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Iran and Saudi Arabia reportedly agree to resume diplomatic ties and re-open embassies within two months

Mostly agreed. When I was condemning the regime on social media, my friend accused me of being a sectarian and so did his friend.

It was only is Indian Brahman friend that explained to him my concerns and it was not necessarily sectarian.

I find favoring Iran and Shia Islam can be a commonality for Sunni liberals, but it is mostly fallacious.

In the end I hope to see an end to both regimes. They're both tyrannical. Their people should have democracy.

Yes, it is ridiculous. Meanwhile if you criticize KSA, Arabs, Turks etc. nobody is going to accuse you of being anti-Sunni, sectarian or whatever those drones are claiming. It is mostly a one-way ticket.

The case of a loud minority of people with a victimhood opinion belonging to a certain sect based, rightly or wrongly, on some actual historical or current injustices? Not sure what it is, but it is extremely prevalent and as annoying as usual.

I think this is the usual default rhetoric of a minority community everywhere. This is why LGBT + community etc. is always thinking that the average heterosexual male or female is out there to get them or somehow very interested in what they are doing, lol.

Basically I suspect that they are our (Muslim) version of some Jews, in so far a whenever you mention anything critical of Israel, they will scream about anti-Semitism, Nazism and what not.

Watch some of them in this thread to call me whatever names, the default reply, lol.

In the Ukraine-Russian thread, just see my posting history, I have been called a Russian, Ukrainian etc. shill simultaneously, so I guess this is a good sign, since I have always claimed that I am mostly neutral.
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But this is why I cannot take many of the Western analysts seriously. They have this ignorant or even racist view of non-Westerners as some drones that are blindly uncritical and following their rulers and have this idea of 1 man (the ruler) somehow controlling and deciding everything.

What MbS has been initiating in KSA of late in terms of the massive ongoing industrialization, indigenous military sector, social, economic, religious etc. reforms (for the better if you ask me), is not the work of MbS alone but the Saudi Arabian elites and those that make the country run on a daily basis. If MbS is somehow taken out (doubt it but always possible) he will just be replaced by a similar minded person with a similar policy. Why? Because the jin is out of the bottle, nobody wants a return to the old era nor is anyone in power (House of Saud at least) going to jeopardize the future of the country and their rule (the good thing about autocratic rule is that you are bound to mostly succeed otherwise you risk losing everything forever, especially in West Asia of all regions of the world) by applying policies that are counterproductive for KSA as a country.

A prime minister in say UK, if he ***** up, he at worst, risk losing his position and goes back to his everyday political life, if autocrats lose power, their entire existence/rule is over and unlikely ever to return. In other words, there is more at stake here.

I also believe that the power circles in Iran think similarly after the recent unrest. Hence the lessening of some of their laws as well. I also believe that they (at last) realize that they cannot have hostile ties to Arabs forever.
You tell 'em
You tell 'em

I am serious. The usual "Western Twitter expert" default analysis are very often overly shallow and dominated by century old (or at least decade old) "oriental" theories and what not. It is as if the average West Asian, Muslim, non-Westerner was not identical to your average Westerner in so far as him/she being human as well and prone to the same human tendencies as everyone is regardless of upbringing, background, ideology etc.

I have seen this across the entire board with no exception to the non-Westerners in question here and I am otherwise not your usual "evil West default reply" Muslim online that blames everything on the evil West, that lives through conspiracy theories and who does not take any responsibility for his current state or that of his country.

What I also lack in Western media and media as a whole, is giving room for differing opinions. Why is it that I never hear pro-Iranian or pro-KSA representatives explaining their perspective to the Western audience or giving a different viewpoint?

It is always my highway or no highway kind of rhetoric.

Anyway what do Iranian users here think about this deal? Will it amount to anything or is it just hot air? From the rumors that we have been hearing for a long time, it seems that this was years in the making. There were rumors of Omani and Iraqi mediation etc.

I mean it almost feels a bit surreal that a deal was even made. Very curious to see what it will end up with of concrete changes mostly in terms of direct KSA-Iran bilateral relations.

This is obviously not comparable to a Pakistan-India peace deal in regards to Kashmir and otherwise, given that KSA and Iran have never went to war in recent memory, nor is there as much bad blood due to the partition etc. but it is nevertheless quite huge news. Not comparable in fact I would claim as far as people to people relations go. I always felt it was more a regime vs regime thing than people to people. At least from the perspective of the Arabs.

I wonder if the Palestinians and Israelis will ever learn to live in peace? It has been 75.+ years by now.
. . .
It's great now all the Iranian and Saudi members on this forum can be friends

Sure, but I am afraid that there are no active Saudi Arabian users any longer other than @The SC who is yet to comment on this thread strangely.

That aside, I was more thinking about what you as an Iranian is expecting of outcomes of this deal and agreement and the potential of KSA-Iran bilateral relations and as such increased people to people relations. I think that such increased relations will showcase to both parties how close they are to each other on many (if not most) fronts naturally.

Look at Europe post WW2. From being at constant war with each other, they seem to have relaxed a bit albeit the timing of my words (Ukraine-Russia) seems to be a bit counterproductive but overall they have been VERY quite considering their track record of the past.:lol:
. .
China seems taking over both oil rich countries.

Nah, ensuring stable energy supplies to China and trying to get them to behave as grown ups as it suits China. Nothing more and nothing less. China had a 239 billion USD annual trade volume with the Arab states in 2021 when Covid-19 was ravaging the world. Not sure what it is with Iran but probably in the range of 20-30 billion without having Google it. China is a trusted partner by both parties hence why it was chosen as the mediator. I don't think that many other nations could have had that role and be trusted by both. This is quite unique but this is due to China having no history in the region in contemporary times.

EDIT: Looks like I overestimated the China-Iran economic ties. According to this news the annual China-Iran billateral trade for 2022 was roughly 16 billion USD.

Growing as well though.
Sure, but I am afraid that there are no active Saudi Arabian users any longer other than @The SC who is yet to comment on this thread strangely.
Come on Hasani don't be like that we're not strangers
That aside, I was more thinking about what you as an Iranian is expecting of outcomes of this deal and agreement and the potential of KSA-Iran bilateral relations and as such increased people to people relations. I think that such increased relations will showcase to both parties how close they are to each other on many (if not most) fronts naturally.
Too soon to tell, aside from us being the Jews of Islam apparently I think it would be useful for both sides to just chill for a bit. I think maybe Saudi might try and agree a lasting settlement in Yemen and Iran would encourage the Houthis to be receptive in that regard. Aside from that they'd just stop being at each other's necks all round e.g. in media and military posturing
Look at Europe post WW2. From being at constant war with each other, they seem to have relaxed a bit albeit the timing of my words (Ukraine-Russia) seems to be a bit counterproductive but overall they have been VERY quite considering their track record of the past.
Europeans just decided that instead of the traditional great powers fighting each other they'd team up to kick the shit out of all the smaller/middle powers, they're still as partial to the ol' warcrime as ever
But this is why I cannot take many of the Western analysts seriously. They have this ignorant or even racist view of non-Westerners as some drones that are blindly uncritical and following their rulers and have this idea of 1 man (the ruler) somehow controlling and deciding everything.

What MbS has been initiating in KSA of late in terms of the massive ongoing industrialization, indigenous military sector, social, economic, religious etc. reforms (for the better if you ask me), is not the work of MbS alone but the Saudi Arabian elites and those that make the country run on a daily basis. If MbS is somehow taken out (doubt it but always possible) he will just be replaced by a similar minded person with a similar policy. Why? Because the jin is out of the bottle, nobody wants a return to the old era nor is anyone in power (House of Saud at least) going to jeopardize the future of the country and their rule (the good thing about autocratic rule is that you are bound to mostly succeed otherwise you risk losing everything forever, especially in West Asia of all regions of the world) by applying policies that are counterproductive for KSA as a country.

A prime minister in say UK, if he ***** up, he at worst, risk losing his position and goes back to his everyday political life, if autocrats lose power, their entire existence/rule is over and unlikely ever to return. In other words, there is more at stake here.

I also believe that the power circles in Iran think similarly after the recent unrest. Hence the lessening of some of their laws as well. I also believe that they (at last) realize that they cannot have hostile ties to Arabs forever.
Stop your nonsense and BS you have a ego that you're always right and other always wrong
Stop your nonsense and BS you have a ego that you're always right and other always wrong

Nonsense, I never claimed such a ridiculous thing. On the contrary I have always claimed that I am merely just posting my own opinions and experiences (unless I am talking about factual matters or numbers) and that I could very much be wrong in my assessments and predictions.

Talk about needing to state the obvious.

This is why I wrote, initially as well in this thread, that I could be completely wrong in my opinions and that it might turn out that Iran will become the new best regional friend of KSA and vice versa.

Now other than one-liners do you have an independent opinion or analysis of this news or do you prefer one-liner attacks containing personal attacks? As you see, I don't mind, lol. Carry on.:enjoy:
g settlement in Yemen and Iran would encourage the Houthis to be receptive in that regard. Aside from that they'd just stop being at each other's necks all round e.g. in media and military posturing

Europeans just decided that instead of the traditional great powers fighting each other they'd team up to kick the shit out of all the smaller/middle powers, they're still as partial to the ol' warcrime as ever

Well, I am yet to interact with you, so to me you are a stranger.:enjoy:

Nah, you misunderstood what I was writing. I said that people who criticize the Iranian regime, their critique is often labelled as being sectarian, irrespective of that being the case or not. This is something that was collaborated with a user in this thread who claimed to hate both regimes in question (KSA and Iran). I merely wrote that this reminds me of how certain Jews react to criticism aimed at Israel by resorting to the default accusations of being an "anti-Semite", "Nazi" and what not. That's all. I don't care about sects personally or what people belief in. Religion to me is a personal thing and unless someone asks I am usually not going to talk about it.

Well, not sure if you have been following news, but there has been a ceasefire in Yemen for well over 1 year if not 1.5 from what I recall on top of my head. Things have been relatively peaceful even for regional standards.

I don't disagree with that part, they are humans after all as well, but I was more referring to their relative peaceful neighborhood (Europe) since WW2. The same can't be said about West Asia albeit I know that West Asia is a child in comparison in terms of wars historically speaking.
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Nonsense, I never claimed such a ridiculous thing. On the contrary I have always claimed that I am merely just posting my own opinions and experiences (unless I am talking about factual matters or numbers) and that I could very much be wrong in my assessments and predictions.

Talk about needing to state the obvious.

This is why I wrote, initially as well in this thread, that I could be completely wrong in my opinions and that it might turn out that Iran will become the new best regional friend of KSA and vice versa.

Now other than one-liners do you have an independent opinion or analysis of this news or do you prefer one-liner attacks containing personal attacks? As you see, I don't mind, lol. Carry on.:enjoy:
, You're imposing your nonsense and BS forcefully to other this development is good for Muslim world If implementad correctly Islam say unity but you believe in division
, You're imposing your nonsense and BS forcefully to other this development is good for Muslim world If implementad correctly Islam say unity but you believe in division

Are you sure or do you expect a visit from me to "enforce" my views on you and others?:lol:


Dude, I know that you are a simpleton, your posts give it a way, but for me Muslim regimes of any country do not equal Islam or Muslims. They are just that, regimes of countries that happen to be Muslim-majority and which like any other regime of any other nation state, is doing whatever they find opportunistic for their countries. Nothing more and nothing less. You might be following some Muslim figures (politicians, clerics and what not) blindly, but I don't have such figures, sorry.
Most Chinese would want their country to be more prosperous and powerful than the U.S. But that is not the same as to replace the US as a self appointed sheriff of the world, as very few if any Chinese is interested seeing China in that role.

And no, why would China be disappointed? A direct conflict is low, but a Saudi that’s less dependent upon the U.S. for its security is a great step forward for China.
Exactly, most Chinese want to see a prosperous and powerful China maybe in many respects surpassing that of US. But, its safe to say nearly no Chinese want China to be a self appointed world sheriff and world hegemon like the US.
Are you sure or do you expect a visit from me to "enforce" my views on you and others?:lol:


Dude, I know that you are a simpleton, your posts give it a way, but for me Muslim regimes of any country do not equal Islam or Muslims. They are just that, regimes of countries that happen to be Muslim-majority and which like any other regime of any other nation state, is doing whatever they find opportunistic for their countries. Nothing more and nothing less. You might be following some Muslim figures (politicians, clerics and what not) blindly, but I don't have such figures, sorry.
Look you don't respect to other opinions, know one know you have REAL EXPERIENCE OR FAKE INTERNET EXPERIENCE AND FACT

Don't you believe in Allah Qur'an prophet (pbuh) and his followers sahaba karam I believe in these thing but probably you won't believe in those things



So i recon to MODs to ban you from this thread

@waz @The Eagle @LeGenD at least ban @Corruptistan on this thread thanks
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