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Iran criticizes Turkey's "secular Islam"

he is right Iran is a terrorist state.. it actively supports terrroist organizations...not sure why you are so baffled by it.

let's see a country that actively supports Hizbuallah
a country that has embassies attacked on its land ( multiple times!)
a country that tries to kill an ambassador in the US
A country that has an active nuclear weapons program
a country that supplied terrorists with IED's to blow up civilians in Iraq

should we go on?
That stuff is nothing compared to what Israel been doing since 1947. I am not defending Iran, but i find it hypocritical when an Israeli is calling Iran's leaders terrorists, when his learders been doing far worse stuff for 65 years now. Don't forget that Israelis get to choose their leaders, Iranians don't.
he is right Iran is a terrorist state.. it actively supports terrroist organizations...not sure why you are so baffled by it.

let's see a country that actively supports Hizbuallah hezbollah is a terrorist group? to who the US? **** off
a country that has embassies attacked on its land ( multiple times!) here's the thing sahib sahib saying Indian slave. The so called "international law" was broken when Iranian assets were seized without UN approval. We simply broke the same laws that they broke; the same laws that they invented. slave Indian, pathetic
a country that tries to kill an ambassador in the USnever proven, even the arabs thought you guys went full retard with that one
A country that has an active nuclear weapons programyes we do, stop us if you can slave
a country that supplied terrorists with IED's to blow up civilians in IraqSo we're supplying Al Quida? Iran's enemies? the same people who hate us and consider us infidels? The same people that the US was in bed with in the 80's? The same people who regularly kill hundreds of Iranian pilgrims in Iraq?

should we go on?

see red
once a sahib sahib saying nation, always a slave nation
Iran version of Islam is n!
says the saudi
you guys are known to blow up

Iranian and Turkish citizens are the most harmless muslims in the history of the Islamic world. have you ever seen an Iranian citizen harm another person? What about Saudis? 9/11, Al Quida in Iraq and AFG, terrorirists running around every where
We`ll agree to disagree.

dear respected members kindly tone down the emotions and see if the discussion can go any further without mud slinging?

by the way re title of the thread I have no objection with that.

criticism is fine but insult is not.

criticism shouldn’t be confused with insult and insulting tone and attitude shouldn’t be used while criticising. sorry I didn’t mean to bore you all :)

we have different beliefs lets face it as a reality and try to live with it what a disgrace that holiest place on earth for 3 major religions is a reason for confrontation instead of tolerance and acceptance. maybe mankind has to evolve another 10 thousand years to grow out of this tendency.

Like Ptex said, lets agree to disagree but do it within a civil manner.

Power to you all
China supports the Islamic World but we don't get along with the Turks. Turks are xenophobic and violent. Arabs are not as violent but they are unfriendly. Persians are a peaceful people.

A few months ago, I thought Turkey would become anti-USA because of its quarrel with Israel. But now it looks like Turkey has definitely taken the side of USA against Iran and Syria.

If Turkey becomes hostile to China. It will surely support terrorism in Western China

Sir I beg to disagree, tell me what countries have Turks invaded , harrased? I found them very friendly by the way
Xenophobes? I am not sure about that maybe everyone is more or less, and this trait is wide spread among races.

by the way your last line is totally out of order. Turkey even being a secular state went more than any Islamic country could during its confrontation with Israel while sending relief for the Palestinians. It risked a lot by siding for something it thought was a just cause and that too by annoying its friends and allies (being a NATO member etc).

Arabs, Persians and Turks are all proud races and have glorious past to support that I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I guess your suspicion with Turkey is due to it being a NATO member and a possible host of Missile defence shield if it doesn’t happen in one of the other US friendly Central Asian republic.
Sir I beg to disagree, tell me what countries have Turks invaded , harrased? I found them very friendly by the way
Xenophobes? I am not sure about that maybe everyone is more or less, and this trait is wide spread among races.

by the way your last line is totally out of order. Turkey even being a secular state went more than any Islamic country could during its confrontation with Israel while sending relief for the Palestinians. It risked a lot by siding for something it thought was a just cause and that too by annoying its friends and allies (being a NATO member etc).

Arabs, Persians and Turks are all proud races and have glorious past to support that I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I guess your suspicion with Turkey is due to it being a NATO member and a possible host of Missile defence shield if it doesn’t happen in one of the other US friendly Central Asian republic.
Please educated me on the Islamic World if I am mistaken. Turks are a warrior tribe, as recently as 200 years ago, the Ottomans were very powerful. The Arabs are not associated with warrior tribes for more than a thousand years already, although they had their hey-day. The Persians have not been expansionist for something like 2000 years.

My distrust of Turkey comes from the fact they prefer not to ally with Iran against Israel and the West, but instead remains a part of NATO. Also, Turks sympathize with Uighur minority groups and some of their separatist elements in Western China.
I tollay agree with Iran, there are women in turkey who are going outside half nacked....
I tollay agree with Iran, there are women in turkey who are going outside half nacked....

have you seen them yourself?
have you Identified them as Muslims?
have you verified yourself that they are Turkish?

can you explain what do you mean half naked? its a subjective term.
a typical Pakistani woman might be termed half naked by a Saudi or Iranian Mullah because her hands and/ or feet might be visible. although she is wearing a Chador and is decently dressed.

in the same Pakistan there are women who are wearing sleeveless dress. for some that is naked is that your definition?
and by the way if "some" of Turkish women are going half naked you decide to declare the verdict on whole Turkey?
did you try looking at the half full glass too? which is in fact more than half full? did you ever see the scene of the Mosques in Turkey? they are full of worshipers..
are you declaring that their faith is weaker than yours?

Sir Turkey is a better place to live because the majority Muslims are not slitting the throats of the minority sects like in Pakistan
Turkey is much better because nonMuslims are at peace and given protection just like during the time of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the early Caliphate when the Jews had the confidence to go and seek justice from the Muslims and walk away with decisions in their favour when they were on the right.

by the way, I would always favour a "half naked" woman (by your definition) than a fully burka clad woman who is wearing a suicide belt and blows herself up in a girl school or any other female gathering.

I am sorry but Burka and beard has become a sign of hatred and fear although what are they? just a garment and facial hair.

what a pity that a faith has been restricted in these two items for the wrong reasons.

Let me share some news with you that might calm everyone down and give a chance to think.
I am not sure if its related to the discussion we are having but it has a positive vibe and encourages us all to have faith in humanity.

Few months back in London, there was a fire in a house that belonged to a Muslim Aisan family, while the fire was ragging and the family was running out someone cried that there was a small biy left inside. And then suddenly a teenage white girld appeared from the crowd and she ran into the house that was full of smoke and flames and in few minutes came back carrying the boy in towel who was bunted and black due to smoke and fire she took him across the road.. Now wait for it

The shop across the road was Jewish and she went inside and they attended the boy while the mystery girl vanished. The police and the grateful family was appealing the girl to come forward so that they could thank her..
Now both the girl and the Jewish owners knew who lived in the house that was on fire but they put their political and religious differences aside. (again the situation of glass half full or half empty).

Take care
Irfan, I been to Turkey 4 times, and yes I seen those half nacked turkish women.
On her bag it said "proud turk" in English, so I think she must had been turk.

Anyway not all of the people were like that, but I came across a large number of people like that, I don't know alot about your religon but I though women have to cover themselves to some certain extent.

I think Turkey uses the muslim cards to try and Integrate in the Middle east and try and have influnce there, only some of the idiotic arab countries support Turkets presence in the region.
You shut up please. Hadn't it been for the Persians and in particular Koresh (Cyrus the great), you Jews would've stayed the slaves of the Babylonians.
First of all, Jews were no slaves in Babylon. Secondly, this only shows the difference between the ancient Persians and modern: ancient Persians did what is good for Persia, today Persians do what is good for Arabs.
Irfan, I been to Turkey 4 times, and yes I seen those half nacked turkish women.
On her bag it said "proud turk" in English, so I think she must had been turk.
I seen many covered women who are total sluts and miniskirt wearing women who are very decent persons.
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