we have through inbreeding done the opposite.

I am sure you have heard of the Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein and political scientist Charles Murray where they posit that human intelligence is not a random quality in the human species. Instead they suggest that it tends to cluster toward certain groups. That is not to suggest that you can get brilliant minds in a particular group which otherwise might display general level of retardness.

My point was the level of discussion in this thread is so sub- normal that it does raise troubling questions - A "hot air" comment by a Iranian diplomat in Islamabad has been leveraged by members here to suggest CPEC is on the move into Iran when it has barely even taken traction in Pakistan. On top of that they ignorant of even the basic contours of OBOR - map above. If they had even bothered to comprehend the basics then they would know China will link up woth Iran through Central Asia. In fact trains are already moving along that route.

On top of this reality they ignore the extreme intended kill rates of Shia inside Pakistan with rampant sectarianism. Whether that is Iran or Saudia's fault is irrelevant as you point out. The fact is Pakistan has allowed it's territory to be used for game of sectarian gladiators.

In addition Pakistan has sensitized it's population to only think along religious lines. Thus when one of the top questions on list of meeting a Pakistani is "are you Muslim". This again is fruits of flawed Pakistani policy of past governments which invested too much into religious identity and entirely failed in building a secular identity. The results are the country has largely been franchized out to religious "profiteers" ho use Islam to gain power and privilage. Again it take the Chinese to tackle that problem. Link (2) below.

Link (1) > https://defence.pk/threads/how-soci...meritocracy-shaped-the-middle-kingdom.444685/

Link (2) > https://defence.pk/threads/china-to-ban-religious-profiteering.448297/
One has to only go to Shia forums to see what they think of Sunnis. You my old friend are living in a fool's paradise.
One has to only go to Shia forums to see what they think of Sunnis
I know. The hatred is mutual. I am not living in "fools paradise" as I am fully aware of hatred from both sides. I am merely acknowledging the reality that exists which some here want to paper over. We have a sectarian divide - emanating from both sides.
Your own panel members in media telling that it is Chinese black listed companies are participating CPEC project and so again why hue and cry against indian govt ! There are many pakistan experts also telling that China will about to sell its old/discard coal equipments to pakistan as china itself moving away from coal in 2030.It is none other than your own former president is telling that you are taking loan for CPEC with very high interest rate.

In next few years, pakistan will be occupied by Chinese - Pakistani Media

Looks like lying is the national policy of India now. No where do they say Chinese will occupy. This is from last year when Xi Jinping visited Pak , They are saying don't put all the eggs in one basket, just the way Pakistan did in 1950's with US. The analysts , mostly supporter of opposition parties and critics of the govt want diversification. Diversification itself will come as CPEC isn't only about China. Saudi defence minister, the son of the King last week highlighted its importance as the energy exports to China from gulf will pass through here. Iran has expressed interest in joining. Russia is investing and constructing $2 Billion North-South gas pipeline from Lahore to Karachi. CAS, the Central Asian states will depend upon this route for their imports and energy exports.
CPEC investment isn't loans, major chunk of it is investment on Build Operate Transfer basis. PTI, the main opposition political party is propogating this loan boggie as it is seeing its defeat in 2018 elections if CPEC comes into full swing.
$37 Billion is Chinese investment while $9 Billion are soft loans

Sectarian hate or no hate, Iran is following an independent foreign policy here. By supporting CPEC and even wanting to be part of this project, it is directly going against Indian wishes who up until now have been trying to gather support against it and sabotage it.

This reciprocation follows Pakistan's stance of an independent and neutral foreign policy with regard to mideast politics between KSA and Iran.

At least on a government to government basis, this is a positive step. I think in the near future if there is participation in CPEC from Iran and mutual trade energy deals start bearing fruit then any outstanding mistrust on ground level between Pakistanis and Iranians will be gone.

Pakistanis may argue Iranians are recruiting Pakistanis for wars, well I say secure your borders and internal security. I can't see the Iranians protesting at no longer being able to do this!

Compare the Iranian rhetoric to Afghanistan for example. World's apart, you can tell who wants peace and prosperity.
I notice quite a few members here are taking exception to what I said. To deny that Pakistan does not have a sectarian problem is to live in fools paradise. To deny that Pakistan has had strained relations with Iran over previous two decades is to live in fool's paradise. Yes, as Pakistan pulls away from Saudi'a intoxicating hold over Pakistan things might begin to change. But I was talking of the present.

The biggest change is going o come when the Chinese behind closed doors give Pakistani governments good old lesson in realpolotik. There are dozens of very intelligent and articulate Chinese members here - Why don't you people talk to them about this subject? Why build "air in castles" when you could have debate with the very learned Chinese members here from whom you might gain a idea which direction the winds are going to blow as increasingly Chinese shadow rises over Pakistan with the CPEC?
I know. The hatred is mutual. I am not living in "fools paradise" as I am fully aware of hatred from both sides. I am merely acknowledging the reality that exists which some here want to paper over. We have a sectarian divide - emanating from both sides.
Generally Shias and Sunnis are pretty chill. Iranian Shias are very very hateful of Sunnis. I'm not talking about pseudo religious Iranians, but the actual Shias. I think they are more hateful of Sunnis than vise versa. I literally got told that I would go to hell by an Iranian Shia just because I'm Sunni. :lol:

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