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Invading Pakistan? The Worst Idea Yet

This article is a War Mongers wet dream

Why will US wanna attack Pakistan?

India Pakistan war is M.A.D is i really wish it never happens too.

Pakistan and India will have to live with each other.

Pakistan India China needs good relations in order to develop our countries.

i agree there is no other way except this,kashmir would have to be settled though my viewpoint on it is a little different
Even most Pakistanis here forgot, there are some or thousands Pakistanis (out of 190 millions) willing to work with American in order to destabilize Pakistan if US invading.
Even most Pakistanis here forgot, there are some or thousands Pakistanis (out of 190 millions) willing to work with American in order to destabilize Pakistan if US invading.

i was to raise the point of the baloch rebels ,who would jump on working with uncle sam
By the time this plan is implemented(if it does happen) pakistan would already have the capability to target USA with a nuke and i am sure none of the countries can afford a nuclear holocaust.They cant even afford the risk of a nuclear holocaust.

What if it turns out that Chinese:china: troops just entered Pakistan through the north to beat the heck out of the Gringos:usflag:.
oh i would love the sound of that:sniper: ....If it comes to it:coffee:
TO UNCLE SAM WITH LOVE: Bring it on and find out what happens! we'll make u a seperate graveyard for the whole world to see! you won't even be able to collect the bodies!:sniper:

i was to raise the point of the baloch rebels ,who would jump on working with uncle sam

thats going to be great!!! The Army will get a good free hand to anhiliate The Baluch Liberation Army fa88ots that u are refering. And if India bolsters her efforts in trying to help them from their Kandhar embessy in hopes of repeating Bangladesh... sorry to burst your bubble, but not enough numbers are present. The BLA can never fight with the pakistan Army in such a situation, and if it does, thats great, the Pakistani nation will openly come to know that the BLA are nothing but a bunch of hooligans traitors to Pakistan. Ideal!!
thats going to be great!!! The Army will get a good free hand to anhiliate The Baluch Liberation Army fa88ots that u are refering. And if India bolsters her efforts in trying to help them from their Kandhar embessy in hopes of repeating Bangladesh... sorry to burst your bubble, but not enough numbers are present. The BLA can never fight with the pakistan Army in such a situation, and if it does, thats great, the Pakistani nation will openly come to know that the BLA are nothing but a bunch of hooligans traitors to Pakistan. Ideal!!

And when the Pakistani nation realises that,then,they will have no problem with the army even carpet bombing them if possible.
Sigh... no-one is willing to listen to LeGenD's reasonable wise posts. :angry:

It is exactly what Iraqis saying similars words what Pakistanis use today with so-much emotionals feeling. You have to think outside of the box, I know it is difficult for some people to imagine reality.
Nato's failures to be blamed on Pak... what a logic ? , Invade Pak and this war will not end in a hundred years

No dear, it will end it VERY VERY quickly, the US cannot take any more financial pressures! its trllion dollar industrial empire is rapidly going southwards and they just cannot fight another protracted war! And whose going to supply them with a logistic route for this war? GAME OVER!

Lets hope something like this does happen, it will surely end Indian and US wet dreams. true, Pakistan is going to suffer alot, but will be the last man standing! I kid u not!

Secondly, do u have any idea how many Pakistanis have guns in their homes? before u know it, the Pakistani borders will be swarming with volenteers to fight these Indians and yanks! Im positive that at least double the total strength of the Pakistan Army volenteers will be willing to fight! Pakistanis are a very martial race, like our Afghan bretherens and we have ALOT of ammo and guns!

Thirdly, such an act can very easily become a conflict which will not remain isolated to the US, India and Pakistan. Don't be surprised if China, Iran and Israel also get activated, and in such a case God knows what will happen!

btw, the americans know very well about these problems otherwise they would have attacked Pakistan 5 years ago. Thats the reason they are resorting to a 4th generation war on us.

No dear, it will end it VERY VERY quickly, the US cannot take any more financial pressures! its trllion dollar industrial empire is rapidly going southwards and they just cannot fight another protracted war! And whose going to supply them with a logistic route for this war? GAME OVER!

Lets hope something like this does happen, it will surely end Indian and US wet dreams. true, Pakistan is going to suffer alot, but will be the last man standing! I kid u not!

Secondly, do u have any idea how many Pakistanis have guns in their homes? before u know it, the Pakistani borders will be swarming with volenteers to fight these Indians and yanks! Im positive that at least double the total strength of the Pakistan Army volenteers will be willing to fight! Pakistanis are a very martial race, like our Afghan bretherens and we have ALOT of ammo and guns!

Thirdly, such an act can very easily become a conflict which will not remain isolated to the US, India and Pakistan. Don't be surprised if China, Iran and Israel also get activated, and in such a case God knows what will happen!

btw, the americans know very well about these problems otherwise they would have attacked Pakistan 5 years ago. Thats the reason they are resorting to a 4th generation war on us.


i strongly agree to your last line
And the militants would love it, if the US invaded, it will be like Christmas, Eid and the 4th of July all rolled up into one.

Oh boy! thats was one hell of a punch line man! right on the nose! this deserves the following smileys:
I dont know in which world Pakistanis and Hindustanis lives. Must be dreamland.
Can any one tell me what are our options if one day american ICBMS hit all major cities both side or their bombers drops millions of bombs.
They will come they will go.
The only thing left will be silence and cries.
Wake up.
No dear, it will end it VERY VERY quickly, the US cannot take any more financial pressures! its trllion dollar industrial empire is rapidly going southwards and they just cannot fight another protracted war! And whose going to supply them with a logistic route for this war? GAME OVER!

Lets hope something like this does happen, it will surely end Indian and US wet dreams. true, Pakistan is going to suffer alot, but will be the last man standing! I kid u not!

Secondly, do u have any idea how many Pakistanis have guns in their homes? before u know it, the Pakistani borders will be swarming with volenteers to fight these Indians and yanks! Im positive that at least double the total strength of the Pakistan Army volenteers will be willing to fight! Pakistanis are a very martial race, like our Afghan bretherens and we have ALOT of ammo and guns!

Thirdly, such an act can very easily become a conflict which will not remain isolated to the US, India and Pakistan. Don't be surprised if China, Iran and Israel also get activated, and in such a case God knows what will happen!

btw, the americans know very well about these problems otherwise they would have attacked Pakistan 5 years ago. Thats the reason they are resorting to a 4th generation war on us.


Great thoughts.:hitwall: You have guns in each home but where they goes whenever a war broke up or when 90000 of martial race soldiers drop their guns???
Indians too can say that their population is so huge that they can beat pakistan just by lathis and dandas. Will you buy it???
Just talk about your own strengths which is nothing in front of US not like china will come or russia will help.

We both Indians as well as Pakistanis are at the same end dude and ironicaly its the recieving end.
This report is a fine indication of how propaganda works. These are just pressure tactics to get the job done.

Pakistani leadership has made it clear to American leadership that only its troops can conduct military operations inside Pakistan. The mandate of foreign military operations is restricted to Afghanistan.

If more pressure is applied, my prediction is expansion of drone campaign inside Pakistan. This proposal (not yet approved by President Barak Obama) can be used as a pretext to pressure Pakistan in to allowing expansion of drone campaign.

And this is not a new proposal. Bush administration already had similar plans but drone campaign was selected as the best alternate.

Main reason is that American raids inside Pakistan might cause massive civilian casualties. These events can lead to destabilization of the country and Pakistani leadership would be in serious trouble.

Already we are paying a heavy price for WOT.

Are you serious? It will end with millions innocent dead and utter devastation of Pakistani infrastructure.

Do you read history?

Vietnam has won every single conflict since the 20th century: defeated France (a colonial power), USA (a superpower), China (a world power), and Cambodia.

Vietnam's territory is filled with forests and rivers. And Vietnamese have massive expertise in jungle warfare. The invading forces cannot conduct mechanized military raids in regions other than cities.

Also, Vietnamese resistance was supported and heavily armed by Soviet Union and China during its struggle against America. However, America returned the favor to Soviet Union in Afghanistan through similar tactics.

Vietnam posits an entirely different kind of military challenge to any potential foe with respect to Pakistan.

Also, underestimation of enemy is a grave mistake. This is not 1965 brother and this is not India. We are talking about a superpower with vast amounts of resources and weaponry at its disposal.

The very reason which compelled Musharraf (than COAS) to join WOT was a single lined threat from an angry Richard Armitage: Either you support us or be prepared to be bombed back to stone age.

Within next 24 hours, Pakistan took a complete U-turn in its policy towards Afghanistan and Taliban was abandoned. Do the math.

Do not confuse military defeat with failure of a nation to functionally exist.

Size does not matters. Level of preparation matters.

Believe me! Common man here has no clue about horrors of war.

The previous two wars which America fought might have costed a lot on financial scale but not significantly in terms of loss of lives and hardware. The huge financial cost was expected. Wars are very expensive ventures in current times.

And Yes! This is not 1960s or 1970s. We are talking about dealing with a 21st century war machine, which is regarded as the best in the world.

I have met several intelligence and military officers and had discussions with them on these matters. They did not had funny things to share. Their perceptions were far more realistic and mature, which I found surprising.

Pakistani civilians ki tu kya hi baat hai. In talk, we can conquer the entire world.

First we need to prove ourselves with progress like China. Than we can talk about trading blows with USA.

Seriously, common people here think of a war as it is a joke. We need to fear Allah and pray to the Almighty to not put us in more trials and open our eyes so that we can realize ground realities and make progress. But who wants to understand?

The message from devastating earthquake and floods was not enough? Do we need a devastating war too?

Also, this war will be fought on our soil. Therefore, it will only ring our death-knell. As long as the continental US is safe, America has nothing signifcant to loose.

Are you serious too? India will openly support America. The biggest challenge to India is from Pakistan from within the subcontinent. If this threat is to be removed, why would India let the chance slip by?

Do not forget this saying: mooun mein ram ram, bagal mein churah

If you think that the US will not ultimately gang up with India and attack Pakistan militarily, then u are wrong bro, thats what they are ultimately going for. How else can u explain these two things?

1. India's Cold Start strategy
2. India and Us signing an allaince to go into 'hot' pursuit into any country regardless of borders

War is not fun and nobody can imagine the horrors of war until it befalls a nation, but war is also inevitable! it is the BIGGEST part of world history, and sadly the choice of nations to settle dispute.

What do u want Pakistanis to do in case of such US adventurism? lay down our weapons and present our back sides to them? Jingonism aside, if it comes to this, the Us will pay a heavy price, a price it can not afford to pay. by ur logic, if the US will obliterate us, that wouldnt be the case with the US self obliterating itself.

grave consequences, but wat can a man do at desperate times?

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