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Congratulations TNI. I'm proud of you.

Yg jeles bkal bilg : Ahhh ni kan cm maen2 gk sriyus... Hekhekhek :P
. . . . .
Indonesian authorities sink 41 illegally fishing ships
Rabu, 20 Mei 2015 21:18 WIB | 893 Views

Bitung, N Sulawesi (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian maritime authorities sank 41 fishing ships found illegally operating in Indonesian waters on May 20 to coincide with the the National Awakening Day celebrations.

Director General of Supervision of Fisheries and Marine Resources Asep Burhanudin, said the sinking of the ships was held at the same time in several areas in cooperation between the Marine and Fisheries Ministry, sea police and the navy.

The marine and fisheries Ministry exploded and sank 11 ships in the seas off Bitung and six units in Pontianak, West Kalimantan , one in Belawan, North Sumatra and one in Pidie Aceh.

At the same time the navy exploded and sank 4 ships in Bitung and 17 in Ranai, Riau Islands, Asep said.

The explosion and the sinking of the ships were on order from the President Joko Widodo via the Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti, he said.

"This is to revive the National Awakening Day and as symbol of the rise of the world maritime spirit," he said.

So far this year, including the 41 ships, the authorities have exploded and sent to the bottom of the sea more than 50 ships found illegally operating in Indonesian waters.

A number of 49 more ships caught by the marine and fisheries ministry are facing legal process.

They are facing the same sanction if the court found them guilty of illegal operation in the Indonesian waters.

The government adopts a tough measure hoping to stamp out illegal fishing in the countrys sea territory.

For many years foreign fishing ships have operated almost freely in Indonesian waters causing potential losses of hundreds of trillions of rupiahs to the country a year.


Indonesian authorities sink 41 illegally fishing ships - ANTARA News

TNI chief warns Indonesians of dangers of ISIS
Rabu, 20 Mei 2015 13:38 WIB | 1.011 Views

Indonesian Armed Forces, General Moeldoko. (ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa)
Bengkulu (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Armed Forces Chief General Moeldoko has warned young Indonesians about the dangers of ISIS, saying that the terrorist group must be crushed, and the ideology it is spreading is against the teachings of Islam.

"What ISIS is doing is so deplorable that its spread must be halted," he stated while addressing 1.5 thousand students attending his public lecture at Bengkulu State University here, Wednesday.

Young Indonesians, including students, should be prevented from being influenced and recruited by the ISIS recruiters, he affirmed.

Therefore, General Moeldoko called on the students and youth to not be swayed by the group and join the ISIS, whose movement has won the hearts and minds of certain people due to the rapid development of information technology.

"How can people from various countries be motivated to join ISIS? This reality is obviously linked to the role of information technology and media," he pointed out.

General Moeldoko remarked that the terrorist organization was successful in recruiting a small number of Indonesians as they are promised a better life.

This problem should be tackled by regional governments by utilizing economic wealth gained from natural and mineral resources for the welfare of the people, he said.

Faras Trysanti, a student of Tri Mandiri Sakti Health College, seconded General Moeldokos views saying that the ISIS had tarnished the good image of Islam, and it should be avoided.

TNI chief warns Indonesians of dangers of ISIS - ANTARA News
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So what about investigation on our burnt F-16? Will we get a replacement... for free?

if nothing news about that, it means the failure is came from us like FOD from the dirt runway and the gov will keep silent

but if there is news about the faulty procedure from Maintenance facility in US, so we can pursue the replacement from them.....

a great deal will be signed off not near from now, as Indonesian Navy need to enhance her capabilities




SNAFU!: Amphibious Leaders Symposium landing demonstration.... pics by Sgt. Sarah Anderson
Indos members .. O kanjaro english bolo!


Indos members ... Please use english ... Out indo skills aren't that awesome yet!

Thank you!.

They talked about Indonesia military who always won AASAM Military championship in Australia since 2008. This year we also appear to win it, leaving USA and British soldiers behind.
Outermost islands must be guarded: TNI Commander
Kamis, 21 Mei 2015 20:17 WIB | 93 Views

General TNI Moeldoko. (ANTARA/M. Agung Rajasa)
Rondo (ANTARA News) - The outermost islands must be guarded, and no party must be allowed to take an iota of it, Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander General Moeldoko stated here on Thursday.

"No iota of land of the outermost islands must be allowed to come under the control of other parties. The TNI soldiers will continue to safeguard the islands," he noted while visiting the island of Rondo in the Sumatran province of Aceh.

The general visited the island to inspect the readiness of TNI soldiers assigned to guard the outermost island. Moreover, he also dedicated a Teuku Umar national hero monument that had been built on the island.

The Rondo Island is located in the Indian Ocean and borders the Nicobar island of India. The island lies north of Weh Island and is administratively under the jurisdiction of the city administration of Sabang.

General Moeldoko remarked that the outermost islands are the sovereignty of the Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI), and hence, they must be guarded against any kind of threat from any quarter.

"Every threat on the outermost island must be driven away. The islands must not be allowed to be taken by any quarter because the countrys sovereignty lies on the island," he said.

Regarding the monument, the general stated that it had been built to boost the fighting spirit of the TNI soldiers guarding the countrys sovereignty on the island.

The monument also aims to strengthen the history of Aceh on the island, which is part of the province.

"The TNI built the Teuku Umar national hero monument on Rondo Island to serve as a testament to Indonesias sovereignty on the island, which is undisputable. Teuku Umar is a national hero hailing from Aceh," General Moeldoko stated.


Reporting by M Haris Sa



(T.SYS/B/KR-BSR/A014) 21-05-2015 16:17:30

Outermost islands must be guarded: TNI Commander - ANTARA News

Outermost islands must be guarded: TNI Commander
Kamis, 21 Mei 2015 20:17 WIB | 93 Views

General TNI Moeldoko. (ANTARA/M. Agung Rajasa)
Rondo (ANTARA News) - The outermost islands must be guarded, and no party must be allowed to take an iota of it, Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander General Moeldoko stated here on Thursday.

"No iota of land of the outermost islands must be allowed to come under the control of other parties. The TNI soldiers will continue to safeguard the islands," he noted while visiting the island of Rondo in the Sumatran province of Aceh.

The general visited the island to inspect the readiness of TNI soldiers assigned to guard the outermost island. Moreover, he also dedicated a Teuku Umar national hero monument that had been built on the island.

The Rondo Island is located in the Indian Ocean and borders the Nicobar island of India. The island lies north of Weh Island and is administratively under the jurisdiction of the city administration of Sabang.

General Moeldoko remarked that the outermost islands are the sovereignty of the Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI), and hence, they must be guarded against any kind of threat from any quarter.

"Every threat on the outermost island must be driven away. The islands must not be allowed to be taken by any quarter because the countrys sovereignty lies on the island," he said.

Regarding the monument, the general stated that it had been built to boost the fighting spirit of the TNI soldiers guarding the countrys sovereignty on the island.

The monument also aims to strengthen the history of Aceh on the island, which is part of the province.

"The TNI built the Teuku Umar national hero monument on Rondo Island to serve as a testament to Indonesias sovereignty on the island, which is undisputable. Teuku Umar is a national hero hailing from Aceh," General Moeldoko stated.


Reporting by M Haris Sa



(T.SYS/B/KR-BSR/A014) 21-05-2015 16:17:30

Outermost islands must be guarded: TNI Commander - ANTARA News
Bakamla (Indonesian Coast Guard) will be a pioneer at using indigenous weapon and support system for their operational routine use. The tools they had ordered so far will be comprised of FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red), UAV (Underwater Autonomous Vehicle), OTH Maritime Radar System, low flying amphibious aircraft and such. With this move we will hoping other agencies within Indonesian Government can be persuaded to follow their step to using indigenous system.

Original News is in Indonesia.

Bakamla Deklarasikan Alutsis Keamanan dan Keselamatan Laut Buatan dalam Negeri


JMOL – Bakamla RI mendeklarasikan Alat Utama Sistem Keamanan Dan Keselamatan Laut produk dalam negeri untuk mendukung Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia. Deklarasi ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 20 Mei 2015 di Ruang Serbaguna Badan Keamanan Laut Republik Indonesia.

“Melalui kegiatan ini Bakamla diharapkan dapat menjadi pelopor dalam kemandirian dan pengembangan teknologi dalam negeri, terutama pada bidang keamanan dan keselamatan di laut. Hal ini tentunya untuk menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia sudah cukup mumpuni dalam hal kualitas. Dengan kemampuan alat yang baik serta perawatan yang sesuai dengan standar internasional, maka produk dalam negeri tersebut tidak kalah dari produk luar”, ujar Plt. Deputi Inhuker Bakamla RI, Laksamana Pertama Maritim Eko Susilo Hadi dalam sambutannya mewakili Kabakamla RI.

Settama Bakamla RI Laksma Maritim Ir. Dr. Dicky R. Munaf menegaskan alutsiskamla merupakan peralatan yang digunakan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan keamanan dan keselamatan di laut seperti teknologi, kapal, persenjataan, peralatan SAR, dan peralatan pendukung lainnya. Adapun tujuan dari peningkatan Alutsiskamla ini untuk mengimbangi meningkatnya jumlah pengguna jasa laut sebagai salah satu wujud terlaksananya Poros Maritim Dunia sesuai dengan amanat Presiden Joko Widodo. Sehingga pengawasan keamanan dan keselamatan di perairan Indonesia dapat terakomodir secara menyeluruh.

Beberapa produk dalam negeri yang akan digunakan oleh Bakamla RI sebagai alutsiskamla tambahan, antara lain: Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) akan digunakan untuk pengawasan kapal yang ditujukan untuk mendukung operasional Bakamla dalam hal Sistem Deteksi Dini yang diantaranya: pengenalan pergerakan di laut untuk pengintaian, pengawasan dan akuisisi target obyek, pencarian di permukaan, pencarian dan pelacakan di luar kapal, dll. Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) yang akan digunakan untuk Maritime SAR mendukung survey bawah air sebagai alat deteksi dini BAKAMLA. ROV diinginkan untuk dapat beroperasi sampai kedalaman 100 meter. Serta Radar Over The Horizon (OTH) yang akan digunakan untuk traffic monitoring, yang memiliki pantauan wilayah mencapai hingga ± 250 NM. Dengan Radar OTH ini diharapkan Bakamla RI dapat memonitoring kapal-kapal yang melintas di perairan Indonesia dengan jangkauan wilayah yang lebih luas.

Bakamla RI bekerja sama dengan Intitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) melakukan pengembangan-pengembangan teknologi ini. Pada tahap awal Bakamla RI menggunakan 10 produk Wakatobi Mini ROV Tactical Underwater Robot. Penggunaan teknologi lokal ini akan mendorong semangat pengembangan teknologi lokal sehingga di masa depan teknologi lokal akan terus diinovasikan pada setiap level dan bidang sendi negara baik di bidang pertahanan, keamanan dan kemanusiaan.

Ssecurity at Indonesia-PNG border must be tightened
Kamis, 21 Mei 2015 19:48 WIB | 263 Views
Pewarta: Otniel Tamindael

Border zone of Republic of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. (ANTARA/Dian Kandipi)
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Security in the areas along the border between the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and its neighboring country of Papua New Guinea (PNG) must be tightened to prevent drug smuggling.

The RI-PNG border remains prone to drug smuggling, although some suspected individuals illegally crossing the border have been arrested.

Security officials have frequently arrested people possessing marijuana while attempting to illegally cross the PNG border to enter Jayapura, Papuas provincial capital; however, drug smuggling activities continue to thrive along the border.

"The lack of available personnel and the vast Papuan territory pose challenges in preventing the entry of drugs into the region, especially from the border," Head of the National Narcotics Agency of Papua Brigadier General Sukirman stated in Jayapura on Thursday.

Sukirman noted that the border area serves as a gateway for the entry of drugs into the Indonesian territory, as the two countries share borders in land and at sea.

According to Sukirman, drug smugglers often conduct transactions on boat at sea, or take an alternative road also called "jalan tikus" to smuggle drugs into Papua.

"Abepantai, Hamadi, and Dok IX are the locations where they shore their boats," Sukirman said.

Therefore, the agency, in cooperation with the respective institutions and law enforcers, is implementing more effective measures to prevent drug smuggling.

The agency had also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Indonesian Military and the National Police on the prevention of drug smuggling.

He remarked that the agency has deployed 11 additional personnel this year to intensify its operations in the easternmost region of Indonesia.

"They have been assigned the task of mapping the entry gates used for drug smuggling and the areas where the drugs are smuggled," Sukirman revealed.

As the problem of drug smuggling is spiraling out of control, hence numerous prominent Papua community figures in Jayapura have urged the central government to tighten security arrangements along the border.

"We have urged the government to tighten security along the border with PNG," Skow Mabo community figure Yans Mahil Mallo remarked on Tuesday.

Mallo noted that such incidents often occur, thereby triggering anxiety among the local community.

He stated that several local figures from four villages located near the PNG border had committed to helping the authorities prevent drug trafficking in order to safeguard Papuas younger generation.

Hanock Rollo, another local community figure, also expressed concern over the problem of drug trafficking across the Skow (RI)-Wutung (PNG) border.

Drug traffickers had misused their red cards (instead of passports) needed to cross the border.

"I think it is the responsibility of the authorities to address the problem. We just give them information," he said, adding that he was concerned that the situation might worsen after the Skow model market was realized.

The Skow market is strategically located near the border with PNG, and thus, it is prone to drug smuggling from the neighboring country.

Stringent measures need to be implemented to stop smuggling activities involving drugs and other items along the border areas between the Indonesian easternmost province of Papua and PNG.

Most of the border areas are reportedly vulnerable to international drug trafficking due to the shortage of detection equipment.

The geographical location of the provinces provides easy access to drug smugglers via sea, air, and land transportation routes, and thus, the police and intelligence officials should be directed to intensify the early detection of drug distribution networks.

Papuas Narcotics Agency spokesman Senior Commissioner Antonius Kadarmanta also noted some time ago that the border areas are prone to drug smuggling from the neighboring country of PNG.

He remarked that the Papua province, which is directly adjacent to PNG, is affected by illicit drug trading practices, which need to be jointly addressed.

He claimed that the border areas between Papua and PNG are becoming a transit haven for illegal drug smugglers, but the government cannot take comprehensive steps due to resource constraints.

Antonius emphasized that the local authority has attempted to crack down on the circulation of drugs, but unmonitored entry points near the border with PNG have marred the efforts.

He further pointed out that the areas along the border need adequate drug detection equipment and a local anti-narcotics office to drive out possible drug smugglers and dealers from the neighboring country.

He also called on the local police to tighten security along the border areas with PNG, which are believed to be used by international drug rings to smuggle narcotics across the border to Indonesias Papua province.

According to the PNG Post-Courier report, increasingly more Papua New Guineans are getting involved in the multi-million kina international illegal drug trade with illicit drugs worth millions changing hands, specifically between Asia and the Pacific.

The report highlights the fact that the number of Papua New Guineans caught abroad in possession of these illicit drugs is on the rise, with three known cases that are currently being tried in international courts.

One of these cases involves 40-year-old Mary Yawari, who is facing life imprisonment or a fine of US$1.19 million after attempting to import US$1.87 million worth of methamphetamine into North Queensland in October, last year.

Therefore, Antonius emphasized that the border areas in Papua province need special attention with regard to these issues in order to address them more effectively.

He stated that Papua province has become an easy target for illicit drug trading practices due to the presence of several illegal border crossings used by dealers from both countries.

"Even along the Skow border between Jayapura and Wutung in PNG alone, there are some 8 illegal border crossings, not to mention open access to transport drugs through the sea route," he pointed out.

He affirmed that besides rampant drug smuggling practices, the number of drug abusers in Papua continues to increase.

"Therefore, we need support from all parties, government, and private institutions, including from other public elements, to combat the circulation of illicit drugs in Papua," Antonius stated.

Ssecurity at Indonesia-PNG border must be tightened - ANTARA News

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