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^^ Don't forget KRI Irian 201, a 16.640 tons Sverdlov Class Monster that made Indonesian Naval power war at its peak. Truly 16.640 tons of Guided Democracy by Republican forces. :)





^^ Don't forget KRI Irian 201, a 16.640 tons Sverdlov Class Monster that made Indonesian Naval power war at its peak. Truly 16.640 tons of Guided Democracy by Republican forces. :)




Editorial: Defenders of the nation

The Jakarta Post | Editorial | Fri, June 07 2013, 10:03 AM
Editorial News
The week in review: Idul Fitri surprises
Editorial: Ahok’s controversy
Editorial: Integrity, credibility test

Singapore and South Korea are Asian countries where youths are subjected to conscription. The former is a city-state without any real threat of war, but it has neighbors that it cannot match in terms of population. The latter has lived with constant saber-rattling by the nuclear armed North since the Korean nation was split by war in the 1950s.

But both Singapore and South Korea can take pride in being among the wealthiest states in the world despite their lack of natural resources, thanks in part to mandatory conscription, which like or not has created a mentality that has driven their peoples to work hard and to uphold the value of discipline.

Indonesia, too, can reap the same benefits from conscription, although it does not have to replicate its neighbors’ methods. In this context, the draft bill on auxiliary reserves submitted by the government to the House of Representatives for deliberation is of great relevance and should first and foremost be viewed from the bright side.

Rich in natural resources, both proven and potential, Indonesia is still struggling to eradicate poverty, which afflicts more than 30 million of its people; improve education; and ensure security of food and energy for all. Some of the pitfalls stem not only from mismanagement, policies that do not answer the real problems and lack of competence but also from the entrenched mentality that has no respect for punctuality, efficiency and productivity. To make matters worse, corruption, collusion and nepotism is rampant and committed not only by the elites but also people at the grassroots level.

The obvious lack of discipline, which is exacerbated by noncompliance of the law, has prevented Indonesia from making a giant leap to reaching a level of parity with major nations. The nation already feels satisfied with becoming a big market for foreign products and an exporter of raw materials.

Many have touted Indonesia as becoming one of the largest economies in the world in the future given its potentials, but the projection will never materialize if the “business as usual” mind-set remains intact. Bracing for a more competitive world in coming years, Indonesia needs a radical mentality change.

The bill on auxiliary reserves will help instill not only discipline but also nationalism, which can take shape in a willingness to defend national interests. Even without a war, Indonesia’s sprawling archipelago is too vast to protect by the roughly 500,000 armed forces personnel.

Opposition to the bill is understandable due to the country’s traumatic past that saw the military control almost every aspect of public life. It is therefore imperative that the bill declares that participation in the auxiliary reserves voluntary and offers incentives to those signing up, such as free access to university or jobs at government offices.

For better or worse, the bill will enable the nation to prepare for possible war. Although the chances of that happening seem remote, it should not justify any delay to the bill deliberation as it cannot be predicted when and if a foreign army might strike.

Nevertheless, defending the nation in war and peace, in good and bad times, is more than a calling. It’s a must.

Editorial: Defenders of the nation | The Jakarta Post
Trikora Operation: Indonesian airforce long range bomber Tu-16




All 24 planes armed with AS-1 Kennel were planned to attacking Dutch aircraft carrier HMS Karel Doorman
Indonesia and Australia Strengthening Military Cooperation.

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SBY Seeks to Quell Melanesia Over Papua

By Ezra Sihite & Novy Lumanauw on 8:17 am August 13, 2013.
Category Featured, Law & Order, News
Tags: Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Melanesia, Papua


Members of the Indonesian military have been deployed to Papua in great number in the past decade. (JG Photo/Dhana Kencana)

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has sought to quell growing support for Papuan self-determination among Indonesia’s Pacific island neighbors, on Monday seeking to demonstrate the area’s recent economic progress to visiting Solomon Islands Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo.

Members of the intergovernmental Melanesian Spearhead Group have recently expressed sympathy for self-determination for the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua, and some officials in Jakarta fear it could bolster wider international support for secession.

The MSG comprises Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu as well as the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) of New Caledonia, a special collectivity of France.

The West Papua National Coalition for Liberation, an umbrella group for organizations seeking West Papuan independence, applied in June for membership of the MSG during the group’s summit in Noumea, New Caledonia.

Only after intervention from Jakarta did the MSG delay its decision on the WPNCL application by six months.

“President Yudhoyono invited the Solomon Islands prime minister so they can discuss various bilateral issues, including Papua,” Teuku Faizasyah, a presidential spokesman for international issues, said after the meeting. “The president has explained to his guest that Indonesia has done many things to make Papua prosperous and that the development will continue.”

Faizasyah said officials from Melanesian countries had also visited Papua, and claimed all the officials had praised Indonesia’s development there.

“[The] Solomon Islands has never supported Papuan independence. They understand how serious Indonesia is in developing Papua and empowering the Papuans. On several occasions, they said they respected Indonesia’s territorial integration. The MSG also has a similar understanding of Indonesia’s serious efforts.”

Faizasyah said the visit would counter negative reports about Papua.

Indonesia’s military and police have been accused of gross human rights violations in Papua, including extra-judicial killings of pro-independence activists.

Several videos circulating online show police torturing Papuans while foreign media outlets have reported on efforts to spy on Papua activists and limit their freedom.

Jakarta has maintained a massive military presence in Papua and implemented a tight screening process for foreigners wishing to enter the provinces, raising suspicion about national government activities there.

Aleksius Jemadu, dean of Pelita Harapan University’s School of Social and Political Sciences, said the Indonesian government needs to boost relations with Melanesian countries if it is to prevent the push for independence gathering momentum.

“I think Indonesia has the economic leverage to persuade the Melanesian countries to support its territorial integrity,” he said. “Jakarta can convince the countries that Indonesia is a gateway to an Asian economic miracle and they can be part of the economic prosperity through Indonesia.”

The western portion of Papua was integrated into Indonesia following the 1969 so-called Act of Free Choice, but tensions have long persisted.

Faizasyah said Lilo’s visit “reflects the determination of the two nations to build their friendship based on the respect of their respective sovereignty.”

He added that dealings between the Solomon Islands and Indonesia had been productive over the past five years.

“Our trade relations even registered an average annual increase of 17.28 percent,” he said. “The Solomon Islands also works with Indonesia in the fields of energy, fishing, development, media and culture.”

Bilateral trade volume was at $15.9 million in 2012, with Indonesia posting a $9.1 million surplus.

Faizasyah said the two leaders also discussed economic cooperation and development programs for the Asia-Pacific and Southeast Asian regions.

Lilo is scheduled to remain in Indonesia until Wednesday.

sumber kencana
It is times for some random pictures for Indonesia armed Forces

Yon Kav TNI AD

credit to Kenyot
Training day

The Jakarta Post | National | Wed, August 14 2013, 8:11 PM


A group of presidential guard members conduct security drills at the House of Representatives’ building on Wednesday. The training was part of measures to safeguard the state speech that will be delivered by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Aug. 16 to commemorate the country’s 68th Independence Day.(JP/R Berto Wedhatama)
News about Indonesian Apache



Jum'at, 16 Agustus 2013 | 08:27 WIB
2018, TNI Bakal Punya Helikopter Canggih Apache

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat Jenderal Moeldoko memastikan pemerintah membeli delapan unit helikopter Apache. Menurut dia, Kementerian Pertahanan sudah memberi lampu hijau untuk membeli helikopter serang canggih AH-64-D Apache Longbow dari Amerika Serikat itu.

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat yang sebelumnya menolak pembelian Apache karena dianggap kemahalan, kata Moeldoko, kini sudah sepakat menyetujuinya. ”DPR dan Kementerian Pertahanan sudah oke,” kata dia saat ditemui Tempo di Pangkalan Udara Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013.

Moeldoko tak mau menyebut harga pembelian delapan helikopter itu dengan alasan tak tahu pasti harganya. ”Lagipula itu teknis.” Ia mengatakan, pemerintah pada tahun ini sudah mulai membayarkan uang muka ke pemerintah Amerika Serikat. ”Pembayaran uang muka menjadi awal kesepakatan pembelian helikopter,” ujar dia. Kedelapan helikopter akan diterima Indonesia secara bertahap mulai 2018 hingga 2021.

Adapun Komisi Pertahanan DPR membenarkan menyetujui pembelian Apache, meski awalnya menolak. ”Setelah dipikir-pikir, memang dibutuhkan Apache untuk memperkuat jajaran Angkatan Darat,” ujar Wakil Ketua Komisi Pertahanan, Tubagus Hasanuddin.

Why Indonesia’s Veterans Must Not Be Forgotten

By Yuli Krisna on 2:14 pm August 17, 2013.
Category Features
Tags: TNI Indonesian Military


Sudirman, the chairman of the Bandung chapter of the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia, advocates for former serviceman. (JG Photo/Yuli Krisna)

“Don’t think that war veterans are a group of weak old men who need to be pitied,” said 89-year-old Sudirman, chairman of the Bandung chapter of the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia, in his office in West Java.

Sudirman is far from what many would imagine an elderly gentleman in his late 80s to be. While his hair is grey and his skin soft and loose, his voice is loud and assertive, his posture big and intimidating and his memories are sharp.

Sporting a pair of maroon-tinted bifocal glasses and a complete veteran uniform littered with medals, ribbons and patches, the chairman of the organization known as the LVRI said that there are 600 veterans who fought for the country’s independence in the West Java capital, and another 400 veterans who participated in later wars and military operations.

The veterans have had mixed success in coping with post-military life. Some veterans, he said, have become successful entrepreneurs or found work in private companies or public offices. But there are also those living below the poverty line who risk being homeless as they still occupy military-owned properties.

Despite this the veterans only need respect and recognition instead of monetary assistance, Sudirman said.

“Veterans never ask what the country is doing to repay our services,” he said. “Veterans have one thing many others do not, moral [dignity].”

Yusuf Tasdik, the LVRI Bandung secretary, said that Sudirman had become a strong advocate for former servicemen.

“The veterans are old but what they want is for people not to forget about them,” he said.

“[Sudirman] constantly has to remind the public that those who fought for our independence are still around, including those participating in Bandung Lautan Api [Sea of Fire]. Without them this city would not be here today,” Yusuf said, referring to the series of standoffs between independence fighters in Bandung and the allied forces looking to reoccupy Indonesia after the Japanese surrendered.

On March 22, 1946, with the prospect of the city falling into the hands of the occupiers, Bandung residents torched their own properties and the city became “a sea of fire” hence the name Bandung Lautan Api .

“Instead of our homes falling to the hands of the enemy, people would rather set their own houses on fire,” Sudirman, who participated in the standoffs, explained. Sudirman said that after the incident, fighters like him retreated to the countryside and jungle, and launched a guerilla war which lasted until the Dutch officially ceded power and recognized Indonesia as a sovereign state in 1949.

Sudirman first joined the Indonesian militia just a week after Indonesia declared independence in 1945. At the time, the Bandung militia was led by Abdullah Saleh, commander of the much feared Laskar Beruang Merah (Red Bear Troops) armed with weaponry taken from abandoned Japanese bases.

After the war ended in 1949, Sudirman stayed in the military before retiring with the rank of Sgt. Maj. Sudirman. He later joined LVRI Bandung and in 2001 became its chairman.

Yusuf, whose father served with Sudirman and later became a soldier, said Sudirman was trying to make sure Bandung was recognized for its significance in the nation’s struggle for independence. He added that Sudirman was lobbying the government to make more statues and monuments to honor veterans and heroes.

While existing monuments are maintained by veterans, Yusuf said it should be the government’s job to maintain them.

It is clear that Sudirman does not like to boast about his own achievements and struggles as the LVRI chairman. He listened quietly as Yusuf explained how hard Sudirman has had to work just to build awareness about the day to day plight many veterans face.

But when Yusuf brought up the subject of monuments, he broke his silence.

“It’s like a son disowning a mother who has brought him into the world, raising and feeding him,” he said, adding that he was saddened by the cases of corruption, terrorism and sectarian violence plaguing the nation. He said: “this is not the country our founding fathers have envisioned.”

Sri Wismayanti, Sudirman’s daughter, said that her father still had a fighting spirit even though he was no longer in the military and close to 90 years old, adding that he would often feel empty if he did not keep himself busy by either campaigning for veterans or writing books about history.

“What I see is that when you grow old, your health deteriorates when you sit still. They are happy when they feel they can still make some contribution to the country, when their voices are heard. These things mean more to them than material possession,” she said.
Sudirman, chairman of the Bandung chapter of the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia, is a strong advocate for former serviceman. JG Photos/Yuli Krisna

The Jakarta Globe


Dirgahayu Indonesia ke 68, semoga engkau jaya selamanya :iloveindonesias :iloveindonesias
Russia offer ten submarine to Indonesia


Russian Akula-class Submarine.

Jakarta - Russia offers ten units of submarines to Indonesia. Can not necessarily be accepted because the government must still release the cost of maintenance.

Besides, the government is still considering the life of the defense equipment.

"There is no offer of another 10 ships from Russia," said Secretary of Defense (defense minister) Yusgiantoro Purnomo at Merdeka Palace complex, Jakarta, Saturday (17/8).

He said. The Russian offers of 10 unit of Submarine was on the basis of "closeness" between two countries.

"Of course we'll also consider because there are maintenance costs, repairs and so forth that we count first do not rush," he continued.

Meanwhile. Indonesia has also ordered submarines built in South Korea. It is expected, the submarine boat construction will be completed in next year. Currently, the government is conducting a survey to place the submarines. The targeted areas, among others is in Palu, Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi).

Rusia Tawarkan Sepuluh Kapal Selam untuk Indonesia | Nasional | Beritasatu.com

Tomorrow, 4 Warship from the Indonesian Navy will use a Show of Force as a Reply to Malaysian provocation.
Friday, August 16, 2013 22:12 pm


KRI Banda Aceh is one of warship used by the navy.

Tribune reporter reports Kaltim Martinus Wikan

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, Balikpapan - Four units of warships and submarines of the Navy, will take part in the ceremony of the 68th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, on the border with Malaysia.

Commander Maj. Genes. VI Mulawarman Dicky Wainal Usman said, the parade of ships, one of Indonesian armed forces show of force to the neighboring country.

"The warship, will Participate in the parade Coral Unggaran. Myself will join the ceremony on the border with Malaysia, namely Sebatik Island," said Dicky Wainal Usman, Friday (16/08/2013).

In addition to preparing warships, Dicky also revealed 12 Corps parachutist of the Special Forces (Kopassus) Army ready to show ability in Sebatik Island, Saturday (08/17/2013) tomorrow.

"We really want to show force to neighboring countries, as they have a lot more provocation. We also want to point out that our freedom is not a gift or reward but by struggle and blood," he said.

He Considered that the implementation of the anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia on the island of Sebatik and Coral Unggaran are correct. Because the two islands that are in the position of the border and to foster a sense of patriotism in the outlying border.

Besok, 4 Kapal Perang Indonesia Show Force Balas Provokasi Malaysia - Tribunnews.com

Ganyang Malaysia! :toast_sign:
Well if our gov. decided to accept Russian offer, this will be a great boost for our Naval Forces and sea denial capability:)
Some pics about Indonesian KKO Marinir (Indonesian Marines Corps) in past, credit goes to Suromenggolo at Kaskus.co.id



Well if our gov. decided to accept Russian offer, this will be a great boost for our Naval Forces and sea denial capability:)

Getting submarines is good but focus on your Air Force your Air force sucks when it comes to number of fighter jets
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