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International Mathematical Olympiad 2013 results

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But was a Brahman, wasn't he?

And Bharatvarsha was called as India that time, including all sub continent.

Who cares what his caste was?? Yes several million people in Punjab n Sindh had Hindu ancestory..
About India I must say that 29 is one horrible rank. Its depresses me that a nation of 1.3 billion is beaten by South korea and Singapore. Well reasons are simple. We have to start investing in out human capital else we will always be losers when it comes to international events like Olympiads, Olympics, Asian games etc etc.

We have the biggest human resource in the world, but without investing to develop it, its a waste and it infact catastrophic for our country.


Next time we must score better.
Who are you trying to fool???? I'm not indian.

The History Of Zero

"Brahmagupta, around 650 AD, was the first to formalize arithmetic operations using zero. He used dots underneath numbers to indicate a zero. These dots were alternately referred to as 'sunya', which means empty, or 'kha', which means place. "

Learn your own history, learn honesty and integrity as well. :laughcry::laughcry:

Aryabhatta made earliest contribution to Indian Decimal system. You are first adviced to learn your Chinese history properly. Don't make be bored with your crap. :laugh:
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Nobody copied the Chinese rod numerals, its obvious superior Indian numerals will overtake Chinese numerals.

India didn't invent anything related to maths.

Indians can only dream of overtaking China.

We are ahead of you in IQ, PISA, Olympiad, economy, military, technology, sports, space program, education, civilisation and many more things.

We have bullied and beaten you in war.

You are a defeated country and defeated people in our eyes.

That's why we don't respect Indians.
Who cares what his caste was?? Yes several million people in Punjab n Sindh had Hindu ancestory..

Almost all of those Punjabi and Sindhi Hindus migrated to India, so its our mathematics, not of Baloch or Pashtuns who never belonged to our civilization.
India didn't invent anything related to maths.

Indians can only dream of overtaking China.

We are ahead of you in IQ, PISA, Olympiad, economy, military, technology, sports, space program, education, civilisation and many more things.

We have bullied and beaten you in war.

You are a defeated country and defeated people in our eyes.

That's why we don't respect Indians.

Chinese rod system is extinct now, only few in China use it, everyone uses superior Indian numerals.
Who cares what his caste was?? Yes several million people in Punjab n Sindh had Hindu ancestory..
Whites are smart and good at sports.
Blacks are very dumb and very good at sports.
Jews are very smart and bad at sports.
East Asians are very smart and very good at sports.
Indians are very dumb and very bad at sports.

All races are either good at one thing, being smart or athletic to be good at sports. Only Indians have neither, they are not very intelligent and dreadful at sports.

No amount of twisting can save face for India. That's one of the main reason we look down on Indians. That's why its difficult for us to respect them as people or as a country because they are not good at anything.

This is the blunt truth.

These non-smart Indians had flag on moon before you.

And may I remind you the burns of 19th April? :lol:
These non-smart Indians had flag on moon before you.

And may I remind you the burns of 19th April? :lol:

That was not an independent mission, it was a joint mission with NASA as they were directing the whole mission.
And it was a useless hard landing.

That's Chinese trademark, how to copycat Nokia into fake Nokla phones.

Indian trademark is poverty, malnutrition, low IQ and raping women.
Those things also happens in your censorland.

We have far less poverty, our children don't starve to death, we have much higher IQ and we are not the rape capital of the world.

All these records belong to India :lol:

The real numbers are far worse if your regime didn't lie about it.
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