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Indonesia Defence Forum

Is there any progress on the building of :
3 unit OPV Bakamla by Citra Shipyard ?
3 unit LST (AT 5 - 7) by DRU ?
3 unit KCR 60 by PT PAL ?
Kalla optimistic of indo defence improving "alutsista" quality
Rabu, 7 November 2018 16:54 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: Antara


Vice President Jusuf Kalla attends Indo Defence 2018 at JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta, on Wednesday (7/11/2018). (Biro Pers Setwapres)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Vice President Jusuf Kalla expressed hope that implementation of the annual defense industry exhibition, Indo Defense 2018 Expo and Forum, would improve the quality of the Indonesian Military`s Main Weaponry Systems (Alutsista).

With technological developments in the manufacture of defense equipment, on display at Indo Defense, Vice President Kalla is optimistic that each participating country would exchange knowledge for the development of defense equipment.

"A country is always ready for war but must be prepared to face all the worst possibilities. Hence, today, we will see and certainly know what is needed today and what is the comparison," Vice President Kalla stated in his opening remarks at Indo Defense 2018 in JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta on Wednesday.

With research capabilities in the military field, the vice president urged the Indonesian military to capitalize on the technological developments to improve the defense and security system in the country.

"The internet, for instance, is used for military research that has become something very useful for everyone today. Hence, the capability of the industry and also defense research of a country is useful for the progress of society," he stated.

The eighth Indo Defense 2018 Expo and Forum has also become an arena for Indonesia`s defense diplomacy to enhance world peace and prosperity.

Participants in the Indo Defense 2018 were 867 defense equipment industry companies from 60 countries, including Australia, Greece, Slovakia, Saudi Arabia, and Japan.

Several foreign companies present at Indo Defense 2018 comprise Rheinmetal, Nexter, Reutech, Turkish Aerospace Industry, Inc., Polish Armament group, and SVOS.

The defense equipment exhibition lasts for four days from Wednesday to Saturday and features live demonstrations twice a day at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. West Indonesia Standard Time.

Reporting by Fransiska Ninditya

Editing by Itniel Tamindael
Editor: Yosep Hariyadi

07 November 2018

Sukhoi Su-35 fighter (photo : Vitaly Kuzmin)

Zhuhai (RIA Novosti) - The contract for the delivery of 11 Su-35 fighter jets to Indonesia has not been postponed, Jakarta resolves some technical issues, said Victor Kladov, head of the Rostec corporation (Rosoboronexport), in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Air Show Airshow China-2018 takes place in Zhuhai from 6 to 11 November.

Previously, some foreign media have repeatedly reported that the implementation of this contract has been postponed due to the threat of US sanctions.

“No, (the contract) is not postponed. But in order for it to enter into force, it is necessary to resolve some technical issues,” said Kladov.

The contract for the supply to Indonesia of 11 Su-35 fighters in the amount of 1.1 billion dollars was signed in 2018. (RIA Novosti)

BT-3F amphibious APC (photo : liveinternet)

About BTR-3F (BT-3F) Vehicle

So the issue of the delivery of the BTR-3F is still relevant?

- Yes, this topic remains relevant. These machines were supplied in several batches, and they show themselves very well in the conditions of Indonesia. But what is delivered is delivered. In the future, in addition to the BMP-3F, the new BTR-3F will also be supplied.

In addition, preliminary consultations were held by specialists of the subsidiary Rostec-Tekhmash holding on localization in Indonesia of the production of ammunition for these combat vehicles. That would be logical. But while negotiations were not conducted. There is only a project so far. Again, the timing depends on the will, as well as the availability of funding. We are ready to continue the discussion of this topic. (RIA Novosti)
Sea Platforms
Indo Defence 2018: Indonesia’s lead Cakra class undergoes USD40 million upgrade
Ridzwan Rahmat, Jakarta - Jane's Navy International
07 November 2018
Key Points
  • Indonesia has begun a USD40 million upgrade on its first German-built submarine
  • The upgrade will extend the boat’s service life beyond 2024
The Indonesian Navy’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL’s) lead Cakra-class diesel-electric submarine (SSK), KRI Cakra (401), is currently undergoing a USD40 million upgrade as part of efforts to extend the boat’s life beyond 2024, a PT PAL official told Jane’s at the Indo Defence 2018 exhibition in Jakarta.

The submarine is one of two German-made vessels commissioned by the TNI-AL in the early 1980s. Contracts for the upgrade of both ships have been awarded to South Korean shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME), and work on Cakra has been ongoing at PT PAL’s facilities in Surabaya since mid-2018.

Btw, whats hot here at Indo defense 2018 is large number of Turkish rep. and large number companies offering their Naval and Air platforms here in Jakarta. A proof Indonesia Armed forces is poised to expand their forces (Air and Navy) in near future

Indo defense fair strengthens industrial collaboration: minister
Rabu, 7 November 2018 20:52 WIB - 2 Views

Reporter: Antara


Indonesia's minister of defense General (ret) Ryamizard Ryacudu. (ANTARA FOTO/HO/Dok Puskom Kemhan Juli Syawaludin)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has stated that the defense industry exhibition, Indo Defense Expo and Forum 2018, could strengthen the collaboration between the Indonesian defense industry and its counterparts from fellow countries.

"This collaboration supports the efforts to achieve national independence of defense industry," Ryacudu remarked at the opening of the Indo Defense Expo and Forum 2018 here Wednesday.

The strategic objective of Indo Defense 2018 Forum is to promote Indonesia`s defense industry products.

According to the minister, an independent and advanced defense industry supports the growth and independence of the domestic economy, which is in line with the Indonesian government`s vision.

Indonesia has always been a potential producer as well as the most attractive market for the defense industry in Southeast Asia.

"This is because our region faces many forms of real threats, such as terrorism and radicalism, natural disasters, piracy, drug smuggling, cyber threats, and others," Ryacudu, who is also a former army chief of staff, revealed.

Indo Defense 2018 Forum is an industry and defense technology exhibition that integrates Indo Aerospace and Indo Helicopter, which showcases aerospace, airport, and helicopter industries.

Indo Defense also features Indo Marine, which showcases shipyard and seaport technologies.

There are several aspects in Indo Defense 2018 which have increased by 15 percent compared to that in the previous year.

"There is an increase in terms of the area and number of participants. In 2016, this exhibition was participated by 761 participants from 45 countries, while this year, the number of exhibitors increased to 867 participants from 60 countries, of which 30 of them are present in pavilions, including Indonesia," Ryacudu remarked.

The number of official delegations has also increased. There are 10 defense ministers and those of the same position, as well as a number of chiefs of staff and commanders in chiefs from participating countries.

"We also should be proud because this exhibition is the largest defense exhibition in Southeast Asia that can be equated with world defense industry exhibitions such as the Eurosatory Defense Exhibition in Paris and DSEI (Defense and Security Equipment International) in London. Indo Defense is also included in the world event calendar," the four-star retired general noted.

During the exhibition, Indo Defense features some programs, including an international forum with a theme Ensuring Regional Stability through Cooperation On Counter Terrorism, Indo Marine 2018 Forum as well as the Indo Aerospace 2018 Business Forum.

A business forum will be held for the first time at Indo Defense Forum, with a theme of Promoting National Defense Industry. The event will bring together non-traditional buyers and Indonesian defense industry players.

"We hope that these agendas will expand market for Indonesian defense industry products, both as whole products and as part of the global defense industry chain," he remarked.

A new product of the Indonesian national defense industry produced by PT Pindad, namely Medium Tank, is showcased at Indo Defense Fair. This product is developed in collaboration between PT Pindad and the FNSS, Turkey.

Medium Tank is a form of support from the Indonesian government for domestic defense industries.

Indo Defense Forum 2018 receives visits from various groups of official delegates, armed forces, governments, administrations, businesses, students of the military academy and the police, defense companies and industries, and the public.

The exhibition is held from Nov 7 to 10, 2018, and is expected to be visited by 25 thousand visitors.

Reporting by Syaiful Hakim

Editing by Libertina W Ambari
Editor: Yosep Hariyadi


They already did


Flight Crew Operations Manual Bulletin for The Boeing Company
Number: TBC-19
IssueDate: November 6, 2018
Airplane Effectivity: 737-8 / -9
Subject: Uncommanded Nose Down Stabilizer Trim Due to Erroneous Angle of Attack (AOA) During Manual Flight Only
Reason: To Emphasize the Procedures Provided in the Runaway Stabilizer Non-Normal Checklist (NNC).

The Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee has indicated that Lion Air flight 610 experienced erroneous AOA data. Boeing would like to call attention to an AOA failure condition that can occur during manual flight only.

This bulletin directs flight crews to existing procedures to address this condition. In the event of erroneous AOA data, the pitch trim system can trim the stabilizer nose down in increments lasting up to 10 seconds. The nose down stabilizer trim movement can be stopped and reversed with the use of the electric stabilizer trim switches but may restart 5 seconds after the electric stabilizer trim switches are released. Repetitive cycles of uncommanded nose down stabilizer continue to occur unless the stabilizer trim system is deactivated through use of both STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches in accordance with the existing procedures in the Runaway Stabilizer NNC. It is possible for the stabilizer to reach the nose down limit unless the system inputs are counteracted completely by pilot trim inputs and both STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches are moved to CUTOUT.

Additionally, pilots are reminded that an erroneous AOA can cause some or all of the following indications and effects:

- Continuous or intermittent stick shaker on the affected side only.
- Minimum speed bar (red and black) on the affected side only.
- Increasing nose down control forces.
- Inability to engage autopilot.
- Automatic disengagement of autopilot.
- AOA DISAGREE alert (if the AOA indicator option is installed)

In the event an uncommanded nose down stabilizer trim is experienced on the 737-8 /-9, in conjunction with one or more of the above indications or effects, do the Runaway Stabilizer NNC ensuring that the STAB TRIM CUTOUT switches are set to CUTOUT and stay in the CUTOUT position for the remainder of the flight.

I don't want to sound insensitive considering there has been human casualty over this, however as the saying goes "better late than never".
Boeing really screw up with this type
Last edited:

Uji Statis Rhan-450 (Kemhan)

Puslitbang Alpalhan melaksanakan uji statis roket jarak 100 km ground to ground (Rhan-450) di Jl. Raya Rumpin No. 2 Mekarsari, Bogor.

Dilansir dari laman Kemhan (7/ 11), Kegiatan diawali sambutan pertama oleh Deputi LAPAN Dr. Rika Andiarti dari LAPAN, kemudian sambutan kedua oleh Kapuslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Abdullah Sani, pembacaan doa, dilanjutkan uji statis roket jarak 100 km ground to ground (Rhan-450) dari tim LAPAN dan terakhir evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan uji statis roket jarak 100 km ground to ground(Rhan-450).

Pelaksanaan uji statis roket jarak 100 km ground to ground (Rhan-450) ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara Balitbang Kemhan dengan LAPAN yang telah melaksanakan uji statis roket jarak 100 km ground to ground (Rhan-450) yang ke-2.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, program pengembangan Roket Jarak 100 Km ground to ground (RHan-450) TA. 2018 adalah salah satu program kerja sama utama antara Balitbang Kemhan, PT Dahana dengan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN).

Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk menguji kinerja sistem propulsi roket Rhan-450, kekuatan struktur motor roket dan thermal.

Roket RHAN-450 adalah roket berbahan bakar padat dengan diameter luar sebesar 450 mm. Panjang total roket mencapai 7.1 meter dan massa total dapat mencapai 1600 kg.

Roket ini akan membawa dua payload yang terdiri dari payload GPS dan payload Radar.

Kedua payload ini memiliki misi untuk mengetahui gerakan dan posisi roket selama terbang.

Target dari pengembangan Roket RHAN-450 ini adalah bahwa roket terbang dengan baik dan stabil tanpa adanya anomali gerakan yang terjadi pada saat uji statis.

Disamping itu juga diharapkan data sensor gerak roket (akselerometer, gyro dan GPS) yang terdapat pada payload dapat bekerja dengan baik dan dapat ditransfer ke ground station secara utuh dan baik sejak awal peluncuran sampai dengan roket kembali jatuh ke bumi.

Editor: (D.E.S)

Btw, good news. TNI AL surely is on progress to build 85 m class OPV

IndoDefence 2018: Lacroix Ready to Provide Next Gen Decoy Systems to TNI AL
November 2018 Naval News

At IndoDefence 2018, Lacroix Defense from France is showcasing for the first time in Indonesia, its cutting-edge, compact SYLENA MK2 decoy launching system.

Lacroix stand at IndoDefence 2018 with SYLENA Mk2 Decoy Launching System. Navy Recognition picture.

Lacroix provides innovative and distinct decoy solutions including AAW and ASW cutting-edge pyrotechnic applications for warship survivability, deploying:

Corner reflector decoys against radar (RF) threats
Spectral morphologic infrared decoys (IR) against passive infrared threats
Electro-optic laser screening (EO) against laser guided threats
Innovative anti-torpedo solutions

Specifically in the naval field, Lacroix is ready to provide its solutions for Indonesian Navy (TNI AL)'s future 85 meters Offshore Patrol Vessels.

Lacroix's activities span all stages from product design to manufacture, including supply, support and services solutions, training & simulation...

Two weeks ago (during Euronaval 201) Lacroix confirmed the successful operational deployment of its effects and technologies to defeat the broad range of missile threats from old generations to the most advanced.

Over fifty platforms are currently protected by Lacroix’s new munitions, and it has recently delivered its 10.000th unit of SEACLAD ® ammunition. Development of the SEALAT anti-torpedo mortar has been brought to completion and it is presently being manufactured at nominal capacity.

The demonstrated success of the SYLENA range has come in just five years since it was marketed: a combination of deliveries and firm orders account for a total of over thirty systems worldwide. Within the next 2 years, that number is expected to jump to 100, thanks to the growing success of the unique coupling of a fixed launcher / modern countermeasures.

The growing need for ship self-protection against sophisticated technologies has generated a heightened interest in SYLENA.

For over 25 years, significantly enhanced calculation capabilities and the miniaturization of electronic components have brought about an unprecedented development in homing missile and torpedo capabilities, rendering classic countermeasures ineffective to defeat them.

The latest generation of homing devices can instantaneously determine target and spectral location and reject radar echo and infrared radiation which do not match the ship’s signature. Therefore, most current missiles reject chaff and classic infrared decoys. Furthermore, the SYLENA / SEACLAD combination is suitably adapted to meet the proliferation of hypervelocity and millimeter wave missiles.

Lastly, in the submarine domain, the fact that classic countermeasure are systematically rejected by advanced torpedoes was taken into account by Lacroix in the early stages of development.

Future Frigate Indonesia (FFI).

IndoDefence 2018: Damen Unveils 6000 Tons 'Omega' Frigate

November 2018 Naval News

By Xavier Vavasseur - Editor in Chief

At IndoDefence 2018, the tri service defense exposition currently held in Jakarta, Indonesia, Dutch shipbuilding group Damen unveiled the new 6,000 tons class 'Omega' Frigate design.

The new Omega frigate by Damen. Damen image.

Talking to Navy Recognition at the event, Bob De Smedt, one of the naval architect who worked on the Omega project, explained that the scale model on display is representative of an early concept for the future Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine) and Belgian Navy (Marinecomponent / Composante marine) M Frigate replacement. However the main reason the new Omega class of frigates was unveiled at IndoDefence (and not Euronaval for example which was held two weeks ago) is because Damen is now ready to answer Indonesia's potential need for a large frigate (hence the 'FFI' name on a Damen image, standing for Future Frigate Indonesia).

Omega is actually set to be a new family or product line by Damen, that will come in addition to (and above) the famous Sigma product line. The main difference however is that there will be no "standard Omega lines": Omega designs will always be fully tailored to customer requirements.

For this reason, a future Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) Omega frigate design is likely to look different to the future M Frigate replacement... unless Indonesia is willing and able to team up with the Dutch and Belgian order. The Netherlands and Belgium are jointly procuring four frigates(two each) to replace their M frigates. Navy Recognition learned from various sources during IndoDefence that TNI AL has an "emerging need" for a 6,000 tons class of frigates as a follow on to its third and fourth PKR frigates (also a Damen design, of the Sigma family).

While this design could be proposed to other navies (New Zealand comes to mind), Damen stressed that this is not the design they are offering for Germany's MKS 180. Damen could not elaborate further about MKS 180.

Omega frigate sailing alongside TNI AL's PKR frigate (Sigma 10514). Artist impression: Damen.

Omega design features

Damen explained to us that the Omega / FFI frigate is based on the proven LCF / De Zeven Provinciën-class frigate hull form. The vessel features an hybrid propulsion system consisting of 4x diesel engines (two can be used for economic speed, four for sprint) plus 2x electric engines. The diesel engines are separated forward and aft for increased survivability. Power generation aboard the ship takes into account future weapon systems such as directed energy weapons.

The Omega frigate features two large multi mission bays: One amidship and one at the stern. As is the trend with latest generation frigates (Type 26 and FTI/Belharra) the midship multimission bay goes across from port to starboard sides with an overhead handling system to load and move containers or launch and recover RHIBS or USVs/UUVs. The midship multimission bay is large enough to accommodate up to 4x 20 foot containers and the stern multmission bay can accommodate 2x 20 foot containers. Note that there is an additional space on the upper deck, next to the anti-ship missile launchers for 2x additional containers.

Omega scale model on Damen stand at Indodefence 2018. Navy Recognition picture.

Thales S/X suite

The futuristic looking (almost Zumwalt-eske) topside of the Omega Frigate is mainly due to the new generation radar suite provided by Thales: Boudewijn Geerink from Thales Netherlands told Navy Recognition at Indodefence 2018 that it is the new S/X suite consisting of the SeaMaster 400 fixed panel S-band radar suite and the APAR Block II X-band multi-function radar, both using gallium nitride technology. According to Thales, the new fixed panel S-band radar solution is the right answer to counter threats posed by airborne or surface drones, precision-guided munitions, or submarine-fired pop-up missiles, typically attacking just above the sea surface (low elevation, sea skimming) or from high elevation angles (high diving). APAR Blk2 defends against saturation attacks in the highest threat scenarios by supporting many simultaneous AAW and ASuW engagements with both active and semi-active guidance using ICWI. Thales SeaMaster 400 offers a range of 450km while APAR Block 2 can replace illuminators to directly provide guidance for ESSM and SM-2 missiles.

Omega frigate is also available with different radar configurations. A version fitted with a rotating radar (such as the Thales NS200) is also being pitched by Damen.

Omega scale model on Damen stand at Indodefence 2018. Navy Recognition picture.

Weapons and other sensors

The weapons and sensor suite depends on customers requirements as usual. However the scale model on display at Indodefence shows the Omega frigate fitted with a 127mm main gun by leonardo, a 76mm secondary gun (non penetrating variant) by Leonardo on top of the helicopter hangar, a Rheinmetall Millenium CIWS, 2x Leonardo Hitrole remote weapon stations, 8x Kongsberg NSM anti-ship missiles, 4x Rheinmetall MASS decoy launchers, a Thales Kingklip hull mounted sonar and a Captas-4 variable depth sonar, 4x satellite link antennas and 2x Thales Mirador EO systems. For air defense, the scale model shows 24x VLS cells (likely VL MICA NG for Indonesia or ESSM Block 2 for Netherlands and Belgium).

Omega scale model on Damen stand at Indodefence 2018. Navy Recognition picture.

Omega frigate / FFI early specifications:

Length: 144 meters
Breadth: 18.8 meters
Displacement: 6100 tons
Max. speed: 29 knots
Range: 5,000 nautical miles @ 18 knots
Endurance: 30 days at sea
Stabilisation: Rudder roll (similar to LCF)
Crew: 122 sailors (accommodations for up to 160)
Storage space for 3x 12 meters RHIBs
Hangar space for 2x medium lift helicopters and/or UAV.

Future Frigate Indonesia (FFI).

IndoDefence 2018: Damen Unveils 6000 Tons 'Omega' Frigate

November 2018 Naval News

By Xavier Vavasseur - Editor in Chief

At IndoDefence 2018, the tri service defense exposition currently held in Jakarta, Indonesia, Dutch shipbuilding group Damen unveiled the new 6,000 tons class 'Omega' Frigate design.

The new Omega frigate by Damen. Damen image.

Talking to Navy Recognition at the event, Bob De Smedt, one of the naval architect who worked on the Omega project, explained that the scale model on display is representative of an early concept for the future Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine) and Belgian Navy (Marinecomponent / Composante marine) M Frigate replacement. However the main reason the new Omega class of frigates was unveiled at IndoDefence (and not Euronaval for example which was held two weeks ago) is because Damen is now ready to answer Indonesia's potential need for a large frigate (hence the 'FFI' name on a Damen image, standing for Future Frigate Indonesia).

Omega is actually set to be a new family or product line by Damen, that will come in addition to (and above) the famous Sigma product line. The main difference however is that there will be no "standard Omega lines": Omega designs will always be fully tailored to customer requirements.

For this reason, a future Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) Omega frigate design is likely to look different to the future M Frigate replacement... unless Indonesia is willing and able to team up with the Dutch and Belgian order. The Netherlands and Belgium are jointly procuring four frigates(two each) to replace their M frigates. Navy Recognition learned from various sources during IndoDefence that TNI AL has an "emerging need" for a 6,000 tons class of frigates as a follow on to its third and fourth PKR frigates (also a Damen design, of the Sigma family).

While this design could be proposed to other navies (New Zealand comes to mind), Damen stressed that this is not the design they are offering for Germany's MKS 180. Damen could not elaborate further about MKS 180.

Omega frigate sailing alongside TNI AL's PKR frigate (Sigma 10514). Artist impression: Damen.

Omega design features

Damen explained to us that the Omega / FFI frigate is based on the proven LCF / De Zeven Provinciën-class frigate hull form. The vessel features an hybrid propulsion system consisting of 4x diesel engines (two can be used for economic speed, four for sprint) plus 2x electric engines. The diesel engines are separated forward and aft for increased survivability. Power generation aboard the ship takes into account future weapon systems such as directed energy weapons.

The Omega frigate features two large multi mission bays: One amidship and one at the stern. As is the trend with latest generation frigates (Type 26 and FTI/Belharra) the midship multimission bay goes across from port to starboard sides with an overhead handling system to load and move containers or launch and recover RHIBS or USVs/UUVs. The midship multimission bay is large enough to accommodate up to 4x 20 foot containers and the stern multmission bay can accommodate 2x 20 foot containers. Note that there is an additional space on the upper deck, next to the anti-ship missile launchers for 2x additional containers.

Omega scale model on Damen stand at Indodefence 2018. Navy Recognition picture.

Thales S/X suite

The futuristic looking (almost Zumwalt-eske) topside of the Omega Frigate is mainly due to the new generation radar suite provided by Thales: Boudewijn Geerink from Thales Netherlands told Navy Recognition at Indodefence 2018 that it is the new S/X suite consisting of the SeaMaster 400 fixed panel S-band radar suite and the APAR Block II X-band multi-function radar, both using gallium nitride technology. According to Thales, the new fixed panel S-band radar solution is the right answer to counter threats posed by airborne or surface drones, precision-guided munitions, or submarine-fired pop-up missiles, typically attacking just above the sea surface (low elevation, sea skimming) or from high elevation angles (high diving). APAR Blk2 defends against saturation attacks in the highest threat scenarios by supporting many simultaneous AAW and ASuW engagements with both active and semi-active guidance using ICWI. Thales SeaMaster 400 offers a range of 450km while APAR Block 2 can replace illuminators to directly provide guidance for ESSM and SM-2 missiles.

Omega frigate is also available with different radar configurations. A version fitted with a rotating radar (such as the Thales NS200) is also being pitched by Damen.

Omega scale model on Damen stand at Indodefence 2018. Navy Recognition picture.

Weapons and other sensors

The weapons and sensor suite depends on customers requirements as usual. However the scale model on display at Indodefence shows the Omega frigate fitted with a 127mm main gun by leonardo, a 76mm secondary gun (non penetrating variant) by Leonardo on top of the helicopter hangar, a Rheinmetall Millenium CIWS, 2x Leonardo Hitrole remote weapon stations, 8x Kongsberg NSM anti-ship missiles, 4x Rheinmetall MASS decoy launchers, a Thales Kingklip hull mounted sonar and a Captas-4 variable depth sonar, 4x satellite link antennas and 2x Thales Mirador EO systems. For air defense, the scale model shows 24x VLS cells (likely VL MICA NG for Indonesia or ESSM Block 2 for Netherlands and Belgium).

Omega scale model on Damen stand at Indodefence 2018. Navy Recognition picture.

Omega frigate / FFI early specifications:

Length: 144 meters
Breadth: 18.8 meters
Displacement: 6100 tons
Max. speed: 29 knots
Range: 5,000 nautical miles @ 18 knots
Endurance: 30 days at sea
Stabilisation: Rudder roll (similar to LCF)
Crew: 122 sailors (accommodations for up to 160)
Storage space for 3x 12 meters RHIBs
Hangar space for 2x medium lift helicopters and/or UAV.


This an offer you cant refuse

Pindad kerja sama perusahaan Ceko kembangkan kendaraan tempur canggih

Kendaraan tempur produksi Pindad. ©2018 Merdeka.com

PERISTIWA | Kamis, 8 November 2018 00:15:00
Reporter : Dedi Rahmadi
Merdeka.com - PT Pindad melakukan kerja sama dengan Excalibur Army, perusahaan pertahanan di bawah Czechoslovak Group (CSG) dalam pengembangan kendaraan tempur canggih Pandur 8x8 infanteri. General Manager Divisi Kendaraan Khusus Pindad, Agus Edy Suprihanto mengatakan Pindad melakukan kerja sama engineering untuk memenuhi kebutuhan user, saat ini infanteri.

"Kemampuan kendaraan tempur ini adalah kendaraan ini 8x8 tapi mampu berenang (amfibi). Mobilitas tinggi, mampu membawa lebih dari 12 pasukan. Untuk senjata menggunakan kaliber 30 mm, kendaraan infanteri ini yang pertama kali kita pasangkan kaliber tersebut," kata Agus Edy Suprihanto dalam pameran alutsista Indo Defence 2018 di JIExpo and Forum, Kemayoran, Rabu (7/11).

"Kendaraan tipe darat ini juga memiliki kemampuan melewati kondisi tanah yang tak bagus, ada teknologi yang mengempeskan angin ban sehingga mampu menapaki lumpur," tambah dia.

Dia mengatakan, Pindad melakukan kerja sama dengan perusahaan pertahanan asal Ceko ini karena sudah berpengalaman dalam memproduksi kendaraan dan bertempur, khususnya di Eropa Timur. Dia mengatakan Pindad juga membutuhkan transfer knowledge dari pihak Excalibur Army selain material.

Sementara itu, Vice President CSG Indonesia, Ing. Daniel Kana mengungkapkan pihaknya sudah bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia lebih dari enam tahun lalu. Pihaknya menilai Pindad perusahaan pertahanan yang mampu memproduksi kendaraan tempur yang mumpuni.

"Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia juga membutuhkan kendaraan tipe tersebut untuk marinir. Kendaraan yang mampu bermanuver dan ampibi serta tahan peluru. Untuk harga, tergantung permintaan negara pemesan," kata dia.

Pindad kerja sama perusahaan Ceko kembangkan kendaraan tempur canggih

Kendaraan tempur produksi Pindad. ©2018 Merdeka.com

PERISTIWA | Kamis, 8 November 2018 00:15:00
Reporter : Dedi Rahmadi
Merdeka.com - PT Pindad melakukan kerja sama dengan Excalibur Army, perusahaan pertahanan di bawah Czechoslovak Group (CSG) dalam pengembangan kendaraan tempur canggih Pandur 8x8 infanteri. General Manager Divisi Kendaraan Khusus Pindad, Agus Edy Suprihanto mengatakan Pindad melakukan kerja sama engineering untuk memenuhi kebutuhan user, saat ini infanteri.

"Kemampuan kendaraan tempur ini adalah kendaraan ini 8x8 tapi mampu berenang (amfibi). Mobilitas tinggi, mampu membawa lebih dari 12 pasukan. Untuk senjata menggunakan kaliber 30 mm, kendaraan infanteri ini yang pertama kali kita pasangkan kaliber tersebut," kata Agus Edy Suprihanto dalam pameran alutsista Indo Defence 2018 di JIExpo and Forum, Kemayoran, Rabu (7/11).

"Kendaraan tipe darat ini juga memiliki kemampuan melewati kondisi tanah yang tak bagus, ada teknologi yang mengempeskan angin ban sehingga mampu menapaki lumpur," tambah dia.

Dia mengatakan, Pindad melakukan kerja sama dengan perusahaan pertahanan asal Ceko ini karena sudah berpengalaman dalam memproduksi kendaraan dan bertempur, khususnya di Eropa Timur. Dia mengatakan Pindad juga membutuhkan transfer knowledge dari pihak Excalibur Army selain material.

Sementara itu, Vice President CSG Indonesia, Ing. Daniel Kana mengungkapkan pihaknya sudah bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia lebih dari enam tahun lalu. Pihaknya menilai Pindad perusahaan pertahanan yang mampu memproduksi kendaraan tempur yang mumpuni.

"Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia juga membutuhkan kendaraan tipe tersebut untuk marinir. Kendaraan yang mampu bermanuver dan ampibi serta tahan peluru. Untuk harga, tergantung permintaan negara pemesan," kata dia.


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