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You don't know what i mean and imply by written that comment huh?

If not you should take a step back and digest more what i mean kiddo
i felt that too , the latest meeting by vice ministry of defence with the 1st commision of people representative council are kinda give an insight , they still tryhard to push for that european fighter .
i felt that too , the latest meeting by vice ministry of defence with the 1st commision of people representative council are kinda give an insight , they still tryhard to push for that european fighter .

Lol, they even discarded user opinion on what they should get and dictated everything on their own. If it only matter of offset and transfer of technology the place i work at it is had more than experience to advising and give assistance for small Times Aircraft manufacturer like KAI and TAI and turn them into their own respective companies with good achievement and respectable turn table technology on their own.
Not to mention i found difficulties to found which "their" endorsed partner had achieved notable success like KAI or TAI.
Lol, they even discarded user opinion on what they should get and dictated everything on their own. If it only matter of offset and transfer of technology the place i work at it is had more than experience to advising and give assistance for small Times Aircraft manufacturer like KAI and TAI and turn them into their own respective companies with good achievement and respectable turn table technology on their own.
Not to mention i found difficulties to found which "their" endorsed partner had achieved notable success like KAI or TAI.

their endorsed partner? Pt DI ?
Who the hell is behind Europeans' interest anyway? Prabowski himself or who? the cost of these hardwares cannot be paid only for political interest alone, and heck what kind of kickback we could get from Europe anyway?
I believe if we buy second hand European fighter, they are not going to be upgraded so the acquisition cost will be very minimal and the delivery will be quick. I dont think it is about interest or kick back.

Definately the reason behind the plan to acquire second hand fighter IMO is to minimize the acquisition budget for Airforce in 2020-2024 period, so that other pressing need can be fulfiled, considering our tight defense budget, and only mean to be stop gap before inducting IFX in large number. Most probably to fill the F5 squadron as soon as possible.

The weapon is probably similar like IFX which is meteor for BVR and IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile (SRAAM) by Germany’s Diehl Defence,
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now this is strange , so ..... no pengadaan fighter again ?

Prabowo Disebut Pilih Perbaiki Jet Tempur Ketimbang Beli
CNN Indonesia | Jumat, 04/09/2020 05:55 WIB
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Kepada Wapres Ma'ruf Amin, Menhan Prabowo Subianto mengakui lebih baik memperbaiki alutsista daripada membeli saat ini.

Salah satu jet tempur TNI AU, Sukhoi Su30. (Foto: Joko Sulistyo)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia --
Alih-alih membeli, Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto disebut memilih untuk melakukan perbaikan beragam jenis pesawat tempur RI. Hal itu terkait faktor harga dan efektivitas waktu.
Juru Bicara Wakil Presiden RI, Masduki Baidlowi, mengatakan pembicaraan itu terungkap saat Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin menerima kunjungan Prabowo di kediaman dinas Wapres, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (3/9) sore. Selain soal alutsista, kedua pihak juga membahas tentang program nasional food estate.
"Prabowo datang ke kediaman Wapres sendiri. Ya untuk silaturahmi, karena memang sejak pelantikan kan belum pernah bertemu secara resmi. Tadi sampai pukul 15.45 WIB [pertemuannya] ya, ngobrol-ngobrol panjang lebar," kata Masduki.
Tak ketinggalan, ada pertimbangan biaya perawatan besar, serta tak sesuai dengan amanat UU Industri Pertahanan yang mementingkan pembelian alutsista dalam negeri.
Presiden Jokowi sendiri sebelumnya mendorong Prabowo untuk belanja alutsista, terutama dari dalam negeri, untuk mendongkrak penyerapan anggaran dan ekonomi dalam negeri.
Beli baru mahal mending perbaiki

1, we don't have much fighter stocks to begin with
2, this is open interpretation sentence to begin with, With second hand Typhoon Will came and there is plan to upgrade them here
. . . . .
Nope, currently Aljazeera News is starting at 5 PM and no mentioning about the incident. Most probably hoax, but according to Chinese member, there is indeed J 10 crash in Quanxi, which is actually too far from Taiwan.

'Indonesia won’t be military base for any country', Retno says, dismissing Pentagon report

“I want to emphasize that, in accordance with the lines and principles of Indonesian foreign policy, Indonesian territory cannot and will not be used as a military facility base for any country,” Retno said during a press briefing on Friday.

“I repeat, Indonesian territory cannot and will not be used as a military facility base for any country.”

. .
“Germany – Europe – Asia: shaping the 21st century together”: The German Government adopts policy guidelines on the Indo-Pacific region

More than half the world’s population lives in countries around the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. In recent decades, countries such as Viet Nam, China and India have seen rapid economic growth: the region now accounts for almost 40% of global GDP. With the rise of Asia, the region is also gaining in economic and political importance. At the same time, the strategic competition for influence in the region is increasing. The Indo-Pacific region is becoming the key to shaping the international order in the 21st century.

Shifting geopolitical power structures in the Indo-Pacific also have direct impacts on Germany: the economies of the European and Indo-Pacific regions are closely connected through global supply chains. Major trading routes pass through the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea and the Pacific. If conflicts in the region adversely affect security and stability there, this has repercussions for Germany, too.

That is why the German Government wants to expand cooperation with the countries of the Indo-Pacific region. Following the cabinet’s adoption of the policy guidelines, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas commented:
Our prosperity and our geopolitical influence in the coming decades will depend on how we work together with the countries of the Indo-Pacific region. That, more than anywhere else, is where the shape of the international rules-based order of tomorrow will be decided. We want to help shape that order – so that it is based on rules and international cooperation, not on the law of the strong.
In elaborating this strategy, Germany is making an active contribution to shaping the international order in the Indo-Pacific. The COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions have demonstrated once again that we are facing global challenges that can only be overcome by countries working together. One important aim is therefore to strengthen structures of international cooperation – in particular the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with which Germany would like to cooperate more closely in future.
One of the biggest challenges facing the world – but especially the Indo-Pacific region – is the fight against climate change and marine pollution. The German Government wants to work with the countries of the Indo-Pacific region to find solutions here.

There are many fields in which Germany wants to work more intensively with the countries of the region, be it to strengthen the rule of law and human rights or to enhance exchange in the cultural, educational and scientific spheres. The security-policy sector plays a special role in this context.

Economic relations, too, are to be expanded, for example through the conclusion of EU free trade agreements with additional countries in the Indo-Pacific. The aim must also be to avoid unilateral dependencies by diversifying partnerships. Other topics include the digital transformation, connectivity and visionary technologies of the future – issues which are crucial for Germany’s global competitiveness. This also includes a social discourse about free access to information and protection against misinformation.

With these policy guidelines, the German Government is aiming not least to promote a European Indo-Pacific strategy. For that reason, the strategy takes up European policy approaches and offers points of departure for closer cooperation, also at EU level.

Need to take this opportunity to deepen our cooperation with Germany, other country also putting their interest to Indo Pacific region.

In an international context marked by uncertainty and the increase in unilateralism, France’s priority is to propose an alternative: a stable, multipolar order based on the rule of law and free movement, and fair and efficient multilateralism. The Indo-Pacific region is at the heart of this strategy.

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