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Iran criticizes Turkey's "secular Islam"

China supports the Islamic World but we don't get along with the Turks. Turks are xenophobic and violent. Arabs are not as violent but they are unfriendly. Persians are a peaceful people.

A few months ago, I thought Turkey would become anti-USA because of its quarrel with Israel. But now it looks like Turkey has definitely taken the side of USA against Iran and Syria.

If Turkey becomes hostile to China. It will surely support terrorism in Western China.

Here is the axis (along which you have a continuous land route) -

China -> Pakistan (via Pakistan occupied Kashmir) -> Iran -> Iraq (pro-Iran Shia government) -> Syria -> Lebanon (Hezbollah)

It is being opposed by Turkey from the North and the Arab Gulf Sheikhdoms from the South.

I am somewhat puzzled about Turkey, though. Erdogan has had a lot of trouble with the pro-western military generals, who have tried out oust him. I would have expected that he would have taken a somewhat anti-west stand.
While racial discussions should be avoided, i think it was pretty clear who i meant as terrorists and those were and remain the Iranian regime. I too held you in higher esteem so now you know who i mean as terrorists, whenever i speak of them.
Cyrus the great was named the great for a reason, even in the Torah.
Petext , how many Jews was holocusted in Iran so far ? Who killed the innocent Iranian scientists ? What was their fault ? Surve their country ? Who ploting Stuxnet ? There is no heinous job which Israelis are not doing against Iran ? So as a invader you should not support any terrorist activity against Iran .
well, we have seen Iran's progress afther the Revolution and Turkey's.

i don't want to trash Iran, but the leadership has some screws loose! they want us to become like Yemen? a distinction between politics and Religion is what has made Turkey succesfull. if we where to say "you're not allowed to wear bikini when you come here as tourists" what good would it make for us? we have a country of 70-75 million to think of. not everyone is a Muslim. even Ottomans would be to much "secular" for the Iranian leadership
First of all, Jews were no slaves in Babylon. Secondly, this only shows the difference between the ancient Persians and modern: ancient Persians did what is good for Persia, today Persians do what is good for Arabs.
we are the same as ancient persian but your possesion is too diferent from the past.
jews were slaves in babylon and great cyrus was persia's king who gave you freedom.he showed to the world that pesians are peasful.but now there is one change that Palestinians are slaves in their own country by you.and we wanna give them freedom tooas we did the same with you.so we do what is good for the world as we did the same in past
Here is the axis (along which you have a continuous land route) -

China -> Pakistan (via Pakistan occupied Kashmir) -> Iran -> Iraq (pro-Iran Shia government) -> Syria -> Lebanon (Hezbollah)

It is being opposed by Turkey from the North and the Arab Gulf Sheikhdoms from the South.

I am somewhat puzzled about Turkey, though. Erdogan has had a lot of trouble with the pro-western military generals, who have tried out oust him. I would have expected that he would have taken a somewhat anti-west stand.
Yes, that is correct. Many countries in the Islamic World finally understand that we must all united to defend against the threat from USA, like Pakistan, Iran, Syria and Lebanon. Against us are the Islamic countries who remain pro-USA.

The funny thing is now the Arabs and the Turks claim to be "anti-Israel" while still being "pro-USA." This is silly, in my view. Erdogan should have sided with China and Russia against USA if he really wants to be an independent power.

The day when US influence is beaten out of Arab countries and Israel is forced to make peace with Islamic countries, then the height of US superpower is over.
says the saudi
you guys are known to blow up

Iranian and Turkish citizens are the most harmless muslims in the history of the Islamic world. have you ever seen an Iranian citizen harm another person? What about Saudis? 9/11, Al Quida in Iraq and AFG, terrorirists running around every where

I agree on the Saudi part.
Iran is right, you other comply with God's law and have a theocratic state, or you go down the secular path, regardless, Turkey is still a secular state unlike Iran. Different countries in the Arab world follow a different interpretation of Islam so it would be extremely naive and foolish of them to follow Turkey's political system and vice versa. That being said, Turkey and Iran, are major powerhouses in the Islamic world and need to stop interfering in each other's affairs for the sake of regional influence and instead work together, symbiotically, for the good of the region.

Turkey is trying to player a cunning game by appeasing the Muslim/Western world; this will bite them in their rear side if they're not careful, as Pakistan has found out!

Poseidon is right; I’ve heard the exact same about Turkey, however, he, like people i know probably visited the major cities, and just like Iran or Pakistan, these cities differ extremely to the rural population whom in general are more conservative.

Here is the axis (along which you have a continuous land route) -

China -> Pakistan (via Pakistan occupied Kashmir) -> Iran -> Iraq (pro-Iran Shia government) -> Syria -> Lebanon (Hezbollah)

It is being opposed by Turkey from the North and the Arab Gulf Sheikhdoms from the South.

If that axis could ever be formed, then finally we may see a Pakistani nation with dignity and a major force on the international stage. However, the likelihood of that scenario seems extremely rare unless IPC pipeline comes into fruition, making Pakistan, form a deep rooted relationship with Iran, while helping to bring China and Iran, closer together.
we are the same as ancient persian
No. Different religion, different culture, different script very different language.

jews were slaves in babylon
No, Jews were not any slaves in Babylon.

and great cyrus was persia's king who gave you freedom.
Cyrus allowed Jews to return to Judea and rebuild their Temple. By this Persia gained loyal citizens. Jews who revolted against Assirians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, never made any problems to Persians. Even in 614 Jews heped Persians capture Jerusalem.

But now Iran is attacking Israel without any reason at all. In 1980-es when Palestinians were running with Saddams pictures and Arab countries supporting him, Israel provided lots of weapons and spare parts to Iran. Nevertheless Iran is kisisng up to Arabs and attacks Israel through its proxies. Millions of Iranians live in terrible poverty, yet Iran provides billions of $$ to Arab terrorists.

but now there is one change that Palestinians are slaves in their own country by you.
Arabs in Israel live far better than Iranians themselves.
i havent any good feeling about arabs and im sure most of them has the same feeling about us but im not racist and i dont hate them.
and about the great cyrus,i offer you to study more about his relation with jews.everyone know that he was the first king who wrote the humans write and he was the first king who allowed all Zoroastrians, jews,and... to worship their GOD and to be free
and about iran-iraq war i agree with you.all arab nation exept syria help iraq to battle with iran and israel sold some american missles to iran and we helped you too.before bombing osirack by your airforce iranian fighters helped you by making busy baghdads radar with some flights inside the baghdad
and about last part of your post i have to say you dont know anything about our living.
and we know what did you do with that arabs in palestin.we cant forget that bodies.
First of all, Jews were no slaves in Babylon. Secondly, this only shows the difference between the ancient Persians and modern: ancient Persians did what is good for Persia, today Persians do what is good for Arabs.

Not only you were captives(slaves) of the Babylonians as has been mentioned in many historic sources including your own Jewish sources, your temples and your cultural heritages had been destroyed too. just like all other nations that when they conquered others they imposed their religion, beliefs and culture on the defeated nation the Babylonians had done the same thing.
And I disagree with the last sentence. Because we don't support you guys it doesn't mean that we don't do what is good for Iran.

Cyrus the Great figures in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) as the patron and deliverer of the Jews. He is mentioned twenty-three times by name and alluded to several times more. [1] From these statements it appears that Cyrus the Great, king of Persia, was the monarch under whom the captivity of the Jews ended, for in the first year of his reign he was prompted by God to make a decree that the Temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that such Jews as cared to might return to their land for this purpose. Moreover, he showed his interest in the project by sending back with them the sacred vessels which had been taken from the First Temple and a considerable sum of money with which to buy building materials.

About the Iraq-Iran war, I guess we talked about it once with each other. Do we need to talk about it again?
First of all, Jews were no slaves in Babylon. Secondly, this only shows the difference between the ancient Persians and modern: ancient Persians did what is good for Persia, today Persians do what is good for Arabs.

how many Jews found refuge in Iran and other countries of the region while the European countries from which they hailed (judaism isnt an ethnicity by the way) shunned them and villified them?

what a form of gratitude
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