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Iran collabrate with Israel

Anyway God will punish Iran with another earthquake and more problems if they do not change their criminal behavior.

Hmm.... God seems a little too busy for that, don't you think? Right now it's seems God is punishing Saudi 24/7 for their unholy alliance. Your masters aren't exactly on God's good side either. With Ebola on one side and Ukraine on the other. It seems neither you or your owners are favored by God right now.
Hmm.... God seems a little too busy for that, don't you think? Right now it's seems God is punishing Saudi 24/7 for their unholy alliance. Your masters aren't exactly on God's good side either. With Ebola on one side and Ukraine on the other. It seems neither you or your owners are favored by God right now.

Wait and see then. Iran is a cursed country on all fronts. As can be witnessed by the current conditions. KSA is the home of Makkah and Madinah and they will always be protected by God. Also against Farsi criminals.

Farsi criminals already tried to destroy the House of God in 1987 but were punished severely.

1987 Mecca incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hossein Amir Abdollahian was quoted by Iranian media, in what would be a rare confirmation of Iran-US discussions over Isis, as saying Iran had warned Washington that Israel would be at risk should the US and its allies seek to topple the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, while fighting the extremist group.
The real meaning of the underlined statement, is that Usrael will be provoked to fight, and won't have peace of mind if the real aim of the US is to topple Assad in Syria. This is considering that Iran and Syria are Allies in the middle east.
If one want to stop at the ISIL fight, than it can be interpreted in different manners, but that will be short sighted.
The real meaning of the underlined statement, is that Usrael will be provoked to fight, and won't have peace of mind if the real aim of the US is to topple Assad in Syria. This is considering that Iran and Syria are Allies in the middle east.
If one want to stop at the ISIL fight, than it can be interpreted in different manners, but that will be short sighted.

In 10 years time Israel and Iran will be best friends once again. Mark my words. They are a Trojan horse in other words. Only the gullible believe their nonsense. Now they are negotiating with the "Great Evil Satan" the West.
Farsi Sunnis are my enemies too.

You did not watch that video I believe.

Anyway God will punish Iran with another earthquake if they do not change their criminal behavior and more problems will follow. More heroine addiction, more crime, poverty, draught, more bad roads, more gays and lesbian, more prostitution, more suicides, more pollution, smoke, more inflation etc. This is certain.
and what is God going to do next? tell us? you are sick, you are in no position to say what God is going to do and etc...

drugs is world wide problems...

you know, Iran is under heavy sanctions for years, and they are surviving, put Iran on Mars and they will survive..

and now you are talking about gays and lesbians... then you don't know your royal family and what they do in the west.. enough BS..

Grow up and stop trolling, if you have something useful and informational post it... and I'm not going to watch that video.. I know what it contains...

see if you were not sectarian the Turks would be your enemy... they raped the Arab lands and people for 400 years....
and what is God going to do next? tell us? you are sick, you are in no position to say what God is going to do and etc...

drugs is world wide problems...

you know, Iran is under heavy sanctions for years, and they are surviving, put Iran on Mars and they will survive..

and now you are talking about gays and lesbians... then you don't know your royal family and what they do in the west.. enough BS..

Grow up and stop trolling, if you have something useful and informational post it... and I'm not going to watch that video.. I know what it contains...

see if you were not sectarian the Turks would be your enemy... they raped the Arab lands and people for 400 years....

I am having a bit of fun, can't I do that? Don't take everything seriously. In any case Iran was, is and will always be a mortal enemy of all Arabs.

Turks ruled a few parts of the Arab world and were heavily influenced by us on all fronts. Alphabet, system of rule, titles their rulers used, language, culture. They left the locals alone mostly and even allowed local Arab rules to rule on the behalf of the Sultan in Istanbul. Arabs were a key component of the Ottoman Empire. Don't forget that nationalism was different back then. The Sultans themselves intermarried with mostly non-Turks. People did not care about such things as much as now. Those were the times back then. Turks are not an enemy and never were. After 1000 years of Arab rule of the Islamic world we lost the Caliphate due to various reasons and that's fine. History is history. You can't always be the best.

Iran on the other hand murders your Arab brothers and sisters daily. In Iran and outside of it. Yet you follow them as blind sheep. Why is that? Did they ever do Syria any good?
I am having a bit of fun, can't I do that? Don't take everything seriously. In any case Iran was, is and will always be a mortal enemy of all Arabs.

Turks ruled a few parts of the Arab world and were heavily influenced by us on all fronts. Alphabet, system of rule, titles their rulers used, language, culture. They left the locals alone mostly and even allowed local Arab rules to rule on the behalf of the Sultan in Istanbul. Arabs were a key component of the Ottoman Empire. Don't forget that nationalism was different back then. The Sultans themselves intermarried wit mostly non-Turks. Those were the times back then. Turks are not an enemy and never were. After 1000 years of Arab rule of the Islamic world we lost the Caliphate due to various reasons and that's fine. History is history. You can't always be the best.

Iran on the other hand murders your Arab brothers and sisters daily. In Iran and outside of it. Yet you follow them as blind sheep. Why is that? Did they ever do Syria any good?

again, the ottaman turks killed more Arabs, they forced Arabs to fight their losing wars in WWI, they put Arabs in front lines and let them die, and you don't know the history of what the Turks did to Arab... only Syrians and Lebanese know the suffering, starting from May 6.... anyways I don't want to go off topic now... but I just wanted to expose your racism and sectarian mindset....

and Iran and Syria are good allies, we share mutual defense agreement, and Iran is the only country that standing by Syria's war against international terrorism...

now tell me what has the west done to Arabs? didn't USA also kill Arabs? They destroyed and invaded Arab nations, and Arab countries allowed them and even begged them to invade Arab countries, as we see now, the puppets "Arab" league aka Israel slaves league sends requests and letters to the west to invade Syria... and worse, when it comes to Palestine they can't even send a letter to the west to invade Israel...

BS everywhere...

look the gulf countries ruined the Arab world, they always ask the west to solve Arabs problems... why? because they cant make a move without the permission of the west, see Syria is a Syrian problem, and okay the Arabs can have a say but come to a point where they ask the west to bomb Syria... that is embarrassing, why can't Arabs solve our own problems?
again, the ottaman turks killed more Arabs, they forced Arabs to fight their losing wars in WWI, they put Arabs in front lines and let them die, and you don't know the history of what the Turks did to Arab... only Syrians and Lebanese know the suffering, starting from May 6.... anyways I don't want to go off topic now... but I just wanted to expose your racism and sectarian mindset....

and Iran and Syria are good allies, we share mutual defense agreement, and Iran is the only country that standing by Syria's war against international terrorism...

now tell me what has the west done to Arabs? didn't USA also kill Arabs? They destroyed and invaded Arab nations, and Arab countries allowed them and even begged them to invade Arab countries, as we see now, the puppets "Arab" league aka Israel slaves league sends requests and letters to the west to invade Syria... and worse, when it comes to Palestine they can't even send a letter to the west to invade Israel...

BS everywhere...

There is no proof of that. We Hijazis rebelled against them and quickly defeated them once when united. This has always been our problem. Unity. Whenever we are united we rule the world. At least historically speaking.

I am against Iran because they hate all 500 million Arabs more than anything else. You do not know Iranians it seems. Do you even speak Farsi? Do you know what misery they are spreading in the Arab world right now?

Also why did you support Iran (a non-Arab, non-neighboring country) over Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war? Iraq is a neighbor, fellow Arab and Semitic country, has more Christians than Iran and even shared the same ideology that you share. Ba'athism. Can you give me an explanation for that? It is like if KSA supported Chad against Egypt or Eritrea against Yemen or India against Oman.

The minute your regime chose to support a stranger over an brother (Iraq) I and most other Arabs lost everything for your Al-Assad family. This was the death of Ba'athism. Two countries that should have worked from the start and spread to other Arab countries destroyed each other.

I do not like the West policies in the Arab world (they have only given misery mostly) and I do almost not like any ruler of today.
There is no proof of that. We Hijazis rebelled against them and quickly defeated them once when united. This has always been our problem. Unity. Whenever we are united we rule the world. At least historically speaking.

I am against Iran because they hate all 500 million Arabs more than anything else. You do not know Iranians it seems. Do you even speak Farsi?

Also why did you support Iran (a non-Arab, non-neighboring country) over Iraq during the Iraq-Iran war? Iraq is a neighbor, fellow Arab and Semitic country, has more Christians than Iran and even shared the same ideology that you share. Ba'athism. Can you give me an explanation for that? It is like if KSA supported Chad against Egypt or Eritrea against Yemen or India against Oman.

The minute your regime chose to support a stranger over an brother (Iraq) I and most other Arabs lost everything for your Al-Assad family. This was the death of Ba'athism. Two countries that should have worked from the start and spread to other Arab countries destroyed each other.

I do not like the West policies in the Arab world (they have only given misery mostly) and I do almost not like any ruler of today.
you are right, Syria should have supported Saddam, this way we would have gotten rid of the gcc puppets... now tell me why did gcc overthrow Saddam... man you contradict yourself... gcc countries allowed the west to use their basses to invade Iraq and kill Saddam, isn't Saddam an Arab? same questions you asked me applies to you... Syria opposed the west invasion of Iraq in 2003, which is why sense then the west wanted to topple the Syrian government...

and now you wondering why Syria supported Iran, many reasons... Hafez Alasad was asked that questions once, and he replied, a day will come when Iran will stand by Syria, while Syria's brother are stabbing it from the back... and he was right...
also, Syria Ba'ath was different from Iraq Ba'ath, the name is only thing they have in common... don't forget Saddam worked with the west, and Ba'ath ideology is anti western imperialism...

see the minute the traitors gcc countries asked the west to invade Iraq in 2003, true Arabs knew that gcc work for the west and Israel....

habibi, don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house...

at least Iran is not Arab country and holds no obligations toward Arabs, but the gcc who call themselves Arabs, are labeled traitors... Iran didn't betray Arabs, it is not an Arab country...
you are right, Syria should have supported Saddam, this way we would have gotten rid of the gcc puppets... now tell me why did gcc overthrow Saddam... man you contradict yourself... gcc countries allowed the west to use their basses to invade Iraq and kill Saddam, isn't Saddam an Arab? same questions you asked me applies to you... Syria opposed the west invasion of Iraq in 2003, which is why sense then the west wanted to topple the Syrian government...

and now you wondering why Syria supported Iran, many reasons... Hafez Alasad was asked that questions once, and he replied, a day will come when Iran will stand by Syria, while Syria's brother are stabbing it from the back... and he was right...
also, Syria Ba'ath was different from Iraq Ba'ath, the name is only thing they have in common... don't forget Saddam worked with the west, and Ba'ath ideology is anti western imperialism...

see the minute the traitors gcc countries asked the west to invade Iraq in 2003, true Arabs knew that gcc work for the west and Israel....

habibi, don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house...

at least Iran is not Arab country and holds no obligations toward Arabs, but the gcc who call themselves Arabs, are labeled traitors... Iran didn't betray Arabs, it is not an Arab country...

Let me repeat it once again. I do not care about leaders/dictators. They come and go. I care about the Arab world, our countries and people. This is my primary interest. Not the rulers.

GCC supported Iraq (as every sane Arab country should have done but not all did so (Syria and Libya says hello) . What you talk about happened 3-4 years later.

I ask you why did a Ba'athi ruled Syria chose an stranger (Iran) over an neighboring brother (Iraq) during the Iraq-Iran war? It is a simple question. Why?

I tell you why. Because of lack of unity. This is our main problem and until those idiotic leaders are not gone (all of them ) this will not change. You want this nonsense to continue. All those silly political differences that you mention should not have come before defending your brother. I will defend an Al-Assad supporter over an Farsi anti-Assad supporter every day of the week. We Arabs ourselves do not understand our potential. If we wanted we could unite and then we would be in a totally different position.

There is nothing like your own kin. I will always trust an fellow Arab before a foreigner no matter how much my own kin will disappoint me. For the past decades if not centuries we have disappointed each other. Brother against brother. Like we now discuss this instead of working together. Trying to change the Arab world. Do something. In the meantime our enemies laugh and conspire against us. West, Israel, Iran etc.

You think that I am sectarian because I engage with trolls or troll sometimes but I do not care about that.
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Let me repeat it once again. I do not care about leaders/dictators. They come and go. I care about the Arab world, our countries and people. This is my primary interest. Not the rulers.

GCC supported Iraq (as every sane Arab country should have done but not all did so (Syria and Libya says hello) . What you talk about happened 3-4 years later.

I ask you why did a Ba'athi ruled Syria chose an stranger (Iran) over an neighboring brother (Iraq) during the Iraq-Iran war? It is a simple question. Why?

I tell you why. Because of lack of unity. This is our main problem and until those idiotic leaders are not gone (all of them ) this will not change. You want this nonsense to continue. Al those silly political differences that you mention should not have come before defending your brother. I will defend an Al-Assad supporter over an Farsi anti-Assad supporter every day of the week. We ARabs ourselves do not understand our potential. If we wanted we could unite and then we would be in a totally different position.
weird we agree on something, you are right it is the rulers fault, but the problem is that you are working with the west to topple an Arab government, and you have already done that with Iraq and Libya...

and I told you why Syria worked with Iran, Syria and Iraq where enemies, did you know that the Syrian passport had a statement on it saying allowed in every country but Iraq, and same with Iraqi passport.... it was personal beef between Hafez and Saddam... and again Syrian Ba'ath Party is different than Iraq Ba'ath Party..

now you are talking about Arab lack of unity, Alasad asked the Arab league in 2008 to boycott Israel, and of course gcc countries refused, because the west didn't allow them... that is where the problems, gcc not working for Arabs, it is working for the west, and Libya proposed one Arab currency, next year Gaddafi was attacked by the west and their puppets...

so now it is best for you to acknowledge where the problem coming from ( gcc )...
weird we agree on something, you are right it is the rulers fault, but the problem is that you are working with the west to topple an Arab government, and you have already done that with Iraq and Libya...

and I told you why Syria worked with Iran, Syria and Iraq where enemies, did you know that the Syrian passport had a statement on it saying allowed in every country but Iraq, and same with Iraqi passport.... it was personal beef between Hafez and Saddam... and again Syrian Ba'ath Party is different than Iraq Ba'ath Party..

now you are talking about Arab lack of unity, Alasad asked the Arab league in 2008 to boycott Israel, and of course gcc countries refused, because the west didn't allow them... that is where the problems, gcc not working for Arabs, it is working for the west, and Libya proposed one Arab currency, next year Gaddafi was attacked by the west and their puppets...

so now it is best for you to acknowledge where the problem coming from ( gcc )...

GCC countries just like Al-Assad despite maybe having good intentions are not fully sovereign. They are controlled in the sense that if for instance KSA wanted to invade Israel tomorrow USA would make this impossible for us. Also if Syria for instance wanted to become a friend of the US Russia/China/Iran might make trouble for you.

What I would like to see is a strong Arab world that seaks with one voice when it comes to the most important issues. We don't have to agree with everything at all. I am not saying that.

I mean look at the country you live in now US. It is full of people from all over the world. The only thing that unites them is the English language and their desire to make US stronger and US their new homeland.

Now we Arabs despite having regional differences, slightly differences in dialects, cuisine, historical periods etc. are otherwise EXTREMELY similar. Largely same pre-Islamic ancient Semitic past, largely similar look, similar culture, language, cuisine, landscapes, we are ONE body geographically. I mean from Oman to Morocco you can walk on foot and you will always travel in an Arab country. We share mainly two Abrahamic religions in common (Islam and Christianity that are very close) etc. We listen to similar music, watch similar films, have similar problems, have similar dictatorships, foreign meddling etc.

Now people are more preoccupied by this Sunni-Shia nonsense while our enemies kill us, conspire against us etc. Indeed there is little to be proud of in recent times politically wise.

Gaddafi was a madman you know that. You also know that many of our leaders behave like semi-Gods thinking they are above everyone and everything. They don't care about the people only themselves and their thrones. In recent times very few rulers have cared about their own people let alone the Arab world. The Arab League has turned into a coffee club. At least I could respect the old leaders. They had charisma and although not agreeing at least had visions. Our visions are more bloodshed between brother and brother.

This is a shame when it could have been so much better. Like it once was. Once again we are ourselves to blame but it is not easy when everybody would be against us uniting.

I see that you blame one party (GCC) again instead of ooking at the broader picture. This mentality was why Iraq and Syria were not on the same side of the war against Iran but against each other. Can you believe it?

But I am sure that there will come a time when people say enough is enough. Also a time were solidarity will become better. Because what we have witnessed in Iraq, Syria and Libya can happen for any Arab country out there.
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GCC countries just like Al-Assad despite maybe having good intentions are not fully sovereign. They are controlled in the sense that if for instance KSA wanted to invade Israel tomorrow USA would make this impossible for us. Also if Syria for instance wanted to become a friend of the US Russia/China/Iran might make trouble for you.

What I would like to see was a strong Arab world that spoke with one voice when it came to the most important issues. We don't have to agree with everything at all. I am no saying that.

I mean look at the country you live in now US. It is full of people from all over the world. The only thing that unites them is the English language and desire to make US stronger and US their new homeland.

Now we Arabs despite having regional differences, slightly differences in dialects, cuisine, historical periods etc. are otherwise EXTREMELY similar. Large same pre-Islamic ancient Semitic past, largely similar look, similar culture, language, cuisine, landscapes, we are ONE body geographically. I mean from Oman to Morocco you can walk on foot and you will always travel in an Arab country. We share mainly two Abrahamic religions in common (Islam and Christianity that are very close) etc. We listen to similar music, watch similar films, have similar problems, have similar dictatorships, foreign meddling etc.

Now people are more preoccupied by this Sunni-Shia nonsense while our enemies kill us, conspire against us etc. Indeed there is little to be proud of in recent times politically wise.

Gaddafi was a madman you know that. You also know that many of our leaders behave like semi-Gods thinking they are above everyone and everything. They don't care about the people only themselves and their thrones. In recent times very few rulers have cared about their own people let alone the Arab world. The Arab League has turned into a coffee club. At least I could respect the old leaders. They had charisma and although not agreeing at least had visions. Our visions are more bloodshed between brother and brother.

This is a shame when it could have been so much better. Once again we are ourselves to blame but it is not easy when everybody would be against us uniting.

I see that you blame one party (GCC) again instead of ooking at the broader picture. This mentality was why Iraq and Syria were not on the same side of the war against Iran but against each other. Can you believe it?

we don't disagree about the Arab culture and etc... I don't think anyone in the world disagrees on that...

the problem is as you said, there is no unity, and why there isn't a unity? who allowed the west to interfere in the Arab world... Russian influence in the Arab world is not strong, so don't tell me Iran and Russia is blocking the unity, they could, but not a strong block, it is the west whom gcc countries are allowing to create problems in the Arab world, as I mentioned before, every Arab problem the gcc pop out and asks the west to interfere... why doesn't Arabs themselves solve it... or if gcc asks west for help why doesn't it ask for the benefit of the Arab people, instead gcc is doing nothing that benefits the Arab world today...

and we keep going in circles... but the bottom line is that the Arab world is divided because some Arabs allowed it to be divided by working with the west...

look at the EU, non of the countries speak ONE LANGUAGE... however they are united... just think of what can one united Arab country can do.... but there are some "Arabs" who are working against Arabs because they were promised protection from the west...

For example, King Faisal was in the western camp, however, in 70's war he stood against the west, and then what happened? the west removed him and appointed their puppets...

my point is Al saud now allowed the west to take over or dictate the Arab world... and the west created the Shia- Sunni war to keep the division and fear among the Muslim world...

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we don't disagree about the Arab culture and etc... I don't think anyone in the world disagrees on that...

the problem is as you said, there is no unity, and why there isn't a unity? who allowed the west to interfere in the Arab world... Russian influence in the Arab world is not strong, so don't tell me Iran and Russia is blocking the unity, they could, but not a strong block, it is the west whom gcc countries are allowing to create problems in the Arab world, as I mentioned before, every Arab problem the gcc pop out and asks the west to interfere... why doesn't Arabs themselves solve it... or if gcc asks west for help why doesn't it ask for the benefit of the Arab people, instead gcc is doing nothing that benefits the Arab world today...

and we keep going in circles... but the bottom line is that the Arab world is divided because some Arabs allowed it to be divided by working with the west...

look at the EU, non of the countries speak ONE LANGUAGE... however they are united... just think of what can one united Arab country can do.... but there are some "Arabs" who are working against Arabs because they were promised protection from the west...

Well, that is at least a good thing. None of the 500 million Arabs or so in total (including those born in the West) disagree either from my experience but it is mostly just talk like with so many other movements in the world. At least we Arabs are much closer than any other such big people. Only the Han Chinese are bigger in numbers. Other nearby people do not even have their own political union, the same language, do not even border each other from one end to the other and the other do not even have such a philosophy to begin with.

Well, let me rephrase what I wrote. There is unity between us normal Arabs. Arabs help each other whenever abroad or in the West. In the West Arabs stick together. No matter whether Lebanese, Saudi Arabian, Yemeni, Egyptian, Moroccan, Palestinian, Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese etc. We all help each other. Buy each others foods etc. All those small things that creates unity on a small level. You know what I mean. I know the Arab American community is similar mostly. At least @Hazzy997 has confirmed this to me and others I know that live in the US.

Now when it comes to our decision makers they are selfish and mostly care about their own thrones.

What tells you that Russia (which would be much closer to the Arab world and its main competitor when it came to natural resources) would want 1 United Arab world? We would become the second largest country in the world, third most populous and the richest in terms of resources by FAR. Which superpower would support this? We thus need to start somewhere. The GCC Is a good union among states that share the same form of government (monarchy) and which are mostly very rich in natural resources. If the GCC will expand with Yemen, Jordan or Morocco one day this can give rise to many other future expansions. I mean it is good that there even is such a thing like the GCC. Most other people don't even have regional cooperations of any forth. Do you see Slavic unity for instance? They don't have such a thing. Only on Youtube.

Look I see it as all Arab rulers (mostly) regardless of ideology being bad and you blame 1 party while you do not look at the faults of your own favorites. I have no problem admitting that the House of Saud are a familiar on many fronts. Compared to the standards we should be used to or what you can expect with our history.

Well, I am always saying the same and even foreigners tells us this. The few things I agree with Galloway with.

Ignore the Iran nonsense and Galloway being a fan of them which you for some strange reason also are but let's forget that.

I did not correct any grammatical mistakes in this post. There are quite a few. Too tired.
Well, that is at least a good thing. None of the 500 million Arabs or so in total (including those born in the West) disagree either from my experience but it is mostly just talk like with so many other movements in the world. At least we Arabs are much closer than any other such big people. Only the Han Chinese are bigger in numbers. Other nearby people do not even have their own political union, the same language, do not even border each other from one end to the other and the other do not even have such a philosophy to begin with.

Well, let me rephrase what I wrote. There is unity between us normal Arabs. Arabs help each other whenever abroad or in the West. In the West Arabs stick together. No matter whether Lebanese, Saudi Arabian, Yemeni, Egyptian, Moroccan, Palestinian, Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese etc. We all help each other. Buy each others foods etc. All those small things that creates unity on a small level. You know what I mean. I know the Arab American community is similar mostly. At least @Hazzy997 has confirmed this to me and others I know that live in the US.

Now when it comes to our decision makers they are selfish and mostly care about their own thrones.

What tells you that Russia (which would be much closer to the Arab world and its main competitor when it came to natural resources) would want 1 United Arab world? We would become the second largest country in the world, third most populous and the richest in terms of resources by FAR. Which superpower would support this? We thus need to start somewhere. The GCC Is a good union among states that share the same form of government (monarchy) and which are mostly very rich in natural resources. If the GCC will expand with Yemen, Jordan or Morocco one day this can give rise to many other future expansions. I mean it is good that there even is such a thing like the GCC. Most other people don't even have regional cooperations of any forth. Do you see Slavic unity for instance? They don't have such a thing. Only on Youtube.

Look I see it as all Arab users (mostly) regardless of ideology being bad and you blame 1 party while you do not look at the faults of your own favorites. I have no problem admitting that the House of Saud are a familiar on many fronts. Compared to the standards we should be used to or what you can expect with our history.

Well, I am always saying the same and even foreigners tells us this. The few things I agree with Galloway with.

Ignore the Iran nonsense and Galloway being a fan of them which you for some strange reason also are but let's forget that.

see I keep mentioning gcc, because gcc countries have American bases on Arab soil, and America has been invading and destroying Arab countries such as Iraq and Libya, and now Syria... which is why I keep saying gcc...

and you are right, non of the super powers want see a united Arab world... but I don't see Russia as a big obstacle compared to the west... again Russia influence in the Arab world is not strong, it is only in Syria ( since Russia is standing with Syria against western invasion)... come to think about it, a non Arab country, Russia, stopped a western invasion of an Arab country, while Arab countries asked the west to invade Syria... THAT IS THE DIVISION MY FRIEND...

and George Galloway is saying the truth...

and don't worry about grammar, because I myself not correcting anything I write.. no time...
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