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wait until they turn 40, they'll become another fat bossy female officers... or will they? :cheesy:
Super Tucano's First Bombing



Mk 82 bomb

Since the arrival of the tactical fighter aircraft EMB-314 Super Tucano in 21st Squadron Air Wing 2 Abd Saleh AFB dated 17 September 2012, today Tuesday (26/2) trials are conducted using a prime bomb mk-82 bombs housed in Air Weapon Ring (AWR) Pandan Wangi Lumajang East Java.

The trial was conducted in the framework of Air to Ground Exercise by Squadron 21st Wing 2 Lanud Abd Saleh and aims to train a fighter pilot in destroying the intended target.

Air Squadron 21 held a practice bombing air-to-ground for fighter pilots for seven days, starting Monday, February 25, 2013 until March 4, 2013, in Air Weapon Ring (AWR) Pandan Wangi, Lumajang.
This exercise is scheduled to be held on a regular basis involving all aviators Super Tucano aircraft, due to be a fighter pilot a reliable and professional not only capable of flying the plane alone, but should be able to destroy the target is an absolute requirement to be mastered by a fighter.

Bombing trial was conducted in conjunction with exercise Garuda Perkasa which is an annual exercise Lanud Abd Saleh. This time it is assumed AWR Pandan Wangi Lumajang as an area that must be destroyed enemy positions. Therefore, the Super Tucano fighter passionately in the bombing of exercise and proper attempt to achieve the goals that must be destroyed.
Army's attack helos and air-deployed artillery brigade on firing parade




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we need more MI 35P,why buy apache?? i prefer Mi 35P or AH 1 ZULU
we need more MI 35P,why buy apache?? i prefer Mi 35P or AH 1 ZULU

UH 64D Longbow is needed to protect our tank column, it is lighter means it has more maneuverability than Mi 35P, whereas Mi 35P is for air umbrella for our airborne units, besides, it can also perform minor cargo deployment role like 105mm howitzer or supplies.
UH 64D Longbow is needed to protect our tank column, it is lighter means it has more maneuverability than Mi 35P, whereas Mi 35P is for air umbrella for our airborne units, besides, it can also perform minor cargo deployment role like 105mm howitzer or supplies.

Apache expensive dude, we can saving more funds with AH 1 ZULU they have same HELLFIRE missile option or we can go with sikorsy S70 can carry hellfire too
Apache expensive dude, we can saving more funds with AH 1 ZULU they have same HELLFIRE missile option or we can go with sikorsy S70 can carry hellfire too

Indeed it is expensive, but it equals with service we will get when we operate this kind of copter in combat. Anyway, AH 1 zulu has similar price with AH 64 series.
Indeed it is expensive, but it equals with service we will get when we operate this kind of copter in combat. Anyway, AH 1 zulu has similar price with AH 64 series.

price almost similar but look at indonesia deal about 1,4 trilion for only 8 unit longbow,4 fire control radar,120 hellfire missile i think that not wise decision
price almost similar but look at indonesia deal about 1,4 trilion for only 8 unit longbow,4 fire control radar,120 hellfire missile i think that not wise decision

1.4 billion, the price is quite unusual, yes, but don't forget that hellfire missiles are expensive and also we don't have any ground network support for the AH 64D yet. The 1.4 billion is a package price, the total price, not by per unit.
PT INTI to be consolidated with PT LEN

Tue, February 26 2013 19:47 |


Dahlan Iskan. (ANTARA)

"So, they must be merged to make them more powerful."

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government plans to encourage PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (INTI) to consolidate with PT Lembaga Elektronika Nasional (LEN) to improve the companies` financial performance.

"By consolidating it is hoped the companies would have more competitive edges and be able to take part in tenders and carry out large-scale projects," State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan said here on Tuesday.

He said a new company would be set up for the restructuring program. "INTI and LEN would be merged with none being dominant in the new company," he added.

The minister did not tell about the name of the new company nor its total assets.

"What is certain is that PT INTI`s assets are bigger than LEN`s although the two have their own superiority," he said.

Dahlan said the consolidation option was taken after PT Telkom`s plan to acquire PT INTI was cancelled.

Before PT Telkom planned to acquire 49 percent of PT INTI`s shares in view of the two companies` similar lines of business.

The plan was cancelled before it was approved by the House of Representatives and minister Dahlan replaced it with consolidation.

Dahlan meanwhile said the planned merger between PT Sucofindo and PT Surveyor Indonesia would soon be realized with a new company PT Surfindo to be set up for it.

"The consolidation will not be done upon "who eats who" principles but on who has the bigger assets," he said.

Dahlan said the president director of PT Surfindo has already been named as well as members of its board of directors.

"I have named Fahmi Sidik, the former president director PT Surveyor Indonesia, president director (of the new company)," he said.

Dahlan said PT Surveyor Indonesia and PT Sucofindo must consolidate because the two companies` lines of business, expertise and markets are almost the same.

"The two companies are overlapping with almost 100 percent of their business activities being similar. So, they must be merged to make them more powerful," he said.

He also did not mention the value of their assets or their business capabilities.

The minister said it was hoped the consolidation could help the government especially the ministry of trade monitor export-import activities.

"Our surveyor must become big or otherwise the service business would be controlled by foreign companies," he said.

Dahlan said to merge state-owned companies his office first had to ask for permission to the House of Representatives and the finance ministry before a government regulation would be issued for it.


INTI is a state-owned company that provides technology services Communication product as a major supplier of construction of the national telephone network. Products produced include: products such as IP PBX, NMS (Network Management System), Slims (Subscriber Line Maintenance System), NGN Server, VMS (Video Messaging System), GPA (The SNMP-based Monitoring and Control), Interface Monitoring System for CDMA networks, and Detection and Warning Systems for Natural Disaster (Disaster Forecasting and Warning System).


Combat Management Systems made by PT Len (photo : Len)

While LEN is a state-owned company engaged in the field of technology-producing source of renewable energy products (solar cell), navigation tools, and transportation (broadcasting equipment, tracking system, navigation equipment), defenses control (anti-wiretapping communications equipment applications), and transportation (railway signaling).

Editor: Priyambodo RH


Antara News : PT INTI to be consolidated with PT LEN
Indonesian Police in UNAMID Darfur Mission

[video] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzx0t7kSmOs[/video]

Police immediately add troops to Darfur

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesian National Police (INP) will add to the troops serving in Darfur, Sudan, in the framework of UN peacekeeping in the country that is in conflict.

"This is a mission of peace that we conducted to UNAMID (United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur) began in 2008 and for 2013 there will be an additional 150 personnel," said Chief of Indonesian Police (Police), Pol Gen Timur Pradopo in Jakarta, Monday, after receiving 130 police personnel who have served in Darfur.

"Police forces soon add as many as 150 personnel - who are members of the Formed Police Unit (FPU)," he said.

"This task means a form of belief that we must be better prepared in peace missions," said East.

Meanwhile, as many as 140 police personnel who are members of FPU Bhayangkara Garuda Indonesia 5 2012 sent to Darfur, Sudan to the UN peacekeeping mission this year.

Troops sent in the framework of UN peacekeeping in countries that are in conflict, replacing the previous contingent of troops serving there.

Deployment is done to help prevent the spread of armed conflict and peace in Southern Sudan after the referendum in the country.

South Sudan officially became independent on July 9, 2011. South Sudan officially became the world's youngest nation after the chairman of parliament read a proclamation of independence in a ceremony that was held in Juba.
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France's Breitling Aerobatic Team meets Indonesia's Jupiter Aerobatic Team in Adi Sutjipto AFB, Jogjakarta, Central Java.

February 28th, 2012



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Still got Malaysia, Indonesia and Malaysia are sworn enemies yet both share similar root, language, and culture.

Our Dispute with Malaysia is Just because they're colonized by Britain and we're by Dutch, otherwise we're will be one nation, like you said we share similar root, language, and culture.

There's other threat by outsiders (not malay), they support on arm and political mean on separatis and Terrorized grup like RMS and OPM
it's well known on Indonesian Millitary Forum who is supporting them...
S. Korea KFX Fighter Deal On Hold Again As Park Takes Presidency
Jakarta Globe | March 02, 2013


KFX is a joint collaboration 4.5 Generation Fighter between South Korea and Indonesia (Sunyerang)

South Korea has decided to put an $8 billion project with Indonesia to develop state-of-the art fighter jets on hold for 18 months, in the latest delay to the plan.

“It will be postponed for one-and-a-half years because of the recent transition of power in South Korea,” Indonesian Defense Ministry spokesman Pos Hutabarat said.

South Korea on Monday marked the inauguration of President Park Geun-hye, the country’s first female president.

“The new government needs more data to convince the Parliament,” Pos said.

He said the delay will push back collaboration on the project to June 2014

The concept for the project originated from then-South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, who served from 1998 to 2003, as part of an effort to replace older planes.

The program was postponed due to financial and technological difficulties until April 2011, when South Korea’s Defense Acquisition
Program Administration (DAPA) confirmed the signing of a definitive agreement between South Korea and Indonesia.

In the agreement, Indonesia would finance 20 percent of the project.

South Korea’s Agency for Defense Development estimated the project would cost 6 trillion won ($5.5 billion) in development, 8 trillion won in production, and 9 trillion won for operating of more than 30 years.

Indonesia planned to replace its aging Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon jet fighters with the Korea Fighter Experiment (KFX) jets.

Compared with the F-16, the KFX planes are projected to have an attack radius 50 percent longer, a better avionics system and better stealth, or anti-radar, capability.

The KFX project is expected to produce about 150 to 200 units of which Indonesia would get 50.

Analysts have warned that further postponement of the project could negatively affect military relations between the two countries.

Tubagus Hasanuddin, deputy chairman of Commission I at the House of Representatives, said that the commission — which oversees defense and foreign affairs — would summon Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro to clarify the situation.

The KFX fighter’s abilities are designed to be more advanced than the US-built Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon jet aircraft.

The KFX fighter jets will eventually be designated the F-33, and will be part of a “4.5-generation” of jets, as opposed to the fifth-generation Lockheed Martin F-35s.

Indonesia is the biggest Southeast Asian buyer of South Korean military equipment. In 2011 it awarded two contracts to South Korea, one to purchase submarines and the other for KAI T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic trainer jets.

Indonesia has already invested Rp 1.6 trillion ($165 million) in the KFX, as well as sending 30 engineers to South Korea to assist.

Commission I’s chairman Mahfudz Siddik suggested the government to continue its program to modernize the national defense system.

“Our time has been wasted, but we must not let this project get in the way of our defense modernization program,” he said.

South Korea is underwriting the majority of the project, but it is seeking cooperation beyond its initial collaboration with Indonesia. The partnership extension could possibly include several foreign firms from Europe and the United States, where fighter jet development is most advanced.

S. Korea KFX Fighter Deal On Hold Again As Park Takes Presidency | The Jakarta Globe

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