Bro the original plan is to build 9 DSME/PAL 209/1400 class sub. So if the 2nd batch will only order for 3 units, then the next batch is another 3 units. They have the ace card that can beat all other brands. Gomen already invested and will invest more (PMN) in 209/1400 class KS. Nothing can beat that. Not even the always-there-in-the-list Kilo class hehehDSME has strong supports from KKI & PT.PAL, strong enough to ensure 2nd batch continuation. I posted previously which showed greater local participation in 2nd batch ( 1st one was 9 Millions US$ out of 1 Billion US$ while 2nd one would be 15% work of share from contract value which around 1.2 Billion US$ ). What we should be thinking is about what comes after 2nd batch, The Ministry indicates a plan for something equipped with AIP in years to come.