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Interpol notice against 2 Pak Army majors in 26/11 case

1) You have the right to be a Dork and believe that RAW was not involved with LTTE and Bangladesh

2)The problem with many Indians, they just can't digest their own short comings. Is this because of the caste system?

An intelligence agency is supposed to try and destabilize an enemy, so I don't think what they did in 1971 in Bangladesh is a 'shortcoming'. The Sri Lanka bit was sad though, and India has paid for it, end of story. The LTTE no longer exists.

The way some Americans talk about the 'caste system' without knowing jackshit about it is amusing. Is this because of the racist nature of Americans, with history of slavery and black oppression, continuing today with organizations like stormfront?

See, you ought to stop trolling. Present your point reasonably and you won't receive trollish responses.
An intelligence agency is supposed to try and destabilize an enemy, so I don't think what they did in 1971 in Bangladesh is a 'shortcoming'. The Sri Lanka bit was sad though, and India has paid for it, end of chapter.

The way some Americans talk about the 'caste system' without knowing jackshit about it is amusing. Is this because of the racist nature of Americans, with history of slavery and black oppression, continuing today with organizations like stormfront?

See, you ought to stop trolling. Present your point reasonably and you won't receive trollish responses.

The 'shortcoming' is not about RAW operations, but denying it, in forums here. BTW, there is no institutionalized racism in US. (It is against the law) But I have to agree, there are many individuals who still have racists intentions. I am not the one. Most Asians here are smarter than average population. But unlike India where the norm is the caste (especially for marriage, right?)
BTW, there is no institutionalized racism in US. (It is against the law) But I have to agree, there are many individuals who still have racists intentions.

So are you implying that the Indian Constitution legalizes the caste system?
quoting half post to make a point....read full post ...we dont know if these names are real.....You guys still thinks someone will go and say " I am major sameer ali....PA sent me to give you this job" ....even if he told his rank do you think he'll tell his original name.....Let the common sense prevail.

hmmm, now I get it. The "common sense" which was elusive to the entire Interpol is with my friend.
So are you implying that the Indian Constitution legalizes the caste system?

I am implying that as a society, you all are very comfortable discriminating based on religion. (Marriage, jobs etc). No idea what your constitution says.
I am implying that as a society, you all are very comfortable discriminating based on religion. (Marriage, jobs etc). No idea what your constitution says.

Isnt that exactly what happens here in US? Its the society which chooses to discriminate, not the Constitution or the laws of the land.
The 'shortcoming' is not about RAW operations, but denying it, in forums here. BTW, there is no institutionalized racism in US. (It is against the law) But I have to agree, there are many individuals who still have racists intentions. I am not the one. Most Asians here are smarter than average population. But unlike India where the norm is the caste (especially for marriage, right?)

Well, if I have to give you an honest response, I have to admit that as of today, the USA is better vis-a-vis racism, than India is with respect to the caste system.

But the important thing is, caste discrimination is outlawed by the Indian constitution and there are pretty stiff penalties for indulging in that sort of thing. Sadly, caste-based discrimination still exists in India, but almost all the discrimination happens in rural areas. Almost all people who post on this forum are educated urban elite, and they hardly know or care about caste. In fact, many of them would wonder what all the fuss is about, when they see no discrimination around them!

But the reality is that casteism does have a place in rural areas, and some parts of the country (states such as UP and Bihar) are much worse than states like Tamilnadu (where discrimination has almost completely been eradicated).

But certainly, caste is not even remotely connected with the thoughts and actions of the typical educated Indian you'd meet in an American company, or on an online forum such as this one!
Possibly be among the Indian community in US. But overall there is no comparison between Indian caste system and US system. Also poverty plays a role.
The interpol notice isnt going to achieve anything. Have we ever got hold of Dawood or the flight hijackers?

But one thing for sure. All the terrorists and criminals now know the safest place for them. Pakistan can start issuing 'Visa On arrival' for these folks
What about discrimination based on Gender? how many of Female posters are here? In Asia most females are not active in politics etc,... right?

I am moderator in health related forums, and more than 70% of the posts are from females.
Possibly be among the Indian community in US. But overall there is no comparison between Indian caste system and US system. Also poverty plays a role.

Here come the 'obligatory' quotes on Indian poverty and what not! Why dont ya mention toilets while you are at it?

I dunno howz it like where you come from (guessing it be FL - if so, how do you treat them Cubans or Latinos?) down here its a different story. Like poverty and racism dont go hand in hand in US. Spare us the morality complex you seem to harbor.

And of course theres no comparison between US and Indian systems - poles apart.
What about discrimination based on Gender? how many of Female posters are here? In Asia most females are not active in politics etc,... right?

I am moderator in health related forums, and more than 70% of the posts are from females.

If your question was directed at me, I'd day 'Asia' is too large a generalization. In general, the Indian workplace still has a much larger proportion of males, though that is again, changing. The Indian government has reserved 50% seats in local governing bodies (panchayats) for women, to enable them to participate more actively in politics. . An interesting point here is that we have had a woman Prime minister for more than a decade (Indira Gandhi), and the chief minister of the most populous state in India is a woman 'Dalit' (so-called low caste), and is a contendor for the Prime Minister's post in the next election.

I suggest we stop discussing this here, so that we don't get banned for off-topic posts.
What about discrimination based on Gender? how many of Female posters are here?

This is an effin defence forum ! Not some healthcare, bollywood gossip forum !

edit:before you start harping on discrimination in Indian/Asian armed forces, please tell me about the % of women in the US military ?
What about discrimination based on Gender? how many of Female posters are here? In Asia most females are not active in politics etc,... right?

I am moderator in health related forums, and more than 70% of the posts are from females.

LOL. Seriously? What history or political science do they teach you in US schools?

India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc have had female Prime Ministers. Indian President is a woman, so is the PM of Bangladesh. B. Bhutto was the ex-PM of Pakistan.
Some of the world's powerful women in politics are from South Asia (Sonia Gandhi - rings a bell?).

Btw, did you even graduate high school? You wouldnt be this ignorant if you did, but then given the standards of US education system, I wouldnt be surprised even if you were.

What about discrimination based on Gender? how many of Female posters are here? In Asia most females are not active in politics etc,... right?

I am moderator in health related forums, and more than 70% of the posts are from females.


You cant force someone to post....and posting on a forum speaks very little about the interest in Politics or the "discrimination" in politics towards women....

If you look at our history as well as the current situation....
One of our best PMs was a woman (Ms. Gandhi) who wielded enormous political power...

The most powerful politicians in India at th moment are Ms. Sonia Gandhi and Ms. Mayawati.....
So I feel its a bit naive of you to say that Indians discriminate against women in politics...

In fact even our scriptures....The Mahabharata and Ramayana both portray women as important political figures that more or less drive the crux of these epics....
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