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Indonesia's Hindu Heritage

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Please can you elaborate your statement, otherwise you can't see and explaining this pictures






or you must be some blind Chinese fascist idiot who trying to blame Islam in Indonesia for your failure as a human being?

Those picture don't erased the dirty pass Indonesia mass massacre of the Chinese and Buddhist monk in Indonesia in the past.
Please can you elaborate your statement, otherwise you can't see and explaining this pictures





or you must be some blind Chinese fascist idiot who trying to blame Islam in Indonesia for your failure as a human being?
May be she/he is referring some lunatic people that think they know everything about islam then act in the name of islam. While in fact, they don't even able to read koran properly. Those lunatic people exist in every communities and religions and not only in indonesia and in moslem community.

Those picture don't erased the dirty pass Indonesia mass massacre of the Chinese and Buddhist monk in Indonesia in the past.

Please don blame the Indonesian. The main massacre occur during Suharto regime is less sectarian but more ideological. At that time, Mao export communism to Indonesia. Then USA, UK, Australia with Suharto and Islam group gang up to massacre communist, and Chinese suffer a lot of collateral damage.

There are Indonesian tribes who regretted after that. In the late 90s massacre in Kalimantan, the Malay Dayaks and Kalimatan Malay beheaded the Islamofacist Madurese, meanwhile, the Dayaks protect the Chinese and declare that Chinese are friends of Dayaks.

Sampit conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew all believe in men made mythology of god and proceed to massacre, force conversion, practice slavery, discriminate base on caste system. Men made god and his follower are the most intolerant people in this planet earth.

Please don blame the Indonesian. The main massacre occur during Suharto regime is less sectarian but more ideological. At that time, Mao export communism to Indonesia. Then USA, UK, Australia with Suharto and Islam group gang up to massacre communist, and Chinese suffer a lot of collateral damage.

There are Indonesian tribes who regretted after that. In the late 90s massacre in Kalimantan, the Malay Dayaks and Kalimatan Malay beheaded the Islamofacist Madurese, meanwhile, the Dayaks protect the Chinese and declare that Chinese are friends of Dayaks.

Sampit conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just recently in the 90's Indonesia Muslim protested that turned violent and killed, raped, the Chinese in Indonesia.
Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew all believe in men made mythology of god and proceed to massacre, force conversion, practice slavery, discriminate base on caste system. Men made god and his follower are the most intolerant people in this planet earth.

Just recently in the 90's Indonesia Muslim protested that turned violent and killed, raped, the Chinese in Indonesia.
Maaannnnn....I was wrong about you. @madokafc please ignore my last reply to your post. I try to think positively toward this guy and I prove to be wrong.
Minus the opinions of a few insignificant unknowns on PDF, almost all of the non-Muslim world considers Islam a deadly virus to this world. Never get to hear anything as such opinions on Hinduism, or any other religion or culture. Even the cannibals and Bushmen of Africa are not compared like that.

Ever wondered why?

He's a brain dead fcuking worm. Why did you even bother responding to him or it? He most probably sucks a goat's rear as his favorite pastime and regards that as part of some delusional holy scripture of his. When mosquitos such as the poster you quoted post their rubbish on the net, it's best to ignore them as fanatical bomb loving mullahs unworthy of a reply
Just recently in the 90's Indonesia Muslim protested that turned violent and killed, raped, the Chinese in Indonesia.

That is Suharto, and many Indonesian do not support Suharto act and it occur once in Jakarta. If Indonesian hate Chinese, there will be massacre everywhere. Also during the turbulent time, the Kalimantan Dayaks are protecting the Chinese.

Many Chinese are not aware that the Indonesian upper class are very Chinese looking. The Malaysian Malay got too much of India and Arab blood, and they look very dark. The Indonesian Malay are different.

Indonesian Chinese are very Malay as the guy who came got to marry local woman. Most are at least 50% Malay or even more. So Indonesian Chinese are just cultural Chinese. They prefer to remain Chinese as they can easily assimilate into the surrounding Malay.



Borneo Dayak girl



Sundanese girls

Maaannnnn....I was wrong about you. @madokafc please ignore my last reply to your post. I try to think positively toward this guy and I prove to be wrong.

What wrong with my statement? Didn't Indonesian Muslim rape and kill the Chinese during one of the most violent protest in your country?
The most important thing of Hindu heritage in Indonesia is caste system in Bali.

Balinese caste system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact, caste system exist in SE Asia until Islam and Confucius Vietnam kick them out. Bali people choose to enslave themselves by sticking to Hinduism, and with that caste system.

Balinese do not subscribe to the rigid Indian Hindu caste system, caste comes into play only during observance of religious ceremonies.

in some ways the caste system was a necessary evil to preserve the Hindu heritage , in India Hinduism survived the Muslim onslaught due to the caste system where as non caste Buddhism in Afghanistan was completely wiped out
He's a brain dead fcuking worm. Why did you even bother responding to him or it? He most probably sucks a goat's rear as his favorite pastime and regards that as part of some delusional holy scripture of his. When mosquitos such as the poster you quoted post their rubbish on the net, it's best to ignore them as fanatical bomb loving mullahs unworthy of a reply

Don't worry, it is just harmless fun. Got some exams coming up, so need to take a little rest from making sensible statements. Trolling helps with stress :D
Indonesia is a respectable country. Her leaders try to go the Ataturk way. Indonesia is the future of Malay race. The people in Indonesia are very much open minded.

In Malaysia, Malay disgrace themselves by keep ranting Chinese genocide Malay. Malaysian Malay has hatch wet dream of Islamofacism and by the typical feminist style, accuse everyone else discriminating Malay.

Indonesian Malay despise the Malaysian Malay way.

Chinese Indonesian are not much difference from many Indonesians in their looks as well as blood. Many SE Chinese and PRC Chinese are not aware of this fact.

The Chinese male came to Indonesia through human trafficking. They can only marry local Malay women. So their blood is at least 50% Malay. But Chinese took a lot of concubine and mistresses. So Chinese Indonesian could be more Malay than Chinese. The only pure Chinese women available in Indonesia are prostitutes, until early 20th century.

Today, Indonesia no longer persecute Chinese. Chinese must help Indonesia become a great country.

One can always trace his paternal side Y-Chromosome to his paternal ancestors, but not maternal side. Does that make it more Chinese ?
Balinese do not subscribe to the rigid Indian Hindu caste system, caste comes into play only during observance of religious ceremonies.

in some ways a caste system was necessary evil to preserve the culture and arts , Hinduism survived the Muslim onslaught due to the caste system where as non caste Buddhism in Afghanistan was completely wiped out

Buddhism is a practice the non violent and compassion for all, human being possess both good and evil within our mind, not all Buddhist can follow what Buddha teaching and not to harm other in the case of some Myanmar Buddhist monk harm and killed the Muslim in their country. At least Buddha never teach to kill or harm other living being.
What wrong with my statement? Didn't Indonesian Muslim rape and kill the Chinese during one of the most violent protest in your country?
Then prove that it was done by Indonesia MOSLEM. how do you know that they are MOSLEM? Were you with them? Or it is just your ASSUMPTION?
Buddhism is a practice the non violent and compassion for all, human being possess both good and evil within our mind, not all Buddhist can follow what Buddha teaching and not to harm other in the case of some Myanmar Buddhist monk harm and killed the Muslim in their country. At least Buddha never teach to kill or harm other living being.

There are 2 sides of things. The Buddhist monks in Myanmar are the one spearheading the Burmese nationalism who kick out British and their Indian Muslim lackies imported by British. That is how Aung San Suu Kyi father came to power and the Buddhist power base is what Aung San Suu Kyi inherited.

Also till now, the Western media are favoring the Rohingya. They have not inform everyone the background on what the Indian has done in Burma that make everyone pissed.

Also Myanmar expel all insurgence tribe like Karen, Shan, Kachin...etc. Why should Rohingyas be single out as a show case, instead of presenting the whole picture.
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