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credit to samuel tirta
Its better capturing those scenes by photos, not really good on TV since the sky was not really clear....................

Parts of TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces Anniversary) photos kudos to Samuel Tirta








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Indonesia puts on its largest display of military strength as it farewells president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
By Indonesia correspondent George Roberts
Updated 50 minutes agoTue 7 Oct 2014, 9:50pm

Video: Indonesia's military celebrates 69 years of operation (ABC News)
Map: Indonesia
Indonesia's military is holding a major display of its capability off the coast of East Java as it celebrates 69 years of operation.

The largest show of military strength in Indonesia's history is also part of the farewells to president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, whose 10-year term ends on October 20.

The joint celebration is a clear indication of just how significantly Indonesia's military has expanded - a build-up that it is calling a modernisation, rather than an expansion.

As well as building its own navy ships, Indonesia has ordered Leopard tanks from Germany, Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia and Apache helicopters and missiles from the United States.

Indonesia also has a joint venture with South Korea to build submarines there, with plans to transfer the capability so a local industry can open up.

Indonesia's military, or Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI), was set up after World War II.

Now, in terms of personnel, it is 10 times the size of Australia's Defence Force, and working hard to modernise.

Despite Tuesday's festivities, it has hardly had a blemish-free history - the killing and torture of protestors at the end of the Suharto era, the violent 'black operations' on East Timor and Aceh, and ongoing problems in the Papuan provinces are less shining examples of Indonesia's military past.

But today is a celebration of reform and longevity, as well as a 'thank you' to former general and outgoing president SBY, for supporting military expansion during his two terms in office.

Australia's Chief of Defence Mark Binskin is due to attend the event.

Incoming president Joko Widodo has announced that he wants Indonesia to become a key maritime power.

Indonesia puts on its largest display of military strength as it farewells president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Armed Force Day Parade in Aceh.

Apart from the main parade in Surabaya, East Java, the Armed Force Anniversary was celebrates in other provinces across Indonesia.

these are photos from Armed Force Parade in Banda Aceh Province :

Army members from Raider Battalion.



There are about 6 Army infantry battalions, 1 cavalry battalions, 1 missile detachment, Air Force Paskhas Para-Commandos and Marine Corps elements defending Air Base and several Naval Bases in Aceh province.


SURABAYA, INDONESIA - OCTOBER 07: Indonesian Military warships parade during The 69th Republic of Indonesian Military Anniversary on October 7, 2014 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The 69th Republic of Indonesian Military Anniversary will be the last led by Republic of Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). This year's ceremony will be the biggest for the past ten years with the Indonesian Army, Navy, and Air Force all taking part. (Photo by Robertus Pudyanto/Getty Images)
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Looks like Eurofigter offer is good for our KFX/IFX development

Paket Menarik Eurofighter untuk Indonesia
30 September 2014


Eurofighter Typhoon (all photos : militaryphotos)Dalam waktu dekat Kementerian Pertahanan dikabarkan akan kembali mengakuisisi jet tempur baru untuk mengisi hanggar Skadron Udara 14, yang sebentar lagi ditinggalkan jet pencegat F-5E/F Tiger II.

Salah satu kandidatnya adalah Eurofighter Typhoon, yang belakangan gencar ditawarkan pihak Airbus Defence & Space. Bagi Angkasa, kemunculan pesawat ini terbilang menarik, setidaknya oleh karena dua hal. Pertama adalah karena pesawat ini sejatinya dibuat berdasarkan filosofi atau kebutuhan khusus untuk sistem pertahanan udara Eropa. Dan kedua, karena pesawat ini ditawarkan dengan paket transfer teknologi yang bisa digunakan untuk masa depan industri kedirgantaraan Indonesia.

Keunggulan yang ditawarkan Typhoon ada pada dua dapur pacu Eurojet EJ200 berkekuatan masing-masing 13.490 pon dengan thrust-weight ratio 1,15 untuk menjamin kemampuannya mengejar dan menaklukkan lawan secara cepat di udara. Dengan sepasang canard yang terpasang di depan, pesawat sayap delta ini dijamin mampu melakukan gerakan menekuk dengan angle of attack yang jauh lebih impresif dibanding jet tempur pada umumnya. Gerakan menekuk amat diperlukan karena langit negara Eropa terbilang sempit.

Angkasa mencatat, Typhoon telah dirancang sejak 1980-an - ketika banyak negara Eropa tengah dihantui ekses Perang Dingin - namun baru bisa diterbangkan untuk pertama kali pada 1994 atau empat tahun setelah Perang Dingin usai. Manuverabilitas yang tinggi jadi persyaratan utama karena jet tempur ini akan digunakan sebagai tulang tombak penghadangan jet-jet tempur Uni Sovyet yang umumnya dirancang untuk menembus pertahanan udara lawan dan melakukan pemboman masif.

Penggarapan pesawat ini dipecah di empat pabrikan yang terletak di Jerman (DASA), Inggris (BAe), Italia (Aeritalia), dan Spanyol (CASA) yang pengintegrasiannya dikendalikan secara terpusat oleh Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH. Oleh sebab restrukturisasi yang diberlakukan Uni Eropa, pembuatan dan komersialisasinya kini dilimpahkan kepada BAE System, Alenia Aermacchi dan Airbus Defence & Space.

Nah, karena kewenangan penjualan atas segala produk Airbus DS untuk Indonesia dan sekitarnya kerap dilimpahkan kepada PT Dirgantara Indonesia, upaya penjualan Typhoon di wilayah ini pun dititipkan kepada manajemen pabrik pesawat yang ada di Bandung tersebut.

Sedang Dikaji
Pihak Kementerian Pertahanan dan KKIP (Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan) sendiri memastikan bahwa Typhoon sudah masuk sebagai kandidat. Bersama Sukhoi Su-35 (Rusia), Dassault Rafale (Perancis), Saab Jas-39 Gripen (Swedia), Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet (AS) dan Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 62, pesawat ini akan segera diseleksi menurut kebutuhan operasional (ops-req) yang diajukan TNI AU.


"Pesawat-pesawat itu kini sedang dikaji. Keputusan baru akan diambil setelah pemerintahan baru berkuasa. Kita tunggu saja" ujar sebuah sumber. Pernyataan ini serta-merta mementahkan berita online yang menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah telah menyatakan positif membeli dan tengah menunggu pengirimannya.

Lalu seperti apa persisnya transfer teknologi yang ditawarkan? Belum ada rincian pasti. Namun, seperti diungkap Vice President Bisnis dan Pemerintahan PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Irzal Rinaldi Zailani, transfer teknologi yang ditawarkan bisa mengarah ke teknologi atau elemen yang diperlukan dalam perancangan jet tempur KFX/IFX. Oleh karena proses perakitannya bisa dilakukan di Bandung, enjinir PT DI juga bisa ikut menyerap ilmu dalam pembuatan jet tempur.

KFX/IFX adalah prototipe jet tempur masa depan yang tengah dirancang Korea Selatan bersama Indonesia. Merujuk Angkasa (Februari 2014), meski telah menuntaskan tahapan Pengembangan Teknologi pada akhir 2012, pemenuhan standar generasi 4,5 yang diharapkan masih menemui sejumlah kendala. Pesawat ini diantaranya belum menemukan mitra yang benar-benar mau "berbagi" teknologi radar penjejak sasaran multi-fungsi (AESA) dan mesin pendorong berkekuatan besar.

Dari tiga gambaran mesin yang dinilai cocok, yakni Eurojet EJ200, General Electric F-414 dan General Electric F-414 baru pihak Eurojet-lah yang menawarkan diri. Di lain pihak General Electric (AS) menyatakan berat untuk berbagi mesin yang kini menjadi andalan F/A-18E/F Super Hornet itu, namun tidak dengan GE F-100 yang selama ini dipakai F-16 versi awal.

"Kami tak mau pakai F-100, karena daya dorongnya terlalu kecil. Kami tetap pada prinsip bahwa jet tempur yang dihasilkan harus yang unggul. Kalau seadanya, itu sama saja cari mati," ujar Dr Rais Zain, M.Eng, KFX/IFX Configuration Design Leader kepada Angkasa. Selain itu, kedua pihak juga masih mencari sistem persenjataan yang bisa disimpan dalam internal weapon bay, sistem data-link yang bisa mengacak komunikasi darat-udara dan perangkat anti-jamming.
(Angkasa Magazine, No 12/XXIV, September 2014)
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Looks like Eurofigter offer is good for our KFX/IFX development

Paket Menarik Eurofighter untuk Indonesia
30 September 2014


I dont think eurofighter is a good package for TNI-AU. Even Germany stop their procurement. Why would we buy something when even the maker itself stop buying?..

Here is why according to Jane's

German Eurofighters facing serviceability issues

Sebastian Schulte, Bonn and Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
06 October 2014


A German report has highlighted serviceability issues facing the Luftwaffe's Eurofighter fleet. Source: Airbus
German equipment inventories are suffering from serviceability issues, a report on the current state of service and availability of equipment ordered by Germany's Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen has revealed.

Von der Leyen ordered the assessment to be made following reports that most of the German Navy's helicopter fleet had to be grounded due to suffering from structural deficiencies.

The report, of which IHS Jane's obtained a copy, showed that among the known naval rotary issue, the Luftwaffe's fleet of Eurofighters is also experiencing an increased rate of unavailability.

According to the report, out of Germany's 109 Eurofighters, 35 aircraft are currently undergoing external maintenance, leaving 74 aircraft in service. However of these 74 only 42 aircraft are currently available for missions, training, and exercises. The report did not specify the reasons for this, but IHS Jane's has learnt that the decreased availability of the aircraft is based on a mixture of spare parts policy and their overall costs.

Following the availability report, German lawmakers from all parties started questioning whether Germany would be able to provide the self-pledged 60 Eurofighters as part of a NATO commitment in support of the Baltic States in the case of escalated Russian aggression. The criticism stems from an increasing number of media reports about the state of the Bundeswehr's flying systems.

An MoD source told IHS Jane's that the Luftwaffe's service availability of aircraft "has turned into a political debate in Germany that might confuse other members of the alliance. All of our current air policing and possible short-term commitments can and will be served. In the case of [Germany's] NATO Baltics commitment, don't forget that we stipulated a timeframe of 180 days to reach the number of 60 Eurofighters to be available for such a situation. It's a mistake to think that would be provided instantly on the first day. Indeed the Luftwaffe has 42 Eurofighters available and ready for missions now, readying the remaining 18 needed for the commitment during the 180 days timeframe is absolutely achievable."

"The issue here is that of service availability, and that is something that affects all nations. It would be interesting to find out how the others fare with this issue, both politically and mechanically," the source added.

The German availability rate for its aircraft appears low by comparison with the UK Royal Air Force's (RAF's) Eurofighter Typhoon fleet. With 35 of the Luftwaffe's 109 Eurofighters in long-term maintenance this represents 32% of its total fleet. This compares with 25% in long-term maintenance for the RAF (25 out of 100). Of the 75 aircraft in operational RAF service, the UK MoD wouldn't confirm specific numbers available, but noted availability rates were higher than targeted in performance-based contracts, and not comparable to the German rates.

And here is another production issues ....

Eurofighters hit by manufacturing issue
Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
02 October 2014


An issue has been detected in the manufacturing of the rear fuselage of the Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft. The impact of the issue has yet to be determined. Source: IHS/Patrick Allen
Key Points
  • An issue has been detected in the manufacturing of the rear fuselage of the Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft.
  • The impact of the issue has yet to be determined.
A manufacturing issue has been discovered in the rear fuselage of all Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft that could cause future structural problems for the aircraft and limit their service life.

There appears to be no immediate impact on aircraft airworthiness however, with several nations expressing to IHS Jane's that their Eurofighter aircraft remained fully operational and were facing no immediate safety issues. The main concern is that the issue could limit the aircraft's service life.

However, Germany, Spain and Italy have all ceased accepting deliveries of the aircraft as a result of the issue - although deliveries to Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom remain unaffected at this point.

Chief executive officer of Eurofighter GmbH, Alberto Gutierrez, stated the group was "actively managing a recently discovered quality issue concerning one of the manufacturing processes used during the assembly of the Eurofighter Typhoon rear fuselage".

The issue is understood to relate specifically to the finishing treatment used on a small number of drilled bolt holes during the assembly of the rear fuselage. This work was conducted by BAE Systems, with the holes not de-burred to specified standards. The manufacturing issue is understood to have already been resolved.

Industry is currently working to evaluate whether the issue will have any impact on the aircraft, and although company sources appear confident that there will be no long-term impact from the issue, a German Ministry of Defence (MoD) source told IHS Jane's that the "quality deficit could possibly be a future source of structural shortcomings". It is expected that the first results of these tests will be available in mid-2015.

"This temporary manufacturing issue has had no impact on the [Royal Air Force's] RAF's allotted flying hours and the Typhoon fleet is continuing normal operations" a spokesperson for the UK MoD told IHS Jane's .

BAE Systems told IHS Jane's that "we continue to deliver aircraft in accordance with contractual requirements and in line with the schedule required by the UK Royal Air Force and the Royal Saudi Air Force".

Speaking to IHS Jane's the German MoD stated: "Currently there are is no damage and therefore flight safety is not affected. Thus our planes are fully operational." However, as a precaution the German MoD has halved the service life of its Eurofighter aircraft from 3,000 to 1,500 flight hours.

Gutierrez added: "We would like to make clear that this issue does not affect flight safety, neither does it impact ongoing fleet flying or limit fleet operations. Eurofighter GmbH is currently working together with NETMA [the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency] and its customers taking all measures necessary to ensure that this issue is successfully resolved without any flight life limitations to the operating air forces."

Asked whether Germany would seek compensation over the issue, the German MoD source stated: "NETMA is the negotiating partner for the industry. Currently a contract has to be negotiated between NETMA and Eurofighter Jagdflugzeuge GmbH as to how this quality defect will be settled. The question of compensation is not of any matter at present."

Yes, I know there are some issues there, as far as I know the problem caused by an supplier on a specific part of Eurofighter. Too many part suppliers can become a problem as well since it is an European consortium project.
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Indonesian Navy to equip Bung Tomo corvettes with Panther ASW helicopters
Ridzwan Rahmat, Surabaya, Indonesia - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
06 October 2014

The Indonesian Navy will equip its Bung Tomo-class corvettes with the AS565 Panther helicopter. Source: IHS/Patrick Allen
The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) will equip its three Bung Tomo-class corvettes with AS565 Panther anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters from Airbus Helicopters, a navy source told IHS Jane's on 6 October in Surabaya, Indonesia.

The lead ship in class, KRI Bung Tomo (357), conducted trials with an AS365N Dauphin 2 on 29 September. The trials, which included touch-and-go operations and landings, were held in the seas of central Java ahead of the vessel's appearance at the Indonesian Armed Forces Day celebration on 7 October.

According to the source, the Dauphin 2 involved in the recent trials is on loan from Indonesia's search-and-rescue body (Badan SAR Nasional, or BASARNAS). However, the trials were conducted with the aircraft sporting TNI-AL livery to "keep the exercises realistic," the source said.

"The AS365N Dauphin 2 is similar to the AS565 Panther in terms of physical and operational aspects. The trials with the AS365N are being conducted progressively on the Bung Tomo-class corvettes with the intention of equipping the class for the AS565 Panther when it arrives", said the source. "While waiting for the Panther helicopters to arrive, the crew of the ships are being familiarised to operate with a similar aircraft".

The TNI-AL announced in May 2014 that it was acquiring 16 AS565 Panther helicopters that will be configured for ASW. Some of the platforms will be deployed on the service's Sigma 10514-class guided-missile corvettes.

The decision to purchase the AS565 was made at the recommendation of state-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), which will be involved in the production of the aircraft. No details on the delivery schedule are yet available.

Indonesian Navy to equip Bung Tomo corvettes with Panther ASW helicopters - IHS Jane's 360
Indonesian Armed Forces Anniversary 2014

Credit to : samuel.tirta @Kaskus and Mr.Dicky


Credit to samuel.tirta @Kaskus
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