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Iran blames US, UK, Pakistan

Apparently everyone in the region - Afghans, Iranians, Americans (and one Lahore police official as well) - have caught the Indian disease, supernatural powers to determine where an attack was organized from, not just which entity(s) was behind the attack, but which entity was behind the entity behind the attack, and which institutions of another nation were involved - all within hours of any 'terrorist attack'.

Brilliant - Sherlock Holmes would be put to shame.

Of course, A'jad has a reputation for shooting his mouth off and making inane comments.

thts, good!
but again , where is the official IRANIAN SOURCE?:hitwall:
I don't get it.They are ***** extremists and have always been pro-India, where is the link to Pakistan? Pathetic:disagree:

EDIT: Shi.it is a censored word? I hope Sunni isn't :rolleyes:

Terrorists need finances, wepons, training grounds, intelligence and an organisation to plan activities in direction to acheive objectives.
What objectives Pakistan may have in it? I see only one objective which is to conquer Pakistan army! which is going on since change of regime in Pakistan.

In this particular case reaching to conclusive demands and culprits sounds like indian mentality, which has also been incorporated in recent KL bill.

Just as an information ofr you, Pakistan have open borders with Iran and Afghanistan. Any one can go in and out without much trouble.
If any one cross border from Pakistan side does not prove any thing.
Baluchistan is also controlled by indian sponsored BLA whose leaders are living in UK and Afghanistan under the official protection of US, UK, NATO, Afghanistan and india.
They keep blowing pipe lines and electricity towers from last 20 years as just indicated by indian commentator.
I never thought I'd say this, but Iran, keep your petty accusations to yourself and worry about the real threat to your sovereignty! Everyone knows that they have a domestic terrorist outfit in their part of Baluchistan known as "Jandullah", fighting for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran.

It's like our Government has sunk to a new level where we are being "Summoned" for every little problem in the region, and we're being dictated by every other group of imbeciles around us. Besides, how does a blast in Iran benefit Pakistan? We've recently signed the gas pipe-line deal with the Iranians, and also started the cargo train service through Iran, reaching all the way to Turkey, for the sake of trade and good relations with Iran & Turkey.

It's moronic for anyone to believe that Pakistan would sponsor terrorism in Iran.

Beats me as well. Why would Pak try and destabilise Iran? Lol... means that the Iranian President is a moron. :cheers:
Apparently everyone in the region - Afghans, Iranians, Americans (and one Lahore police official as well) - have caught the Indian disease, supernatural powers to determine where an attack was organized from, not just which entity(s) was behind the attack, but which entity was behind the entity behind the attack, and which institutions of another nation were involved - all within hours of any 'terrorist attack'.

Brilliant - Sherlock Holmes would be put to shame.

Of course, A'jad has a reputation for shooting his mouth off and making inane comments.

Is introspection such a bad thing? If every country in the world concur on the fact that ISI is involved, rather than painting all countries as attempt to defy Pakistan govt or Islam vs rest of the world, why doesnt people consider the possibility atleast some of the allegations could be true?
Is introspection such a bad thing? If every country in the world concur on the fact that ISI is involved, rather than painting all countries as attempt to defy Pakistan govt or Islam vs rest of the world, why doesnt people consider the possibility atleast some of the allegations could be true?

Because there is no evidence to back them up - how is that?

And typically when accusations about culpability are made hours after an incident occurs, when it is patently obvious that no where near enough time to conduct a thorough investigation has elapsed, then one can be reasonably certain that a scapegoat is being found to deflect failures of the home nation.

---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------

Shiite .... Shiitte - Testing to see if they were censored, they are not.
I cant help but laugh. Most of the sunnis i have debated with have an unrealistic view of shia beliefs. Judging by that all of the sunnis are brainwashed too isn't it?
As developero said; we lost the iranians in Zia's time. What do you expect shias to do? Love you while you chant "Shia Kafir Shia Kafir"?

Utter bullcrap...

We lost the Iranians' trust when Zia sold Pakistan to Saudi Arabia.

Why do the shias blame Zia for sectarianism and basically all of their compounded grievances?

Zia did not fight the Iranians. Zia did not impose Sunnism on Iran or any ideology on the people of Iran.

It's Iran that attempted to export a shia revolution in Pakistan discreetly that flared sectarianism in Sunni countries for decades to come, thus flaring up Salafi/Wahhabism and other Sunni reactionary groups that were never active before.

What Zia did was defended Pakistan's predominantly Sunni population and culture from the invasion of revolutionary shia ideology inspired and exported by Khomeinie's regime.

Iranian hardline shias no doubt hate the Sunnis because they conspired mischievously against us to impose their shia revolutionary ideology many times but failed. Not only in Pakistan, but also in Saudi Arabia they tried taking over the Kabbah and failed, they failed in Bahrain, they failed in Kuwait and they failed in Saddam's Iraq.

Whether Zia or had there been any other Sunni Muslim leader been in power at the time, he would have defended against the shia ideology.

It's rather hypocritical to overlook Iran's discreet role in exporting shia revolutionist ideology to predominant sunni Pakistan and blame Zia for all the resulting upheaval and aligning with the Saudis.
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According to pakistani media Iranian President blames Pakistan Security guard(intelligence agency) behind sistan attacks on revolutionary guards officials.Now Iran is demanding of handover of culprits!!!! What th hell is this!!! .After india,afghansitan now Iran starts blame game without any concrete evidence.Thanks God there is Arabian sea in south of Pakistan....:rofl: :rofl:

India... Afghanistan...
Now even Iran...

they say there isnt a smoke without any fire...
enough of the conspiracy theories and reasoning of "not guilty till proven"...
Dont the Pakistani members think even the slightest that Pakistan HAS become the hotbed of terrorism in south asia???:angry:
Why are you turning this into Shia vs Sunni stuff?

I did not for the record start the Shia vs Sunni thing. Go back a few posts and see for yourself.

Why do the shias blame Zia for sectarianism and basically all of their compounded grievances?

Zia's era marked the beginning of sectarian bloodshed in Pakistan

It's Iran that attempted to export a shia revolution in Pakistan discreetly that flared sectarianism in Sunni countries for decades to come, thus flaring up Salafi/Wahhabism and other Sunni reactionary groups that were never active before.

What Zia did was defended Pakistan's predominantly Sunni population and culture from the invasion of revolutionary shia ideology inspired and exported by Khomeinie's regime.

Taking the Iranian revolution out of context? Look at the broader picture; Pakistan has been here for only 62 years; Shia's have been persecuted since the time when the Prophet SAW died.

You meant to say that the sunnis were so weak in their beliefs that they had to resort to killing the shias to stop them from spreading their faith? Appalling...

Iranian hardline shias no doubt hate the Sunnis because they conspired mischievously against us to impose their shia revolutionary ideology many times but failed. Not only in Pakistan, but also in Saudi Arabia they tried taking over the Kabbah and failed, they failed in Bahrain, they failed in Kuwait and they failed in Saddam's Iraq.

Shias tried taking over the Kabah :rofl: The guy was an american agent professing he was a shia. We've had so many guys thinking they were Mahdi; we wouldn't call them shias would we :disagree:

Bahrain has a majority Shia population; so does Iraq. If Pakistan as a sunni majority population can explain Zia's bigot tendencies to protect itself from Shia ideology; why cant the above mentioned states with majority Shia population protect itself from sunni ideology :angel:

Whether Zia or had there been any other Sunni Muslim leader been in power at the time, he would have defended against the shia ideology.

Read above

It's rather hypocritical to overlook Iran's discreet role in exporting shia revolutionist ideology to predominant sunni Pakistan and blame Zia for all the resulting upheaval and aligning with the Saudis.

No one can force you to change your beliefs; that is if they are strong enough :agree:
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guys either iranis exporting shia revolution or saudis funding Salafi/wahabism bottom line we Pakistanis like always get so emotionally caried away in their crap that we forget that our actions like always will hurt nor saudi or iran but us ,knowing the fact we continue doing the same again and again ! i think its time Pak decide who exactly we are ? shia,sunni or Pakistanis?
guys either iranis exporting shia revolution or saudis funding Salafi/wahabism bottom line we Pakistanis like always get so emotionally caried away in their crap that we forget that our actions like always will hurt nor saudi or iran but us ,knowing the fact we continue doing the same again and again ! i think its time Pak decide who exactly we are ? shia,sunni or Pakistanis?

Spoken true; but unfortunately you just cannot sideline religion. You cannot wipe out all the problems just by pronouncing our "Pakistaniat"; the scars are more deeper than that.
Now claim islamic brotherhood and all.....its weird how you people used to boast iran against the zionist evil israel,and now the same iran accusing pak of the attacks.....weirdiest thing i have ever seen!......will look closely for furthur developments.......and its damn serious when the president says so,and there must be some reason behind too......not good for pak at all

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 AM ----------


Seems like u are really worried about it ! u don't worry about it plzz he is nothing but a mad man with nothing better to say ... anyhow thx lol for your concern i think we will manage this news as well :bunny::cheesy:
Spoken true; but unfortunately you just cannot sideline religion. You cannot wipe out all the problems just by pronouncing our "Pakistaniat"; the scars are more deeper than that.

a "healed" wound leaves a scar so let it stay that way and dont scratch it too much or it will get too bad and will further will do nothing more but bring more damage and infections.
We acted in our benefit as Iranian ambitions were not clear at that point.

And what we thought is in our benefit "this whole nightmare and all that sectarian broad daylight muders wht we have now!? i guess we really need to think clear now onwards
Iran accuses Pakistan over attack - BBC

Iran's president has accused Pakistani agents of involvement in a suicide bombing in south-east Iran targeting a group of elite Revolutionary Guards.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on Pakistan to apprehend the attackers, who Iranian officials suggested had arrived from Pakistan.

At least 35 people died in the attack, in south-eastern Sistan-Baluchistan.

A Pakistani spokesman condemned the attack, which has been blamed on the Sunni resistance group, Jundullah.

The foreign office spokesman, Abdul Basit, also dismissed Iranian claims that Jundullah's leader was in Pakistan.

'Crushing' response

According to state media, one or more suicide bombers targeted the group of Revolutionary Guards leaders who had arranged to meet with tribal leaders in the Pishin district close to the Pakistani border.

Reports said a suicide bomber detonated a belt packed with explosives as the Guards as the meeting was about to start.

The deputy commander of the Guards' ground force, General Noor Ali Shooshtari, and the Guards' chief provincial commander, Rajab Ali Mohammadzadeh, were among at least six officers reported to have been killed.

Dozens of people were injured.

A top Guards officer has also vowed to deliver a "crushing" response to those behind the attack, according to Agence France Presse.

Mr Ahmadinejad pointed towards Pakistan.

"We were informed that some security agents in Pakistan are co-operating with the main elements of this terrorist incident," he was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.

"We regard it as our right to demand these criminals from them," he said, without giving elaborating.

"We ask the Pakistani government not to delay any longer in the apprehension of the main elements in this terrorist attack."

Iranian authorities summoned a senior Iranian diplomat in Tehran, claiming that the assailants had arrived in Iran from Pakistan, Iranian state media reported.

The foreign ministry also "protested against the use of Pakistani territory by the terrorists and rebels against the Islamic Republic of Iran," the Isna news agency reported.

Earlier, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said "US action" contributed to the attack - an accusation dismissed by the US.

Banditry and kidnapping

Sistan-Baluchistan is mainly made up of the Baluchi ethnic group, who belong to the Sunni Muslim minority of Shia-ruled Iran.

Jundallah has previously been accused by Iran of terrorist activities in the province.

The province borders both Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has long been affected by smuggling, drug trafficking, banditry and kidnapping.

Jundallah, also known as the Popular Resistance Movement of Iran, says it is fighting against the political and religious oppression of the country's Sunni minority.

Local media cited officials as saying Jundallah had accepted responsibility for Sunday's bombing, though there was no direct claim from the group.
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