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Mungkin, sekalian mampir ikut Philippines fleet review.

Guaya pake toast segala...... tapi isinya palingan cuma seprit. ;)
Ada tradisi buat seluruh awak kapal selam di dunia, kalau menyelam di kedalaman yang pertama kali mereka masuki mereka bakal minum air laut dari kedalaman itu.

Masa jenis air garam itu semakin asin semakin berat, jadi semakin dalam semakin asin juga airnya. Kalau orang ga kuat bisa mencret2 :sick:
Ada tradisi buat seluruh awak kapal selam di dunia, kalau menyelam di kedalaman yang pertama kali mereka masuki mereka bakal minum air laut dari kedalaman itu.

Masa jenis air garam itu semakin asin semakin berat, jadi semakin dalam semakin asin juga airnya. Kalau orang ga kuat bisa mencret2 :sick:
Awak komsomolets pada mencret mencret dong. Wkwk
really manipulative. Mixing old and new procurement, mil 17,35,SU 27/30 is a old procurement. after 2012 the law requires technology transfer.
"A spokesperson for Boeing told Jane’s on 5 June that the US corporation is collaborating with the Apache operator, the Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD), but that partnerships with local industry are still the subject of discussions.
The spokesperson added that the principal focus of collaboration is through a related contract with the TNI-AD that enables its engineers and technicians to support the helicopters, with assistance provided by Boeing."
nothing special, just bussiness as usual so the American brat must obey the contract agreement.
A good friend will not embargo his alliance

LAL LOL LAL LOL idek penyet

sabar lur
Laugh all you want, even the ammunition came from Ukraine not Russia and once again you don't get what i mean. Where's the realization of this huh?

The Russians offers us to locally produce the ammunition and spare parts for BMP-3 but i guess it's just another bullshitery eh?

really manipulative. Mixing old and new procurement, mil 17,35,SU 27/30 is a old procurement. after 2012 the law requires technology transfer.
And yeah even before the 2012 Technology transfer law restrictions, IPTN get to produce F16 components on peace bima sena project only buy purchasing 12 F16

Even with embargoes this plane could operate better than our sukhoi fleet:lol:

MengenangKejayaan IPTN Saat Mampu Membuat Komponen F-16

Sabtu, 12-08-2017
TSM-Pada masa Orde Baru, Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) di bawah Menristek Prof. Ing. B.J. Habibie adalah mercusuar teknologi Indonesia. Berbagai proyek canggih terkait aviasi dan maritim dikerjakan, dengan hanya satu tujuan yakni membawa Indonesia ke era tinggal landas, sejajar dengan bangsa-bangsa maju lainnya.

Maka, program canggih seperti pembuatan pesawat pun digagas secara terstruktur dan bertahap, mulai dari merakit secara lisensi CASA 212 Aviocar, dilanjutkan produksi bersama CN-235 bersama CASA Spanyol, dan kemudian berhasil membuat N250 Gatotkaca, walaupun kemudian langkahnya terhenti karena krisis sehingga IPTN menderita kerugian besar.

Dimasa Orde Baru, Indonesia di kala itu adalah Indonesia yang punya nilai tawar terhadap bangsa lain. Sebagai contoh, untuk program pengadaan F-16 TNI AU dalam proyek Peace Bima Sena, Indonesia berhasil meraih ontrak offset senilai 35% dari nilai pembelian F-16A/B Block 15 OCU tersebut.

Untuk melapangkan jalan program Peace Bima Sena, maka Boeing dan General Dynamics kemudian mendatangi PTDI dan menandatangani kontrak kerjasama pada 1982. Hal ini dilakukan agar proyek penjualan senilai US$337 juta tersebut diraih oleh General Dynamics selaku pabrikan, karena saat itu F-16 dibayang-bayangi oleh Mirage 2000 sebagai pesaingnya.

Dan terbukti, kontrak pembelian F-16 pun ditandatangani pada bulan Agustus 1986. Sebagai catatan, 35% dari nilai kontrak tersebut dihitung dari Flyaway Cost, yaitu teknik perhitungan biaya pesawat berdasarkan nilai biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk produksi dan alokasi nilai peralatan dan perlengkapan yang digunakan untuk membuat pesawat tersebut. Biaya operasi selama masa hidup tidak dihitung.

Komponen dari F-16 yang dikerjakan oleh IPTN adalah kulit luar dari sirip vertikal atau sirip tegak, pintu roda depan, pylon untuk dudukan senjata, pylon basah (wet pylon) untuk menggantungkan tangki bahan bakar, kontrol permukaan dalam bentuk flaperon, dan pintu akses mesin depan (front engine bay).

Jumlah yang dibuat pun melebihi kebutuhan F-16 TNI AU, artinya IPTN memang membuat komponen tersebut untuk F-16 negara-negara lain yang menggunakannya. Jumlah yang dikontrak adalah 400 unit lapisan ekor vertikal, 526 pintu ruang depan, 675 pylon senjata, 450 unit flaperon, dan 450 unit pintu akses mesin depan.

Total 3.476 unit komponen tersebut ditebus General Dynamics dengan harga US$57 juta. Perusahaan yang kini diakuisisi Lockheed Martin tersebut mengakui bahwa kualitas buatan IPTN memang sangat berkualitas, sehingga dalam seremoni ekspor produk komponen tersebut, General Dynamics menambah lagi pesanannya untuk proyeksi penjualan sampai dengan tahun 2000. (Aryo Nugroho)
really manipulative. Mixing old and new procurement, mil 17,35,SU 27/30 is a old procurement. after 2012 the law requires technology transfer.
"A spokesperson for Boeing told Jane’s on 5 June that the US corporation is collaborating with the Apache operator, the Indonesian Army (Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat: TNI-AD), but that partnerships with local industry are still the subject of discussions.
The spokesperson added that the principal focus of collaboration is through a related contract with the TNI-AD that enables its engineers and technicians to support the helicopters, with assistance provided by Boeing."
nothing special, just bussiness as usual so the American brat must obey the contract agreement.
A good friend will not embargo his alliance

LAL LOL LAL LOL idek penyet
Yes, that is the law, but so far when it comes to Russia I guess the laws don't apply does it? Considering the Su-35 does not include any sort of ToT at all, not even MRO support, and the majority of the companies involved in the trade barter deal are ones who are close to the current cabinet of the administration. Also if this is business as usual, why doesn't the Russians do the same? Again none of our past Flankers included an MRO nor has there been any green light for an MRO, and neither does the Su-35 deal include it.

A good friend will embargo a country regardless if they're friends when they know that they are going to do something that would endanger others. Take Turkey for example, their going around Syria displacing thousands of people who then flee to Europe and end up causing terrorist attacks, and to put icing on the cake, attempted to purchase Russian arms whilst knowingly that the data can be used to exploit weaknesses in the F-35, an aircraft that the majority of NATO use/will use.

You don't want an embargo? Then don't do things such as shooting at student protestors or subverting dissenting political voices. The US has never cared about our actions in Papua, the English and French do; but shooting your own protesting citizens would piss off just about everyone.

Also, you've just proved my point by the fact that the munitions for the BMP-3's ended up coming from Ukraine. Where is this "Russian collaboration" you talked about?
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A good friend will embargo a country regardless if they're friends when they know that they are going to do something that would endanger others. Take Turkey for example, their going around Syria displacing thousands of people who then flee to Europe and end up causing terrorist attacks, and to put icing on the cake, attempted to purchase Russian arms whilst knowingly that the data can be used to exploit weaknesses in the F-35, an aircraft that the majority of NATO use/will use.

You don't want an embargo? Then don't do things as shoot at student protestors. The US has never cared about our actions in Papua, the English and French do; but shooting your own protesting citizens would piss off just about everyone.

Also, you've just proved my point by the fact that the munitions for the BMP-3's ended up coming from Ukraine. Where is this "Russian collaboration" you talked about?
*Cough USSR embargoes 1965-1970 making all of our fleets useless *cough
. . .
All our attention are directed to Flanker vs CAATSA shitshow and forgot Marine has the same exact problem...
All our attention are directed to Flanker vs CAATSA shitshow and forgot Marine has the same exact problem...

Marine stuff is small fries, there is leeway for Russian bank to financing such deal. When talking in more than two or three hundreds million or billions US dollar deal, one must have complex financing scheme
Yes, that is the law, but so far when it comes to Russia I guess the laws don't apply does it? Considering the Su-35 does not include any sort of ToT at all, not even MRO support, and the majority of the companies involved in the trade barter deal are ones who are close to the current cabinet of the administration. Also if this is business as usual, why doesn't the Russians do the same? Again none of our past Flankers included an MRO nor has there been any green light for an MRO, and neither does the Su-35 deal include it.

A good friend will embargo a country regardless if they're friends when they know that they are going to do something that would endanger others. Take Turkey for example, their going around Syria displacing thousands of people who then flee to Europe and end up causing terrorist attacks, and to put icing on the cake, attempted to purchase Russian arms whilst knowingly that the data can be used to exploit weaknesses in the F-35, an aircraft that the majority of NATO use/will use.

You don't want an embargo? Then don't do things such as shooting at student protestors or subverting dissenting political voices. The US has never cared about our actions in Papua, the English and French do; but shooting your own protesting citizens would piss off just about everyone.

Also, you've just proved my point by the fact that the munitions for the BMP-3's ended up coming from Ukraine. Where is this "Russian collaboration" you talked about?
answer the facts with assumptions and rhetorical answers, I can't arguing anymore because it is really mind blowing

Laugh all you want, even the ammunition came from Ukraine not Russia and once again you don't get what i mean. Where's the realization of this huh?

The Russians offers us to locally produce the ammunition and spare parts for BMP-3 but i guess it's just another bullshitery eh?

And yeah even before the 2012 Technology transfer law restrictions, IPTN get to produce F16 components on peace bima sena project only buy purchasing 12 F16View attachment 615680
Even with embargoes this plane could operate better than our sukhoi fleet:lol:

Free style
. .


Koarmada II
Awak KRI dr. Soeharso-990 gelar latihan evakuasi pasien COVID-19

CategoryAngkatan LautPosted onMaret 19, 2020AuthorRoni SontaniLeave a comment

AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Awak Kapal Rumah Sakit milik TNI Angkatan Laut KRI dr. Soeharso-990 menggelar latihan evakuasi pasien wabah virus corona baru (COVID-19). Latihan dilaksanakan di Dermaga Laut Ranai, Kepulauan Riau.

Seperti diberitakan Komando Armada II TNI AL, Kamis (19/3), latihan dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kesiapan seluruh awak KRI dr. Soeharso dalam menerima pasien terduga infeksi COVID-19 maupun yang sudah dinyatakan positif.

“Kita melaksanakan simulasi mulai dari heli datang membawa pasien sampai dengan masuk ke ruang isolasi. Kita tahu bahwa KRI dr. Soeharso sampai sekarang masih standby apabila diperlukan untuk menerima pasien dalam pengawasan,” ujar Komandan Satuan Tugas (Dansatgas) COVID-19 Laksma TNI Rachmad Jayadi.


Koarmada II
Dalam melaksanakan latihan ini para awak kapal mengenakan pakaian khusus. Digunakan juga peralatan-perlatan khusus lainnya untuk menangani pasien COVID-19.


Koarmada II
KRI dr. Soeharso-990 merupakan kapal jenis Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS) di jajaran Koarmada II TNI AL. Awalnya, kapal bernama KRI Tanjung Dalpele-972 buatan Korea Selatan tahun 2003 ini berfungsi sebagai kapal Bantu Angkut Personel (BAP).
Perubahan fungsi diresmikan pada 17 September 2008.






Pulang Operasi Trisakti-20, pesawat F-16 disemprot desinfektan


CategoryAngkatan UdaraPosted on Maret 21, 2020
Author Roni Sontani

AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Usai melaksanakan misi Operasi Trisakti-20 di wilayah Kepulauan Maluku untuk Pengamanan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (Pam ALKI) III, tiga pesawat F-16 Skadron Udara 3 mendapat penyemprotan desinfektan.

Tidak hanya pesawat, para penerbangnya pun mendapat pemeriksaan suhu tubuh dan penyemprotan cairan pembunuh kuman.

Hal itu dilakukan oleh Lanud Iswahjudi dengan melibatkan tim kesehatan dari RSAU dr. Efram Harsana.

Kedatangan tiga pesawat F-16 dengan call sign Dragon Flight yang dipimpin oleh Komandan Skadron Udara 3 Letkol Pnb Agus Dwi Arianto tersebut disambut langsung oleh Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsma TNI Widyargo Ukoputra, S.E. M.M., beserta jajaran pejabatnya pada Jumat (20/3).


Penlanud Iwj
Turun dari pesawat, ketiga penerbang F-16 menjalani prosedur sterilisasi untuk mencegah kemungkinan penyebaran virus corona baru (COVID-19) yang sangat membahayakan.

Penerangan Lanud Iswahjudi dalam rilis berita kepada Airspace Review menerangkan, Operasi Trisakti-20 dilaksanakan sejak tanggal 9 Maret 2020.

Pesawat melaksanakan operasi patroli udara dengan pangkalan aju di Lanud Pattimura, Ambon.


Penlanud Iwj
Dalam situasi negara menghadapi penanganan COVID-19, tugas-tugas menjaga dan menegakkan kedaulatan NKRI tetap dilaksanakan oleh jajaran TNI. Salah satunya seperti operasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Skadron Udara 3 Wing Udara 3 Lanud Iswahjudi di Kepulauan Maluku tersebut.


Penlanud Iwj
Ditambahkan, hal ini dilaksanakan sesuai komitmen Panglima TNI yang menyatakan, “Kami bekerja di sini untuk Anda. Anda tetap di rumah untuk kita semua.”

Penlanud Iwj
Usai laksanakan operasi di Papua, T-50i kembali ke sarangnya

CategoryAngkatan UdaraPosted on Maret 21, 2020
Roni Sontani

AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Usai melaksanakan operasi udara Tangkis Guntur 20 Kohandunas serta operasi Kilat dan Cakra Kosekhanudnas IV di Biak, Papua satu flight T-50i Golden Eagle Skadron Udara 15 Wing Udara 3 kembali ke sarangnya di Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan, Jawa Timur.

Kedatangan pesawat dan seluruh kru yang telah bertugas disambut langsung oleh Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi Marsam TNI Widyargo Ikoputra, S.E., M.M., pada Jumat (20/3).

Usai turun dari pesawat para penerbang mendapat sterilisasi medis terlebih dahulu berupa penyemprotan desinfektan oleh personel dari RSAU dr. Efram Harsana.


Penlanud Iwj
Penerangan Lanud Iswahjudi dalam siaran berita kepada Airspace Review menjelaskan, pelaksanaan sterilisasi merupakan protap di Lanud Iswahjudi bagi setiap personel yang telah melaksanakan tugas di luar daerah guna mencegah penularan COVID-19.


Penlanud Iwj
Di tengah upaya penanganan wabah COVID-19, seluruh satuan tempur Lanud Iswahjudi tetap melaksanakan berbagai misi operasi udara guna memastikan terjaganya kedaulatan wilayah udara NKRI.


Penlanud Iwj
Satu flight pesawat tempur T-50i Golden Eagle yang dipimpin Komandan Skadron Udara 15 Letkol Pnb Dharma Gultom kembali ke Iswahjudi dengan menempuh rute dari Lanud Manuhua, Biak – Lanud Patimura, Ambon – Lanud Hasanuddin, Makassar dan Lanud Iswahjudi, Magetan.

Turut melaksanakan penyambutan adalah para pejabat di bawah jajaran Komandan Lanud Iswahjudi.


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Russian officers share combat experience in Syria with Indonesian servicemen
March 2020 News Defense Global Security army industry

Officers of the Russian Armed Forces’ General Staff Military Academy have shared the experience of post-conflict peace-building in the Syrian Arab Republic with cadets of the Indonesian Defense University in Jakarta, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said.


Russian soldiers in Syria (Picture source: Wikimedia)

"Deputy Chief of Russia’s principal military educational institution Lieutenant-General Vladimir Savchenko, who had accomplished missions in Syria more than once, delivered a lecture for Indonesian officers and generals," the press office said. He noted the role of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides and the Refugee Migration Monitoring and emphasized the delivery of humanitarian cargo, medical assistance to civilians and operations to demine vital facilities. The lecture interested the audience that asked Savchenko numerous questions.

During a working meeting, the Russian delegation and representatives of the Indonesian university’s leadership agreed on extending mutually beneficial cooperation, in particular, forming joint teams to organize interaction, exchanging delegations, and holding training sessions for senior officers of the Indonesian Armed Forces.
Hercules TNI-AU ke Shanghai, Jemput Logistik Covid-19





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