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Interesting article in german spiegel magazine about indian elections and hindu radicals

Trade is not a one way charity. Both EU and India has its stakes in trade and both will lose if trades are off and EU will lose more as we seen how many european countries going bankrupt recently.
Its India which donated $10 Billions for EU crises. Beggers cant be choosers and EU is begger in this case. Here is why.
ASIA - EU - MEXICO G20: India promises $10 billion to save Europe - Asia News

How many european countries went bancrupt? I give you the answer: 0.

Some had an economic crisis. And do you call germany? The economic powerhouse of the world "begger"? :D

There is actually no country in the world with a more potent economy:

Foundations of German Power - Carnegie Europe

Beside that i don´t get what your argument is? Why so defensive? Nobody in the article said something about embargo or sanctions. Do you honestly believe anyone here cares who gets PM in india? To be honest Modi could be the most blood thristy tyrant in the world and we still would do business as usual. Its not like we blame the king of saudi arabia much, don´t we?
Indien: Hindus schüren im Wahlkampf Hass auf Muslime - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I just will give you the basics info in short and will not issue any opinion since i´m european and not indian and i have no insight in indian policies.

The article says that Modi has good chances to become the next PM of india but his party has to close connections to a radical hindu group called RSS. The members of this group are facists and radicals and comitt terrorist acts as well as murders.

The articles says that the RSS want christians as well as muslims pushed out of india and blame them for any problems that happen there.

It says that this religious fanatics spread over india and have over 40.000 local groups in 2013.

The article states that the founder of this RSS wanted total submission of all non hindus and that they should have no rights.

The article says that Modi party BJP is under complete control of the neo facist RSS and all non Hindus must fear progroms if he will win.

The journalist Ulrike Putz says that Modi is direct responsible for the murder of more than 1000 people in his provice Gujarat in 2002. She says it was a slaughter worse than in the middle ages and the BJP and Modi direct supported this:

DER SPIEGELÂ 19/2002 -
Blutrausch wie im Mittelalter

The EU and also USA do not allow Modi to travel here, because his extreme violations of human rights.

Thats the translation in short.

Who the heck care about these BS?
We dont care about foreigners opinion.We Indians Narendra Modi as a PM.So what they want?
Now about US ,EU ban .:rofl::rofl::rofl:
A senior US ambassodor is kicked out from India because she become a obstacle between US and Modi.
UK removed their ban.
Who the heck care about these BS?
We dont care about foreigners opinion.We Indians Narendra Modi as a PM.So what they want?
Now about US ,EU ban .:rofl::rofl::rofl:
A senior US ambassodor is kicked out from India because she become a obstacle between US and Modi.
UK removed their ban.

I don´t know. As i said, i give a shit. I wouldn´t even find Gurjat or how its named on a map. Its not like india plays any big role here. But its interesting to read whats going on in exotic countries. Spiegel brought something bout politics on the maledives recently which was quite interesting as well.
How many european countries went bancrupt? I give you the answer: 0.

Some had an economic crisis. And do you call germany? The economic powerhouse of the world "begger"? :D

There is actually no country in the world with a more potent economy:

Foundations of German Power - Carnegie Europe

Beside that i don´t get what your argument is? Why so defensive? Nobody in the article said something about embargo or sanctions. Do you honestly believe anyone here cares who gets PM in india? To be honest Modi could be the most blood thristy tyrant in the world and we still would do business as usual. Its not like we blame the king of saudi arabia much, don´t we?

Modi and RAW had proposed a processing facility to prepare and ship the meat of Indians to Israel but it was rejected because Jewish custom requires the victims to be tortured and killed over several hours before they can be eaten as was done in the Grover murder. Recently the Supreme Court included the head of RAW in a panel on black money abroad so the Supreme Court judges' share in the money can be better negotiated.

The bankers -- who work with their governments -- also had the Congress Party president and her son agree to take their dictation in all matters -- domestic and international -- concerning India. I have described over the past two and a half decades, in articles, letters to the press and press releases, how the disclosures of kickbacks in the Bofors and HDW deals were orchestrated and calibrated by the CIA to force Rajiv Gandhi to agree to have India's population used as guinea pigs for AIDS vaccine development and how heroin addiction and AIDS infection were spread by RAW for this purpose first in India's tribal Northeast and later the infection was taken all over India. The agreement the Congress party president and her son made during their long stay in Switzerland makes India the happy hunting ground of European countries and the United States in all matters, making Indians a population of cattle for their use as they see fit, not just for food and as guinea pigs.
Name me one country that history is not full of blood. I heared indias history is pretty bloody itself. The islamisation is said to have cost more life than WW II.

Now you have proved that not only you are an Idiot (because you just have done a stupid comparison) but a person who doesn't know a squat about history.

I don't know who you are, seems to me some subcontinental breed, not westerner. The humanity killed by Christians can not be matched by rest of religions together, including killed by Mao of China, period.
Now you have proved that not only you are an Idiot (because you just have done a stupid comparison) but a person who doesn't know a squat about history.

I don't know who you are, seems to me some subcontinental breed, not westerner. The humanity killed by Christians can not be matched by rest of religions together, including killed by Mao of China, period.

I´m half italian / half german. The best mix ^^. I have the looks of an italiana and the size of a german. :P

Beside that, i find it amusing when people try to compare historic events to today standards. I mean serious, holding me and other germans accountable for some things that happaned 250 million years ago is kind of crazy.
I don´t know. As i said, i give a shit. I wouldn´t even find Gurjat or how its named on a map. Its not like india plays any big role here. But its interesting to read whats going on in exotic countries. Spiegel brought something bout politics on the maledives recently which was quite interesting as well.

Really .....:lol:.
I am just posting comments in a thread in this PDF
Are Hindus dangerous?

.Just check the OP's article.That show interest of some foreign citizens from nations that we Indian cant find in map.
And Can I ask one question?If India dont play any big role in there .why these EU countries created so much fuss when we support Russia in Crimean issue.
Fact is we dont care about a low level articles in some BS magazine in foreign countries .We dont care about that nations.And you can see good development in Italian marines issue after these election
Really .....:lol:.
I am just posting comments in a thread in this PDF
Are Hindus dangerous?

.Just check the OP's article.That show interest of some foreign citizens from nations that we Indian cant find in map.
And Can I ask one question?If India dont play any big role in there .why these EU countries created so much fuss when we support Russia in Crimean issue.
Fact is we dont care about a low level articles in some BS magazine in foreign countries .We dont care about that nations.And you can see good development in Italian marines issue after these election

India stopped "terrorist laws" and our marines will soon be free. From my position it looks going fine for us. As i said diplomacy as normal. Beside that, this is not the issue here.
MarkusS, post: 5556194, member:I´m half italian / half german. The best mix ^^. I have the looks of an italiana and the size of a german.:P

What a waste of two different gene pools.

Beside that, i find it amusing when people try to compare historic events to today standards. I mean serious, holding me and other germans accountable for some things that happaned 250 million years ago is kind of crazy.

Are you retard of some thing ? You started this comparison. What to you mean by killed during islamization and world war II ?

And for your knowledge, because I know you are high school drop-out who wouldn't have the intellect to appreciate the details of history of modern conflicts, I wasn't telling you the numbers of people killed by Christians during dark ages but post industrial age. I know you are troll but let me give you a hint, from where you should start counting the dead bodies, start it from Africa, you will feel ashamed of being an European.[/quote]
India stopped "terrorist laws" and our marines will soon be free. From my position it looks going fine for us. As i said diplomacy as normal. Beside that, this is not the issue here.

In your dream.We can see regular visit of West countries representatives in India.
And talking about a good relation with worlds largest democracy.So how can we take your words for face value?
What a waste of two different gene pools.

Are you retard of some thing ? You started this comparison. What to you mean by killed during islamization and world war II ?

And for your knowledge, because I know you are high school drop-out who wouldn't have the intellect to appreciate the details of history of modern conflicts, I wasn't telling you the numbers of people killed by Christians during dark ages but post industrial age. I know you are troll but let me give you a hint, from where you should start counting the dead bodies, start it from Africa, you will feel ashamed of being an European.

I´m not a troll and i´m certainly not a highschool drop out. I have Abitur. Why do you always fall into personal insults?

And you want my honest answer? I don´t feel ashamed. I believe in power and science. If your only achievement in 10.000 years is a spear...you need to be obliterated and enslaved. Its that easy and thats what i believe in. Try to read Nietzsche. "Der Wille zur Macht" (The will to Power). It is just normal that the strong rule over the weak. Thats free of any racism, because it doesn´t matter who rules and what race he or she belongs to. Africa is weak and deserves to be enslaved and opressed. It is their very own fault. They did not develop a culture which would enable them to hold power.

You should read about the Maji Maji uprising in africa. The africans did rise against our german colonies there. They believed some magic drink would make them immortal against our bullets. Their drink did not work. we killed tenthousands of them and we on the other hand suffered only a few casualities, i think not more than 10. Tell me, why should i feel sorry for their stupidity?

We can take us anything we want to from there, because we have natures imperative behind us. India exists by the same principle. Use what you have to rule.

Thats why i also don´t blame this Modi guy. Let him do what he wants and if he believes thats good for his country so be it. Maybe he makes india an even better trade partner for us. Internal indian affairs are not my business nor the EU as a whole.

In your dream.We can see regular visit of West countries representatives in India.
And talking about a good relation with worlds largest democracy.So how can we take your words for face value?

Well i want good relations between us and India. I see no reason why we should have bad relation.
Well why don´t take the time to show what your opinion is. Its a fact that Modi was not allowed to travel to EU and USA blocked him too for massive violations of human rights. So my guess is, that there is something true?

they dont have anything to show as an opinion and even if they do its a very weak defense, Modi is a member of RSS not just supporter.
Fact check for you. Modi was in charge as this happened. He was not killed and the cloned back into life. The sins never go from the father on the son, but till you don´t convince me that Modi is the clone of the one who supported mass crimes, he can be hold accountable.

Beside that, whats your problem with free press? I mean get real, all the article says is that there is some type of radical group that could control future politics there. I don´t even blame India for it. You could vote Pikachu into power and i wouldn´t care.

yes it is funny. Here people want have a darker skin and in india they want bleach their skin. The make up corporations really make a fortune with it.

BBC News - Has skin whitening in India gone too far?

If you would have read my post you would know that was exactly what i planned. I said in post one that i don´t know about india, that i only quote the article and would like to hear some infos from people living there. What i got was some weird nationalists throwing insults. Now i know as much as before. At least some people here gave a honest analysis and did not fall into primitive insults.
So your logic is that anyone who is in power during riots is the one responsible...seriously?:confused:Are all europeans thinking like that?
How many european countries went bancrupt? I give you the answer: 0.

Some had an economic crisis. And do you call germany? The economic powerhouse of the world "begger"? :D

There is actually no country in the world with a more potent economy:

Foundations of German Power - Carnegie Europe

Beside that i don´t get what your argument is? Why so defensive? Nobody in the article said something about embargo or sanctions. Do you honestly believe anyone here cares who gets PM in india? To be honest Modi could be the most blood thristy tyrant in the world and we still would do business as usual. Its not like we blame the king of saudi arabia much, don´t we?
Umm.. the whole purpose of this thread is....???
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