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Iqbal: A new beginning, an end to misconceptions

hotaki is probably just a false flag.

Most Pathans in Pakistan love Karachi and Multan as much as they love Peshawar.

well hotaki started a debate and i seriously want to apply his principles to himself but he is just going round about not answering the qestions :lol:
Nor do you represent anyone, if we don't represent each other then why need of anp and strong pukhtoon brotherhood. If Islam is not pukhtoon ideology then why taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan?.

Your secular ideology represents you and your kind not Muslims.

Dude, no one in Pakistan wants Secularism. Everyone in Pakistan wants Sharia. Everyone knows that.

As for Jinnah and Iqbal, we all know those men had FAILINGS. They are not our references. We know that.

Most people I have to talked have said they yes they and I believe that the building of mausoleums/sufi shrines is wrong.

But the government needs to take action to remove the mausoleums, or atleast remove the graves of the dead bodies and then turn those ex-mausoleums into useful buildings.

Everyone knows building mausoleums is Haraam.
Dude, no one in Pakistan wants Secularism. Everyone in Pakistan wants Sharia. Everyone knows that.

As for Jinnah and Iqbal, we all know those men had FAILINGS. They are not our references. We know that.

Most people I have to talked have said they yes they and I believe that the building of mausoleums/sufi shrines is wrong.

But the government needs to take action to remove the mausoleums, or atleast remove the graves of the dead bodies and then turn those ex-mausoleums into useful buildings.

Everyone knows building mausoleums is Haraam.

most of who?
most of your social circle?
And who wants Sharia? the loud banner people?
Half of them.. and most of Pakistan does not even KNOW what Shariah is?
Who will tell them? You?
Who do you represent? Not me? I will oppose you, peacefully then violently..
Its like imposing Islam.. tell me...did the prophet(nauzubillah) beat up people into accepting Islam?
hahaha... the moderator is deleting his own posts which were full of racist slurs. you should actually ban yourself for using f1lthy language against other members and respected people like Gandhi. And please restore my post, as there was nothing objectionable in my post.
Are nay of such books available in soft form? and from where?


A Must read.
most of who?
most of your social circle?
And who wants Sharia? the loud banner people?
Half of them.. and most of Pakistan does not even KNOW what Shariah is?
Who will tell them? You?
Who do you represent? Not me? I will oppose you, peacefully then violently..
Its like imposing Islam.. tell me...did the prophet(nauzubillah) beat up people into accepting Islam?

For example when a thief has been caught stealing multiple times, his hand should be cut off.

This would help prevent politicians stealing from the people.

I want Hadd punishments to be applied.

If there is a fornicator he/she should be whipped.

If there is a adulterer, they should be stoned to death.

Interest in economics needs to be banned. Alcohol needs to be banned. Smoking needs to be banned.

Modesty dress codes should be implemented. Women should not be allowed to reveal the hair, men must not be allowed to wear shorts, etc.

Muslim men and women needs dress according to what the Qu'ran and Sunnah says.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?
For example when a thief has been caught stealing multiple times, his hand should be cut off.

This would help prevent politicians stealing from the people.

I want Hadd punishments to be applied.

If there is a fornicator he/she should be whipped.

If there is a adulterer, they should be stoned to death.

Interest in economics needs to be banned. Alcohol needs to be banned. Smoking needs to be banned.

Modesty dress codes should be implemented. Women should be allowed to reveal the hair, men must not be allowed to wear shorts, etc.

Muslim men and women needs dress according to what the Qu'ran and Sunnah says.
Do you understand what I'm talking about?

I absolutely understand..
but what criteria will you use to bring that?
I mean as an example..
this ayat of the Quran defines it so and so... and demands that it be enforced on everyone through lashings , beatings and executions and not through moral example.
I absolutely understand..
but what criteria will you use to bring that?
I mean as an example..
this ayat of the Quran defines it so and so... and demands that it be enforced on everyone through lashings , beatings and executions and not through moral example.

Also pornography needs to be banned like how Morsi did it in Egypt. Pornography is probably banned Pakistan already.

If anyone breaks the law, then he/she should be given the appropriate punishment as to what Islam says.
Also pornography needs to be banned like how Morsi did it in Egypt. Pornography is probably banned Pakistan already.

If anyone breaks the law, then he/she should be given the appropriate punishment as to what Islam says.

How will you set those conditions.. where is the law.. where does it apply?

To do that, you will have to take the same approach taken by the Caliphs...and that is NOT what is supposed by most ..which is that he simply applied what was in the Quran as it is.
But rather that he took the times he lived in, the abilities of judgement that were commonly available and were the norm.
and the situations where he had known the prophet to.. or he had enough understanding to.. apply those laws in that environment and in those times and conditions.

I agree on banning pornography.. it has kids as young as 11 having lewd thoughts about their fellow age girls.
But it wont solve the issue of unprotected sex, or zina or otherwise overnight.

You need to inspire Islam, not shove it down people's throats.. the results of which are being seen the daily booms , and the polarization of the nation along sectarian lines.
most of who?
most of your social circle?
And who wants Sharia? the loud banner people?
Half of them.. and most of Pakistan does not even KNOW what Shariah is?
Who will tell them? You?
Who do you represent? Not me? I will oppose you, peacefully then violently..
Its like imposing Islam.. tell me...did the prophet(nauzubillah) beat up people into accepting Islam?
Sorry Sir when people call themselves Muslims Shariah has to be imposed in Muslim lands that is the law and Muslim can't follow those leaders and laws which are against Shariah that ia the basic rule Yes HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW gave rules on implementing Shariah
How will you set those conditions.. where is the law.. where does it apply?

To do that, you will have to take the same approach taken by the Caliphs...and that is NOT what is supposed by most ..which is that he simply applied what was in the Quran as it is.
But rather that he took the times he lived in, the abilities of judgement that were commonly available and were the norm.
and the situations where he had known the prophet to.. or he had enough understanding to.. apply those laws in that environment and in those times and conditions.

I agree on banning pornography.. it has kids as young as 11 having lewd thoughts about their fellow age girls.
But it wont solve the issue of unprotected sex, or zina or otherwise overnight.

You need to inspire Islam, not shove it down people's throats.. the results of which are being seen the daily booms , and the polarization of the nation along sectarian lines.
Inspiring is done to to Non Muslims when people are Muslims they have to follow Shariah and Islamic Punishments have to be implemented Sir and can't run away from that and have to be implemented with full force once the same HAZRAT UMAR RA asked people if I don't decide according to law of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW what will you do one man stood up and took out his sword and said we will do this and he said you said the right thing
Inspiring is done to to Non Muslims when people are Muslims they have to follow Shariah and Islamic Punishments have to be implemented Sir and can't run away from that and have to be implemented with full force once the same HAZRAT UMAR RA asked people if I don't decide according to law of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW what will you do one man stood up and took out his sword and said we will do this and he said you said the right thing

please find the quote, look up its history.. its authenticity and background
The quote was Hazrat Umar's way of letting people know that know caliph should be allowed to take decisions based on those that contradict Islamic teachings.
it does not enforce any form of specific Sharia, but shows him setting the example for Muslim rulers governing according to the teachings and ways of the Prophet.. they way he governed his people.

Misinterpretation my friend.
please find the quote, look up its history.. its authenticity and background
The quote was Hazrat Umar's way of letting people know that know caliph should be allowed to take decisions based on those that contradict Islamic teachings.
it does not enforce any form of specific Sharia, but shows him setting the example for Muslim rulers governing according to the teachings and ways of the Prophet.. they way he governed his people.

Misinterpretation my friend.
No Sir its not misinterpretation Sir its quite clear same thing was said by HAZRAT ABU BAKAR RA that as long as I decide according to Quran and Sunnah follow me and If if don't than stop me and don't follow me and that is what Quran says Sir Caliph can't be allowed to take decisions which are not according to Quran and Sunnah Sir

After assuming the office of Caliphate Abu Bakr's first address was as follow:
I have been given the authority over you, and I am not the best of you. If I do well, help me; and if I do wrong, set me right. Sincere regard for truth is loyalty and disregard for truth is treachery. The weak amongst you shall be strong with me until I have secured his rights, if God wills; and the strong amongst you shall be weak with me until I have wrested from him the rights of others, if God wills. Obey me so long as I obey God and His Messenger. But if I disobey God and His Messenger, ye owe me no obedience. Arise for your prayer, God have mercy upon you.

On 22 August Caliph Abu Bakr died. Umar assumed the office of Caliph on the same day. He then addressed the Muslims in his Inaugural address:
"O ye faithful! Abu Bakr is no more amongst us. He has the satisfaction that he has successfully piloted the ship of the Muslim state to safety after negotiating the stormy sea. He successfully waged the apostasy wars, and thanks to him, Islam is now supreme in Arabia. After Abu Bakr, the mantle of the Caliphate has fallen on my shoulders. I swear it before God that I never coveted this office. I wished that it would have devolved on some other person more worthy than me. But now that in national interest, the responsibility for leading the Muslims has come to vest in me, I assure you that I will not run away from my post, and will make an earnest effort to discharge the onerous duties of the office to the best of my capacity in accordance with the injunctions of Islam. Allah has examined me from you and you from me, In the performance of my duties, I will seek guidance from the Holy Book, and will follow the examples set by the Holy Prophet and Abu Bakr. In this task I seek your assistance. If I follow the right path, follow me. If I deviate from the right path, correct me so that we are not led astray.
Iqbal (RA) was a Sufi and at the level of Rind.

There are many levels of Sufi in Tasawwuf and he was at Rind.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was supported by Pir Jamaat Ali Shah (RA). If quaid was a secular figure then why did Pir supported him. Quaid wanted to make an Islamic Pakistan with Holy Quran & Sunnah as a constitution, else India is itself a secular state.

Learn about his life and do respect the Quaid please!

You crazy man ?

Just because there are elongated conversations with Rumi and others does not conclude he was a sufi or what ever grade.

You are trying to belittle Iqbal by calling him a sufi or whatever.

Please keep these excuses to your self, and let Iqbal be a muslim for ever.

باغي مريد

ہم کو تو ميسر نہيں مٹي کا ديا بھي
گھر پير کا بجلي کے چراغوں سے ہے روشن
شہري ہو، دہاتي ہو، مسلمان ہے سادہ
مانند بتاں پجتے ہيں کعبے کے برہمن
نذرانہ نہيں ، سود ہے پيران حرم کا
ہر خرقہء سالوس کے اندر ہے مہاجن
ميراث ميں آئي ہے انھيں مسند ارشاد
زاغوں کے تصرف ميں عقابوں کے نشيمن


رمز و ايما اس زمانے کے ليے موزوں نہيں
اور آتا بھي نہيں مجھ کو سخن سازي کا فن
'قم باذن اللہ' کہہ سکتے تھے جو ، رخصت ہوئے
خانقاہوں ميں مجاور رہ گئے يا گورکن!

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