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Indonesia Defence Forum

Both Su-35 and second hand habsburg plane should be ditched, focus on the one making sense only pls, problems shouldnt be complemented with more problem, logistical nightmare shouldnt be complemented by another logistical nightmare

now this is strange , so ..... no pengadaan fighter again ?

Prabowo Disebut Pilih Perbaiki Jet Tempur Ketimbang Beli
CNN Indonesia | Jumat, 04/09/2020 05:55 WIB
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Kepada Wapres Ma'ruf Amin, Menhan Prabowo Subianto mengakui lebih baik memperbaiki alutsista daripada membeli saat ini.'ruf Amin, Menhan Prabowo Subianto mengakui lebih baik memperbaiki alutsista daripada membeli saat ini.

Salah satu jet tempur TNI AU, Sukhoi Su30. (Foto: Joko Sulistyo)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --
Alih-alih membeli, Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto disebut memilih untuk melakukan perbaikan beragam jenis pesawat tempur RI. Hal itu terkait faktor harga dan efektivitas waktu.
Juru Bicara Wakil Presiden RI, Masduki Baidlowi, mengatakan pembicaraan itu terungkap saat Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin menerima kunjungan Prabowo di kediaman dinas Wapres, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (3/9) sore. Selain soal alutsista, kedua pihak juga membahas tentang program nasional food estate.
"Prabowo datang ke kediaman Wapres sendiri. Ya untuk silaturahmi, karena memang sejak pelantikan kan belum pernah bertemu secara resmi. Tadi sampai pukul 15.45 WIB [pertemuannya] ya, ngobrol-ngobrol panjang lebar," kata Masduki.
Tak ketinggalan, ada pertimbangan biaya perawatan besar, serta tak sesuai dengan amanat UU Industri Pertahanan yang mementingkan pembelian alutsista dalam negeri.
Presiden Jokowi sendiri sebelumnya mendorong Prabowo untuk belanja alutsista, terutama dari dalam negeri, untuk mendongkrak penyerapan anggaran dan ekonomi dalam negeri.
How about hawk that will be retired in few years?
Indonesian defence minister proposes to receive USD20 billion in foreign credit for 2020–24

by Ridzwan Rahmat

Indonesia’s Minister of Defence, Prabowo Subianto, has forwarded a proposal for the country to receive up to USD20 billion in defence-related foreign credit and assistance schemes for the period spanning 2020–24.

Among programmes that may be funded via the proposed foreign defence credits include two follow-on warships to the Martadinata-class frigates. (Damen)

Among programmes that may be funded via the proposed foreign defence credits include two follow-on warships to the Martadinata-class frigates. (Damen)
The proposal was sent to the Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning, and Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Suharso Monoarfa, on 13 July 2020. A copy of the letter was received by Janes in early September 2020.

The foreign credit and assistance schemes will be used to fund acquisition programmes for all three branches of the Indonesian Armed Forces between 2020–24, the defence minister indicated.

Among possible big-ticket acquisitions that may be funded with the foreign credit include 24 Lockheed Martin F-16V fighter aircraft and two follow-on warships to the Indonesian Navy’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) Martadinata (SIGMA 10514)-class frigates.

The request was made against the backdrop of a nearly IDR9 trillion (USD588 million) cut to the country’s defence budget for 2020. The reduction has been made partly in response to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, which has severely damaged the country’s economy.

What it means for foreign audiences is very different from our domestic ones, just pick ones
it says follow on martadinata, is there plan changing from iver to other hull?
it says follow on martadinata, is there plan changing from iver to other hull?
no , iver still a go , the only thing that was a hurdle for iver contract were the pandemic itself , since both sides can't do face to face meeting and survey to indonesian shipyard .
. .
it says follow on martadinata, is there plan changing from iver to other hull?
No, it seems from jane's article the rumour on 24 F-16V already made known abroad. We're getting both Iver Huitfeldt Class & PKR 10514 however 2nd batch of PKR will probably be made official post 2024
No, it seems from jane's article the rumour on 24 F-16V already made known abroad. We're getting both Iver Huitfeldt Class & PKR 10514 however 2nd batch of PKR will probably be made official post 2024
i suspect because our shipyard can't withheld such production capacity , why don't they give private shipyard a chance for this project eh.
i suspect because our shipyard can't withheld such production capacity , why don't they give private shipyard a chance for this project eh.
PT.PAL utilisation currently is only 15% of total capacity, what we should be thinking is to increase PT.PAL shipyard utilisation
Including F16 seken?
If those seken is addition to the new latest Viper then why not. Those seken surely will play different role then block 70/72. But if we discard the brand new and replace it with seken then It would be sad and waste of human resources. Like I said we need to expose our pilot and technician to latest aviation technology. Thats very important imho.
ndonesia’s Minister of Defence, Prabowo Subianto, has forwarded a proposal for the country to receive up to USD20 billion in defence-related foreign credit and assistance schemes for the period spanning 2020–24
20 bil over 4 years means approx. 5 bil each year of pln. Its not much but our apbn can surely handle this kind of load (aman/doable). Rencana yg membumi 👍
. . . .
2, this is open interpretation sentence to begin with, With second hand Typhoon Will came and there is plan to upgrade them here
I suspect the Mod said this to justify their plan to buy more secondhand jets. like typhoon that you mention
Indonesian defence minister proposes to receive USD20 billion in foreign credit for 2020–24
by Ridzwan Rahmat

Indonesia’s Minister of Defence, Prabowo Subianto, has forwarded a proposal for the country to receive up to USD20 billion in defence-related foreign credit and assistance schemes for the period spanning 2020–24.

Among programmes that may be funded via the proposed foreign defence credits include two follow-on warships to the Martadinata-class frigates. (Damen)

Among programmes that may be funded via the proposed foreign defence credits include two follow-on warships to the Martadinata-class frigates. (Damen)
The proposal was sent to the Indonesian Minister of National Development Planning, and Head of the National Development Planning Agency, Suharso Monoarfa, on 13 July 2020. A copy of the letter was received by Janes in early September 2020.

The foreign credit and assistance schemes will be used to fund acquisition programmes for all three branches of the Indonesian Armed Forces between 2020–24, the defence minister indicated.

Among possible big-ticket acquisitions that may be funded with the foreign credit include 24 Lockheed Martin F-16V fighter aircraft and two follow-on warships to the Indonesian Navy’s (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) Martadinata (SIGMA 10514)-class frigates.

The request was made against the backdrop of a nearly IDR9 trillion (USD588 million) cut to the country’s defence budget for 2020. The reduction has been made partly in response to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, which has severely damaged the country’s economy.


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