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Indradhanush 2015

Pakistan should take a look at some Russian jets. Our relationship with Russia is improving day by day. Its only a matter of time we will be flying Russian jets.
Isn't Su-30 a multi-role aircraft? Just like you see the F-15 which emphasis on the air superiority is now able to do air to ground combat operations.

IAF's Su-30MKI was never designed as multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA). Its design and performance parameters were instead optimised for air dominance/air superiority, with standoff all-weather precision strike undertaken from medium altitudes being a secondary capability. It is for this reason that the erstwhile USSR had developed the Su-24 and Su-27IB/Su-34 as all-weather, terrain-hugging deep penetration strike aircraft (DPSA), and the Su-25 as a dedicated tactical strike/close air support aircraft. Consequently, neither the Su-30MKI’s and the MiG-29UPG’s/MiG-29K’s airframes have the stress tolerances that are required for flying terrain-hugging flight profiles. Their existing X-band multi-mode radars or MMR (RLSU-30MK NO-11M ‘Bars’ and the Zhuk-M2E) therefore don’t come with low-altitude terrain avoidance mode or automatic terrain-following capability or weather-mapping mode, and neither are they equipped with low-altitude navigation pods.

That's the reason why the IAF is in dire need of procuring an MMRCA fleet with automatic terrain-following capability - which the Rafale is optimised for - and that's why the IAF was not in favour of dumping the entire MMRCA contract in favour of the MKI's as was our Defence Minister right from the beginning when the original Rafale deal was down.
British have finally busted the indian bubble again..."comical claims".. "clouded recollections" "cricket styled scores - caution and certainly not realistic" "designed for domestic audience"... Etx

In 2011..."Well they lost"..:rofl:
These cricket-style scores claimed by the IAF look impressive but should be treated with caution and certainly not as a realistic gauge of combat capability,”

We have to view these scores through the haze of pilot bravado, national pride and also some political correctness

There must have been some clouded recollection on the flights back to India

prompting an RAF source to label his claim “comical

Nice. Very nice. :lol:
I think the unusual step was taken precisely because of the 'comical bravado' shown by the RAF during the 2011 exercises. I like where this is headed Birtain has no magic sauce and Typhoons have been evaluated and found wanting. I think we should put them in their place ad get them to stop sayig things like our training/ tech is better etc. How come whenever these jokers are whacked they have 'one arm held to the back' :)

British have finally busted the indian bubble again..."comical claims".. "clouded recollections" "cricket styled scores - caution and certainly not realistic" "designed for domestic audience"... Etx

In 2011..."Well they lost"..:rofl:

They lost in 2015...they can't handle it so they're crying like babies. Don't get a boner on this one man :) .
Read Comments, even the Brits don't believe the RAF

India’s top guns have claimed they humiliated the cream of the RAF during a two-week exercise which offered British pilots a rare chance to go up against some of the latest Russian-designed fighter jets.

However, to the dismay of RAF officers, their Indian counterparts have reportedly taken the unusual step of publicly claiming to have come away from the exercise with a resounding 12-0 victory against their UK opponents.

In an interview with Indian television, IAF Group Captain Ashu Srivastav claimed victory over the British aircraft during close-range dogfights – prompting an RAF source to label his claim “comical”.

Group Captain Srivastav said the performance of his pilots was “exceptional”

@Horus @Oscar @nair @SpArK @Areesh @AUz @A.Rafay @Arsalan @ajpirzada @fatman17 @Rashid Mahmood @Slav Defence @GURU DUTT @OrionHunter @ares @doppelganger @Cherokee @Manticore @DESERT FIGHTER @Icarus @Xeric @kaonalpha and others

This is bull-crap. Someone posted the interview with the Indian Group Captain yesterday, he NEVER said that his people did "Excellent". He actually said that his people did "fairly well" against the EFT's.

I don't have any dog in this fight. But I also don't like it when people openly lie about events. The RAF has a totally different view on this. They have mixed results. In fact, in dog fights, the SU-30 came up high initially due to using its TVR. But after the first two events, the EFT's used their superior IR sensors and scored kills by putting SU-30 into defense initially, forcing it to use TVC to break the missile lock, and then as it went into recovery post high tvc utilization maneuvers, they had both the SU-30's on guns and energy bleeding giants had no escape. So there were mixed results.

They RAF published a report on the exercise explaining some superior capabilities of the SU-30 and also explaining some interesting facts about it that it bleeds energy during short tight turns and in dog fights with limited TVC usage.

Which makes perfect sense. When pilots use even VERY limited TVC, just to gain better AOA (no cobra or breaking a lock), you bleed energy as the jet nozzles would vector the energy very quickly than the time it would take for the physical structure of the plane to adjust. Getting to a merge and come on top would be an issue.

Now, using heavy TVC to conduct a Cobra or a full loop in order to break a lock or confuse an incoming missile, would work for that one time. But if a jet like EFT is coming heads up or directly behind, the guns won't let you escape as you are recovering energy and there is not much power there for a few seconds. A sophisticated jet would be on it like Cream on a Cake.

Not sure why and where the propaganda with "we made cream soup of EFT" is coming from. The SU-30 us one of the best planes out there but to say that the EFT got smashed is a pretty "feel good" statement.

Also, neither side used actual radars on-board these two jets, jammer and other sensor. We all know that EFT has a superior jamming capability and other electronics also. Those were kept off to maintain each party's systems' confidentiality.

Here's a link about this, which was posted a few hours ago:

Photos: India's Su-30MKI Flankers Sparred With Royal Air Force Typhoons
lol, similarly when indians did "really well" against Americans in Red Flag..and then came reality of how Americans had decimated the little, untrained, unprofessional, lagy airforce like iaf..

PAF has battered iaf viciously in all air-wars...something tells me iaf hasn't changed and still remains a subquality airforce it was---although hopefully its not true. I want some competition for PAF.
Yeah typical British they Never accept Neither they Denied It.There Silence Says its All Much Like Americans during Cope-India 2004-2005 they Never Know What Hit Them.You Can Sense frustration in their words

Even the Indian pilot admitted the SU-30s were “less successful” in the longer-range combat exercises.
Half quoted Lines from the Article Shows Itself How Frustrate they are Feeling Beaten By Poor third world Air-force Pilots :D:D
Here is Full Line from NDTV Article
"In subsequent Large Force Exercises (LFE) which featured combined Eurofighter Typhoon and Su-30 formations, the IAF jets were somewhat less successful but consistently held an edge over the Typhoon."

Typical White Butthurt reaction Sorry there Oxford Skills Couldn't Save them Afterall
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lol, similarly when indians did "really well" against Americans in Red Flag..and then came reality of how Americans had decimated the little, untrained, unprofessional, lagy airforce like iaf..

Both were different exersizes. One where IAF reigned supreme was Cope India 2005 & UsAF reigned supreme in Red Fleg 2008. For hate statements like the little, untrained, unprofessional, lagy airforce like iaf I can only pitty for you. Heres what happened in Red Fleg 2008.

" The Indians were barred from using.data-links, chaff and flares. When they were targeted by surface to air.missiles, they were shot down. There was no data picture in the cockpit to help IAF pilots’ situational awareness so the work load on the aircrews was high. Also, the IAF’s most powerful air-to-air missile, the R-77, was not simulated in the
Among the observers who had front row seats to the dogfights was senior Indian journalist Vishnu Som. According to him, contrary to the picture painted by Fornof, the IAF and its Sukhois more than made a mark during their stint in the United States. “For starters not a single Su-30MKI fighter was shot down in close air combat missions at Mountain Home AFB. In fact, none of the Sukhois were even close to being shot down in the 10-odd one on one sorties which were planned for the first two days of the exercises at.Mountain Home. These one on one engagements featured USAF jets such as the F-15 and F-16 in close air engagements against the Su-30MKI. The majority of the kills
claimed in these engagements were granted to the IAF with the
remainder of these being no-

So comment after knowing the facts.

PAF has battered iaf viciously in all air-wars...something tells me iaf hasn't changed and still remains a subquality airforce it was---although hopefully its not true. I want some competition for PAF.

Well you always had better Aircrafts sipplied by US. That proved to be an handicap itself for IAF. Gap was closed only after 1980s. Except a few dimwitts like you no one claims IAF to be unprofessional force. :coffee:
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Some really good comments... its gonna get nasty.. just like i expect this thread also to go bonkers soon..

++The RAF must be disappointed to havked.... So our boys went up against Russian Sukhois of the IAF, to test our systems against the Russian systems, and we lost? And we say its because we had one hand tied behind out backs? And the comparative specs at bottom show the Typhoons have higher performance? So what does all this tell us? We have to conclude that either we lied about really testing the systems (what was the point of the exercise?), the specs are wrong and the Sukhoi’s are better, the Indian pilots are better. Of all of these, it really sounds like the Sukhois will wipe the Typhoons off the map, especially as the new variants (not those on export) will be a whole lot more potent.

++ We should try to resurrect John Wayne ... those Indians are getting a little bit cocky by the minute...

++ The Typhoon spec is very impressive until you get to the cost and realise that you can buy 3 Sukhoi's and that its better armed !

The MOD - not fit for purpose just wait for those $116m turkey F35's and we have to stand in line behind the Americans for them and we got precious little R&D contracts just &116m bill per plane.

Madness, lets all go flip burgers or stack shelves in Tesco.

++So what!!! The RAF was incredibly successful in bombing North Africa and Syria during the Arab Spring campaign....ok,... granted it was against defenceless civilians...

++ Facinating, When the RAF Chief, no less said in 2011, "Well they lost"...its the truth and holy grail.. but when IAF says the same in 2015, it is lies, bravado, cricket scores etc etc..

++If they admit the SU-30 is not Russia's best, it makes us Brits look even worse. It means we were beaten with mediocre planes.
lol, similarly when indians did "really well" against Americans in Red Flag..and then came reality of how Americans had decimated the little, untrained, unprofessional, lagy airforce like iaf..

PAF has battered iaf viciously in all air-wars...something tells me iaf hasn't changed and still remains a subquality airforce it was---although hopefully its not true. I want some competition for PAF.

Really? You mean in 1965 when the combat losses of IAF were mostly on the ground? Or in 1971, when the IAF owned PAF so thoroughly that they not only fled from the fight, but also made up stories about Russian AEWACs helping IAF? And IAF helped one Indian battalion to defeat a Pakistani combined armed brigade in the east? (Not to mention the humiliation in the west, where an entire armoured and infantry regiment combined were sent back all the way they came from, by the IAF's hunters.)

Battle of Boyra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Or in 1999 at Kargil, when the PAF did not even dare to present itself for a fight that Pakistan had started? When the IAF was bombing your army and "mujahids" to kingdom come, what did the PAF do? Make excuses about lack of BVR capability.

"Battered viciously in all air wars", my foot.
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