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We need more than just hot persuit agreement. How about join assault (Philipine, Malaysia, Indonesia) to Abu sayaf stronghold?

I agree with you. Hot pursuit is useless since the kinapping always happened outside of our waters so TNI cant react to pursuit and rescue. We need a better agreement than "hot pursuit"! It kinda feels like PH govt is not serious on dealing with this issue..

Mungkin hrs di geplak dulu dikit..

That would be great, 11/12 with our 3units changbogo 209/1400 deal.

Makes me wonder if we paid too much for the CBGs?
. .

Leopard 2RI Main Battle Tank Columns in Natuna

Read More http://www.hobbymiliter.com/4840/foto-tank-leopard-2ri-tni-ad-dalam-latihan-militer-indonesia/
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Honeywell Seeks Local Partner to Upgrade C-130 Hercules of Indonesian Air Force
Reska K. Nistanto - Kompas Tekno
Jumat, 11 November 2016 | 13:43 WIB


C-130 Hercules TNI AU. (Roland Adrie/KOMPAS.com)

  • Honeywell Aerospace is looking for a local partner to upgrade C-130 Hercules.
  • Honeywell has also submitted the upgrade offer to TNI AU.
  • Local partner is needed for integration, engineering, and other activities.
  • PT DI is only one of many candidates currently in talks.
  • Upgrades including EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System), Weather Radar, VXP HUMS, Air Turbine Starter, Anti-Ice Valve, APU (Auxiliary Power Unit), and others.
  • The Weather Radar is produced locally in Honeywell Bintan Plant.
  • TNI AU intends to upgrade C-130H only.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Pabrikan penyedia solusi kedirgantaraan asal Amerika Serikat (AS), Honeywell Aerospace, sedang mencari rekanan pabrik di Indonesia. Kerja sama dengan pabrikan lokal itu dibutuhkan agar Honeywell bisa menawarkan solusi upgrade pesawat angkut C-130 Hercules kepada TNI AU.

Saat ini, menurut pihak Honeywell, mereka tengah berbicara dengan beberapa pabrikan lokal untuk menjajaki kerja sama ini. Honeywell juga mengaku sudah mengajukan penawaran upgrade C-130 Hercules kepada TNI AU.

Hal itu disampaikan oleh Derek Lockett, Director Sales, Asia Pacific Honeywell Aerospace, saat dijumpai KompasTekno di ajang pameran persenjataan Indodefence 2016 di JI Expo Kemayoran, Jumat (4/11/2016) pekan lalu.

"Untuk program C-130, kami memiliki sejumlah solusi, seperti upgrade pesawat, avionik, sehingga membuatnya modern dan reliable, kami butuh partner lokal untuk aktivitas integrasi, engineering dan sebagainya," ujarnya.

"Pendekatan yang kami lakukan adalah kami ingin menggandeng industri lokal dan Honeywell bisa mendukungnya, PT DI hanya satu dari sekian banyak perusahaan yang ingin kami gandeng, masih banyak lagi yang lainnya sedang dalam pembicaraan," kata Lockett.

"Semoga prosesnya berjalan lancar baik dari sisi tim yang kami siapkan juga peraturannya di Indonesia," imbuhnya.

Dari hidung hingga ke ekor

Honeywell sendiri menawarkan beragam solusi upgrade untuk C-130 Hercules. Solusi-solusi tersebut mencakup upgrade hardware dari hidung hingga ke ekor, seperti EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System), radar cuaca, VXP HUMS untuk maintenance, Air Turbine Starter, Anti-Ice Valve, hingga APU (Auxiliary Power Unit), dan sebagainya.

Dari sekian banyak pilihan tersebut, Lockett menggaris bawahi beberapa solusi saat berbincang dengan KompasTekno, seperti solusi EGPWS, radar cuaca, dan HUMS.

EGPWS yang ditawarkan Honeywell menawarkan sistem yang compact dan mudah dibongkar-pasang dengan biaya perawatan yang rendah.

Fungsinya adalah untuk meningkatkan kru pesawat akan kondisi sekitar pesawat saat mereka memiliki beban kerja tinggi atau jarak pandang yang pendek. EGPWS diharapkan bisa mengurangi risiko pesawat menabrak tebing atau gunung saat masih dalam kendali (Controlled Flight Into Terrain/CFIT).

Untuk radar cuaca (weather radar), komponen ini menurut Honeywell yelah diproduksi di pabrik Honeywell di Bintan. Radar cuaca yang dibuatnya memiliki daya jangkau lebih jauh, sehingga bisa mendeteksi awan badai lebih dini, dan diklaim bisa mengurangi diversi jalur penerbangan hingga 25 persen sehingga bisa menghemat bahan bakar.

Sementara HUMS (Health and Usage Monitoring Systems) adalah sensor yang dipasang di bagian-bagian mesin yang bergerak atau berotasi, seperti rotor, generator, bearing, dan sebagainya.

"Sensor HUMS dipakai untuk memonitor bagian di pesawat yang berotasi, saat (pesawat) kembali ke base, mekanik bisa mengunduh datanya dan mendeteksi lebih dini komponen mana yang aus dan harus diganti," terang Lockett.

Dengan mendeteksi keausan komponen lebih dini, diharapkan permasalahan di pesawat lebih dini ditangani juga, sehingga permasalahannya tidak merembet ke komponen lain yang ujungnya membuat bengkak biaya perawatan.

Solusi ini bisa digabungkan dengan layanan satelit Honeywell sehingga mekanik di darat bisa memantau kondisi pesawat di udara secara real time. Dengan deteksi kerusakan lebih dini, mekanik bisa menyiapkan komponen pengganti secepat mungkin.

Dengan demikian, pesawat segera bisa diperbaiki begitu mendarat, dan bisa terbang kembali dalam waktu yang lebih singkat.

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang solusi-solusi Honeywell untuk C-130 Hercules, kunjungi tautan berikut ini.


C-130 Hercules TNI AU (Roland Adrie/KOMPAS.com)

Masih dalam tahap pembicaraan

Lockett juga mengaku sudah bertemu dengan pihak TNI AU membicarakan tawaran upgrade C-130 Hercules ini, dan mengatakan mereka sangat tertarik dengan apa yang Honeywell tawarkan.

"Tetapi kembali lagi ke persoalan berapa bujet yang TNI AU punya," imbuhnya.

TNI AU sendiri saat ini memiliki beragam varian C-130 Hercules yang dioperasikan, seperti C-130B, C-130H, C-130H-30, KC-130B (varian tanker) dan L-100-30 (varian penumpang). Tidak semuanya akan diupgrade, kemungkinan hanya varian H saja, termasuk hibah yang didapat dari Australia.

Penulis : Reska K. Nistanto
Editor : Deliusno




Weather Radar.jpg

Anti-Ice Valve.png




We paid a lot for the ToT.

And Turkey also got ToT from HDW right?
. . .
KRI Layaran (854)

KN SAR Purworejo menjalani perbaikan di Palindo setelah sempat kandas beberapa hari lalu

And Turkey also got ToT from HDW right?

Yes, but I think you got something wrong. It was €2.5 billion (not US$), at that time the amount is equal to at least $3.6 billion.

That's right. And their deal was a flop.

In 2009, the Turkish government sealed a deal worth 2.5 billion euros with Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, based in Kiel, to co-produce six U 214-type diesel submarines for the Turkish Navy. Production was to start in 2011, and the first submarine was to be delivered in 2015, according to the deal.

Yet, the company had not even begun to produce the submarines until the delivery times runs up. Better stick with South Korea.
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President seeks to ensure loyalty of military, police to state
Jumat, 11 November 2016 17:54 WIB | 253 Views

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said his safari visits to military and police headquarters this week was to ensure the officers loyalty to the state.

"In our state administration, I want to make sure that all are loyal to the state, to the Pancasila (state philosophy), to the Constitution (UUD 1945), to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and to our diversity," the Head of State said, while visiting the Headquarters of Indonesias Marine Corp in Cilandak, South Jakarta, on Friday.

During the direct meeting, he said he could feel the readiness of every officer of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri) in protecting the integrality of NKRI.

"When (we have) already met and are close like this, we can feel that our officers are ready," Jokowi said.

The president toured several headquarters of the TNI and Polri, starting from the Headquarters of the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) on Monday, the National Police Headquarters on Tuesday, the Armys Special Force Command (Kopassus) Headquarter on Thursday, and the Headquarter of the Polices Mobile Brigade Corp on Friday morning.

He said he carried out the safari tours, because he had not visited TNI and Polri officers before as the Highest Commander of the TNI.

However, his visit to the Marine Corp Headquarters was his second visit. The first visit was when he served as the Jakarta Governor.

The Marine Corp, with 31 thousand officers, is the nations pride, he remarked.

The Marine Corp officers are always the unifying factors of plurality and diversity who never give up in protecting the unity of the NKRI, he added.

He said he wanted an orderly state where the majority protects the minority and the minority respects the majority.

They should protect each other, respect each other, and live in harmony, he said.

Jokowi was accompanied by Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, TNI Chief Gatot Nurmantyo, Naval Chief of Staff Admiral Ade Supandi, Jakarta Military Command Chief Major General Teddy Lhaksmana, and Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General M Iriawan, during his visit to the Marine Corp Headquarters.(*)


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Indonesia’s weaponry goals at stake
  • Marguerite Afra Sapiie
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta | Fri, November 11 2016 | 08:22 am

Indonesia may face hurdles in its efforts to set up an independent defense industry by 2024 as the government is experiencing obstacles with the transfer of technology required in weapon purchases, says an official.

In a bid to improve the country’s obsolete primary weaponry system (Alutsista), the government passed a law in 2012 on the defense industry, stipulating that Indonesia must obtain weapons technology every time it purchases a new weapon from abroad.

Despite the law, however, Indonesia not being involved in international defense or military alliances, such as the Five Power Defense Arrangement (FPDA) or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has hindered the country’s efforts to obtain technology knowledge.

During Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s presidency, the Defense Industry Policy Committee (KKIP) developed a strategic plan to propel the national defense industry.

The focus during the first phase of the plan, from 2010 to 2014, was on obtaining knowledge and skills for design control.

In the second phase, 2015 to 2019, the focus has shifted to technology control, which aims to enhance joint production with foreign suppliers to develop new weaponry. This concentrates on lessening the dependence on foreign suppliers.

The Committee previously decided that Indonesia should implement technology transfer mechanisms in procurements of seven prioritized weapon systems, namely warships, submarines, tanks, jet fighters, missiles, radars and propellants.

Indonesian state-owned explosive manufacturer PT Dahana has formed a joint venture with Anglo-French propulsion-systems company Roxel Group and French chemical firm Eurenco to develop propellants. The factory is in Subang, West Java, operating since 2014.

Recently, Indonesia has ordered three submarines from a Korean defense company as part of efforts to fulfill Indonesia’s minimum essential force (MEF) program. The government said it would ensure knowledge transfers if the partnership was made a priority.

“The first and second submarines were developed in South Korea. For the first submarine, we sent Indonesians to South Korea for training whereas for the second submarine, our engineers were already involved in the construction. The third submarine will be developed by [state-owned shipbuilder] PT PAL,” KKIP executive team deputy chairman Eris Heriyanto said, explaining the technology transfer process.

Some foreign companies, including Swedish defense company Saab, Lockheed Martin (US) as well as Leonardo-Finmeccanica (Italy), have expressed their readiness to transfer knowledge and technology if Indonesia decides to cooperate.

However, KKIP head of technology transfer and offset division Rachmad Lubis said the country’s limited defense budget has prevented Indonesia from acquiring transfers of knowledge and technology.

He cited an example of China promising Indonesia technology and to transfer knowledge, if the latter purchased at least 150 missiles. Otherwise, Jakarta would pay US$250 million to Beijing to purchase technology only. However, with the available budget Indonesia could only afford five missiles, Rachmad said.

“Imagine, the price offered for the missiles from China was 60 percent cheaper than the price of European-made missiles with relatively similar capability, but we were hampered by our limited budget,” Rachmad told reporters.

However, he remained optimistic that weapon producers would continue to see Indonesia as a potential partner given the government’s policy to speed up modernization of weaponry systems.

The Jakarta Post
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Fitting Out KRI 332
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>>> Everyone who interested to join discussion about Indonesia, Islam and democracy can jump right here:

Keep the discussion civilize and constructive while dodging and exchanging arguments with Chinese and Vietnamese trolls. Our Indonesian friends are under attack and would need fresh backup :D

Man I just can't..

I'm already so fed up with this shit, seriously. The ignorance and hypocrisies have rendered me speechless.

Sory if I can't provide any reinforcement you need.
Man I just can't..

I'm already so fed up with this shit, seriously. The ignorance and hypocrisies have rendered me speechless.

Sory if I can't provide any reinforcement you need.

hypocrisy at best, Chinese commies and Vietnamese commies trying to lecture us about humanity and human rights value that's the most hilarious thing ever happened in this forum.
. .
I feel you, man. Take a deep breath :D

those dirt poor viet made me laugh, living far away from the slumps of his own country and trying to ridiculous us the most largest economy and military power in the region

PNG vows to probe disappearance of 16 Indonesians
Jumat, 11 November 2016 01:10 WIB | 720 Views

Port Moresby (ANTARA News) - The government of Papua New Guinea has pledged to look into the disappearance of 16 Indonesian nationals who entered the neighboring country during 2014 and 2015, an official said.

Papua New Guinea will convey the results of its investigation to Indonesia through diplomatic channels, chief of the Indonesian delegation to a meeting of the Joint Sub-Committee on Security Matters (JSCSM), Commodore Atok Sutanto told ANTARA in Port Moresby.

The whereabouts of the 16 Indonesian citizens from Merauke district in Papua province are still unknown.

At the one-day meeting held on Wednesday, the Papua New Guinean delegation to the meeting also stated that Yakyu is part of the Indonesian territory and assured that incident like lowering Indonesias Red-and-White flag in the area will not recur.

"Papua New Guinea has pledged to prevent any recurrence of the incident in the future," said Susanto, who is also a high ranking officer for international relations at the National Defense Forces (TNI) Headquarters in Jakarta.

The 16 Indonesians entered Papua New Guinea via Torasi between 2014 and 2015. However, their whereabouts have been unknown since then. (*)


last time they let those incident happened, our Flanker made an incursion above their air space
those dirt poor viet made me laugh, living far away from the slumps of his own country and trying to ridiculous us the most largest economy and military power in the region

Crazy viet and their insanity. What can we expect, that's how ungrateful boat people behave.
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