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Iran arrests Jundallah chief Abdolmalek Rigi with Pakistan's help

People i have spent some time in Balochistan and i am not 2 sure if most here a aware of the fact that just cause pakistan is a majority muslim country a lot and i do mean a lot of people dont follow islam in balochistan wild borg is enjoyed by these people ocassionally there is no sunni or shias there specially the ones control by Sardars or what ever they call them please dont use westren media head lines as i doubt very much this guy even no what islam is.

So for future instead of calling him shia or sunni call him what he is A Terrorist.

He is nothing but a terrorist who is doing it for money. He is responsible for the death of over 400 Iranians, including a lot of Sunnis, Shias and Baluchi people. Him and his gang kidnapped police officers and soldiers and cut off their heads. This Rigi guy even forced his own brother to kill his wife because she was a Shia.

You might think that he is doing this for sectarian reasons, but he also kills Sunnis.
Just because your government is claiming dosent mean its true without the eveidence which should come out now as he is captured every thing else is assumption on the base of a claim.

I don't know why it is so hard to understand what i am trying to say. I have already said that they are not baseless claims but backed by evidence. Why is it so hard to believe that people within the Pakistani Government can be corrupted and paid off by America? The Pakistani members on this forum are always calling their politicians corrupt.

Yes we do think pakistan is a centre of the universe and will do so till the end.
As far as terrorist attacks and killings are concerned unless u are not being paying attention we have paid the heaviest price so far.you cant possibly think ISI was behind those attacks to we are under attack every day from these terrorist.

our gas fields in balochistan are bombed regularly are we to belive our enemies that iranians are providing ammo to these terrorist.

What i meant by that comment was that not everyone is trying to destabilize Pakistan, so it is reidiculous to claim that Iran and USA have set up Jundullah to "pressurize Pakistan" like Janna was saying.

I didn't say the ISI is behind the attacks, i said elements within the ISI have helped Jundullah.

It is also worth mentioning that Pakistan handed some Jundullah members over to Iran. Pakistan doesn't support Jundullah and wants to get rid of them like Iran does, but unfortunately, some people within the establishment have different motives.
Iran claims that America is funding him and Pakistani agents are helping them, so i hope you can answer your own questions.

You might think that Pakistan is the center of the world, but lets look at the facts on the ground, this terrorist is responsible for nearly 400 deaths, so now read your last sentence and feel ashamed.

So when Iran is going to probe the US hand and present the proofs?

This still is amazingly a fiction how Iranian police/intellegence had shot Regi's pics at US base before his arrest.

And if he was at US base in Afghanistan then from which airport he flew ??

Why Americans failed to notice the Iranian agent arround US base in Afghanistan???

If Iran had ordered down an aircraft to land in its country, the incident would have made a headline, which didn't, thus this theory busted.

Most probably, either he was captured in Iran, or Afghasnistan as he operated from both these places. And if he was captured from Pakistan, then Pakistani assistance can't be ruled out.

If Pakistan can capture its favorite Afghan taliban commanders, then why not Rigi, as he created a lot of rifts among both countries.

A very sad day for the Americans and some other foreign intelligence agency/agencies.
He was captured in Pakistan and hand over to Iranian authorities. Very simple. This plane theory is totally wrong. Completely lack of common sense. A high value person flying over enemy territory and as un-marked. come on
The allegations of ISI support for Junduallah are very much up for discussion.

If this alleged support is a 'fact' as you claim, then you should be able to provide the evidence to back up that 'fact' - merely claiming XYZ does not make it true.

So either provide the evidence that leads the Iranian regime to conclusively state that the ISI is supporting Jundullah, or move on to less inflammatory rhetoric.

Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Iran blames Pakistan for attack

Iran's president has accused Pakistan of having links to the bombers who carried out a suicide attack on Sunday in the republic's Sunni-majority southeast that left at least 42 people dead.

Ahmadinejad's accusation came after Iranian state media blamed Sunni group Jundollah for the attack in the city of Pisheen.

Now Iran must be jealous of Pakistan and trying to defame Pakistan's image out of jealousy. Right?

He was captured in Pakistan and hand over to Iranian authorities. Very simple. This plane theory is totally wrong. Completely lack of common sense. A high value person flying over enemy territory and as un-marked. come on

So how come he was in Pakistan? if Pakistan is not involced against Iran or supporting Jundullah?

If Pakistan does not harbor or support Jundullah this gentleman was not supposed to be in Pakistan.

Riggi and father are Baloch and their families live both side of border. Plus its an open border. Whole family used to be oil smuggler(those who live in Quetta can easily verify how much Iranian smuggled oil and cars are their). They smuggle oil from Iran and sell in Quetta. So, traveling back and forth is not a difficult task for smuggler. Don't you see both and Indian and Pakistani markets full of smuggling goods. How they travel ?....someone is their to do the task.
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The Iranian Government's official stance is "Elements within the ISI have helped Jundullah". One piece of evidence that they have presented us with is the fact that Pakistani police arrested Rigi, but some ISI agents forced the police to release him.
Where are the details of this arrest and release from a credible source, or is this just more Iranian propaganda?

Rigi's brother was arrested and handed over to Iran by Pakistan - that clearly demonstrates that stories from Iran arguing ISI complicity are nothing but lies and indicative of the deceitful nature of the Iranian regime.

Iran has no reason to make this up as it does nothing but ruin our relations, they just want to get to the bottom of it and they have never said "Pakistani/ISI fund/help Jundullah, they have always said "some elements within the ISI have helped Jundullah"
Iran-Pakistan relations have never really been as good as they were under the Shah - the arrival of the Mullahs in power resulted in a sectarian proxy war in Pakistan, funded by the Iranian and Saudi Mullahs. The rise of the Taliban further divided Iran and Pakistan.

I could argue that Pakistan has absolutely no interests in supporting a separatist Baluch group given that Pakistan herself is struggling with a Baluch insurgency, allegedly supported by India and Afghanistan.
So there is no allegation that Pakistan helps ISI as an official policy, but factual evidence showing that Jundullah has received help from people within the Pakistani Government or the ISI.
I could agree with you that Jundullah received support from people in the GoP. Why? Because the Pakistani Baluch separatist groups have ties to politicians in Baluchistan who have intermittently been elected to parliament and been in government. But these ties are to the disadvantage of both Pakistan and Iran, they are largely covert ties, and would never garner the support of anyone in the military or intelligence agencies.

The argument of 'ISI rogues' is made in the context of support for the Taliban because the ISI/PA/GoP had a public relationship with them in terms of advancing Pakistani goals in Afghanistan.

No such relationship or advantage exists in terms of supporting the Baluch rebels. Pakistan is not claiming Iranian Sistan, nor are we looking to have Jundullah topple the Iranian regime and take control. So there is absolutely no basis for the argument that 'rogues' in the ISI support Jundullah given that there is no motive to be fulfilled through such support.
Now Iran must be jealous of Pakistan and trying to defame Pakistan's image out of jealousy. Right?


See my response to Abi above.

As for Ahmedinejad making claims, he also claimed Iran has no homosexuals, so lets go get that big truck of salt to go with his comments ... oh wait, there is a raod salt shortage in Michigan ..

None of his comments are backed with evidence, nor has anyone provided a credible motive for Pakistan backing Jundullah, especially as Pakistan struggles with its own Baluch insurgency and looks to build greater economic and trade ties with Iran and through Iran to Turkey.
Where are the details of this arrest and release from a credible source, or is this just more Iranian propaganda?

Rigi's brother was arrested and handed over to Iran by Pakistan - that clearly demonstrates that stories from Iran arguing ISI complicity are nothing but lies and indicative of the deceitful nature of the Iranian regime.

Iran-Pakistan relations have never really been as good as they were under the Shah - the arrival of the Mullahs in power resulted in a sectarian proxy war in Pakistan, funded by the Iranian and Saudi Mullahs. The rise of the Taliban further divided Iran and Pakistan.

I could argue that Pakistan has absolutely no interests in supporting a separatist Baluch group given that Pakistan herself is struggling with a Baluch insurgency, allegedly supported by India and Afghanistan.

I could agree with you that Jundullah received support from people in the GoP. Why? Because the Pakistani Baluch separatist groups have ties to politicians in Baluchistan who have intermittently been elected to parliament and been in government. But these ties are to the disadvantage of both Pakistan and Iran, they are largely covert ties, and would never garner the support of anyone in the military or intelligence agencies.

The argument of 'ISI rogues' is made in the context of support for the Taliban because the ISI/PA/GoP had a public relationship with them in terms of advancing Pakistani goals in Afghanistan.

No such relationship or advantage exists in terms of supporting the Baluch rebels. Pakistan is not claiming Iranian Sistan, nor are we looking to have Jundullah topple the Iranian regime and take control. So there is absolutely no basis for the argument that 'rogues' in the ISI support Jundullah given that there is no motive to be fulfilled through such support.

What part of "Iran is not claiming that Pakistan is helping Jundullah, but elements within the ISI are" do you have trouble comprehending?
What part of "Iran is not claiming that Pakistan is helping Jundullah, but elements within the ISI are" do you have trouble comprehending?

Aray bhai, I disagree with 'elements within the ISI' part as well - there is simply no motive, as one could argue there might be with 'elements within the ISI' supporting the Taliban for example.

I agree on possible links between some Pakistani politicians and these rebels though, as I mentioned above. These links unfortunately will continue given the political dynamics in Pakistan - see how people reacted to the death of Akbar Bugti (a Baluch sardar), criticizing Musharraf and calling him a murderer instead of criticizing this Tribal sardar who took up arms against the State.

Iran, and the Iranian people I imagine, would never tolerate the kind of lawlessness displayed by Bugti, yet in Pakistan some have made Bugti, a man who directly threatened the State and tortured and mistreated thousands in his own tribe (he expelled them from their lands because of disagreements) a martyr!

The Iranians may have trouble understanding this dynamic in Pakistan, and when they see similar sentiments towards groups like Jundullah, they maybe assume that they have support from within the ISI/PA, but it could not be further from the truth.
Well for Iranian take that way, unstable Baluchistan means no gasline. Pakistan already committed for the gas. Stability on both side is important for the economic prosperity in that region. Pakistan in desperate need of energy. Plus US can't achieve anything by disturbing peace in Iran. So, its all regional payer in regional disturbance.
Well for Iranian take that way, unstable Baluchistan means no gasline. Pakistan already committed for the gas. Stability on both side is important for the economic prosperity in that region. Pakistan in desperate need of energy. Plus US can't achieve anything by disturbing peace in Iran. So, its all regional payer in regional disturbance.

Exactly both sides want a stable Baluchistan, which is why i don't think Pakistan has done it. But it is certain that people working for the ISI have.
Aray bhai, I disagree with 'elements within the ISI' part as well - there is simply no motive, as one could argue there might be with 'elements within the ISI' supporting the Taliban for example.

I agree on possible links between some Pakistani politicians and these rebels though, as I mentioned above. These links unfortunately will continue given the political dynamics in Pakistan - see how people reacted to the death of Akbar Bugti (a Baluch sardar), criticizing Musharraf and calling him a murderer instead of criticizing this Tribal sardar who took up arms against the State.

Iran, and the Iranian people I imagine, would never tolerate the kind of lawlessness displayed by Bugti, yet in Pakistan some have made Bugti, a man who directly threatened the State and tortured and mistreated thousands in his own tribe (he expelled them from their lands because of disagreements) a martyr!

The Iranians may have trouble understanding this dynamic in Pakistan, and when they see similar sentiments towards groups like Jundullah, they maybe assume that they have support from within the ISI/PA, but it could not be further from the truth.

Money is the biggest motivation in the world.
See my response to Abi above.

As for Ahmedinejad making claims, he also claimed Iran has no homosexuals, so lets go get that big truck of salt to go with his comments ... oh wait, there is a raod salt shortage in Michigan ..

None of his comments are backed with evidence, nor has anyone provided a credible motive for Pakistan backing Jundullah, especially as Pakistan struggles with its own Baluch insurgency and looks to build greater economic and trade ties with Iran and through Iran to Turkey.
Thank you Pakistan for your help.

In Iran there is a big problem of propaganda and some people are not able to try to get another information than presstv farsnews or worst kayhan.

About Ahmadinejad words, he is well known in Iran to have said stupid things . Like a 9 yo girl discovered a way to enrichment LOL
This guy is really stupid. He is just a puppet of a real power behind him.
Anyway about the homosexuals it was not true that he said this. It is the same as the word "delete Israel from the map". some people didn't want to translate correctly. He just said that they were not many homosexuals in Iran.

Anyway Abi i guess would not disagree, Iran and Pakistan should act friendly. There are enough problems and reasons to fight to other countries and maybe some groups which make a hell to our countries. If we are united, we can be so strong that no country in the world would make such a game to help terrorist groups in our countries.
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