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Infiltrator killed in hand to hand combat along LoC in Poonch

This is the most stupid thing, i have ever heard.... who do you think Seljuqs was ? :cuckoo:

Sultan, sold the country. As soon as the Brits landed, people revolted and begin fighting in command of Ataturk. Brits remained on Istanbul for a few years unable to left the city, then they escaped.

Invasion is not equal to defeat ( also an unsuccessful invasion)..... We slayed entire Greek forces in 3 years and spill them into Aegean. They couldn't never took control of our country. And in a few years they got defeated.

Brits couldn't planted their culture, sports, language, etc.. They couldn't taken our citizens to fight in their own wars. They got defeated.[/quote]

1. Seljuq Turks were foreigners to the natives of Anatolia. Even today the natives of Anatolia (what you call Turkey today) look very different from Central Asian Turks. Anatolians just adopted their language, religion , culture and identity after being conquered by them.

2. Your major cities were occupied during World War 1 for years. Which means you were defeated. That is how the Ottomon empire ended. Of course they withdrew later on, but that is inconsequential to your defeat.

3. Even the Mughals were defeated by native dynasties in India during the 18th century and even the British were thrown out of India by freedom fighters in 1947, Still doesn't change the fact that they ruled this territory.
Hitler said something to the tune that give me an army of Gurkhas and I will conquer the world.

Read the article. It mentions why he got into the HTH fight.

Yaar, you are just asking for too much. Reading and Comprehension was not part of his school curriculum....... :D

what's funny is that Pakistanis wont believe that an Indian Gurkha killed a pakistani terrorist in a HTH combat.. but believe this

Good god!!! Not again. That "lal-topiwalla" jamboora who has already sent paksitanis to the moon?
Though it will a nice Laff to end the day with........ :rofl:

Gorkha Memorial in Darjeeling.


Gorkha monument in UK


Brave Gurkha blows up trained pig to death.
1. Seljuq Turks were foreigners to the natives of Anatolia. Even today the natives of Anatolia (what you call Turkey today) look very different from Central Asian Turks. Anatolians just adopted their language, religion , culture and identity after being conquered by them.

2. Your major cities were occupied during World War 1 for years. Which means you were defeated. That is how the Ottomon empire ended. Of course they withdrew later on, but that is inconsequential to your defeat.

3. Even the Mughals were defeated by native dynasties in India during the 18th century and even the British were thrown out of India by freedom fighters in 1947, Still doesn't change the fact that they ruled this territory.

Seljuks, Ottomans, Turkey ....We are Turks. And we are not gonna learn about our identity from an Indian.

2-) Disagreing. Russia's major cities get occupied in WW2 also France,Greece etc.. Did they got defeated at the End of the war ? Weird logic..

Ataturk ended Ottoman Empire.

3-) Nobody ruled over us...some soldiers invaded %1 of the country and stayed there for 3 years doesn't mean they had authority on the country. They got defeated very shortly, prior to Sultan's betrayal.

Of course they withdrew later on, but that is inconsequential to your defeat.

:laughcry: :cheesy:
lolz indians good only in writing bollywood masala scripts . another bollywood script written by some drunk intelligence official of RAW to please the local citizens of india .... if it was a Sikh would have agree to it but Gurkhas PFFTTTT :rofl:
Seljuks, Ottomans, Turkey ....We are Turks. And we are not gonna learn about our identity from an Indian.

2-) Disagreing. Russia's major cities get occupied in WW2 also France,Greece etc.. Did they got defeated at the End of the war ? Weird logic..

Ataturk ended Ottoman Empire.

3-) Nobody ruled over us...some soldiers invaded %1 of the country and stayed there for 3 years doesn't mean they had authority on the country. They got defeated very shortly, prior to Sultan's betrayal.

:laughcry: :cheesy:

Okay my friend, if you want to ignore the facts as they exist , it's up to you.You claimed that you had never been defeated on your territory in the last millenia, and I provided info and links to disprove it. As for Anatolians and Turks of Central Asia being the same, just check out the pictures of a typical Central Asian Turk and a typical Anatolian guy, you'll get it. Anyway, I have nothing against Turkey though , so no hard feelings. Take care.
Okay my friend, if you want to ignore the facts as they exist , it's up to you.
I'm ignoring your facts.

You claimed that you had never been defeated on your territory in the last millenia, and I provided info and links to disprove it.
Youı linked many irrelevant things and my claim still stands still.

As for Anatolians and Turks of Central Asia being the same, just check out the pictures of a typical Central Asian Turk and a typical Anatolian guy, you'll get it.

I never said we are same as the all Turkic races. o_O

Anyway, I have nothing against Turkey though , so no hard feelings.

You can have something against Turkey. Turkey and myself won't get offended.

Take care.

You too.
Young gurkha slays Pak militant in fierce hand-hand-combat long LoC in Jammu and Kashmir : North, News - India Today

A 23-year-old courageous soldier of the Gurkha regiment killed a Pakistani trained infiltrator during a hand-to-hand combat along the Line of Control in Poonch in the wee hours of Saturday.

Defence PRO in Jammu said, "A 23-year-old soldier from the elite Gurkha Regiment of the Indian Army, Rifleman Prem Bahadur Roka Magar scripted an astonishing saga of raw courage and fearlessness, resulting in the elimination of two hardcore Pakistan trained terrorists in the Poonch sector".

"The brave soldier after reaching within hand shaking distance tried to grab the AK 47 rifle of the Pak trained infiltrator and in the ensuing melee he escaped a gun shot and dropped his own weapon," the PRO added.

"Without paying attention to his own safety the fearless solider pounced on the infiltrator and grappled with him before the two fell in a near by nallah."

Acting on intelligence inputs about the possible infiltration in the area, the troops were deployed in a group of multiple ambushes near the Baghialdhara Nallah on the Line of Control.

The PRO further said before hand-to-hand combat Magar and his ambush party spotted a group of terrorists and eliminated one with precise and controlled fire of automatic weapons, after tracking them with night vision devices for some time.

What followed was the stuff of legends when Magar, in darkness and extremely thick foliage, initially mistaken for another armed militant to be one his colleagues, moved to within hand shaking distance of him, and was almost shot down and in the process also dropped his own weapon.

Completely displaying nerves of steel with scant regard for his own safety, the courageous Gurkha engaged in a fierce physical duel with the terrorist while simultaneously grabbing his AK 47 which was spewing a hail of fire.

The two grappled and rolled down the hillside, finally disengaging with a fall in another Nallah.

The militant, now clearly unnerved by the boldness of the braveheart, tried to make good his escape. Magar though bereft of his personal weapon, whipped out a hand grenade and hurled it at the fleeing miscreant killing him instantaneously, thus bringing to conclusion another heroic chapter that epitomizes the character and ethos of the Indian Army and its matchless soldiers.

Read more at: Young gurkha slays Pak militant in fierce hand-hand-combat long LoC in Jammu and Kashmir : North, News - India Today

The Indians are known to sensationalise non events for the feel good factor but this is like a feather in the cap.
Ignoring all other discrepancies, one just has to focus on the highlighted parts. Even if one was to believe in this nonsense, the infiltrator would be much more alert but some how the Indian managed to get close enough to shake hands with him and how does the thread title relates to how he was allegedly killed.
Proves the fact how the Indians are the victims of their own propaganda.
I dont believe in the martial race bullcrap but you need to give it to these gurkhas...they are seasoned warriors.

I was wondering why no one spoke about this famous incident:

Their bravery is well documented. Pakistanis will obviously dismiss everything that the world will throw at them. Let us leave them with their ignorance in peace.

Its a known fact that all the 'pahari' people have extra RBCs in the their blood to help them survive in the oxygen deprived environment. The same Pahari people have much more efficient cario-vascular systems in the plains compared to other people. They are faster and harder to kill in a melee.

Read this:

Evolving altitude aptitude
Pakistani's can keep wondering and amusing themselves about Gurkha's height, meanwhile the Gurkha's will keep doing what they do best - extremely efficient killing.

Whats not their to laugh about their heights, and they are no different than any average Indian. hint: Small :D
Whats not their to laugh about their heights, and they are no different than any average Indian. hint: Small :D
Remind me old Pak Gen/ Ruler said that one Muslim solider to 10 hindu so idlers but after war things reverses.. ...... PAK has the habit of ignoring the facts , same done with AK khan and OBL ....... see the older post what you people fantasy become reality.

The Indians are known to sensationalise non events for the feel good factor but this is like a feather in the cap.
Ignoring all other discrepancies, one just has to focus on the highlighted parts. Even if one was to believe in this nonsense, the infiltrator would be much more alert but some how the Indian managed to get close enough to shake hands with him and how does the thread title relates to how he was allegedly killed.
Proves the fact how the Indians are the victims of their own propaganda.
Someone ppl don't know the geography in which people can hide and seek close in in rocky terrain .....please don't educate what is fantasy and lies , same things you ppl said about AK khan and OBL before things blow up.
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