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Iran continues 'illegal coercion' and detention of ship, India fumes

It's funny when the citizens of two countries involved in the minor issue are not bothered about it but the citizens of some neighbouring countries get excited like a kid has been gifted his dream toy. Just shows the amount of jealousy over India-Iran ties in the neighbourhood :azn:

It will be resolved peacefully and amicably just like the India-Italy issue was recently. Two mature countries are involved here.

Also funny to see the ever active and quick responding Pakistani moderators are missing from this troll fest of a thread , but after being here for 3 years , I am well aware about the Pakistani sense of "justice" and "moderation".
What pressure you gonna put on Iran? :lol: Without Western sanction, Iran could have been one of the most developed country in ME, you Indians can only bully small nations in SA but face Iran, you're making your fantasy talk as usual :lol:

jus my view bro.....m not saying that tat india can actualy do that
Calm down rat worshipper. USA has several times more powerful fancy toys then your ''Bhramos'' yet we give them the middle finger every time and screw them in the region and beyond. Now,India who is 10 times smaller then the US and 20 times militarily weaker is certainly not in a position to act the same as the USA towards Iran.
The longer you bark = The longer your ship will remain docked and your crew will have prolonged stay in Iranian jails.

You mis-interpreted his insinuation, in fact he was making fun of India's Brahmos, If you was here long enough, you will know him :lol:
You Iranians must don't know about the all powerful Brahmos. Iran have nothing that can stopped the all powerful Brahmos as it will crash into the Iranian nuclear reactors at world class speed. So iran better release the ship or else, watch out for the all powerful, absolutely unstoppable, best in the world Brahmos.

By the way, you can get the original one from Russia.

LOL, Are you a brahmos sales manager by chance? :laughcry:
LOL, Are you a brahmos sales manager by chance? :laughcry:

if he become Brahmos sales managers, customers will get Yakhont missiles instead and he will still get the commission :omghaha:

Keep that Indian ship detained. That would pretty much destroy any support for Iran by India.

Did all those murrican hipsters who wanted to end global warming just turn hypocritical?
May be again War Drums from India... come on do it ...... MODDI ... HOw many iranians for each hour.... Go On Say it.....

Hahahahahahahaha..... They have worst relations with all nations of south east asia this is INDIA
India is not respected around the world. Everyone knows India is too timid to do anything.

From the looks of things, India's playing catch up to China. What strikes me the most about India's current outburst of diplomacy is that they are promising things they themselves can hardly provide for their domestic market. Military procurement is a joke in India and for them to promise all sorts of military fare for their prospective allies leaves one wondering what exactly will be provided. Perhaps the INSAS – the one rifle that proved someone could make a dysfunctional, fragile AK? Or perhaps they'll be offering some diesel electric submarines… assuming Russia agrees to lease them a few more.

All the sarcasm aside, India's biggest policy problem is that they want so badly to be taken seriously as a great power by the rest of the world that they have pretty much neglected every single bit of domestic policy anyone could think of. They talk endlessly about having a three-carrier blue water navy, but fully 80% of their sewage flows untreated into their waterways. They put the cart before the horse and even the cart is falling apart.
From the looks of things, India's playing catch up to China. What strikes me the most about India's current outburst of diplomacy is that they are promising things they themselves can hardly provide for their domestic market. Military procurement is a joke in India and for them to promise all sorts of military fare for their prospective allies leaves one wondering what exactly will be provided. Perhaps the INSAS – the one rifle that proved someone could make a dysfunctional, fragile AK? Or perhaps they'll be offering some diesel electric submarines… assuming Russia agrees to lease them a few more.

All the sarcasm aside, India's biggest policy problem is that they want so badly to be taken seriously as a great power by the rest of the world that they have pretty much neglected every single bit of domestic policy anyone could think of. They talk endlessly about having a three-carrier blue water navy, but fully 80% of their sewage flows untreated into their waterways. They put the cart before the horse and even the cart is falling apart.

Man after 4 posts, you're already dragg India into mud. you gonna get stormed by these Indians. :lol:India has alway like to put cart before the horse, such as the INS Vkrant, they use tugboats to thaw the 30% unfinished carrier without engine for celebration and proclaim istself to be the 5th nation capable of building aircraft carrier.

Man after 4 posts, you're already dragg India into mud. you gonna get stormed by these Indians. :lol:India has alway like to put cart before the horse, such as the INS Vkrant, they use tugboats to thaw the 30% unfinished carrier without engine for celebration and proclaim istself to be the 5th nation capable of building aircraft carrier.

It really is amusing.

The Vikrant is a 40,000 mt vessel with a ski-jump, laid down in '09, dry dock in '11, and launched in '13.... and commissioned in '18-'20??

We are not talking nuclear-powered supercarrier with 100,000 mt ton displacement here. This should be simple stuff.
It really is amusing.

The Vikrant is a 40,000 mt vessel with a ski-jump, laid down in '09, dry dock in '11, and launched in '13.... and commissioned in '18-'20??

We are not talking nuclear-powered supercarrier with 100,000 mt ton displacement here. This should be simple stuff.

Yes this should be simple. Chinese can't do it even in their dreams. :omghaha:

At least India did it in reality.
Yes this should be simple. Chinese can't do it even in their dreams. :omghaha:

At least India did it in reality.

True. At least India did do it.

It doesn't mean China can't though, just because they haven't yet. I suspect that we will see the Chinese carrier within the next two years, and embarrassingly, it may be commissioned before the Indian one (even though the Indian one has less indigenous components and less capabilities, with it's smaller length and full load displacement).

Fact of the matter is, India has had quite a lot of time with carriers. Indians should be significantly ahead of China in her AC capabilities by now. India started in 1957; China in 2012. The fact that they aren't must be agitating to Indians.

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