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Indonesia Defence Forum

One piece of question, tactical UCAV with small diameter Missiles like MAM L, Brimstone or Hellfire or smart rockets like TAI CIRIT seems very useful at giving close air support for frontline troops. Thus beg a question, it is if we acquire such capability better they are should be under PENERBAD (and in Marine Corps case PENERBAL) instead of the Air Force?
Air force, because the UCAV doesn't move together with the ground units, they just come and go, and just loitering the area until needed. And after firing its few missile need to RTB ( or not, and just surveying the situation) Give the army small drone for reconnaissance (not the penerbad), maybe for a platoon level?

TNI AD need gunship not UCAV, IMO.
Air force .... Let the paskhas become the forward base operator.
Can you give more explanation?
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The problem with the Azeris is that their branches do not communicate much on the battlefield. This lapse in operational interoperability and communication is the reason why they are struggling to make gains in the NK region DESPITE having total air-superiority.

The same logic applies to the TNI, the AD can have the biggest tanks and missiles it wants whilst the Air Force can also have PGM's and 5th gens, but it would only mean that they are going to suffer disproportionate losses if they don't integrate and communicate together.

One of our glaring deficiencies
Air force, because the UCAV doesn't move together with the ground units, they just come and go, and just loitering the area until needed. And after firing its few missile need to RTB ( or not, and just surveying the situation) Give the army small drone for reconnaissance (not the penerbad), maybe for a platoon level?

TNI AD need gunship not UCAV, IMO.

Can you give more explanation?

Operating forward air base or hostile take over from Enemy air operating base was allready taught and rehearsed during their basic training not to mention they were spec ops tiered Hence they were more suited and prepared in operating such a delicate equipment in hostile/unprepared territories and more in tune environmentally with friendly JTAC operator
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One of our glaring deficiencies

Operating forward air base or hostile take over from Enemy air operating base was allready taught and rehearsed during their basic training not to mention they were spec ops tiered Hence they were more suited and prepared in operating such a delicate equipment in hostile/unprepared territories and more in tune environmentally with friendly JTAC operator
Sorry its just my misunderstanding.
Thus we need intregated command, branches interoperability, fixing our communication procedure and secured devices to do so ( in which left me a very bad bad taste after the failure previous MoD to secure funds and prioritized for our very own military satelit and associated procedure including management assets, and other C4ISR especially communication devices related equipment from Airbus Defense in which Made us late to gaining such vital capability for at least a decade ahead if not more). We too need more relayed assets and simplify organizational structure within TNI to manage data feedback acquired from our various ISR assets for better and faster decision on the field.
PM Suga’s Indo-Pacific initiative is alarming for RI and region

Deputy Foreign Minister Mahendra Siregar rebuked Japan last Wednesday, just one day after Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to explain his two-day visit to Jakarta, which will start tomorrow. During the telephone conversation, the prime minister, among others, briefed Jokowi about his Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) initiative. Mahendra complained that Japan, the world’s third-largest economy, had done almost nothing in the regional effort to beat the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the Japanese Embassy’s official statement, during the 10-minute talk, PM Suga promoted his first diplomatic initiative. He also ensured Jokowi that his government “fully supports the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)”. The ASEAN Outlook was initiated by Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi and later adopted by the regional trading bloc. There is no further explanation on what Japan will do to make the FOIP and AOIP platforms work in sync.

But as reported by international and Japanese media, the newly elected PM was very eager to accelerate realization of his FOIP agenda, which he inherits from his successor Shinzo Abe. It seems that Suga is confident that with the support of the United States and other major countries, it will be easier for him to persuade ASEAN members to join their front against China.

On Oct. 6, Suga opened a foreign ministerial meeting of four Indo-Pacific nations – Australia, India, Japan and the US, known as the Quad – in Tokyo. The Associated Press quoted Suga as saying that the FOIP security and economic initiative was more important than ever amid challenges from the coronavirus pandemic.

Apart from Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar were in attendance.

The four countries have their own problems with China, with Washington the fiercest in attacking Beijing. Australia, known as the US deputy sheriff in the Pacific, is also ready for a trade war with China, while India is embroiled in border conflicts with China.

However, Japan was very cautious by ending the Quad meeting without any joint statement.

Mahendra, while officiating the “Economic Dashboard: Japan-Indonesia Partnership Lounge” on Wednesday, questioned Japan’s commitment to deepening the relationship with Indonesia.

Mahendra is a career diplomat who has held various key posts such as deputy finance minister, deputy trade minister, head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and Indonesian ambassador to the US.

Knowing his vast experience as a bureaucrat and diplomat, Mahendra must be confident in his criticism and to some extent was representing the government’s growing impatience and frustration by the slow pace of Indonesia-Japan bilateral relations, especially during the pandemic.

As quoted by Kompas daily, Mahendra questioned the direction of the long-standing strategic partnership between Indonesia and Japan during the pandemic.

“The strategic relations, which are expected to become more prominent during the pandemic, are almost invisible,” he said.

“As if missing in action, there is nothing concrete in vaccine development in terms of expanding Indonesia’s capacity in the pharmaceutical and medicine industries. This is also happening with health equipment and the development of a travel corridor agreement,” said Mahendra.

Mahendra also criticized the Japanese government for being inactive as Japanese companies planned to relocate from China recently. There are only a few Japanese firms moving to Indonesia, which Mahendra said did not reflect the strong 60-year-old relationship between the two countries.

Gajah berkelahi dengan gajah, pelanduk mati di tengah (Elephants fight, mousedeer stampede to death in the middle), so goes the old Indonesian proverb. It may reflect the anxiety of people in Southeast Asia in the wake of the determination of Japan, the US, India and Australia to battle China in their own ways. The FOIP initiative ignores the livelihood of the 10 ASEAN members.

For Indonesia, the de facto leader and the largest member of ASEAN, the Quad plan is alarming. International media and scholars believe that ASEAN members are too scared to face China because of its economic and military might, although such a view is oversimplifying the current geopolitical landscape.

Before flying to Jakarta, PM Suga will meet with Vietnamese leaders. Hanoi, which holds a rotating ASEAN chair post, will host the East Asian Summit next month. It is very likely that Suga, in his first overseas trip as PM, would convince the two ASEAN countries on his FOIP initiative before meeting the rest of the ASEAN leaders. The annual East Asia Summit will also invite China, the US and other strategic partners of ASEAN, which this time around will be held virtually.

Indonesia and ASEAN have demanded the regional grouping to play a central role in the implementation of the AOIP, which is based on openness, transparency, inclusivity and respect for international law in enhancing mutual trust and benefit. ASEAN wants to change the rivalry into cooperation and turn a trust deficit into strategic trust.

The Quad’s version of Indo-Pacific cooperation is alarming for Indonesia and ASEAN. It will only generate more sources of security instability and political tension in the region at a time when Southeast Asian nations are preoccupied by the deadly pandemic.

Welcome to Jakarta, Prime Minister Suga. You visit the Japanese-constructed Jakarta MRT, but why don't you visit also Patimban seaport construction project in West Java, which is almost complete. The two strategic projects reflect the past, current and future cooperation between the two countries after all.


PM Suga’s Indo-Pacific initiative is alarming for RI and region

Deputy Foreign Minister Mahendra Siregar rebuked Japan last Wednesday, just one day after Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to explain his two-day visit to Jakarta, which will start tomorrow. During the telephone conversation, the prime minister, among others, briefed Jokowi about his Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) initiative. Mahendra complained that Japan, the world’s third-largest economy, had done almost nothing in the regional effort to beat the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the Japanese Embassy’s official statement, during the 10-minute talk, PM Suga promoted his first diplomatic initiative. He also ensured Jokowi that his government “fully supports the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)”. The ASEAN Outlook was initiated by Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi and later adopted by the regional trading bloc. There is no further explanation on what Japan will do to make the FOIP and AOIP platforms work in sync.

But as reported by international and Japanese media, the newly elected PM was very eager to accelerate realization of his FOIP agenda, which he inherits from his successor Shinzo Abe. It seems that Suga is confident that with the support of the United States and other major countries, it will be easier for him to persuade ASEAN members to join their front against China.

On Oct. 6, Suga opened a foreign ministerial meeting of four Indo-Pacific nations – Australia, India, Japan and the US, known as the Quad – in Tokyo. The Associated Press quoted Suga as saying that the FOIP security and economic initiative was more important than ever amid challenges from the coronavirus pandemic.

Apart from Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar were in attendance.

The four countries have their own problems with China, with Washington the fiercest in attacking Beijing. Australia, known as the US deputy sheriff in the Pacific, is also ready for a trade war with China, while India is embroiled in border conflicts with China.

However, Japan was very cautious by ending the Quad meeting without any joint statement.

Mahendra, while officiating the “Economic Dashboard: Japan-Indonesia Partnership Lounge” on Wednesday, questioned Japan’s commitment to deepening the relationship with Indonesia.

Mahendra is a career diplomat who has held various key posts such as deputy finance minister, deputy trade minister, head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and Indonesian ambassador to the US.

Knowing his vast experience as a bureaucrat and diplomat, Mahendra must be confident in his criticism and to some extent was representing the government’s growing impatience and frustration by the slow pace of Indonesia-Japan bilateral relations, especially during the pandemic.

As quoted by Kompas daily, Mahendra questioned the direction of the long-standing strategic partnership between Indonesia and Japan during the pandemic.

“The strategic relations, which are expected to become more prominent during the pandemic, are almost invisible,” he said.

“As if missing in action, there is nothing concrete in vaccine development in terms of expanding Indonesia’s capacity in the pharmaceutical and medicine industries. This is also happening with health equipment and the development of a travel corridor agreement,” said Mahendra.

Mahendra also criticized the Japanese government for being inactive as Japanese companies planned to relocate from China recently. There are only a few Japanese firms moving to Indonesia, which Mahendra said did not reflect the strong 60-year-old relationship between the two countries.

Gajah berkelahi dengan gajah, pelanduk mati di tengah (Elephants fight, mousedeer stampede to death in the middle), so goes the old Indonesian proverb. It may reflect the anxiety of people in Southeast Asia in the wake of the determination of Japan, the US, India and Australia to battle China in their own ways. The FOIP initiative ignores the livelihood of the 10 ASEAN members.

For Indonesia, the de facto leader and the largest member of ASEAN, the Quad plan is alarming. International media and scholars believe that ASEAN members are too scared to face China because of its economic and military might, although such a view is oversimplifying the current geopolitical landscape.

Before flying to Jakarta, PM Suga will meet with Vietnamese leaders. Hanoi, which holds a rotating ASEAN chair post, will host the East Asian Summit next month. It is very likely that Suga, in his first overseas trip as PM, would convince the two ASEAN countries on his FOIP initiative before meeting the rest of the ASEAN leaders. The annual East Asia Summit will also invite China, the US and other strategic partners of ASEAN, which this time around will be held virtually.

Indonesia and ASEAN have demanded the regional grouping to play a central role in the implementation of the AOIP, which is based on openness, transparency, inclusivity and respect for international law in enhancing mutual trust and benefit. ASEAN wants to change the rivalry into cooperation and turn a trust deficit into strategic trust.

The Quad’s version of Indo-Pacific cooperation is alarming for Indonesia and ASEAN. It will only generate more sources of security instability and political tension in the region at a time when Southeast Asian nations are preoccupied by the deadly pandemic.

Welcome to Jakarta, Prime Minister Suga. You visit the Japanese-constructed Jakarta MRT, but why don't you visit also Patimban seaport construction project in West Java, which is almost complete. The two strategic projects reflect the past, current and future cooperation between the two countries after all.


How about china intrusion in SCS?
It's actually kind of a good thing if there is another force that can challenge their hegemony?
How about china intrusion in SCS?
It's actually kind of a good thing if there is another force that can challenge their hegemony?

The problem here is, we, unlike in Cold War can't play NAM cards again and playing as blind person as the conflict happened far away from Indonesia ( with only Vietnam War happened near) as the Central of current clashes will involved two major member of NAM (China and India) with all their military and economy might along with US, Japan and Australia, all of them had considerable presence in the region and Indonesia itself. To be able to playing blind again once more (more or less like Swiss or Finland in the midst of Cold War in Europe), first thing is Indonesia must have military muscle and economy weight to be able to affect the other parties to left Indonesia alone for good.

Asia and Pacific is home to many heavy weight player in the planet, with US and China and Japan alone Made up more than 60 percentage of world GDP and center of Economy development and activity in the world. US military is very well equipped so with China, even Japan alone has very powerful Navy able to Made other European country is in Shame conventionally. Such facts alone Made Azerbaijan and Armenian conflict more like toddler play at best.

Other player is Australia, South Korea, India, all had considerable military muscle and concentration of power, and all of them is trillion US Dollar economy powerhouse. Other is Taiwan and possibly Russia would like to fishing in murky water. If such player is boiling up and explode against each other, what kind of thing country like Indonesia can do?
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The problem here is, we, unlike in Cold War can't play NAM cards again and playing as blind person as the conflict happened far away from Indonesia ( with only Vietnam War happened near) as the Central of current clashes will involved two major member of NAM (China and India) with all their military and economy might along with US, Japan and Australia, all of them had considerable presence in the region and Indonesia itself. To be able to playing blind again once more (more or less like Swiss or Finland), first thing is Indonesia must have military muscle and economy weight to be able to affect the other parties to left Indonesia alone for good.
Which is sadly we don't have . 😥
Yang artinya harus mulai tentukan sikap?
Which is sadly we don't have . 😥
Yang artinya harus mulai tentukan sikap?

Compared to that's it is more urgent to build up our very own military power first, we don't have "fist" to accomodate our diplomat!!
Yesterday .... 😂😂

Sshhh, Prabowo only play'Ludo with Esper and co, after that trying to get UNO cards from European friendly country and don't forget Japan too.

The most possible stand we will uphold here is more or less acts like Swiss and Finland, quite "friendly" with the other side of the OCEAN but keep cordial relationship good enough with the other who more near to us.
Something about prabowo in US?

Naah , i'm just joking around .... 😀😀

But , in hindsight ... That is what prabowo are doing right now . Try to explain where we stand ( procuring some heavy equipment was part of the posturing too you know !! ) while hopely picking something or some benefit while at it ...
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