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Interpol notice against 2 Pak Army majors in 26/11 case

This is an effin defence forum ! Not some healthcare, bollywood gossip forum !

edit:before you start harping on discrimination in Indian/Asian armed forces, please tell me about the % of women in the US military ?

Post Deleted
Possibly be among the Indian community in US. But overall there is no comparison between Indian caste system and US system. Also poverty plays a role.

Give me a break....

The systematic discrimination of African Americans pre-civil rights movement is not so distant a memory....

At least the caste system does not equal enslavement......

American Political system (modern) is quite good....but if you're gonna come here and try to demean us, then please be ready for a flurry of articles on the lynching and civil rights abuses by your nation and its people.

Unlike the US.....The birth of modern India provided equal rights to all....Birth of America had a lot of social evils that had to be uprooted over time...
Originally Posted by Hawkish
Are there any females who work defense related area that would be interested to participate here?

Sneaky question ;)

Are there any females

Yes this forum has a quite number of active female contributors

who work defense related area that would be interested to participate here?

The 'sneaky part ;)

I hope you're not trying to imply gender discrimination in the armed forces in Asia? Or gender discrimination of women on this forum? Or both? :rolleyes:
LOL. Seriously? What history or political science do they teach you in US schools?

Btw, did you even graduate high school? You wouldnt be this ignorant if you did, but then given the standards of US education system, I wouldnt be surprised even if you were.


Guess you were one of those million Indians who flock here to US to study, knowing that standards of US education system. LOL, Do you even believe your own words
Sneaky question ;)

Yes this forum has a quite number of active female contributors

The 'sneaky part ;)

I hope you're not trying to imply gender discrimination in the armed forces in Asia? Or gender discrimination of women on this forum? Or both? :rolleyes:

Ok; I deleted the post; My question was in relation to women participation in defense related stuff

You cant force someone to post....and posting on a forum speaks very little about the interest in Politics or the "discrimination" in politics towards women....

If you look at our history as well as the current situation....
One of our best PMs was a woman (Ms. Gandhi) who wielded enormous political power...

The most powerful politicians in India at th moment are Ms. Sonia Gandhi and Ms. Mayawati.....
So I feel its a bit naive of you to say that Indians discriminate against women in politics...
In fact even our scriptures....The Mahabharata and Ramayana both portray women as important political figures that more or less drive the crux of these epics....

Good for women empowerment in India. I guess what we read about the reports of Female feticide and infanticide in India are all ISI's work?
Hawkish, get back on topic of the thread. Open a new thread if you want discussions other than the topic at hand.
Guess you were one of those million Indians who flock here to US to study, knowing that standards of US education system. LOL, Do you even believe your own words

Originally Posted by gubbi
Btw, did you even graduate high school? You wouldnt be this ignorant if you did, but then given the standards of US education system, I wouldnt be surprised even if you were.

That was the key term, 'high school'. Your school system is pathetic, especially with the 'no child gets left behind' BS. Mediocrity instead of meritocracy.

However, American post grad education is top notch no denying that. That's where Indians 'flock to'. GRE scores of 1400 are very very common here.

Infact were it not for monetary reasons, the 'flocking' would have been much more
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That was the key term, 'high school'. Your school system is pathetic, especially with the 'no child gets left behind' BS. Mediocrity instead of meritocracy.

However, American post grad education is top notch no denying that. That's where Indians 'flock to'. GRE scores of 1400 are very very common here.

Infact were it not for monetary reasons, the 'flocking' would have been much more

Many of my Indian and Pakistani friend's children graduate from the school here attend Harvard, Princeton etc.. It is not the school system. If it is per your statement, how come the Asian population that comes out US secondary schools are very successful?

In fact I would say schools in India coaches purely academic and the guys who come here for higher education lacks social, leadership, sports skills. They don't have any of those. That is the primary reason for most Indians (who did schooling in India) doing lower level work here - programmers etc. Most are narrow minded with poor leadership qualities.

Most Asian parents will never go back to the native country for schooling. Because it is like hell there
Good for women empowerment in India. I guess what we read about the reports of Female feticide and infanticide in India are all ISI's work?

You're obviously not pretending to play dumb....

So I will request you to read the post again....not just mine, but yours as well...the one that I replied to...

"Political Rights" being the question and the keyword.....

Originally Posted by Hawkish
What about discrimination based on Gender? how many of Female posters are here? In Asia most females are not active in politics etc,... right?
Many of my Indian and Pakistani friends children graduate from the school here and attend Harvard, Princeton etc
Most Asian parents will never go back to the native country for schooling.

There you go again...

You're talking about South Asians living in america
Why do they specifically go to their native country for schooling?

before you rebuut me with "but why do them go to US universities"....Schools here don't offer boarding facilities nor scholarships
If it is per your statement, how come the Asian population that comes out US secondary schools are very successful?

Because of the parental pressure, of people that have attended high school originally in south asia ;)

You have to admit you're schooling system is bad, the subject you guys are taught in 12th standard, we do them in 9th standard. People who give SAT (including me) joke often about the syllabus.
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