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Indonesia Defence Forum

err surely you can found the history of Aceh and East Timor by googling it yourself or for some basic stuff you can find it in Wikipedia. Aceh is part of Indonesian territory since the independence day meanwhile East Timor is no part of it since East Timor was an Portuguese colony not the Dutch ones. Rebellion in Aceh has been ended by an accord in which Indonesia government giving them an permit to implement the Sharia law in Aceh provinces and thus giving them Special Administrative Province status in exchange Aceh must hold themselves with Pancasila, NKRI and Red & White flag value.

Indonesia at least content herself with territory left by the Dutch including West Papua, and for a while occupying East Timor as a result of fear against communism (at the times Fretilin movement is very much an commies organization).
What do Indonesian think about East Timor's admission to ASEAN?
What do Indonesian think about East Timor's admission to ASEAN?

We are supporting them with utmost faith and honest feeling. There is no hard feeling against them, as they fought against us in the past with so much bravery and cunning diplomatic efforts and as an Asia country, Indonesia giving them much respect because of that.

Indonesia doesn't hold much respect against coward enemies who relies to others when fight against us.

Dua personil pasukan katak TNI AL terjun ke laut dari Helikopter Bell-412 milik Skuadron Udara 400 Wing Udara-1 Puspenerbal saat gladi bersih HUT TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Markas Komando Armada Timur, Surabaya, Jatim, 4 Oktober 2014. TEMPO/Fully Syafii


Puluhan pesawat tempur TNI AU melakukan flying pass di gladi bersih HUT TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Mako Armatim, Surabaya, 4 Oktober 2014. 239 pesawat tempur mulai dari F-16, F-5 Sky Hawk, serta Sukhoi di kerahkan sebagai persiapan puncak HUT TNI yang akan di laksanakan pada 7 Oktober nanti. TEMPO/Fully Syafi


Helikopter tempur dan operasional melintas di atas perairan Surabaya saat gladi bersih HUT TNI di Dermaga Ujung, 4 Oktober 2014. 150 helikopter TNI AD, AU dan AL, di kerahkan untuk berparade flying pass sebagai persiapan puncak HUT TNI. TEMPO/Fully Syafi


Sejumlah helikopter melakukan "flying pass" saat gladi bersih HUT TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Mako Armatim,Surabaya, 4 Oktober 2014. TEMPO/Fully Syafi
Hi all,

Is there anyone can tell me what happened to aceh and East Timor?
Will there be new independent nations?
What happened to Indonesia territory gain & loss after independence?
This picture tells a lot about relation between Indonesia and East Timor now.
Xanana Gusmao the leader of East Timor resistance Falintil when he was captured by Kopassus members in 1992

This was Xanana Gusmao when he visited Indonesia as Prime Minister of Independent East Timor



Gladi Bersih Peringatan HUT ke-69 TNIDua buah Kapal Republik Indonesia (KRI) jenis Multi Light Role Fregate (MLRF), KRI Bung Tomo (TOM)-357 dan KRI Usman Harun (USH)-359 melakukan "Sailing Pass" disela-sela Gladi bersih peringatan HUT ke-69 TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Komando Armada Kawasan Timur Indonesia TNI AL, Surabaya, Jatim, Sabtu (4/10). Sekitar 42 kapal perang melakukan manuvera taktis dengan kemampuan masing-masing untuk ikut bagian dalam HUT Ke-69 TNI yang dihelat pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2014 yang rencanannya dihadiri Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. (ANTARA FOTO/M RISYAL HIDAYAT/mes/14)


Gladi Bersih Peringatan HUT ke-69 TNISebuah tank amphibi BMP-3F buatan Rusia milik Marinir TNI AL melakukan loncatan dan tembakan disela-sela Gladi bersih peringatan HUT ke-69 TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Komando Armada Kawasan Timur Indonesia TNI AL, Surabaya, Jatim, Sabtu (4/10). Tank amphibi ranpur lapis baja tangguh, mampu bermanuver di dua alam (air dan darat), dan disiapkan untuk pertempuran total football dengan kemampuan manuver menyerang dari laut, punya canon 100mm, punya senjata anti serangan udara, punya rudal anti tank, mampu mengangkut pasukan dan sekaligus mampu mempertahankan diri dari serangan lawan. (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat/mes/14)


Gladi Bersih Peringatan HUT ke-69 TNISejumlah helikopter TNI melakukan "Fly Pass" disela-sela Gladi bersih peringatan HUT ke-69 TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Komando Armada Kawasan Timur Indonesia TNI AL, Surabaya, Jatim, Sabtu (4/10). (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat/mes/14


Gladi Bersih Peringatan HUT ke-69 TNISejumlah prajurit TNI unjuk kebolehan beladiri militer diatas tank Leopard disela-sela Gladi bersih peringatan HUT ke-69 TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Komando Armada Kawasan Timur Indonesia TNI AL, Surabaya, Jatim, Sabtu (4/10). Sebanyak 900 prajurit dari tiga matra TNI (TNI AD, TNI AU, dan TNI AL) akan menunjukkan kemampuan dalam HUT Ke-69 TNI akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2014 yang rencanannya dihadiri Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat/14)


Gladi Bersih Peringatan HUT ke-69 TNISejumlah pesawat KT-1 Wong Bee milik TNI AU yang tergabung dalam Jupiter Aerobatic Team disela-sela Gladi bersih peringatan HUT ke-69 TNI di Dermaga Ujung, Komando Armada Kawasan Timur Indonesia TNI AL, Surabaya, Jatim, Sabtu (4/10). Enam pesawat KT-1 Wong Bee tersebut ikut bagian dalam HUT Ke-69 TNI yang dihelat pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2014 yang rencanannya dihadiri Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. (ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal
Meanwhile in Ambon Manise, they just contend with those old junks


Gladi HUT TNI di AmbonSejumlah personil Detasemen Kavaleri (Denkav) 5/BLC mempersiapkan kendaraan tempurnya saat gladi upacara HUT TNI ke-69 di Ambon, Maluku, Sabtu (4/10). Para personil akan melakukan defile beserta kendaraan tempurnya saat upacara HUT TNI ke-69 yang akan dipusatkan di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Selasa (7/10) mendatang. ANTARA FOTO/Izaac Mulyawan

only a handful of modern APC like Anoa 2

Gladi HUT TNI di AmbonSejumlah personil Detasemen Kavaleri (Denkav) 5/BLC mempersiapkan kendaraan tempurnya saat gladi upacara HUT TNI ke-69 di Ambon, Maluku, Sabtu (4/10). Para personil akan melakukan defile beserta kendaraan tempurnya saat upacara HUT TNI ke-69 yang akan dipusatkan di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Selasa (7/10) mendatang. ANTARA FOTO/Izaac Mulyawan
Indonesian Made Gatling Gun ( Dislitbang TNI AD/ Army R&D)



Code name : SMML

Spesifikasi SMML
  • Caliber : 7,62mm
  • Length : 96,25 cm
  • Weight : 90 kg
  • Jumlah laras : 6 batang
  • Pengisian amunisi : disintegrated
  • Kecepatan tembak : 2.500 – 3.000 proyektil per menit
  • Jarak tembak : 1.000 – 1.500 meter
  • Sumber arus : DC 24 Volt
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Indonesia Muscles Up Its Military
Indonesia invests heavily in modernization
Sep 15, 2014 Nicholas Fiorenza | Aviation Week & Space Technology - Defense Technology Edition

Indonesia’s December 2012 contract with German defense contractor Rheinmetall for armored vehicles is an important component of the nation’s wide-ranging military modernization program, which involves acquisition of equipment from several countries.

Under the €216 million ($283 million) contract, Rheinmetall is supplying Indonesia with armored vehicles, training equipment and logistical support as well as practice and service ammunition. Deliveries are scheduled from 2014-16.

The vehicles include 103 Leopard 2 main battle tanks, 42 Marder (Marten) 1A3 armored infantry fighting vehicles (AIFV), three Bueffel (Buffalo) and two Leopard 1 armored recovery vehicles, three Biber (Beaver) armored vehicle-launched bridges and three Dachs (Badger) armored engineering vehicles.


Indonesia is buying over 100 Leopard 2 tanks from Rheinmetall similar to the 2A4s shown here in Jakarta. Credit: Rheinmetall

Under its current military doctrine, the country seeks to protect independence and preserve national unity through homeland defense and maintaining the regional balance of power.

The doctrine foresees increasing the military’s combat capabilities and participation in international missions of the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Indonesia has participated in U.N. peacekeeping missions in the Middle East and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Some of the new Leopard 2 tanks will be used for training for such missions.

The German armor will increase the firepower of an army that is equipped with 275 French AMX-13 and 120 British Scorpion light tanks, and 236 locally built Panser Anoa 6 X 6 armored personnel carriers, which were manufactured by state-owned PT Pindad. Indonesia’s neighbors are equipped with newer, heavier tanks: Thailand fields 49 T-84 Oplot M versions from Ukraine; Malaysia operates 64 PT91 vehicles from Poland; and Singapore is equipped with 101 Leopard 2 SNG versions from Germany.

Rheinmetall is upgrading 61 of the tanks on order to the Leopard 2 RI (Republic of Indonesia) standard. This includes new electric and turret drives and cabling, and improved turret protection against large-caliber kinetic energy rounds, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank guided missiles. Air conditioning with dehumidification is part of the package (Indonesia is, of course, a tropical country). The remaining 42 Leopard 2A4+ tanks are only receiving air conditioning (the Marders, however, are not).

Jakarta’s military upgrades include Marder 1A3 armored infantry fighting vehicles. Credit: Rheinmetall

The contract includes Rheinmetall’s DM11 120-mm multipurpose high-explosive tank rounds, making Indonesia the second user of this ammunition; the U.S. Marine Corps is the first.

The Indonesian modernization program runs from 2015-29, and foresees a “minimum essential force” for all three services. In addition to the Leopard 2 main battle tanks and Marder AIFVs, army acquisitions includes the Caesar truck-mounted 155-mm howitzer from Nexter Systems of France, Astros II multiple-launch rocket system from Avibras of Brazil, and Boeing Apache Longbow and Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopters.

Air force acquisitions include Russian Sukhoi Su-30 combat aircraft, KAI T-50 and Super Tucano light attack aircraft/trainers from, respectively, South Korea and Brazil, and Grob 120TP trainers from Germany. The navy is acquiring frigates transferred from Brunei, and Eurocopter AS565 Panther antisubmarine-warfare helicopters.

The Rheinmetall armor contract took two months of negotiations (Sept. 9-Nov. 11, 2012) and then nearly a year before legal formalities were completed and it became effective. Negotiations were impeded by a restrictive German arms-export policy, which ultimately resulted in the Leopard 2 tanks being supplied without coaxial machine guns because small arms export licenses were difficult to obtain.

A Rheinmetall program manager, Michael Kerwin, is not sure if future deals with Indonesia will receive German export approval, but says they hope to sell more Marders to the country. The company plans to bring the Wiesel 2 armored vehicle to the Indodefense trade show in Jakarta this November after a deal to produce it in Indonesia fell through because the export license arrived late.

Last month, PT Pindad and Rheinmetall signed a memorandum of understanding to produce large-caliber munitions at the former’s facility in Turen, East Java.

Indonesia Muscles Up Its Military | Defense content from Aviation Week
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More photos from the Armed Force Day preparation.
CN-235 MPA fly pass



C-295 dropping airborne troops


Su-27/30 and KC-130 Air Refueling demo

Photo by Dixie @ ARC

Air Force Fly Pass

Convoy of Marder IFV

Doosan Tarantula panzer

Falcon Aerobatic demo



Photo by Dixie @ ARC
old photo of KRI Yos Sudarso launching Harpoon Anti Ship Missile
now her Harpoon missiles are replaced with C-802
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Sukhois escorting Indonesia Air Force One.

Cool....." Photo by Lt. Col. Wastum and Major Gultom with T-50i/TT-5001 aircraft, with a height of 31.000.

From the window of Indonesian Presidential plane, on a flight to Iswahyudi Air Force Base, Magetan. 5th of October 2014

The F-16 and Sukhoi fighter jet, escorting President SBY as the Commander in Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces.

Walking together with the Guardian of the Aerospace. Iswahyudi Air Force Base, Magetan. 5th of October 2014. "Happy Anniversary Indonesian Armed Forces".

Meanwhile in Ambon Manise, they just contend with those old junks

View attachment 111493

Gladi HUT TNI di AmbonSejumlah personil Detasemen Kavaleri (Denkav) 5/BLC mempersiapkan kendaraan tempurnya saat gladi upacara HUT TNI ke-69 di Ambon, Maluku, Sabtu (4/10). Para personil akan melakukan defile beserta kendaraan tempurnya saat upacara HUT TNI ke-69 yang akan dipusatkan di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Selasa (7/10) mendatang. ANTARA FOTO/Izaac Mulyawan

only a handful of modern APC like Anoa 2
View attachment 111494

Gladi HUT TNI di AmbonSejumlah personil Detasemen Kavaleri (Denkav) 5/BLC mempersiapkan kendaraan tempurnya saat gladi upacara HUT TNI ke-69 di Ambon, Maluku, Sabtu (4/10). Para personil akan melakukan defile beserta kendaraan tempurnya saat upacara HUT TNI ke-69 yang akan dipusatkan di Lapangan Merdeka, Ambon, Selasa (7/10) mendatang. ANTARA FOTO/Izaac Mulyawan

The old junks still useful to scare the separatists...
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