Uji Statis Rhan-450 (Kemhan)
Puslitbang Alpalhan melaksanakan uji statis roket jarak 100 km
ground to ground (Rhan-450) di Jl. Raya Rumpin No. 2 Mekarsari, Bogor.
Dilansir dari laman
Kemhan (7/ 11), Kegiatan diawali sambutan pertama oleh Deputi LAPAN Dr. Rika Andiarti dari LAPAN, kemudian sambutan kedua oleh Kapuslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Abdullah Sani, pembacaan doa, dilanjutkan uji statis roket jarak 100 km
ground to ground (Rhan-450) dari tim LAPAN dan terakhir evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan uji statis roket jarak 100 km
ground to ground(Rhan-450).
Pelaksanaan uji statis roket jarak 100 km
ground to ground (Rhan-450) ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara Balitbang Kemhan dengan LAPAN yang telah melaksanakan uji statis roket jarak 100 km
ground to ground (Rhan-450) yang ke-2.
Dalam pelaksanaannya, program pengembangan Roket Jarak 100 Km
ground to ground (RHan-450) TA. 2018 adalah salah satu program kerja sama utama antara Balitbang Kemhan, PT Dahana dengan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN).
Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk menguji kinerja sistem propulsi roket Rhan-450, kekuatan struktur motor roket dan thermal.
Roket RHAN-450 adalah roket berbahan bakar padat dengan diameter luar sebesar 450 mm. Panjang total roket mencapai 7.1 meter dan massa total dapat mencapai 1600 kg.
Roket ini akan membawa dua payload yang terdiri dari payload GPS dan
payload Radar.
payload ini memiliki misi untuk mengetahui gerakan dan posisi roket selama terbang.
Target dari pengembangan Roket RHAN-450 ini adalah bahwa roket terbang dengan baik dan stabil tanpa adanya anomali gerakan yang terjadi pada saat uji statis.
Disamping itu juga diharapkan data sensor gerak roket (
akselerometer, gyro dan GPS) yang terdapat pada
payload dapat bekerja dengan baik dan dapat ditransfer ke
ground station secara utuh dan baik sejak awal peluncuran sampai dengan roket kembali jatuh ke bumi.
Editor: (D.E.S)
Btw, good news. TNI AL surely is on progress to build 85 m class OPV
IndoDefence 2018: Lacroix Ready to Provide Next Gen Decoy Systems to TNI AL
November 2018 Naval News
At IndoDefence 2018, Lacroix Defense from France is showcasing for the first time in Indonesia, its cutting-edge, compact SYLENA MK2 decoy launching system.
Lacroix stand at IndoDefence 2018 with SYLENA Mk2 Decoy Launching System. Navy Recognition picture.
Lacroix provides innovative and distinct decoy solutions including AAW and ASW cutting-edge pyrotechnic applications for warship survivability, deploying:
Corner reflector decoys against radar (RF) threats
Spectral morphologic infrared decoys (IR) against passive infrared threats
Electro-optic laser screening (EO) against laser guided threats
Innovative anti-torpedo solutions
Specifically in the naval field, Lacroix is ready to provide its solutions for Indonesian Navy (TNI AL)'s future 85 meters Offshore Patrol Vessels.
Lacroix's activities span all stages from product design to manufacture, including supply, support and services solutions, training & simulation...
Two weeks ago (during Euronaval 201) Lacroix confirmed the successful operational deployment of its effects and technologies to defeat the broad range of missile threats from old generations to the most advanced.
Over fifty platforms are currently protected by Lacroix’s new munitions, and it has recently delivered its 10.000th unit of SEACLAD ® ammunition. Development of the SEALAT anti-torpedo mortar has been brought to completion and it is presently being manufactured at nominal capacity.
The demonstrated success of the SYLENA range has come in just five years since it was marketed: a combination of deliveries and firm orders account for a total of over thirty systems worldwide. Within the next 2 years, that number is expected to jump to 100, thanks to the growing success of the unique coupling of a fixed launcher / modern countermeasures.
The growing need for ship self-protection against sophisticated technologies has generated a heightened interest in SYLENA.
For over 25 years, significantly enhanced calculation capabilities and the miniaturization of electronic components have brought about an unprecedented development in homing missile and torpedo capabilities, rendering classic countermeasures ineffective to defeat them.
The latest generation of homing devices can instantaneously determine target and spectral location and reject radar echo and infrared radiation which do not match the ship’s signature. Therefore, most current missiles reject chaff and classic infrared decoys. Furthermore, the SYLENA / SEACLAD combination is suitably adapted to meet the proliferation of hypervelocity and millimeter wave missiles.
Lastly, in the submarine domain, the fact that classic countermeasure are systematically rejected by advanced torpedoes was taken into account by Lacroix in the early stages of development.