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Infiltration bid foiled in J&K, 2 militants killed

@Parul What views....I am just enjoying the thread. Good replies. :omghaha:
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When @dabong1 mentioned about Khalistan in his POST, I wanted to know his POV on Current Khalistan Movement and asked questions from him. Further, I shared understanding of other Pakistani Member’s, including you. However, your eyes could not read my POST and you are again back with your GIBBERISH.

So if someones point of view is not the same as your its "GIBBERISH".

1. In 1947, WEST/EAST PAKISTAN were BORN mainly for MUSLIMS, so that they can LIVE PEACEFULLY. However, WORLD knows the deeds of WEST PAKISTAN which lead to creation of “BANGLADESH”.
When Pakistani Army surrendered to INDIA in 1971, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

Indias invasion of west pakistan led to the creation of bangladesh.

3. Everyday US violates SOVEREIGNTY of your country as if it is a Childs play and kills scores of your citizens, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

Pakistan gave permission to the US to attack targets in the tribal region.......no violation of SOVEREIGNTY.

4.US KILLED Pakistani Army PERSONNEL and Pakistan didn’t do jack, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

Well we closed there land routes and attacked the US forces in Afghanistan using the taliban.

5.US citizen Kills Pakistanis and Pakistan allows him to leave for US, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

The US paid compensation and the families of the dead dropped the case.

6. When US marines hovered near your army headquarters, killed OBL and took his body safely with them, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

Just like the drone attacks where denied by pakistan as anything to do with them turned to be false, we will see in the near future evidence of pakistan involvment in the killing of OBL.

7. Everyday Pakistanis are killing each other in Bomb Lasts and Sectarian Violence, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

Coming from an indian its laughable at the least.

8.When Taliban Beheads your Soldier’s, then where were your CHITTAR’S?

We attack indian interests in Afghanistan......The TTP are basically your guys and once the US cover is removed they wont last long.......the TTP will vanish from pakistan and you indians will vanish from Afghanistan.

MILITANTS were GUNNED DOWN and MILITANCY in Punjab was HAULTED :closed:. Currently, Punjab is one of India's most PROSPEROUS and PEACEFUL STATE and SIKHS ARE AMONGST THE WEALTHIEST COMMUNITIES IN INDIA. Sikhs have integrated in India and world has moved to July 2013. Our current prime minister from 9 years is Sikh “Dr. Manmohan Singh”, our chief economy advisor is Sikh “Montek Singh Ahluwalia” and our army chief is Sikh “Bikram Singh”. However, some Pakistanis are still leaving in 1980’s. :whistle:

Well first of all lets get this right...... sikhs are classed as a sub division of the hindus according to the indian consitution and its strange how you miss out on the massacre of sikhs and the desecration of your golden temple.

@dabong1, have the original conditions for a plebiscite met? if yes then there will be one, and if no then there will not be one.

yes they have
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@dabong1 According to OUR CONSTITUTION, we held Elections in Jammu and Kashmir. You can view the result by visiting the below link: :enjoy:

And according to the international community they mean as much as saddams election did in iraq.

Omar Abdullah to take oath as J&K CM before Jan 6 : Elections 2008: Jammu and Kashmir, News - India Today

We will hold the referendum as soon as you fulfill the first condition for that i.e. Pakistan's withdrawal from Pakistani Kashmir. Do that, and then talk about referendum.

Condition where met years ago.

And by the way, the notion of a referendum is now outdated, because Pakistan pumped in non Kashmiri Pakistanis (Punjabis, Sindhis etc) into Kashmir all these years. Send them all back and then talk about a referendum.

Only kashmir residents are allowed to vote in elections in AJK.......at least do some basic homework before you start ranting the indian media line.

As opposed to that, India gave special privileges to Kashmiris that no non Kashmiri can settle in Indian Kashmir. Other than the horrible exodus of Kashmiri pundits by Islamic militants, no ethnic changes happened in Indian Kashmir. So if a referendum is held across Kashmir today, in Pakistani Kashmir it will be Punjabis and Sindhis voting, not Kashmiris. We kept our promise to Kashmiris, you didn't.

The same in AJK......non residents are not allowed to buy land-vote ect.........The indians changed the demographics of jammu by killing the muslims and settling hindus there, you tried to do the same in the valley but where chased out by the fighters.
Sad what has happened to the kashmiri hindus but notthing compared to the million+ kashmiri muslims made refugees.

If you want referendum, fulfill the first condition - withdraw all Pakistani forces from Pakistani Kashmir, and hold a referendum under UN mandate. What are you so afraid of, why aren't you doing it? :pop:

Its calls for non kashmiris to leave and that pakistan can leave a force to keep the security until the results of the election are made......we did that decades ago but you instead of reproaching increased your force.

I have a question for you. Why doesn't Pakistan take AKASI CHIN back? Don’t you think, in future, it will help in resolving Kashmir Issue, as third country will be out of it? I also fail to understand, why PAKISTANI AND INDIAN KASHMIRI Freedom Fighter’s doesn't raise the issue of AKASI CHIN, Don’t THEY LOVE IT AND CONSIDER IT AS LEGITIMATE PART OF KASHMIR???

We had a border agreement with the chinese and swapped territory to there was a more natural border.We actually ended up with more terrority and did not end up with a border dispute with the chinese by being stubborn about keeping british made borders that where there to lead to conflict, a bit like what happening with the indian sand the chinese now.

This is what I was trying to Convey, We’ll keep on Running in Vicious Circle in which we are running from 65 Years with no Result. You send them; we will kill them and dump them in unmarked graves.

I think you will find that its mostly innocent villagers you indians kill and stage encounters that are buried in unmarked graves.

At the moment, Uncle SAM COMPLETLEY Withdrawing from AFGHANISTAN is mere Prediction “JITNE MUH UTNI BAATEIN”. I recently saw Predications of Many Nostradamus from Pakistan going wrong on PDF. My Best wishes are with you but still I’LL RATHER WAIT AND WATCH.

You fail to mention the prediction that the taliban will not be destroyed but will get stronger every year and come back.


Then why are still taking it then?

Look who is talking about giving aid :omghaha:

If only you could work out the difference between "aid" and "loans".


The real "pipedream" is that you indians think kashmir is part of india.

Post is a bit long for me to answer every point.
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So if someones point of view is not the same as your its "GIBBERISH".

I had mentioned you in Post # 37 but it was not directed to you. It was for another Pakistani Member who was Uttering "GIBBERISH". You may go through the Posts in the Thread...:coffee:

Indias invasion of west pakistan led to the creation of bangladesh.

Is it did India Invaded West Pakistan and it led to Creation of Bangladesh?? Any International Sources/Link??? :woot:

BBC NEWS | India Pakistan | Timeline

BBC News - Bangladesh war: The article that changed history

Pakistan gave permission to the US to attack targets in the tribal region.......no violation of SOVEREIGNTY.

Apparently, in these attacks innocent Pakistani dies too. If it's with Permission; then Pakistan Government Including you Support the killing of Innocent Pakistani's... However, your Leaders contradicts your statement as they say its Volatile Pakistan's SOVEREIGNTY... Why so Much HYPOCRISY???

Imran Khan demands end to drone strikes

Khyber News

Sharif condemns US drone strike, says it violates Pakistan

Drone strikes cast ‘negative impact’ on relationship with US: Pakistan – The Express Tribune

Well we closed there land routes and attacked the US forces in Afghanistan using the taliban.

You forgot to mention "Hillary Rodham Clinton" said sorry and Pakistan Opened the closed Land Routes...:closed:

The US paid compensation and the families of the dead dropped the case.


Just like the drone attacks where denied by pakistan as anything to do with them turned to be false, we will see in the near future evidence of pakistan involvment in the killing of OBL.

I know RAW, Joos ,KHAD , Mossad , MI , KGB , Annunakis , Martians , Illuminatis , Bohemian Groves , Tall ones , Grey ones weird ones all are behind anything and everything in Pakistan .Nothing happens in Pakistan on its own.

Taliban is CIA Agent. Malala is CIA agent and One CIA agent is killing another CIA Agent. Pakistan has nothing to do with terrorism. It’s the above mentioned agencies that dump’s world's most wanted terrorist ex: OBL in Pakistan and then wipe them off by sending Predators. It does so to malign Pakistan’s name.

Pakistan is so innocent and Tolerant; they only raise there concerns on PDF and not in International Court or anywhere else. ...:cuckoo:

Coming from an indian its laughable at the least.

When I replied to Pakistani member, exactly the same Words came in my Mind "Coming from a Pakistani its laughable at the least" :sarcastic:.

We attack indian interests in Afghanistan......The TTP are basically your guys and once the US cover is removed they wont last long.......the TTP will vanish from pakistan and you indians will vanish from Afghanistan.

Pakistan attacks/attacked Indian Interests else where too, like it dined about secret Drone Agreement and is waiting for OBL killing to be proved False. It is denying its other deeds.. :sarcastic:. If TTP is India and Pakistan has Proof; then why dose not it take India to International Court??? :closed:

Well first of all lets get this right...... sikhs are classed as a sub division of the hindus according to the indian consitution and its strange how you miss out on the massacre of sikhs and the desecration of your golden temple.

Sikhism were born out of Hinduism. Guru Nanak Devji the first Guru was born in Hindu family of Mehta Kaalu Bedi. From that time He has been called Guru of Hindus. After first Guru all the Guru including Guru Gobing Singh were called Guru of Hindus by Moghal emperors specially. Moghal emperors like Orangjeb were making hindus to muslims forcibly which was against humanity. Guru Nanakdevji had refused to wear holy thread(Jane-oo), saying to Pandit that he had worn the Janeoo of truth. But when this Janeoo was being removed, sikhs had faught against this. It was felt by Gurus that Hindus were not able to protect themselves and their religion being a weaker class. Then the 10th Guru had organized them giving them a separate identity of Singh. Not only separate ID, but also given Shabad Guru to their pupils(Sikhs), since the Pandits were misinterpreting the Vedas and Shashtras for sake of self motos and were misleading the people. As said in Guru Granth Sahib "VED KATAIB KAHO MAT JHOOTHEY JHOOTHA JO NA BEECHARAE." (Prabhati Kabirji Page 1350) and "VEDA(N) MEH NAAM UTTAM SO SUNHAE NAAHEE PHIREH JEU(N) BETAALIAA." (Ramkali M. 3 page 919) But the impression of 'Gurus of Hindus' remained continued at the time of making the constitution, where as the base of sikhism is the truth that worships only one God and obeys the order of Guru. Though the Constitution needs necessary amendment, but if not, it would hardly have any affect on Sikhism as it is so great that it needs not help of constitution of a country.

Sikhism Religion India, Principles of Sikh Religion, Sikh Religion Panth, Foundation of Sikh Religion, Sikh Religion Gurus, India

We are allowed to follow what is mentioned in the Link. :cuckoo:

I've address the Sikhs Massacre Part in this thread, you may again read the Post to which you Replied... "Coming to Desecration of Harmandir Sahib". It was BHINDRANWALE who took over OUR HOLY SHRINE and VIOLATED IT.

In the siege of the Gurdwara these terrorists had defiled the Gurdwara by defecating in the food vessels and donation boxes of the Gurdwara. They turned the Gurdwara into a fortress by stocking bombs, ammunition and made holes in the walls to shoot bullets. If Bringing arm in holy place is a sin, then He committed that sin first.

Din't Recently, similar incident happened in Islamic Republic of Pakistan "Lal Masjid Operation"..:angel:
And according to the international community they mean as much as saddams election did in iraq.

I've decided that I am not going to Discuss Kashmir Issue. However, we are debating on it from almost a month. That is why I am replying you...

The same International Community says many Rosy things about State of Freedom in Azad Kashmir. Do you take it as a Nectar or as Constipated Conspiracy Theories??? :omghaha:.It's courtesy of Islamic Terrorism they don't pay heed towards Kashmir Issue :laughcry:

Condition where met years ago.



Having given careful consideration to the points of view expressed by the Representatives of India and Pakistan regarding the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and

Being of the opinion that the prompt cessation of hostilities and the coercion of conditions the continuance of which is likely to endanger international peace and security are essential to implementation of its endeavors to assist the Governments of India and Pakistan in effecting a final settlement of the situation.

Resolves to submit simultaneously to the Governments of India and Pakistan the following proposal



1. The Governments of India and Pakistan agree that their respective High Commands will issue separately and simultaneously a cease- fire order to apply to all forces under their control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir as of the earliest practicable date or dates to be mutually agreed upon within four days after these proposals have been accepted by both Governments.

2. The High Commands of Indian and Pakistan forces agreed to refrain from taking any measures that might augment the military potential of the forces under their control in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (For the purpose of these proposals "forces under their control shall be considered to include all forces, organized and unorganized, fighting or participating in hostilities on their respective sides).

3. The Commanders-in-Chief of the Forces of India and Pakistan shall promptly confer regarding any necessary local changes in present dispositions which may facilitate the cease-fire.

4. In its discretions and as the Commission may find practicable, the Commission will appoint military observers who under the authority of the Commission and with the co-operation of both Commands will supervise the observance of the cease-fire order.

5. The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan agree to appeal to their respective peoples to assist in creating and maintaining an atmosphere favorable to the promotion of further negotiations.



Simultaneously with the acceptance of the proposal for the immediate cessation of hostilities as outlined in Part I, both Governments accept the following principles as a basis for the formulation of a truce agreement, the details of which shall be worked out in discussion between their Representatives and the Commission.

1. (l) As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

(2) The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavor to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

(3) Pending a final solution the territory evacuated by the Pakistan troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.

2. (1) When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals referred to in Part II A 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistan forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of their forces from the State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission

(2) Pending the acceptance of the conditions for a final settlement of the situation in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian Government will maintain within the lines existing at the moment of cease-fire the minimum strength of its forces which in agreement with the Commission are considered necessary to assist local authorities in the observance of law and order. The Commission will have observers stationed where it deems necessary.

(3) The Government of India will undertake to ensure that the Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will take all measures within their power to make it publicly known that peace, law and order will be safeguarded and that all human and political rights will be guaranteed.

3. (1) Upon signature, the full text of the Truce Agreement or communiqué containing the principles thereof as agreed upon between the two Governments and the Commission, will be made public.


The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan reaffirm their wish that the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people and to that end, upon acceptance of the Truce Agreement both Governments agree to enter into consultations with the Commission to determine fair and equitable conditions whereby such free expression will be assured.

*The UNCIP unanimously adopted this Resolution on 13-8-1948.

Members of the Commission: Argentina. Belgium, Columbia, Czechoslovakia and U.S.A.


The resolution clearly states:

1.The presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation and the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State….

Question1.Did the Government of Pakistan removed its forces from the State of Kashmir as per UN Resolution of 1948?

2.The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals …………..

Question 2.So, The UN agreed that pashtun tribal who were not a part of Kashmir were fighting along with army regulars you agree?

3.Pending a final solution the territory evacuated by the Pakistan troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission…….. the Indian Government will maintain within the lines existing at the moment of cease-fire the minimum strength of its forces which in agreement with the Commission are considered necessary to assist local authorities in the observance of law and order.

Question 3.When the UN commission decided that Indian forces are to be kept to maintain minimum law and order did Pakistan vacate *** as per instructions of the United Nations?

4..When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals referred to in Part II A 2 hereof have withdrawn……

Question4. Has Pakistan notified the UN or Party to dispute “India” about tribesmen and Pakistani nationals withdrawing from Kashmir?.


Only kashmir residents are allowed to vote in elections in AJK.......at least do some basic homework before you start ranting the indian media line.

Apparently, not as the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals never Withdrew, if they did...Provide an INTERNATIONAL SOURCE........at least do some basic homework before you start ranting the Pakistani media line.

The same in AJK......non residents are not allowed to buy land-vote ect.........The indians changed the demographics of jammu by killing the muslims and settling hindus there, you tried to do the same in the valley but where chased out by the fighters.

Sad what has happened to the kashmiri hindus but notthing compared to the million+ kashmiri muslims made refugees.

I've answered the Bold part above and seeking answer from you.... Any International source for the Remaining RANT :cuckoo:. Indeed what happened to Kashmiri is sad and Pakistan is equally Responsible for it.

We had a border agreement with the chinese and swapped territory to there was a more natural border.We actually ended up with more terrority and did not end up with a border dispute with the chinese by being stubborn about keeping british made borders that where there to lead to conflict, a bit like what happening with the indian sand the chinese now.

How can one sign agreement for the Part of Land which is disputed Internationally. I've read the Pak-china Border agreement and apparently, the FREEDOM FIGHTERS TOO. That is why they don't Shed there Blood for Aksai Chin :sarcastic:. India is always willing to settle the Kashmir issue, as per the WILL of people of Jammu and Kashmir and UN Resolution Guidelines..That is why it didn't divide Jammu and Kashmir Like the Pakistan did i.e G & B and gave separate Autonomy to Leh and Ladakh...:closed:....

I think you will find that its mostly innocent villagers you indians kill and stage encounters that are buried in unmarked graves.

Humko maloom hai jannat ki haqueeqat, par, dil ke behlane ko ghalib, yeh khayal accha hai :P

Apparently, its other way around...It;s mostly Pakistani Non State Actors aka...... are Killed by Indian Army and get dumped into unmarked graves.... :cray:

You fail to mention the prediction that the taliban will not be destroyed but will get stronger every year and come back.

I don't believe in Predictions and this is what I mentioned about your Taliabni in my previous post which you didn't address:

Where they were before USA came? Fighting India, or their own people?

Anyway, send your worst. All the Lashkars, Mujahideens, Talibs and other primitive lunatics will be sent to the same unmarked graves that their predecessors went to. India will not tolerate their nonsense, because they won't find sympathizers in India, like they do in Pakistan (you, for example).

The Pakistani army itself, with all its tanks and artillery and air support cannot challenge India’s might. Your bearded gunmen cannot do much either. I know it hurts to hear this, but it is true. Just because they have a beard and a Kalashnikov and a medieval ideology, does not mean that they can do jack against a stable, pluralistic nation like India with a professional military and police.

Even your Pakistani army cannot dream to take anything from India, so your bearded lunatics won't dream to dream. "Let America leave, then we will declare victory and conquer India" might be the latest motivational pamphlets the talibs distribute, while hiding in their caves until America leaves. Such threats may scare a rabbit.

The real "pipedream" is that you indians think kashmir is part of india.

Exactly, We think other way around....:cuckoo:
I've decided that I am not going to Discuss Kashmir Issue. However, we are debating on it from almost a month. That is why I am replying you...

The same International Community says many Rosy things about State of Freedom in Azad Kashmir. Do you take it as a Nectar or as Constipated Conspiracy Theories??? :omghaha:.It's courtesy of Islamic Terrorism they don't pay heed towards Kashmir Issue :laughcry:

When i talk of "International Community" i refer to the UN in specific, The UN resolutions are still there.

Question1.Did the Government of Pakistan removed its forces from the State of Kashmir as per UN Resolution of 1948?


2.The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals …………..

Question 2.So, The UN agreed that pashtun tribal who were not a part of Kashmir were fighting along with army regulars you agree?


(2) The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavor to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

All the ones that where not normally resident went back and the one that where resident stayed.

(3) Pending a final solution the territory evacuated by the Pakistan troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.

Going of the definition of the word "local" we can safely assume that the people doing the "administrating" would be people from AJK

Question 3.When the UN commission decided that Indian forces are to be kept to maintain minimum law and order did Pakistan vacate *** as per instructions of the United Nations?

You forget that once the UN resolution was passed, india increased troops straight away.
Far from having a kept to "maintaining minimum law and order" india has turned kashmir into the most Militarized Zone in the world

4..When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals referred to in Part II A 2 hereof have withdrawn……

Question4. Has Pakistan notified the UN or Party to dispute “India” about tribesmen and Pakistani nationals withdrawing from Kashmir?.

Lets just say these "tribesman" are still in kashmir.......they must 80-90 years old.
What makes you think they stayed?


Apparently, not as the tribesmen and Pakistan nationals never Withdrew, if they did...Provide an INTERNATIONAL SOURCE........at least do some basic homework before you start ranting the Pakistani media line.

Lets just say these "tribesman" are still in kashmir.......they must 80-90 years old.
What makes you think they stayed?

I've answered the Bold part above and seeking answer from you.... Any International source for the Remaining RANT :cuckoo:. Indeed what happened to Kashmiri is sad and Pakistan is equally Responsible for it.

How can one sign agreement for the Part of Land which is disputed Internationally. I've read the Pak-china Border agreement and apparently, the FREEDOM FIGHTERS TOO. That is why they don't Shed there Blood for Aksai Chin :sarcastic:.

After reading the agreement am sure you recall article 6?

Sino-Pakistan Agreement 1963
Article 6

The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People's Republic of China on the boundary as described in Article.

India is always willing to settle the Kashmir issue, as per the WILL of people of Jammu and Kashmir and UN Resolution Guidelines..That is why it didn't divide Jammu and Kashmir Like the Pakistan did i.e G & B and gave separate Autonomy to Leh and Ladakh...:closed:....

So you think that once the UN says have a vote on the issue pakistan is going to demand that it dilutes it muslim vote bank in kashmir by not including the areas you mention.
If anything a united JK vote would end up having the effect of kashmir-pakistan having a large hindu region under its control.......If india wants GB, Leh and Ladakh to be included in the final vote? Then i am totally for it.

Humko maloom hai jannat ki haqueeqat, par, dil ke behlane ko ghalib, yeh khayal accha hai :P

Apparently, its other way around...It;s mostly Pakistani Non State Actors aka...... are Killed by Indian Army and get dumped into unmarked graves.... :cray:

No doubt there will be some bodies of freedom fighters in unmarked graves but there is a larger amount that are innocent people who the indian army take there "frustration" out on......like.....rape-murder-torture ect.
Maybe should ask the parent of those killed if they where "foreign militant" or from kashmir--https://www.facebook.com/pages/Association-of-Parents-of-Disappeared-Persons/156287237778358?sk=info

I don't believe in Predictions and this is what I mentioned about your Taliabni in my previous post which you didn't address:

Where they were before USA came? Fighting India, or their own people?

I dont understand the question?

Anyway, send your worst. All the Lashkars, Mujahideens, Talibs and other primitive lunatics will be sent to the same unmarked graves that their predecessors went to. India will not tolerate their nonsense, because they won't find sympathizers in India, like they do in Pakistan (you, for example).

The freedom fighters will carry on crossing the LoC and attacking the indian occupation army until there is fair resolution to the Kashmir issue

The Pakistani army itself, with all its tanks and artillery and air support cannot challenge India’s might.

Never look at it the other way round.......an army-nation(pakistan) 1/6th the size of yours(india) has held you in check for over a century.

Your bearded gunmen cannot do much either. I know it hurts to hear this, but it is true. Just because they have a beard and a Kalashnikov and a medieval ideology, does not mean that they can do jack against a stable, pluralistic nation like India with a professional military and police.

Some villager in a uniform with two days training is an easy target for the freedom fighters

Even your Pakistani army cannot dream to take anything from India,

Well you claimed all of kashmir and we took a large portion of that didnt we.

so your bearded lunatics won't dream to dream. "Let America leave, then we will declare victory and conquer India" might be the latest motivational pamphlets the talibs distribute, while hiding in their caves until America leaves. Such threats may scare a rabbit.
So from pakistan wanting a just resolution on kashmir you take to the extreme "Pakistan wants to conquer India".

Exactly, We think other way around....:cuckoo:

What confidence you show......why don't we put it to the Kashmirs and see what they want?.....thought not

PS. please stop with color coding-smileys..........
When i talk of "International Community" i refer to the UN in specific, The UN resolutions are still there.



(2) The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavor to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistan nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

All the ones that where not normally resident went back and the one that where resident stayed.

(3) Pending a final solution the territory evacuated by the Pakistan troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.

Going of the definition of the word "local" we can safely assume that the people doing the "administrating" would be people from AJK

You forget that once the UN resolution was passed, india increased troops straight away.
Far from having a kept to "maintaining minimum law and order" india has turned kashmir into the most Militarized Zone in the world

Lets just say these "tribesman" are still in kashmir.......they must 80-90 years old.
What makes you think they stayed?

Lets just say these "tribesman" are still in kashmir.......they must 80-90 years old.
What makes you think they stayed?

After reading the agreement am sure you recall article 6?

Sino-Pakistan Agreement 1963
Article 6

The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People's Republic of China on the boundary as described in Article.

So you think that once the UN says have a vote on the issue pakistan is going to demand that it dilutes it muslim vote bank in kashmir by not including the areas you mention.
If anything a united JK vote would end up having the effect of kashmir-pakistan having a large hindu region under its control.......If india wants GB, Leh and Ladakh to be included in the final vote? Then i am totally for it.

No doubt there will be some bodies of freedom fighters in unmarked graves but there is a larger amount that are innocent people who the indian army take there "frustration" out on......like.....rape-murder-torture ect.
Maybe should ask the parent of those killed if they where "foreign militant" or from kashmir--https://www.facebook.com/pages/Association-of-Parents-of-Disappeared-Persons/156287237778358?sk=info

I dont understand the question?

The freedom fighters will carry on crossing the LoC and attacking the indian occupation army until there is fair resolution to the Kashmir issue

Never look at it the other way round.......an army-nation(pakistan) 1/6th the size of yours(india) has held you in check for over a century.

Some villager in a uniform with two days training is an easy target for the freedom fighters

Well you claimed all of kashmir and we took a large portion of that didnt we.

so your bearded lunatics won't dream to dream. "Let America leave, then we will declare victory and conquer India" might be the latest motivational pamphlets the talibs distribute, while hiding in their caves until America leaves. Such threats may scare a rabbit.[/COLOR]

So from pakistan wanting a just resolution on kashmir you take to the extreme "Pakistan wants to conquer India".

What confidence you show......why don't we put it to the Kashmirs and see what they want?.....thought not

PS. please stop with color coding-smileys..........

You cannot get it no matter what you do.

Why are you destroying your country for this state?

Your country was split apart,

Your country got its cover blown after 1999.

You're still struggling from WOT which indirectly has a hand of those elements that were against us. It has trashed your economy and your country.

Daily your nationals are dying of bomb blasts and attacks in different parts despite all being of the same religion that you claim so much in unity's fervour.

What have you gained from attacking us?

What is all this for?

Have you even looked at the roadmap of where these generals are taking your country into?

Their power remains as long as you point your fingers at us.

Wake up.

Don't go down this way and destroy yourself using your own people.
You cannot get it no matter what you do.


Why are you destroying your country for this state?

what are you talking about?.......Why are you destroying your country for kashmir?

Your country was split apart,

Yes....by india invading bangladesh (east pakistan) and then you wonder why we treat india as an enemy.

Your country got its cover blown after 1999.

The entire world knows pakistan backs the fighters in kashmir-afghanistan but pakistan denies it, the same way you indians denied you backed the Mukti Bahini-BLA or the same way the US denied it backed the afghan mujahdeen.
The US is a superpower and even with there leverage over pakistan they could not stop them backing the afghan taliban.
Deny deny deny

You're still struggling from WOT which indirectly has a hand of those elements that were against us. It has trashed your economy and your country.

Mistakes and blunders by the musharaff govt caused the "element" you talk off to turn against the state......we have our self to blame for letting the indians exploit the situation.
After the US leaves and the indians have no cover in afghanistan these elements will either be bought back into the fold.

Daily your nationals are dying of bomb blasts and attacks in different parts despite all being of the same religion that you claim so much in unity's fervour.

Like i said....between 2014-15 you see a the last desperate attempts by the enemies of pakistan to somehow trigger a collapse or crisis but once the taliban take control of the border its all over.

What have you gained from attacking us?

What have you gained from attacking us or the Kashmirs?

What is all this for?

The promise that nehru made that he would let the people of kashmir choose.

Have you even looked at the roadmap of where these generals are taking your country into?

Have you ever looked at where the brahmin elite is taking your country?

Their power remains as long as you point your fingers at us.

And what do you think would happen to "there power" if kashmir was sorted?

Don't go down this way and destroy yourself using your own people.

So by asking for you indians to "put your money where you mouth is" by asking the kashmirs what they would choose in a free fair and election, i am "destroying myself by using my own people!"........please spare me.
Then it is extremely unfortunate that we will continue to be at warpath if the elites of your country think like this.
@dabong1 in Post # 52 you answered this in YES: "Question1.Did the Government of Pakistan removed its forces from the State of Kashmir as per UN Resolution of 1948?"

Would you be Kind Enough to Provide an International Source?? :pop:
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@dabong1 in Post # 52 you answered this in YES: "Question1.Did the Government of Pakistan removed its forces from the State of Kashmir as per UN Resolution of 1948?"

Would you be Kind Enough to Provide an International Source?? :pop:

Still confused?

2. The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

3. Pending a final solution, the territory evacuated by the Pakistani troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the commission.

Even though the resolution states that only non residents have to leave and the bulk of the fighting force was made up Kashmirs, You still think the tribesman stayed.
Its a technicality that can easily circumvented by the pak govt if the need did arise and is nothing but a delaying tactic by the indians.
To put your mind at rest.....why dont you lobby your govt to give a statement to the international media that if pakistan removes its forces as the resolution says

1. As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

And then india will hold UN monitored vote in kashmir.......at the moment you want pakistan to remove its army but then call kashmir integral part of india.
The problem is you will never do that, As i pointed out earlier with the reference to "nationals not normally resident" and "administered by the local authorities" is the loophole that will allow pakistan to withdraw troops (nationals not normally resident) and (Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State) and replace the soldiers with kashmiri soldiers thus leaving india in the predicament of having to hold elections while the pak military numbers stay the same in kashmir.

Pakistan would have no problem with an indian team coming to AJK and trying to find these 80-90 year old tribesman who for some strange reason insisted on remaining away from there own family and region for the last 60 years.....and of course once its been proven theres no tribesman you will move towards holding a UN vote.
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@dabong1 After reading the Resolution and having clear understanding on it, I posted it. :angel:Instead of playing with words, please provide answer to the following:


1. (l) As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State. [/QUOTE]

In POST # 52, You said Pakistan removed its forces from the State of Kashmir as per UN Resolution of 1948

Please provide International Source to PROVE IT. :coffee:

2. The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.[/QUOTE]

Please Provide an International Source to Prove that Tribesman and Pakistani withdrew. :coffee:
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@dabong1 After reading the Resolution and having clear understanding on it, I posted it. :angel:Instead of playing with words, please provide answer to the following:


1. (l) As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

In POST # 52, You said Pakistan removed its forces from the State of Kashmir as per UN Resolution of 1948
Please provide International Source to PROVE IT. :coffee:

2. The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

Please Provide an International Source to Prove that Tribesman and Pakistani withdrew. :coffee:

You provide me with proof that they have not......maybe some international source.
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You provide me with proof that they have not......maybe some international source.

Had it happened, International Media would have had reported it, like it has reported other issues related to Kashmir. How can someone Report thing which never happened but you claimed it happened. Therefore, onus lies on you :girl_wacko:
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