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Integration of Sikkim into India

You do know that NE people hate Bangladeshi's right?

You are asking them to join a country whose people they hate?
Trade with BD is okay, having Bangladeshi's on their soil is the absolute last straw for them.

Did I ever call for the NE states to merge with BD?

I would like the NE states to become independent and this way they can use BD to develop their economy.

I have already given the example of hydroelectric electricity that the NE states could sell to BD and that would already generate many billions of dollars. By 2020, this revenue could exceed 10 billion dollars and grow a fair bit after that as the BD economy carries on it's industrialisation. There are many other natural resources that BD could obtain from the NE states for a fair price.

In return BD could provide consumer goods and easy access via the very close BD ports.

Economically both BD and the NE states would benefit. BD would get a virtual unlimited supply of cheap electricity and the NE states would get to keep these billions of dollars to develop the economy.

My point is that the NE states do not seem to have benefited by being part of the Indian Union, so maybe it is time for them to go it alone and then have the option of forming mutually beneficial economic links with BD. Nothing stopping them with also trading with India and other countries as well.
Did I ever call for the NE states to merge with BD?

I would like the NE states to become independent and this way they can use BD to develop their economy.

I have already given the example of hydroelectric electricity that the NE states could sell to BD and that would already generate many billions of dollars. By 2020, this revenue could exceed 10 billion dollars and grow a fair bit after that as the BD economy carries on it's industrialisation. There are many other natural resources that BD could obtain from the NE states for a fair price.

Economically both BD and the NE states would benefit. BD would get a virtual unlimited supply of cheap electricity and the NE states would get to keep these billions of dollars to develop the economy.
Do you know that BD will already provide access to its ports for Indian North East regardless of whether they are separate countries or not.
Infact the process has already started.

Now here is another question.
If NE States were to become independent countries - there wont be 1 country mind you, there would be several.
Why would India not buy all the electricity from them ?
Why would they sell electricity to BD instead of India?
Why would they sell any significant resources to BD instead of India knowing that India will match or exceed any price BD can pay.

My point is that the NE states do not seem to have benefited by being part of the Indian Union, so maybe it is time for them to go it alone and then have the option of forming mutually beneficial economic links with BD. Nothing stopping them with also trading with India and other countries as well.
Says who that they have not benefitted?
1. Do you know the number of North Eastern people in mainland India?
2. Or the physical safety that Indian Nation provides to each of its States? No Indian State has to worry that they would be annexed by another State or made subservient to anyone. If this were not there, they would have to spend billions of dollars each year just to raise a military to prevent countries like BD or Myanmar from invading them.

3. Or the cultural links that they share with India?

There was an issue with them not benefiting a decade or so back. That is why there were insurgencies as well.
Today, they are benefiting, which is why all the insurgencies are dying. The major insurgencies are already dead, the small ones remain which are also slowly dying off.
BD only became independent in 1971 after 24 years of systematic looting from the Pakistanis and hence the split.

Imagine a BD, combined with the NE states, achieving independence in 1947 as one united state. All the ingredients would be in place for BD to at least have become another Malaysia but a population many times as large.

Did you know that Assamese hate bangladeshis more than anyone? If not, educate yourself and comeback. :wave:
Now here is the question.
If NE States were to become independent countries - there wont be 1 country mind you, there would be several.
Why would India not buy all the electricity from them ?
Why would they sell electricity to BD instead of India?
Why would they sell any significant resources to BD instead of India knowing that India will match or exceed any price BD can pay.

NE states will not solely sell to India as that would not be in their interest.

BD is much closer and they can get export and import their goods much quicker by using BD ports rather than Indian ones. Also goods from BD are much nearer than far away Indian factories and production centres.

NE states can easily generate 10s of GW of hydroelectric power and BD would only be interested in a fraction of this anyway - say 5GW this decade and rising to 10GW next decade. Nothing stopping them from also selling to India and Burma if they wish as well.

My point is that the natural resources of the NE states is enough to turn them wealthy if only they were not part of India.


even BD did not benefit much by separating from India?

So I propose India occopy BD now.

India independence in 1947.

BD independence in 1971.

BD has higher life expectancy and lower malnutrition than India.

fk no one invited me in this thread, you guys hurt my feelings :(
Firstly ask your BD citizens to stop migrating into India looking for greener pastures. They migrate all around from NE to West India. Its humorous to find them inviting other states to merge with them or talking about purchasing electricity etc. If they are so affluent then why are there exodus from your country.
you guys more worse, migrate to srilanka then call for seperate independent land-the tamil and bring weapons from mother land india. first fix yourself
you guys more worse, migrate to srilanka then call for seperate independent land-the tamil and bring weapons from mother land india. first fix yourself

The ones who are asking for a seperate Tamil Ezham in SriLanka migrated there centuries ago if not millennium .
NE states will not solely sell to India as that would not be in their interest.
So are you implying that the several North Eastern countries would rather sell their national resources cheaper to BD than get a fair price from India?

Is that what you are implying?

BD is much closer and they can get export and import their goods much quicker by using BD ports rather than Indian ones. Also goods from BD are much nearer than far away Indian factories and production centres.

Do you know that BD will already provide access to its ports for Indian North East regardless of whether they are separate countries or not.
Infact the process has already started.

So if they are already getting access to BD ports, why would they want to make a separate nation to get what they want?

Secondly, once they form their separate nations, what guarentee's are there that BD would still provide them unhindered access to the ports?

NE states can easily generate 10s of GW of hydroelectric power and BD would only be interested in a fraction of this anyway - say 5GW this decade and rising to 10GW next decade. Nothing stopping them from also selling to India and Burma if they wish as well.
My question remains the same.
Why would North Eastern States sell electricity to BD when they would get a better price in India.
Secondly, not all States can build dams, its not ecologically feasible. The major potential is only in some North Eastern States - particularly Arunachal Pradesh and Assam.

Why would they cart electricity through other countries into BD when they can sell next door to India for a higher price?

My point is that the natural resources of the NE states is enough to turn them wealthy if only they were not part of India.
I disagree.
They would not be wealthy.
They would be poorer.
They would have to spend many billions of dollars each year to make sure they have a military to protect them in case countries like BD or Myanmar attack them.

Being Indian, they have privileges across entire India. And millions of North Easterners work in other parts of India. All these would be lost the day they are no longer a part of India.
The ones who are asking for a seperate Tamil Ezham in SriLanka migrated there centuries ago if not millennium .
ok brother after passing 100 years in NE, Bdian should go for independence :D
you guys more worse, migrate to srilanka then call for seperate independent land-the tamil and bring weapons from mother land india. first fix yourself
Migrate to Lanka? The Tamils were also the primary ethnic group of the land since eternity!

Chittagong can be a good addition to the Indian Union btw - preferably as a protectorate. Besides the Rangpur Subdivision also is a good place :D
Migrate to Lanka? The Tamils were also the primary ethnic group of the land since eternity!

Chittagong can be a good addition to the Indian Union btw - preferably as a protectorate. Besides the Rangpur Subdivision also is a good place :D

we have big card, the kolkata muslims. Just hit their sentiment and you will be in big chaos :enjoy:

anyway you tried to seperate Chittagong from bd before then we played NE rebel card, after seeing this india stopped helping them and we stopped helping NE rebel,your effort just washed out :p:
ok brother after passing 100 years in NE, Bdian should go for independence :D

Well the fact is we will kick all of you out to B'desh very soon and after that we have made a grand plan to capture siliguri and chittagong ..... :azn:

PS : Tamils were present in Lanka as early as 2nd century BCE .
Well the fact is we will kick all of you out to B'desh very soon and after that we have made a grand plan to capture siliguri and chittagong ..... :azn:
1. check previous post of mine.
2. best of luck in kicking out all Bangladeshis from India (actually you can not :D)

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